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So how will Trump go after Obama's legacy (realistically)?

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I mean, let's face it - since getting roasted at the Presidential Dinner, you can tell Trump absolutely despised Obama. But now he's got the throne and the last laugh.

Aside from addressing Obama in a zinger, I can see him going to work on anything of value Obama worked on.

I know ACA is out almost automatically since Repubs hold both House and Senate, and it will be deemed a "historic, winning event" by the GOP.

But I'm sure there's other things he'll undo and I'm not too knowledgeable of it. It's going to happen and Trump will be fucking giddy with anticipation in doing it, but at least we can try to narrow down what he can and can't do in his first 100 days.


He'll fuck it with a cactus, then smash it with a fucking nuke.

Then piss on the ashes while filming it


Donald Trump’s Contract
with the American Voter

★ FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action,
memorandum and order issued by President Obama.

Obama legacy:

Yeah. This won't look well for Barack. Especially if dumbo gets elected for a second term. Will probably get a lot more done regardless of what you think of his policies.


Gold Member
The first thing he will do is put everyone in death camps so we can't post that Padme meme from Episode 2!

And then he will go after Obamacare.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Obviously going to remove the healthcare you all almost had instead of Improving it.


listen to the mad man
DACA will be suspended and the INS will be directed to resume deportations of those protected under DACA. The wall is unlikely but would require affirmative legislative action, but suspending DACA is a possible action that Trump can take to immediately sustain his main policy pitch.

The EPA will be directed to suspend regulations on power plants.

TTP and TTIP are dead for sure.

Those are the most immediate implications that the President can do on his own without any kind of legislative action. Next, the ACA will almost certainly be dismantled because even Republicans that don't want to do it will have no cover not to, but this will require legislation.


It's their fantasy land, American Kansas. Do you think anyone will stand up to the reverse of progress? No. They'll march in lock step because they're scared of being primaried. If you do stand up to his insanity you'll be primaried.
This terrifies me.


I think getting rid of the ACA will not be the worst thing long term. Largely, it will fuck up the insurance market six ways from Tuesday, and the Republicans will flat out own that shit.

I think the Republicans will take this opportunity to do some very unpopular shit very quickly. Trump is pretty much guaranteed to be incompetent, and he has two crazy houses of Congress waiting to get somebody to rubber stamp pure insanity. They will quickly take this too far, will do little to help the constituency and probably lose seats in 18 and the Presidency again in 20.

But hold onto your asses until then.


I think two big aspects of Obama's legacy, the ACA and Iranian nuclear agreement will be wiped out within the first months. The ACA because it's starting to show signs of collapse and unpopularity on both sides. The Iran deal because it foolishly relied a bit too much on interpretation of executive power that can be cast aside at the whims of a successor.

Other things like LGBT rights will remain unchanged just because Obama had little to do with it as it was a SCOTUS decision.

Call me naive but I still think that half of what Trump said was mere lip service to get elected on a cult of personality just because the man is a bullshit artist.

I think getting rid of the ACA will not be the worst thing long term. Largely, it will fuck up the insurance market six ways from Tuesday, and the Republicans will flat out own that shit.

The ACA is fucking up the insurance market enough. The removal of it might actually do more good as far as sustainability and solvency than harm.
My impressioon:

Trump doesn't want to be president. He doesn't give a shit. To him, this was a publicity stunt to promote his brand and it got out of control.

He will continue doing what he's already been doing, and that's stroking his ego.

He'll travel around the country, giving speeches on how America is great again, holding rallies for the cheering crowds, but he won't do anything in office.

Pence is your president now.

Be worried about Pence.


listen to the mad man
The ACA is probably toast when the new congress comes in. The idea of "keeping when you like and dismantling the rest" is unlikely. The pre-existing condition mandate cannot exist without universal coverage buy-in. Someone who drains $100k a year in health spending reliably is not going to get insurance for less than $100k unless the insurer can write that off as a loss commensurate with some gain they get elsewhere--in the ACA model, that gain is healthy people being compelled to pay for insurance they don't need. So if you get rid of the purchase mandate, then you get rid of the pre-existing condition mandate.

The Medicaid expansion is presumably dead through attrition over time when the federal matching funds are withdrawn and states voluntarily drop out. It is unclear to me whether subsidies for existing insurance plans will continue existing.

I suspect essential benefit levels; insurance for kids; and the concept of an insurance exchange are probably safe, but also useless on their own.


TPP and TTIP are dead, unfortunately. ACA is dead, although if someone like Rubio is allowed to implement his plans that could be good.


The ACA is probably toast when the new congress comes in. The idea of "keeping when you like and dismantling the rest" is unlikely. The pre-existing condition mandate cannot exist without universal coverage buy-in. Someone who drains $100k a year in health spending reliably is not going to get insurance for less than $100k unless the insurer can write that off as a loss commensurate with some gain they get elsewhere--in the ACA model, that gain is healthy people being compelled to pay for insurance they don't need. So if you get rid of the purchase mandate, then you get rid of the pre-existing condition mandate.

The Medicaid expansion is presumably dead through attrition over time when the federal matching funds are withdrawn and states voluntarily drop out. It is unclear to me whether subsidies for existing insurance plans will continue existing.

I suspect essential benefit levels; insurance for kids; and the concept of an insurance exchange are probably safe, but also useless on their own.

And we'll go back to pre-ACA levels of enrollment and prices won't decrease. Aka, we're making america great again!


Gold Member
ACA is dead as it currently exists. I think it will still be a legacy though. Republicans would forcefully take 20 million people off insurance at their own peril. That conversation has shifted permanently imo.

Of course I thought that people would vote in Trump at their own peril as well, so who knows?


He'll stock the court with judges that'll accept a case that will lead to end of Roe v Wade, negating the good Obama's appointed Justices will fight for.

Any pipeline for federal assistance to help end unarmed americans being shot by police will be torn up.

Say goodbye to green energy investments and a federal fight for an increased minimum wage. A progressive leaning Justice Department is fucked.
These replies are far more level headed than what I've been thinking! The ACA dismantling seems to be good timing as well since it ultimately was getting more unpopular due to rising costs (despite it helping millions as a result), and whatever they replace it with will likely be worse and it'll look bad on Trump and the GOP.

Backing out of the Iran deal seems troubling - I'm not looking forward to seeing him argue with Iran officials.
Roe vs Wade is probably gone and gay marriage is definitely gone with Pence being Vice president. Also any hope of beginning to tackle climate change is gone. Future generations of people are literally gonna hate us forever for this happening.


Those are the most immediate implications that the President can do on his own without any kind of legislative action. Next, the ACA will almost certainly be dismantled because even Republicans that don't want to do it will have no cover not to, but this will require legislation.

You have a new constituency in the country that didn't exist before -- Bunches of people, some of them republicans, enjoying benefits whether they realize they are a result of Obamacare or not.

Do you take something away from 20 million people? Isn't there some political pressure not to, even as a republican?

Meanwhile how much obstruction can democrats offer in the senate on this front? Can't they enforce a 60 vote for cloture requirement on everything?


The ACA is dead on day one.
He's got 90 days to start cranking out executive orders daily and brace the country for impact.
Free Chelsea Manning.


listen to the mad man
You have a new constituency in the country that didn't exist before -- Bunches of people, some of them republicans, enjoying benefits whether they realize they are a result of Obamacare or not. Do you take something away from 20 million people? Isn't there some political pressure not to, even as a republican?

It's the GOP's #1 policy promise to voters and Trump's #2 after the wall; and the previous proposals to keep the popular stuff and dismantle the unpopular stuff are a joke and not economically viable. So it would be a massive betrayal to the voters who elected them to punt on it.

Meanwhile how much obstruction can democrats offer in the senate on this front? Can't they enforce a 60 vote for cloture requirement on everything?

There is little reason for the Republicans not to further dismantle the filibuster. It's what I would have wanted Democrats to do in the opposite case.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I'm skeptical about Roe v Wade being overturned.

I feel like that's the GOP equivalent of people that want to repeal the 2nd amendment. I wonder if the political capital is really there to make it a thing again?

What's going to be weird is that he is absolutely going to rip up NAFTA or make a solid attempt to anyway. Goods are about to get a lot more expensive in the US.


It's the GOP's #1 policy promise to voters and Trump's #2 after the wall; and the previous proposals to keep the popular stuff and dismantle the unpopular stuff are a joke and not economically viable. So it would be a massive betrayal to the voters who elected them to punt on it.

There is little reason for the Republicans not to further dismantle the filibuster. It's what I would have wanted Democrats to do in the opposite case.

This is so fucking frustrating to me. If you could just take this away while in power, why in god's fuck didn't the democrats do it back when they had the senate and had to put up with everything being blocked? It was so fucking frustrating at the time.


Wtf. This is real?

Trump is a vindictive bastard with no concern for proper governance or peaceful transfer of power (which typically includes respecting the previous president's decisions). He'll do it out of spite if for no other reason. I agree with the people who judge that he probably doesn't actually want to rule and that a lot of his promises will probably end up in nothing, but this is something I imagine him doing just for the satisfaktion of ruining Obama.


Roe vs Wade is probably gone and gay marriage is definitely gone with Pence being Vice president. Also any hope of beginning to tackle climate change is gone. Future generations of people are literally gonna hate us forever for this happening.

I don't think that they'll do a reversal on marriage equality, but I expect any transgender rights efforts will be non-starters.

I also don't think Roe v Wade is totally toast, but a lot of draconian state-level restrictions will be upheld.


So, NATO, I can't really see why a president would make their power projection less in the world, or am I wrong?
My impressioon:

Trump doesn't want to be president. He doesn't give a shit. To him, this was a publicity stunt to promote his brand and it got out of control.

He will continue doing what he's already been doing, and that's stroking his ego.

He'll travel around the country, giving speeches on how America is great again, holding rallies for the cheering crowds, but he won't do anything in office.

Pence is your president now.

Be worried about Pence.

You know there is something to be said about this. His brand, his business, his company will no longer belong to him or his family while president. Him saying he will give it to his kids in a blind trust is a flat misunderstanding of a blind trust. He literally comes out of this with his family poorer as a result. Yes his ego is stroked but that will wane and he will get pummeled, rightfully so, by world leaders and eventually American citizens further damaging his brand. He will be a person who achieves everything and leaves with nothing.

To your last point, yes Pence is really president now. I will be surprised if Trump isn't impeached. There are outstanding investigations and court dates still to come that could bury him. By the way the congress though it may be red doesn't like him and may be that is there way to get their "reasonable" president in Pence, by impeaching Trump. i think Farenthold's story on the Trump Foundation will be reawakened and given much more attention. Russian influence and ties to Putin, same.


I wonder what will happen to all the climate change work Obama has done. The Paris agreement is probably doomed as well :(
He has no legacy. It's over. Erased. Eight years and voters sat and watched republicans shit on this man nonstop. And now they've let a racist erase his legacy.



Defense spending is going to become super fucking insane. Vers are going to get worse care.

But yeah... Obama's legacy will be razed and the earth salted. Its goddamn depressing.


I wonder what will happen to all the climate change work Obama has done. The Paris agreement is probably doomed as well :(

This is the really big one that worries me. We really don't need someone who thinks climate change is a hoax in power now.
I know we've already talked about his legacy being basically erased from existence, but here's two I haven't see mentioned yet.

His climate change deals, and the Iran Nuclear deal.

The former likely destroyed, what about the latter?
The Iran Nuclear deal he can end himself. The climate change treaties would be illegal to withdraw from, but he could still do that.


Here's one part of the legacy that can't be erased though: Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Sotomayor. So there's that.

Any chance of lame duck appointment? A big ol' middle finger before he leaves?


listen to the mad man
Here's one part of the legacy that can't be erased though: Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Sotomayor. So there's that.

They can be erased; the size of the US supreme court is set by ordinary legislation. A Republican congress could, constitutionally, increase the size of the Supreme Court to 50 people and Trump could appoint them all. (Historical context)
He'll fuck it with a cactus, then smash it with a fucking nuke.

Then piss on the ashes while filming it

Something tells me he accidentally blows himself up in the nuke blast and the urination never takes place. His successor might get around to that last bit though.
Huge changes are coming to Obamacare... but what the end of the day, could republicans really take away support for those with pre-existing conditions? It would be a shitstorm of historical proportions. It would be a political death sentence.

Things aren't going back to the way they were before Obamacare.

At one point, Trump was a proponent of single payer. Who knows what happens now?


I can't wait for him to overturn Executive Order 13657.
Changing the Name of the National Security Staff to the National Security Council Staff.
Obama really overstepped his power there.
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