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Unbelievably LFTP, thinking about buying a DS

Unbelievably LFTP, thinking about buying a DS.
And yes, my cave IS rather cozy and no I don't get out much..

What's the difference between the DS and DS Lite besides one being smaller. How much smaller is the screen on the lite version? Slimmer and more compact is not a selling point to me if the screen size is much smaller.

What are some good accessories and reliable brand? I'd like to get some kind of rechargeable brick battery pack so it'll hold a charge for a while.

Don't need any game suggestions for a while, AW Dual Strike will be good for 200 or so hours. I don't want to hear any FF tactics blah blah because I didn't like the GBA one.

Oh, any good deals out there that aren't game bundles? Useful accessorie bundles are fine.


Do you really need an explanation of fat ds vs lite ds? lol.

if you need accessory advice, CheapyD over at cheapassgamer.com has made some youtube videos of just the topic of your interest.


If you like gaming, then you will probably enjoy several titles on this system. If you like Advance Wars buy Age of Empires too. Pick up Contact if you like really good games


Narag said:
I'm thinking the screens on the lite are the same size as this ds fat. This is the big selling point though.

Yeah, the screens are the same size, just better (much better).

I don't know about any battery packs, but the battery life is pretty damn good out of the box.


I think you'd want a DSL over a regular DS. They're both pretty much the same price and the DSL just has a beautiful screen which makes games look that much better. Plus, battery life is better. Screen size is the same, I believe.


If you're ever going to be outside with it, you should get the Lite. I could hardly see anything on the screen with my Phat, but turning up the Lite to the second highest or the highest setting makes everything clearer. If you're going to be playing inside all the time, I don't think it really matters.

The guy didn't ask about game suggestions, guys. You should read the first post.
But buy Phoenix Wright anyway.
Age of Empires, is that a RTS on the DS or turn based?

I hate RTS games. I tried warcarft probably around '96, got about half way through it and decided I just didn't like RTS games.

FF:tactics I found horribly boring and slow going. Fire Emblem was ok, just all the borring interpersonal shit was irritating. If I wanted useless chatter I'd talk with my wife. I don't need that in a game.
Any turn based games that have the look and feel of the old SSI gold box D&D games? They spent their story effort on the actual game plot instead of trying to add that little dating sim crap whenever they could.

Elite Beat agents? That's some type of DDR game but you click with a light pen, right? That just doesn't sound like my idea of fun. Yes I know every one talks about how great it is and shows screen shots, but I've really got no clue what the game play is about.

I guess the brighter DS Lite screen looks better. I'd be using it mostly at work. I know, I've got an easy job.


Wait Tyran..you missed in your post:

-Super Mario: Is that the game about the plumber jumping aroung and running like crazy? Meh! that's boring

-Zelda: Is that the game about that blonde boy with a sowrd and you slash sstuff around? Nah!..that's so same-ish...

-Pokémon: is that the game were you capture creatures inside balls? Ewww..I hate Pokémon.

fernoca said:
Wait Tyran..you missed in your post:

-Super Mario: Is that the game about the plumber jumping aroung and running like crazy? Meh! that's boring

-Zelda: Is that the game about that blonde boy with a sowrd and you slash sstuff around? Nah!..that's so same-ish...

-Pokémon: is that the game were you capture creatures inside balls? Ewww..I hate Pokémon.


Pokemon, well I can honestly say the GB version was the motivation for my son to want to learn to read when he was four. I always thought Pokemon was pretty good, though I haven't plaid it since my son lost interest in it at around age ten.

Zelda, I liked the two GBA Oracle zeldas and minish cap. Never finished minishcap though I was in the final castle. Never could get into the snes Zelda. Here comes the hate, but Zelda II was my favorite. I want another one like that.

Super Mario: No hate here. I'll be trying new super mario bros. Probably that Mario 64 port too, which I still consider one of the best games ever made.

Yes my gaming tastes are a bit picky, but I'm 36. Cut me some slack :D
fernoca said:
Wait Tyran..you missed in your post:

-Super Mario: Is that the game about the plumber jumping aroung and running like crazy? Meh! that's boring

-Zelda: Is that the game about that blonde boy with a sowrd and you slash sstuff around? Nah!..that's so same-ish...

-Pokémon: is that the game were you capture creatures inside balls? Ewww..I hate Pokémon.


Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Tyrannical said:
Age of Empires, is that a RTS on the DS or turn based?

I hate RTS games. I tried warcarft probably around '96, got about half way through it and decided I just didn't like RTS games.

FF:tactics I found horribly boring and slow going. Fire Emblem was ok, just all the borring interpersonal shit was irritating. If I wanted useless chatter I'd talk with my wife. I don't need that in a game.
Any turn based games that have the look and feel of the old SSI gold box D&D games? They spent their story effort on the actual game plot instead of trying to add that little dating sim crap whenever they could.

Elite Beat agents? That's some type of DDR game but you click with a light pen, right? That just doesn't sound like my idea of fun. Yes I know every one talks about how great it is and shows screen shots, but I've really got no clue what the game play is about.

I guess the brighter DS Lite screen looks better. I'd be using it mostly at work. I know, I've got an easy job.

AOE DS is turn based, and if you like turned based and can stand a complete lack of presentation, I'd say try prince of persia. All impressions i've read says it's good quality strategy, but they spent about 6 bucks on the actual look of the game.
GreenGlowingGoo said:
AOE DS is turn based, and if you like turned based and can stand a complete lack of presentation, I'd say try prince of persia. All impressions i've read says it's good quality strategy, but they spent about 6 bucks on the actual look of the game.

Yes, I can stand a complete lack of presentation!
I was a big fan of Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics on the Xbox, and they obviously blew their entire graphics bidget on the attract FMV.
titiklabingapat said:
You don't buy the DS for anything else but Pokemon.

I've got no hate for Pokemon at all. It's just that I'm 36 and even my son hasn't touched pokemon since he was 11.

I actually do like the yugio card game, even though my son has out grown that too. I can "get by" the ridiculously silly monster cards, because deep down it's a decent strategy game. Yes, horribly unbalanced cards/decks ARE a good substitute for poor AI.

I used to play magic the gathering years ago, and back in the day I was quite good.
I used to be in the top 10 list for the Microprose MTG PC game. I'll probably never play again because I'm not gonna shell out money for virtual cards.
I hear that GBA games stick out of the GBA slot on the Lite, similar to GB/GBC games on the GBA. :(

I have a DS Phat. But boy do I want a black DS Lite. :( Just don't feel like shelling out 100 or so $ for something I already have.


AzureNightmareXE said:

Sorry, Azure...But my previous reply was sarcasm..
I Tyran got it, so.. no popcorn! :lol

And yep..
Super Mario 64 DS is quite nice, and a DSlite without New Super Mario Bros..is nothing. :)


Adol said:
I don't notice a difference in screen size between the two, but I strongly prefer the feel of the buttons and pad on the fat version.

you should feel the buttons and pad on my fat version, they are pretty knackered


Tyrannical said:
What's the difference between the DS and DS Lite besides one being smaller.
See this excellent video review (part 2 and part 3).

Tyrannical said:
What are some good accessories and reliable brand? I'd like to get some kind of rechargeable brick battery pack so it'll hold a charge for a while.
Hori has some great accessories. But I really don't think you'll need any extra accessories. The hardware is all you need. Really :)
Cdammen said:
See this excellent video review (part 2 and part 3).

Hori has some great accessories. But I really don't think you'll need any extra accessories. The hardware is all you need. Really :)

I'll check those links out, thanks.
Screen protectors, which I guess are clear plast you put over the screen. Are those worth it or will the screen not scratch up?

I expected to get mocked way more in this thread. I've owned a GBC and GBA, just late to considering a DS, which I know almost nothing about.
I never even considered buying one. My son was not getting one after his Ipod vanished. I don't care much for the hand helds as I find the screens to small. But since I have a low work 3rd shift job, I thought I'd buy one for myself.

So, next very stupid question. Does the DS take batteries or does it have a built in rechargable battery pack? If not, are there any decent thrid party rechargable battery packs out there?
Cdammen said:
Hori has some great accessories. But I really don't think you'll need any extra accessories. The hardware is all you need. Really :)

i'd say hori's screen protectors are a must, they make the screen very slightly less bright, but not an issue if you get a lite.

if you do not use a screen protector, you should think about getting a microfiber cloth. a lot of games require you to touch the touchscreen with your finger, and fingerprints are not good for lcd displays. even if you do have a screen protector, you may want a cleaning cloth, because the screen will get pretty smudgy.

also you will definitely want a good stylus pen, because the ones that come with the system will give you hand cramps in a hurry.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Tyrannical said:
So, next very stupid question. Does the DS take batteries or does it have a built in rechargable battery pack? If not, are there any decent thrid party rechargable battery packs out there?

no worries, rechargable.
Tyrannical said:
Screen protectors, which I guess are clear plast you put over the screen. Are those worth it or will the screen not scratch up?
Screen protectors are a must if you plan to play games that heavily focus on the touchscreen (EBA, Pokemon Ranger). EBA is notorious for scratching your lower screen to all buggery. Using screen protectors, the only thing that will get scratched is the protector itself (which you can replace as necessary)
Tyrannical said:
So, next very stupid question. Does the DS take batteries or does it have a built in rechargable battery pack? If not, are there any decent thrid party rechargable battery packs out there?
It comes with an inbuilt lithium ion battery that will last forever* if you look after it properly.

* for a given value of 'forever'. Realistically, the rest of the hardware will fail before the battery does and render the entire unit unusable.
Thanks for all the usefull info gafers.

Looks like a DS lite, screen protectors, and a fancy stylus pen.

How's the home brew scene? Aps out there to turn it into a decent MP3 player (which is something I lack)? Movie viewing software worth it or just too slow?


Get a Lite, get a Hori screen protector...Then buy some games.

Thats all you need to know.

Enjoy some of the best gaming around these days.


30% Failure Rate
Tyrannical said:
How's the home brew scene? Aps out there to turn it into a decent MP3 player (which is something I lack)? Movie viewing software worth it or just too slow?

Homebrew on DS is pretty good, actually. You'll need some sort of flash card to get started, though. Some of them have built-in MP3 and video playing ability, but there's apps out there to do that kind of stuff as well. There's also stuff like DSOrganize which is a PDA-like software suite (calender, schedule, notepad etc.).

You should check out the DS homebrew thread for advice on which flash card is best for what you want to do with it.



What's all this talk about screen protectors? I've played the hell out of EBA on mine and you can only see scratches when you hold the DS at a certain angle under light.

It's not a big deal.
Well, I picked up a black DS Lite, along with Puzzle Quest and AW:Dual Strike.

I've got to say that from a design stand point, I can see why the DS Lite is so popular.


Please help me with my bad english
Tyrannical said:
Well, I picked up a black DS Lite, along with Puzzle Quest and AW:Dual Strike.

I've got to say that from a design stand point, I can see why the DS Lite is so popular.


I've played my DS to hell, including Ouendan and other touch screen intensive games and I get no scratches. I'm very sensitive about these things, but there really are none. I say just get the unit itself and don't bother with any extras. Battery should last you through your shift just fine, too.

Well, a pen with a longer, thicker grip might be nice. It's just that then it doesn't fit inside the DS which means you'll have to remember bringing it etc. I have one, but personally can't ever be bothered to bring it and just default to the the stock pen.


Another recommendation for Hori' screen protectors. I was cheap and bought some cheap ones from eBay first, along with some for my phone... Horrible. Hori's just ooze quality, they're so damn good. Buy them and you'll never regret it.
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