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Dear Nintendo: Thanks so much for making me unable to play your Zelda game.

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Seriously guys, there's a problem here. When your little itty-bitty sports game has a mode for either left or right hand play down to each individual sport, you've gotta wonder why there isn't an option in your, you know flagship launch title.

I've tried. I really have. I've spent quite a few hours with the final scheme setup, but it just isn't working. I've tried using either hand. I've kept at it.

It's just incredibly distracting, and disconnecting me from the game. I know why you lads made Link right handed, I really do: the testers in Japan (and Miyamoto himself apparently) were complaning of the exact same thing as I am now. But I really don't understand why there isn't an option to change it over for lefties like me. I mean, shit, Link remains left handed in the GC version of the game. But I'd rather play the Wii version (16:9 <3 <3 <3), my right handed mates are having so much fun playing the game this way. With things like using the bow and arrow to just pick enemies off: something no one ever bothered with in the old controller style.

I know there's been some lefties who haven't complained, or were able to adapt to this, but you know, I'm really worried now Nintendo. What about other games where I'm using gestural commands for a sword that isn't in first person (like DQ Swords). You aren't going to put in a left hand mode are you? Considering the staggering support you guys had for gals like me with the DS, this is rather disconcerting. Not to mention the fact you keep on lauding the fact that your new controller is truly either-handed.

I mean, really, I want to give you my monies, but I just can't when I am unable to play your game.



PS: Please write back. I'd love to know the reason for this.


I'm a lefty and I can kick ass in this game! At first I was peeved with no lefty mode but damn this plays good! Didn't bother me at all.
Dragona, what in the world is going on with you? I'm left handed and using the Wiimote in my left and nunchuk in my right is PERFECTION. I handle it like a pro. The only reason why it's difficult for you is that you've created a block in your mind that won't allow you to utilize it properly. You need to remove it...


I started playing with holding the Wiimote in my left hand, and I didn't have any problems. I later found out they designed it with righties in mind, so I switched. Now, I'm ambidextrous for everything except writing. I don't have a problem with it, but I understand how you might.

Point being, I can't tell any difference in which hand I use the wiimote with. Try it left-handed.
Yeah, I mean sword swinging in Zelda is not 1:1. You rattle the Wiimote or the Nunchuk and you can pull of sword moves. Why can't you have the Wiimote in your left doing that? How is that complicated? And aiming should be super-easy... you just put with your superior left hand and trigger. I'm not getting this either. Link being right handed in the game has no effect on the actual play mechanics.

Like I said, it's all in your head...
blame space said:
I'm right-handed and I can play if I switch hands. I just must be better than you. Aiming is kinda hard though.

careksims said:
I'm a lefty and I can kick ass in this game! At first I was peeved with no lefty mode but damn this plays good! Didn't bother me at all.

Boards of Canada said:
Dragona, what in the world is going on with you? I'm left handed and using the Wiimote in my left and nunchuk in my right is PERFECTION. I handle it like a pro. The only reason why it's difficult for you is that you've created a block in your mind that won't allow you to utilize it properly. You need to remove it...

Wow, that didn't take long.

Look, I've been playing this for a long long time now. It's way too disorienting. Sorry I'm not perfect like you guys. It isn't like I'm not giving the game a chance here:


I'd really like to know why there isn't an option, when there's really no excuse for there not to be one. Making me get and play an inferior version of the game. That's all.

PS: It isn't just me. A few left handed friends of mine are having similar problems. They're not as hardcore as the board though.



Why not get a big mirror and set it up opposite to where your tv is located and....Nah. Nevermind.


So 1 out of X number of lefties on the board has a problem.. seems this is a very personal issue and you should start training up the most basic handling skills with both hands.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm unable to play it because Nintendo is undershipping Wii. Maybe I just live in a high-gamer area but there are people staying up overnight and still not getting one for the second shipment because there are so few. Meanwhile, stores have been getting PS3's just fine and people haven't exactly been jumping at them. Not counting scalpers, Nintendo has created much more of a frothing demand for their product and are failing to meet it just as much as Sony.

I'm glad I'm ambidextrous.
I don't think you've tried very hard if you're having so much trouble...just use the Wiimote in your left hand. The sword controls were weird for me at first too, but you really do settle in to it over time. It shouldn't matter at all what hand you use, as long as it's your dominant hand.


Yeah I think it's because they want to feel like their link, and waving your left hand and having Link waggle his right hand might mess up that feeling.
Dragona Akehi said:
It isn't just me. A few left handed friends of mine are having similar problems. They're not as hardcore as the board though.

I haven't played a game in about 6months when I started playing Zelda, I didn't have too much trouble. I do use a mouse with my right hand though (the only wrong handed thing I do).
MadraptorMan said:
I don't think you've tried very hard if you're having so much trouble...just use the Wiimote in your left hand. The sword controls were weird for me at first too, but you really do settle in to it over time. It shouldn't matter at all what hand you use, as long as it's your dominant hand.

Did you even read the goddamn first post?



Jealous Bastard
wii collector's edition comes with a mirror glued to a belt that you can put on your head and play with your back to the tv.
my friend from guatemala who knows bill trinen from #nintendoblackopssecrets said so.


Yeah... I'm not getting it o.o; If you're having problems with using the WiiMote in your left hand and nunchuk in the right hand (opposite of us righties), then I think it's either the control scheme that doesn't fit you or you're just forgetting that sword swinging isn't 1:1.
Firestorm said:
Yeah... I'm not getting it o.o; If you're having problems with using the WiiMote in your left hand and nunchuk in the right hand (opposite of us righties), then I think it's either the control scheme that doesn't fit you or you're just forgetting that sword swinging isn't 1:1.

Hey, guess what? I KNOW it ain't 1:1.

Guess what else?


Thanks for playing.


it's cool Dragona, GCN version is better anyway.

(seriously though, i hope it doesn't become an issue for other games for you in the future)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Methodis said:
How about just playing it with the cube controller? Or does the Wii version not support it?
you might be banned. :lol

Anyways, Dragona: I honestly don't know what to tell you. You're the only person I've heard of who's thrown off by the fact that link is right handed and you're left handed.

I think it might be more of a mental thing. You became so caught up in the fact that link was right handed over the last few months that you've psyched yourself into having it be a problem. I hope you can get over it. :/


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I called NOA and complained about it even tho Im right handed, there should be an option for left handed people I never understood Nintendo's decision to NOT include one in the game.

they did say that if enough people complain they'll fix which is the same thing as saying "**** you"


Hero said:

Why not get a big mirror and set it up opposite to where your tv is located and....Nah. Nevermind.

Pretty good idea! Except get one of those mirrors that fit on your tv and reflect the whole thing.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member

"not my problem"
Amir0x said:
it's cool Dragona, GCN version is better anyway.

But 16:9. :(

(seriously though, i hope it doesn't become an issue for other games for you in the future)

I'm quite worried about that, actually. In games like Mario where the motion isn't used to mimic things like sword swinging (REGARDLESS if it's 1:1 or NOT), there shouldn't be a problem.

However, with the way things're going, I'm worried about how important an avatar mimicking what hand you're using is going to be. Course apparently I'm just supposed to "GET OVER IT" because there "IS NO ISSUE" and it's "ALL IN MY HEAD", and all that.


Cauliflower of Love said:
Okay, what would a "left handed" mode accomplish, or do for that matter?

I should note I haven't played wii zelda.

I'm guessing it'd be like Guitar Hero where they flip the projected image around.
You deserve my tag.

Look, all of us righties have been playing with a left-handed controller for YEARS. Now a dual-handed controller comes along and boo f**king hoo.


Dragona Akehi said:
Did you even read the goddamn first post?


So why, exactly, do you think that Link holding the sword in his left hand would help in any way?

I'm lefty, and I play with the Wiimote in my right hand for Zelda, but my left hand for Trauma Center. Go figure.


OK, so we get that you've seemingly tried everything.

What kind of option do you think could be changed to help you? Give us an example of how the controls could change to suit you.

If you're a left hander, you're already used to other games forcing controls on you - left stick for move, right for look etc. Are they fine for you?


Dragona Akehi said:
Course apparently I'm just supposed to "GET OVER IT" because there "IS NO ISSUE" and it's "ALL IN MY HEAD", and all that.

Hey, I can't play FPS's with analog sticks because it confuses the hell outta me. I got over it. I just don't play them anymore.
Methodis said:
I'm guessing it'd be like Guitar Hero where they flip the projected image around.

but for the control of zelda, that would't do jack shit.

I mean, the only other option for "left handed mode" would be to have a gc controller mode.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Hey Dragona, forgetting the sword stuff, whats it like moving a character around using your opposite hand after so many years?


Dragona Akehi said:
Hey, guess what? I KNOW it ain't 1:1.

Guess what else?


Thanks for playing.

I'm just saying that it seems like you'd probably still not get it if you were right-handed. I know it took me forever to do that battle from the E3 demo once I got there
bridge battle on horseback
because of the control scheme. Would have been much easier on a standard gamepad.
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