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LTTP: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory


I just now finished playing through Chaos Theory in its entirety; I started playing years ago but never really got beyond the second level. For a game released in March, 2005 on the PC, I'm very surprised by how well it held up. It was by no-means perfect but it's definitely a great stealth game.

First things first, let's take a moment to appreciate just how bad the concept art image that's used when the game is loading on the PC is:

It's a bit hard to see here but, on a 1080p or higher monitor, Sam looks ridiculous. More than anything, the proportions make him look like one of those little pygmy enemies from the Diablo series.

Once I started the game, I was also surprised by how un-involved the tutorial videos were. I remember the first Splinter Cell game on the GameCube having a tutorial level and I guess I was expecting something like that. The videos do a decent job of explaining things but leave new players to kinda muddle through it. In some ways, I do like that the game does just kinda toss you into the first level very quickly and lets you fend for yourself. It assumes a level of competence that is actually somewhat refreshing. That said, the way the game starts with talk about tensions in the area of North Korea and China the switches suddenly to Peru is pretty jarring. As a narrative device, it does pay off but it's definitely not as smooth as it could be.

Another thing that I didn't remember from my first attempted playthrough was how humorous the game was. From the ridiculous accent of Captain Arthur Partridge to the conversations between the various NPC henchmen, the game definitely has a sense of humor. A conversation from a level set in Japan has 2 American guards talking about ninja is a particular highlight.. I do have to mention that the game's soundtrack is also pretty great though you only really hear the music when guards are alerted to your actions in some way. It's good to listen to but it feels just a bit wasted in its application in the game.

When it comes to the actual gameplay, Chaos Theory is a great example of how to do stealth games right. The levels aren't overly huge but the ways they're connected make sense, there are plenty of times where you have alternate approach points and the level setups work to create interesting situations and stealth puzzles. It's remains interestign and varied the whole way through. My one critique here is that you don't really need to use any of the advanced/cool moves at any point in the game (the only time I ever did a wall split was when I was testing it out, for example).

As far as what I didn't like, a lot of the accents are very cringeworthy and feel kinda offensive. The NPC models are also very limited in variety which leads to everyone from Peruvian terrorists to American mercenaries looking the same. The game is also kinda buggy in some places with conversation or action triggers not being tripped which can lead to a lot of reloading.

All in all though, this is a great game and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't yet tried it and is looking for a good stealth game. What say you, GAF? What do you guys think about it?


The time Splinter Cell was best. Later they were still oke but nothing like this.
Would love to see a new one tho.


Most fun I've ever had w/ SC multiplayer. Spy vs Merc was intense.

Edit: PT was fun too, but played CT the most.
Probably the best Splinter Cell. It's the first game I recall which was really suspenseful. When I first played it, I was hooked with the stealth mechanics, it was really addictive. The visuals were topnotch back in the day, and the game wasn't a walk in the park. You really need to observe the routine of your enemies. I like it more than MGS3. Also the first game where I was a pacifist.
I wish CT HD wasn't a pile of shit on PS3 (I kept having to re-download it multiple times to get it working) otherwise I'd probably be doing a run right now. I love the game's soundtrack so much.


Such a great game and my favourite of the original 3 although I do find it a little easy compared to the first two


I think it's the greatest stealth game of all time. Anyone who is a fan of the stealth genre NEEDS to play this game.


After Double Agent it went bad for the series. Such a shame. Altough i watched some footage of a guy who was beast in Blacklist with stealth kills. That i for sure want to play it ones. Maybe with Games with Gold or something.


But overall. I hope they go back to the basics and maybe reboot it. Something like what happened with Doom.
What a coincidence... I am playing the first Splinter Cell and played the level in the oil rig the characters were talking about. Splinter Cell games have always had a good sense of humor. The first trilogy was pretty great... the next games are okay, but I'm not a big fan of them.

Also, I'm playing these games on PS3 despite having them on steam, and the sound in the first game is all bugged, can't believe how bad this collection is. It saddens me to hear that CT has problems too :(
Maybe the best way to play the first four is on XB360?


Great game, an absolute blast to play. Some of the best stealth mechanics and options too. I wish they would make another one improving these mechanics on a more open world setting; or even alla Hitman.

I miss playing a good stealth game that makes me learn the enemy routines and patiently wait for the right moment to take the next step. The game had its flaws yes, like most games, but the sense of immersive-ness is very strong and unique, even today.


I assume more games don't use it because people gaming on trackpads and without scroll wheels can't take advantage. But yeah, it's amazing to use.

Fuck them, ignore them, make them buy a real mouse and let me enjoy the best way to manage speed on KB/M again.


Mousewheel for managing speed is genius and more games should use it.
On top of that having a dropdown menu for context sensitive actions to avoid accidental moves was great and something that I missed a lot when playing Blacklist.


On top of that having a dropdown menu for context sensitive actions to avoid accidental moves was great and something that I missed a lot when playing Blacklist.

At least they splitted the Use and Attack buttons on PC in the 1.03 patch. But yeah, a menu when you have a lot of options is great too. It's not a fast game so it's better to be 100% sure about what you're doing instead of gambling.
I really hope Clint hocking (SC and SCCT lead) is working on a true to form Splinter Cell, where it takes place immediately after CT and disregards DA and later titles.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Beach - Redding
Cargo Ship - Redding
Bank - Stealth
Manhattan - Stealth
Headquarters - Redding
Hokkaido - Stealth
Battery - Assault
Seoul - Assault
Bathhouse - Assault
Finale - Stealth

Those are the loadouts I would use for each level. A true 5 out of 5 game.
I would love a remaster lol I played on Gamecube, though I feel like I'm missing out on the definitive Xbox version.

And the co-op was something special.


The stealth mechanics in this game are so good. I really like the heavy, slow-paced stealth in this game. It isn't fast-paced/cinematic like Conviction/Blacklist. The game has a grounded feel to it.
I didn't like the mouse scroll for movement speed at first, but I grew to love it and I miss it.

Plus that soundtrack:

El Cargo
Ruthless (Reprise)

Xiao Hu

It is still THE stealth game for me. It's also the first title that made me do a 100% stealth run of the game (the bathhouse is sooooo tough on the highest difficulty + 100% stealth, but I managed it). Plus Amon Tobin made the perfect soundtrack for it! <3

Big Nikus

I never got any reply to my LTTP thread for this game last year :(

It's a fantastic game, I wasn't a Splinter Cell fan before I played the HD trilogy on PS3 and Chaos Theory blew my mind (Pandora Tomorrow was great too).


I really hope Clint hocking (SC and SCCT lead) is working on a true to form Splinter Cell, where it takes place immediately after CT and disregards DA and later titles.
I want a prequel about the year Sam spent sleeping in a ditch on the side of the road between Baghdad and Kuwait.


I consider CT one the best (if not the best) stealth games ever. It's easily in my top 5 of all time.

I haven't come across a more satisfying game gameplay wise when it comes to stealth mechanics and gadgets. The sublime level design helps a lot of course.


After Double Agent it went bad for the series. Such a shame. Altough i watched some footage of a guy who was beast in Blacklist with stealth kills. That i for sure want to play it ones. Maybe with Games with Gold or something.


But overall. I hope they go back to the basics and maybe reboot it. Something like what happened with Doom.

Say what you will about Blacklist being easy and action orientated but the base is so well built. It wouldn't look out of place on current gen. They should have re-released it. The series could be amazing again if it was more of a challenge and developed further.

Anyway, back to Chais Theory, the levels and music, what a combination. The game comes together so well. Still can't beat that slow creeping Sam as he gets closer to the target.


How does the Xbox version stack up against the PC? I have them both but I'll be at my cabin for a bit and I only have an Xbox and GameCube there. I've actually never had a chance to play it so I want to know if I'm gonna get a crippled experience with Xbox. Would be nice to have a game to play that's fresh over the holiday.
Chaos Theory was the apex of the Splinter Cell series. The franchise only declined from there. It's still a great game even today and visually holds up well, especially if you play the PC version.


Junior Member
Hoenstly CT is still like, a top 10 game for me. Probably a top 3 stealth game. It's the point (and probably almost the only example in the series) where Splinter Cell stopped being a puzzle game and started feeling more like a simulator.
Huge fan of everything with Splinter Cell on it, but as much as I loved Chaos Theory, I still think the Double Agent is the best game in the series. Blacklist is a close second though. I'd put it up over DA if they didn't replaced Ironside on the role of Sam Fisher, a decision that still boggles the mind.
I echo what most say here. It's probably in my top 10. The game still looks pretty stellar today when you crank it up on PC too... well, except for the faces. Holy crap the faces.


I did pick up Blacklist as part of a bundle/sale a while back so I'm going to play it next. I'm curious to see the changes made to the gameplay. From what I've seen in videos, it certainly seems like Sam is a lot more nimble and the gameplay as a whole has more options for kills.

I'm not 100% sure I consider that a good thing for this series but I'm going to give it a fair shake either way!


Easily the best of the Splinter Cells series and one of my favorite games of all time.

Yep, it's the definitive Splinter Cell game. The newer games have gone nutso fast, and have lost the "im a spec ops ninja creeping in your house" feel. Its completely gone to me.
The time Splinter Cell was best. Later they were still oke but nothing like this.
Would love to see a new one tho.
I think Blacklist is actually really good
I consider CT one the best (if not the best) stealth games ever. It's easily in my top 5 of all time.

I haven't come across a more satisfying game gameplay wise when it comes to stealth mechanics and gadgets. The sublime level design helps a lot of course.

what other options are there. dishonered maybe. metal gear is not really stealth at this point.
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