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Final Fantasy 15 Director Answers Tough Questions Following Delay

GS: You recently delayed the game and previously indicated you were working on a day one patch. Could you tell us specifically what the contents of the patch are and why you felt it was necessary to take that extra time?

Tabata: It's not that I'm saying patches are bad or that I'm against patches, and originally we were intending on dealing with adjustments and fixes via a day one patch, but I actually changed my opinion on that. I felt that what we were going to put into the patch would be much better to put into the disc for [release].

What we're actually going to do in this two months is fix a number of issues that affect the usability and playability of the game. Things like bugs that affect the visuals and some areas where the optimization process wasn't as good as it could have been. The second major thing we're going to do is reassess and fine-tune the balance of the gameplay.

GS: The game has had a lengthy and rocky development; do you feel like the multiple delays may have coloured the opinion of it, even before it's release?

Tabata: Obviously we were prepared for people to say various things when we made this decision. We understand that people will [say things] and it is very bad to keep people waiting. Ultimately we made this game to give people the best experience that we possibly could. We feel that if we didn't do that and do everything we absolutely could, it'd be a shame and it would leave people feeling wronged. That's why we made the decision and we are confident in what we're doing.

GS:In previous interviews you've said this game is a make-or-break moment for Final Fantasy franchise. Now that you're essentially finished, is it a make or a break? Where do you see Final Fantasy in five or 10 years time?

Tabata:I don't think whether Final Fantasy XV does well or not will kill the franchise or keep it living. I don't think it's really going to mean that. But certainly there are a number of things already clear that Final Fantasy XV will bring to the future of the franchise. To give you a few examples of that, first of all the fact that we're bring it out as a global simultaneous launch. I think in the future that will really be what Final Fantasy does. Secondly is the number of languages and regions that the game is localised for, we should carry on doing that. Then of course the technology used to power Final Fantasy XV means that we can depict and create game experiences that the series just couldn't have done before. I think that's going to shape the future of the Final Fantasy series.

I can't see how anyone can really disrespect Tabata as a director. Criticizing the game itself, sure, but it's clear the dude himself is under a ton of pressure and has to make some very tough decisions, but he genuinely seems to be doing his best in spite of so many odds seemingly being stacked against him, and he really seems to be considering how the players feel in regards to every single one of those decisions. You can't knock the hustle on that guy.


Fine-tuning the balance of gameplay in the two months? Makes me wonder what we would've gotten with the original release date.


I can't see how anyone can really disrespect Tabata as a director. Criticizing the game itself, sure, but it's clear the dude himself is under a ton of pressure and has to make some very tough decisions, but he genuinely seems to be doing his best in spite of so many odds seemingly being stacked against him, and he really seems to be considering how the players feel in regards to every single one of those decisions. You can't knock the hustle on that guy.

Awww... :(

My biggest issues with what I've seen of the game is the aliasing/dithering. Particularly the hair. I don't think I have ever been that bothered by hair that is meant to look good until this game.

I mean I'm always bothered by hair of course, what with Bioware and Bethesda not being able to do good looking hair if their life depended on it, but with FFXV the issue is that it looks like somebody dropped a bunch of corn flakes in their hair.


or it is possible...since everything has a d1 patch... that the game is in as rough shape story AND tech wise(as leaks claim) that not even Squaresoft could release it.

Enter bright idea:

"tell them we didn't WANT a day one patch we are pro gamer!!! we are delaying it to make no day 1 patch!! Not because the game is a snarled mess"

spoiler - game still releases with d1 patch.

Spin it square.
or it is possible...since everything has a d1 patch... that the game is in as rough shape story AND tech wise(as leaks claim) that not even Squaresoft could release it.

Enter bright idea:

"tell them we didn't WANT a day one patch we are pro gamer!!! we are delaying it to make no day 1 patch!! Not because the game is a snarled mess"

spoiler - game still releases with d1 patch.

Spin it square.

or it is possible...since everything has a d1 patch... that the game is in as rough shape story AND tech wise(as leaks claim) that not even Squaresoft could release it.

Enter bright idea:

"tell them we didn't WANT a day one patch we are pro gamer!!! we are delaying it to make no day 1 patch!! Not because the game is a snarled mess"

spoiler - game still releases with d1 patch.

Spin it square.
Didn't take long


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm interested in the challenges you faced as someone who came into the project part of the way through. It started with Nomura-san at the helm, then you came in and you have your own style. What were the difficulties you faced picking up someone else's work and did you feel like you may not have been able to express what you wanted fully?

When I took over the project I felt that because we'd already made a promise to the fanbase out there with Versus XIII, it was really Square Enix's responsibility to deliver on that project. There was no doubt in my mind when I took over the project that we needed to do this. We don't [think someone should trace around another creative vision]. That's not a good way of doing it because, obviously, two [different] people can't share the same vision.

When I started approaching what to keep in and what to take out, I started thinking [about] everything that we'd already presented to the world with Versus XIII that would work within my new vision of Final Fantasy XV[, all that] was kept with no problem. Anything that would have been difficult to keep in there or couldn't, I cut out. I really tried to make the best use of all the original elements from Verus within Final Fantasy XV. It was a really challenging way to approach it but I think in the end it was the best way and worthwhile.

I appreciate the honesty here


Man.. the most prominent thing to me on FFXV's development is that it must be hell on the developers. Cannot image the extent of the crunch time. I wish the long development time meant people would not have to be working insane long hours. Squeenix should never give a release date for anything until they get better at managing them. Just say "when its done".

Man I am now bummed... time to cheer up by playing some more games :S.


Maybe it's been long enough for Ito to wanna helm it.

That would be amazing.


Tetsuya Nomura announced in the future for directing FFXVI.

Since FF7R and KH3 will not be out yet, Nomura will hand direction of FF7R off to Toriyama, since he likes episodic / multi-part games. Nomura will delay KH3 further to build a foundation for FFXVI. FF7R will do well enough in sales due to it being a remake of fucking FF7, and Square will want a sequel to Dirge of Cerberus but in the form of a film. Nomura is announced as the director. He will delay FFXVI to build a foundation for the movie, and Square will ask Nomura "WTF where is KH3 noob" and then Nomura will delay the film and FFXVI, and work on KH3 only to find out that 20 Disney major films have released and now Disney wants them in KH3. So Nomura will delay KH3 to implement these new worlds. By this time, FF7R episode 3 will be out and the fans are beyond hyped for what comes next. Square will announce the film comes out in a year. Nomura, with no hope left, brings Tabata on board to direct FFXVI and completely replace him. He has no choice but to allow Nozue to direct the FF7 film, and dedicate all of his time to KH3 again...for only a few months. Square releases a new trailer for a FFIX remake, and Nomura is shown as the director, a project he had no idea he was taking. Shinji Hashimoto comes out on stage for every single gaming event ever held again and does his laughing meme before Nomura throws his hands up and quits SE. Kitase follows. They both rejoin with Sakaguchi. Mistwalker releases 20 games before FFXVI is given a release date. Mistwalker releases another 20 games before KH3 is delayed again. Mistwalker partners with Monolith Soft instead of the studio working on Bravely Default and makes the best JRPG ever. SE has no choice but to release FFXVI in its current state and everyone buys it, but also announces how much they hate it. SE hires former Ninja Gaiden creator Itagaki to design a new Dissidia game for consoles that reuinites him with Team Ninja and Tecmo, before Ninja Gaiden 4 is announced as the original development studio. Itagaki and Team Ninja thank Square. KH3 comes out 13 years later when the PS9 and XBwhatever are out. No one even has a PS4 anymore. The series is cancelled.

I don't know why I kept this going.
I respect Tabata tremendously for how transparent he has been throughout his tenrue on the game. He seems to be the type of mind that will help right SE's ship.

I really hope that FFXV is that amazing experience we all so desperately want. Square Needs it, Tabata deserves it and the Game industry on a whole will be better for it.

You have to respect a game developer who is willing to make the hard decision to delay a game so close to it's release window. Even more so when you see the overall context of FFXV's development and how poor a delay on an already 10 year wait would be percieved. But Tabata is right. Quality is of paramount concern.
I respect Tabata tremendously for how transparent he has been throughout his tenrue on the game. He seems tp be the type of mind that will help right SE's ship.

I really hope that FFXV is that amazing experience we all so desperately want. Square Needs it, Tabata deserves it and the Game industry on a whole will be better for it.

You have to respect a game developer who is willing to make the hard decision to delay a game so close to it's release window. Even more so when you see the overall context of FFXV's development and how poor a delay on an already 10 year wait would be percieved. But Tabata is right. Quality is of paramount concern.

Square Enix management should get credit too for allowing them to do it. That Sep 31st date was all theirs, now they are missing black friday and competing with Pokemon, COD, and Watch Dogs. Square Enix showed some testicular fortitude making this decision, other publishers probably would have just released it.


Square Enix management should get credit too for allowing them to do it. That Sep 31st date was all theirs, now they are missing black friday and competing with Pokemon, COD, and Watch Dogs. Square Enix showed some testicular fortitude making this decision, other publishers probably would have just released it.

This. I only hope FFXV sales do not suffer now because of this. FFXV might wind up turning into a game people buy post-Christmas.
Tabata: It's not that I'm saying patches are bad or that I'm against patches, and originally we were intending on dealing with adjustments and fixes via a day one patch, but I actually changed my opinion on that. I felt that what we were going to put into the patch would be much better to put into the disc for [release].

I fucking love him for this.
Square Enix management should get credit too for allowing them to do it. That Sep 31st date was all theirs, now they are missing black friday and competing with Pokemon, COD, and Watch Dogs. Square Enix showed some testicular fortitude making this decision, other publishers probably would have just released it.

They did. Honestly I think they have reached the point where they realize that quality will save them. Fuck the marketing. Fuck the branding. They have to be feeling scared, confident and just amazed to see the finish line after all this time.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Tabata really needs a huge break after XV to get his health back in good condition. The sheer dedication he has is amazing.

No, he is contractually obligated to work on DLC packages and post release material and PR tours for the remainder of this year and beyond, the guy will continue into hell for a while, even long after the game has shipped


Tabata looking out for the right people. It's true that many of us prefer to play offline. Of course it's important to have the best possible version on disc. Absolutely. Perfect sense. You have to consider the experience of the people who will be playing it before the game launches. People like reviewers, Square Enix people, thieves, and others. Not everyone can play the game when it launches, and connect it to the internet. That's a new thing. Some of us are old school.
The reason I have faith in this game, even when the world keeps telling me they want it to fail, is this man. I have never seen a director not bullshit as hard as this guy has, he keeps telling people how bad the brand has been. He says things no publisher would ever allow, even admitting when he took on the project it started as a mess. If the game turns out to disappoint I feel far less for square as I do for Tabata. It feels like the polar opposite situation from 13 where the director was so in love with his own work that he couldn't see what it meant to anyone outside of it.


I respect Tabata tremendously for how transparent he has been throughout his tenrue on the game. He seems to be the type of mind that will help right SE's ship.

I really hope that FFXV is that amazing experience we all so desperately want. Square Needs it, Tabata deserves it and the Game industry on a whole will be better for it.

You have to respect a game developer who is willing to make the hard decision to delay a game so close to it's release window. Even more so when you see the overall context of FFXV's development and how poor a delay on an already 10 year wait would be percieved. But Tabata is right. Quality is of paramount concern.

I think the same way. I hope for the best... but I also fear for the worst at this point (sadly). Either way, I dearly respect all the hard work by Tabata and the team at Square.
Tabata looking out for the right people. It's true that many of us prefer to play offline. Of course it's important to have the best possible version on disc. Absolutely. Perfect sense. You have to consider the experience of the people who will be playing it before the game launches. People like reviewers, Square Enix people, thieves, and others. Not everyone can play the game when it launches, and connect it to the internet. That's a new thing. Some of us are old school.

Haven't seen you in awhile.

Bahamut represent! Baleeee dat.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The reason I have faith in this game, even when the world keeps telling me they want it to fail, is this man. I have never seen a director not bullshit as hard as this guy has, he keeps telling people how bad the brand has been. He says things no publisher would ever allow, even admitting when he took on the project it started as a mess. If the game turns out to disappoint I feel far less for square as I do for Tabata. It feels like the polar opposite situation from 13 where the director was so in love with his own work that he couldn't see what it meant to anyone outside of it.

He said it was a mess when he first joined the project?

Tabata is just a cool dude. I have hated what he did to what i once considered Versus, but he really has made something out of a situation that really would seem insurmountable at some point.
Tabata looking out for the right people. It's true that many of us prefer to play offline. Of course it's important to have the best possible version on disc. Absolutely. Perfect sense. You have to consider the experience of the people who will be playing it before the game launches. People like reviewers, Square Enix people, thieves, and others. Not everyone can play the game when it launches, and connect it to the internet. That's a new thing. Some of us are old school.

wow dude where have you been :D

still looking forward to this game ?


Haven't seen you in awhile.

Bahamut represent! Baleeee dat.
You know they say that's a good thing. In real life, I mean. Means person is getting things done. You ever see Obama around? Nope. I can't remember the last time I saw him. Don't even know what he looks like anymore.

Maybe we should be worried someone saw Tabata enough to get an interview out of him. What's going on there? Is that a good thing? Shouldn't he be chained up in a dungeon somewhere with a computer in front of him? These are the actual tough questions.
They did. Honestly I think they have reached the point where they realize that quality will save them. Fuck the marketing. Fuck the branding. They have to be feeling scared, confident and just amazed to see the finish line after all this time.

I can't imagine what it feels like from a business perspective to see this boondoggle of a project actually coming close to completion. Agreed that Squenix deserves credit for being willing to delay the game to get a certain level of quality, that's a tough call. As long as the game does "better" than XIII (not necessarily sales, although that's an issue too), I think it will have been worth it. They really need Final Fantasy to be a premium brand for any of their lucrative mobile games to be as successful.

Fuck the haters, I'm hyped for this game.


I can't see how anyone can really disrespect Tabata as a director. Criticizing the game itself, sure, but it's clear the dude himself is under a ton of pressure and has to make some very tough decisions, but he genuinely seems to be doing his best in spite of so many odds seemingly being stacked against him, and he really seems to be considering how the players feel in regards to every single one of those decisions. You can't knock the hustle on that guy.

Agreed 100%

Edit: The game will still have a day one patch, guys. LOL


Agreed 100%

Edit: The game will still have a day one patch, guys. LOL

Yeah, it will. But whats on the disk will still be in better shape than whats in the golden master right now. Im thinking that they know leaks are inevitable, and would rather take the financial hit of having to wait 2 more months of development to get whats in there in better shape than dealing with the negative impact of people uploading subpar footage on youtube or streaming on twitch.


They did. Honestly I think they have reached the point where they realize that quality will save them. Fuck the marketing. Fuck the branding. They have to be feeling scared, confident and just amazed to see the finish line after all this time.
Guess we'll see how much of a quality it'll be in two months.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Tabata looking out for the right people. It's true that many of us prefer to play offline. Of course it's important to have the best possible version on disc. Absolutely. Perfect sense. You have to consider the experience of the people who will be playing it before the game launches. People like reviewers, Square Enix people, thieves, and others. Not everyone can play the game when it launches, and connect it to the internet. That's a new thing. Some of us are old school.

Holy crap, you still exist.

Data shows most people don't finish games.

...And your sense of humor is still on point, lol.


I really hope that, prior to the rebranding, there was already an FFXV in production (there has to have been even since shortly after XIII launched and was made into a trilogy to milk the assets and engine right?) which can now of course be referred to as XVI.

The next FF needs a very smooth transition between announcement and launch. So far, apart from the obviously pretty early reveal, the VII remake has shown enough that we know more or less what to expect and can see that it is an actual game. It was still announced way too early though. With XVI, Square needs to do the full Fallout 4 reveal because they can't afford shit to be drawn out like the previous two (three?) mainline iterations.
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