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What does Microsoft need to do to make Xbox successful again?


I honestly think Xbox is great. But, worldwide its appeal is not good. I spend an obscene amount of time playing on Xbox, but every great game that I love playing just isn't having the success it's expected to have: from Quantum Break to Sunset Overdrive to D4 to Gears of War 4. I don't want them to stop making the games I enjoy playing. Here's what I would do if I was Phil Spencer:

1) 343's next two projects should not be a main line Halo FPS. For the next 6-8 years, 343 should be focused on two projects: Perfect Dark 3 and a Mass Effect style Halo RPG. First-person shooting is 343's bread and butter - they are excellent at the genre. Perfect Dark 3 is an old Rare IP, and hasn't had a game in almost a decade, and having someone of 343's stature make a new FPS game that isn't Halo and is a totally different IP would be fantastic. Also, Halo's universe and world-building is phenomenal. They should leverage that and make a big western space exploration RPG that involves Spartans, the Covenant, Halo rings, planets like Reach, Earth, different monitors like 343 Guilty Spark. Include high intrigue and drama between the UNSC, Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, Cortana, the Arbiter, etc... Basically take the universe that the Halo trilogy was a part of, and spin that into Mass EFfect.

2) Rare should become a new IP factory - there should be a mandate that for the next 6 years they do not make any sequels. Give them the time they need to polish Sea of Thieves to excellence. Once that's done, it's on to the next one (new IP). If Sea of Thieves is a hit, then contract a talented 2nd/3rd-party developer to do the ground work on a sequel, while Rare works on some new IP. At the same time, leverage Rare's old IPs, like Perfect Dark 3 (giving that to 343) or Banjo Kazooie 3 (give that to Playtonic). Rare can provide input/leadership on those projects, like they did with Killer Instinct.

3) The Coalition and Remedy need to make single player DLC for Gears of War 4 and Quantum Break. We should have already had trailers for some DLC involving Kait and JD (for Gears 4) or some DLC involving Jack Joyce and Beth Wilder (for Quantum Break).

4) Microsoft can't allow big 3rd-parties to skip them anymore. This January to March period really should have been Horizon Zero Dawn versus Zelda Breath of the Wild versus Halo Wars 2. Each company basically had one internally-developed 1st party game. But it was more than that. It turned out to be Guilty Gear + Yakuza 0 + Nioh + 999 + Virtue's Last Reward + Persona 5 + Tales of + Nier Automata + Zelda Breath of the Wild versus Halo Wars 2.

I mean what the fuck. Those third-party games should be coming on Microsoft's system, and the fact that they didn't is a huge failure from Microsoft. Whatever the reason, Microsoft has to fix it. Is it that the audience that buys those games doesn't exist on Xbox? Microsoft should cultivate a strategy to win back that audience.

Imagine a January to March period where the following happens: Sony gets these releases: Killzone 4, Assassin's Creed 7, Black Ops 4, Battlefield 5, Madden, NBA2K, GTA6. And Microsoft releases Banjo Kazooie 3. That's basically what happened. Microsoft and Sony releasing one internally-developed game (Killzone versus Banjo) but a myriad other 3rd-party games were exclusive to PS4. Why should anyone buy an Xbox over a PS4 in that scenario?

5) Microsoft should have parity with Sony when it comes to any sort of publishing leniency. What I mean is: Sony doesn't have a 50k print limit for discs. Microsoft does. Because of this, PS4 fans get a Shovel Knight physical release. Microsoft doesn't. Also, Sony doesn't have any sort of indie clauses enforcing certain release dates or content. Microsoft does. Presumably because of this, there are a myriad of games that aren't releasing on Xbox. For fuck's sake, Fez and Dust Elysian Tail were released on PS4 but not on Xbox. Microsoft needs to fix that.
Bring back Don Mattrick

My real answer is to invest in new IP's and new first party studios. And don't force any studio to just make one IP over and over. Give them creative freedom. Stop relying on third parties to do (nearly) everything not Halo/Gears/Forza for you


Eh I'd get a Scorpio or X1 for that Backwards compatibility.
Lots of cool games from that era that didn't get a PC release are IMO worth getting and the X1 is a neat gateway to them esp. with the improved performance.


I don't think they're doing that bad, is PS4 that is doing insanely well, they need some more first party for sure though
A couple more internal studios would go a long way.

No more money hat shortcuts, they don't really seem to work these days (unlike the 360 days).
Crackdown 3 is the tits. That pushes them on to incorporate significant 'cloud power' into most of their other games. Multiplayer and Xbox Live is Microsoft's forte and although it's still the best, it has stagnated a bit.

Make huge multi player focused games with great replay-ability. Single player games are risky business to make a new and successful AAA IP, and Sony has that genre covered anyway. Use your strengths to stand out.

edit - also after Scorpio, keep the 'best place to play multiplats' locked down. That was always a big strength of Xbox which the tits like Mattrick decided would be good to throw away. Don't do that again.
Restructure their first party studios that are riding on the waves on previous success.

Halo & Gears should be their Crown Jewels yet they push out titles like there is no tomorrow (Halo) without significant improvement.

Halo has lost me with where they are going with the campaign and Gears is whatever.

Instead of funding these one IP factories they should have more studios working with complete freedom to create AAA/AA titles.


1. Focus on making Xbox a great place to play. XPA is a key differentiator for them and an advantage for the Xbox platform across both Xbox One and Windows 10. Continue to foster a community amongst both hardware pools and bring those together who prefer consoles or PCs—and in the light of Nintendo Switch, those who prefer both.

2. Push the medium forward. Microsoft hasn't made a game that has pushed the industry forward since Halo. It needs to foster creatives like Sony has—and it needs Naughty Dog calibre studios in its arsenal that can use a longer-term focus to create revolutionary pieces of art that shake up the industry.

3. Be at the forefront of hardware. I feel Scorpio is Microsoft's first message that it wants to be first for power and developer support. Keep doing this.

4. Do some second party investments in the short-term. First party rejuvenation takes time, so they need to secure meaningful second-party opportunities in the meantime.

5. Get rid of the Xbox One brand. The sooner the next-generation starts for them, the better. I think Xbox One is still tainted to a degree. They need a reset and they need to come out all guns blazing, with a real focus on gaming this time.
New exclusives. Lots of them. Scorpio is great but only a handful of Xbox games sound appealing to me compared to the ps4's offering.


I agree with a ton of what you've said. The biggest issue for Microsoft isn't their first party talent, it's their unwillingness to take risks using that talent. Thankfully we saw Rare get an opportunity with Sea of Thieves and it looks promising.

But right now Turn 10 is making Forza in perpetuity, Playground is making Forza Horizon in perpetuity, 343 is making Halo in perpetuity, and Coalition is making Gears in perpetuity. Microsoft gets invested in their IPs so much that they wear out their appeal. They have to play the "safe" option by making another installment in these franchises, when they should try to branch out. I don't see them stopping Halo, but Gears can be put to bed for a few years in favor of something unique.

A comparison I can make is Horizon. Sony could have easily forced Guerilla to make Killzone again, but they allowed them to make a passion project and it started off a killer IP. Sony also could have forced Naughty Dog to make Uncharted 4 instead of The Last of Us, but they allowed them to make a passion project and it was possibly the best game of the generation.

I love my Xbox. It's a great system and a great service. I think when Scorpio comes out there's no question that it's the best (console) platform to play games on in terms of power and features, but we need GAMES to back that up. We need interesting games that aren't just the same thing repeated in sequels every two years.


I think there on the right track, to be honest.

Phil has done a great job.

Japan is a lost cause for them, so cancelling Scalebound wasn't a disastrous as many are saying. Gotta remember, GAF has a vocal Platinum fanbase and Japanese studios are also overrepresented in terms of worldwide interest here. That's not a knock, but you have to remember the audience here.

I think they need to play a better long game. They've been wishy washy with the Nadella restructuring. It's hard to tell how committed they are to console gaming.


Xbox needs to bring back the exclusives. It's a complicated process but it's simple. It's called 'making good games'.


Microsoft need to actually care about Xbox at the first place, like care enough to give them real unlimited war chest.
You can fix anything with unlimited funding.
Phil Spencer need sell his Xbox idea to their investors. Convince the investors like how he do on twitter.


Don't do a thing. They've found their niche, stick with it.

They're not going to get mass worldwide appeal so consolidate what they have.


I agree with a ton of what you've said. The biggest issue for Microsoft isn't their first party talent, it's their unwillingness to take risks using that talent. Thankfully we saw Rare get an opportunity with Sea of Thieves and it looks promising.

But right now Turn 10 is making Forza in perpetuity, Playground is making Forza Horizon in perpetuity, 343 is making Halo in perpetuity, and Coalition is making Gears in perpetuity. Microsoft gets invested in their IPs so much that they wear out their appeal. They have to play the "safe" option by making another installment in these franchises, when they should try to branch out. I don't see them stopping Halo, but Gears can be put to bed for a few years in favor of something unique.

A comparison I can make is Horizon. Sony could have easily forced the developers to make Killzone again, but they allowed them to make a passion project and it started off a killer IP. Sony also could have forced Naughty Dog to make Uncharted 4 instead of The Last of Us, but they allowed them to make a passion project and it was possibly the best game of the generation.

I love my Xbox. It's a great system and a great service. I think when Scorpio comes out there's no question that it's the best (console) platform to play games on in terms of power and features, but we need GAMES to back that up. We need interesting games that aren't just the same thing repeated in sequels every two years.

Isn't Playground working on a new IP along with the Forza series?
I honestly think a good approach is to invest in countries/regions that are emerging, that aren't already heavily invested in Sony/Nintendo. Maybe markets that are growing, that gaming can be a part of if it's well marketed and priced.

Think Latin America, South America, Africa, Middle east, India. Get a foothold on these places and cement themselves as the "only place to play"

+ what everyone else in this thread is gonna say involving investing in more studios and new IP.
I need some non-garbage exclusives that are not shooters for me to even consider buying an Xbox again. Their lineup is really quite tragic.
I'm pretty happy with my XBOX One.

Sure there was issues and problems, but overall I think it's a great console. It's my only game machine this gen and I've been happy.


I think the broad strokes of what you've outlined are correct. Some risky new/returning ip, better support from Japanese studios, smarter choices when partnering with third party devs/pubs.

They need to pick their battles with Japan I think. A few key titles with carefully managed marketing behind them would be better than just throwing money around without much of a plan, which is how some of their previous marketing deals have felt like.

Their BC is a pretty unique selling point. There's already a decent library, but I hope to see them continue to expand the selection, especially for games that never had a PC version (Vanquish).

I think they need to nail the messaging for Scorpio. I'm personally not really sold on "the same game at 4k", and I think even thought the PS4 Pro has done OK, it's not significantly improved Sony's market position. The stakes are a little different for Microsoft, but if their approach is just "the same games in 4k" I don't think it will be a major boost to their market position. Maybe they can show us something else on top of a resolution boost. Certainly I can see them doing a better job than Sony of old games getting some advantage from the boosted hardware, especially if in the future we get a wider variety of device iterations.

I think it's probably important for them to not have any more big cancellations, and hopefully the reason that they've not really had any big game announcement over the past year or so is because they're waiting until games are actually ready to announce before they show them. I think Crackdown 3 was announced way too early, as was Scalebound, Phantom Dust and to a lesser extent Sea of Thieves. I don't really want to see CGI announcements for surprise games at E3 unless they are also releasing in the next 12 months.

Isn't Playground working on a new IP along with the Forza series?

Did they say whether that was for MS or not? I think they are still an independent company, even if obviously they're going to keep making Forza games for the immediate future. I wonder if MS would purchase them at some point.


More games but have some pride in the games you have, Halo MCC should not be left as is, don't care how stitched together it is, you put the time in and fix the whole thing, improve, support community games, don't leave it to rot. Should be promoting playlists, fun game types. It's just ignored.
For me personally fix their first party so it has some appeal to gamers who arent xbox fans already. That means more quality first party titles in more genres. Its why I dont have an xbox one any longer and neither sot or crackdown interest me.


Microsoft need to actually care about Xbox at the first place, like care enough to give them real unlimited war chest.
You can fix anything with unlimited funding.

Ok, you're officially off my people-on-Gaf-to-ask-to-run-my-business-list ;P


i actually think they're taking the right steps towards rebranding.... positioning xbox as more of a service than a "game box". wildcard is the first party software front but i think they've conceded the AAA single player experience to playstation, along with Scorpio we'll probably get games along the line of Sea of Thieves, lots of MMO lite type of games

probably the best they can do given the scenario


Open 7-8 new studios around the world to create new diverse IP
Remove Xbox Live from gold paywall to get a big 1UP over Sony
Make sure all Japanese games that PS4 gets, XBox gets
Make sure Scorpio strikes the perfect balance of powerful but not too expensive (e.g. $500+)


Microsoft needs something that would convince someone to skip getting a PS4 Pro, which can enhance the games someone already owns and most likely owned by their online buddies, to get something that feels like an old platform generation worth of a bump. The problem is that well, good luck pulling that off
Alternatively: Do whatever they did in the first couple of years of the 360.
so, somehow have a cheaper console that attracts all devs to it while sony flailed helplessly
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