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Hotel Dusk Reflection.

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Junior Member
I remember last year, I think it was about this time of the month, that one game literally blew my mind. That game was Hotel Dusk.

Words can't describe how great this game really is. I'm not much of a fan of Point and Click adventures, but HD had turned me into a believer. The music, plot twists, and characters are all memorable. Aside from a lack-luster ending, I put Hotel Dusk as the best handheld game of all time on my personal list.

Did you guys have a similar experience with it?

Liked it? Loved it? Hated it?

I hope for a follow up title.


I loved it. It was a great "game" for cold winter nights. Perfect for time when I didn't know what to play. I loved the soundtrack, the characters and the general point-and-clickness of it.

I hope Cing keeps making games like Hotel Dusk.


I loved it, game of the year. I was the only game besides Phoenix Wright where I cared about the story in a video game.


I hated it.

The dialogue was too slow, and the stupid mini quizzes at the end didn't add to the realization of what's going on.
This is one of the most divisible games on the boards.
Some love love love it like Michael Donahoe and some hate it Luke Smith style.

Personally, I love it.

The style is amazing, the music is phenomenal, the themes/story are really great, characters are cool. I loved the detective noir theme. Loved the gameplay.

One of top 5 games of the year for me.


Junior Member
HaloFans said:
I hated it.

The dialogue was too slow, and the stupid mini quizzes at the end didn't add to the realization of what's going on.

yeah, that was a problem. I didn't care for some of the puzzles either. I did love that music effect when you got it right though:D


fan-fucking-tastic game. But its not for the action junky or flaky gamers. It was more like an interactive book, and you really have to come into it expecting nothing but a good story. It blew me away. Serisouly


DevelopmentArrested said:
This is one of the most divisible games on the boards.
Some love love love it like Michael Donahoe and some hate it Luke Smith style.

Personally, I love it.

The style is amazing, the music is phenomenal, the themes/story are really great, characters are cool. I loved the detective noir theme. Loved the gameplay.

One of top 5 games of the year for me.

You have practically explained my feelings for this game.


It bored me, and I was unable to finish. I really wanted to like it because of the stylish art, but in the end gameplay conquers all.

The game that sold me on point and click was Phoenix Wright.
I really wanted to like this game as I love the classic adventure games of yore and heard how this harkened back to those. I rented it and got through about 6-8 chapters, I think, and then sent it back. I hated it.

The game's got great style and some innovation, but DEAR LORD, nothing ever happened in the game. Somewhere in between meeting an elderly lady for dinner, carrying on repetitive conversations with a bellboy and having to take detailed notes on when a restaurant would open, I fell asleep. I have a feeling as if I quit just before stuff got interesting, but after spending hours with it already, I was bored to tears.
I never finished it. :( Every time I would try to play it, I would grow bored rather quickly. I think I'm barely an hour into it.

Edit: I don't regret purchasing it, though. I'm glad to support games like these.


My girlfriend fucking hated it. She got about midway through it and just quit.

She was a big fan of Trace Memory, though.
loosus said:
My girlfriend fucking hated it. She got about midway through it and just quit.

She was a big fan of Trace Memory, though.

Hotel Dusk was the only DS game I ever got my girlfriend to play. She won't play anything else, thinks the screen is too small. Maybe I should get her to try Trace Memory.. I played through it and it was good too.
Cing FTW.


Junior Member
DevelopmentArrested said:
Hotel Dusk was the only DS game I ever got my girlfriend to play. She won't play anything else, thinks the screen is too small. Maybe I should get her to try Trace Memory.. I played through it and it was good too.
Cing FTW.

I want my wife to play. When I visit the in-laws(japan), I plan to pick up Wish Room so she could play it. I wouldn't mind it in my collection too. :D
gray_fox224 said:
Hotel Dusk 2 for Wii...I could only dream.

I dont think I would enjoy it too much on the Wii, I think part of why it works on the DS is because its almost like a book that you can pick up or stop at anytime.


A flawed game, but a highly memorable one.

EDIT: I should add that my cell phone currently has a Hotel Dusk ringtone. Take that as you will.


It was pretty good, but it was way too slow. Moving around was slow and only was made worse because sometimes I had no idea where to go.

It's nowhere near the top of my favorite adventure games, let alone all games.


My reflection of the game...


I appreciated the art style, but goddamn was it a snorefest.


It's not really a game.

It's interesting, but .. eh, it's flawed. I like it's style, though.

Some of the dia... Scratch that, a LOT of the dialog was unnecessarily long and stretched out.

Needed more gameplay elements, and less monologues.


A great game, heck even my brother liked it and normaly he had no pacience for games like it. He kept comming me for help :lol

Cing is the best fucking developer of this generation.


Master of the Google Search
I loved this title, so much style.

But I can also see why people hated it, Hotel Dusk failed alot in the typical game department

White Man

I don't know what to make of this game. I see drohne say skip it, and I know that other old school graphic adventure fans say the same (and that is firmly where I am coming from), but the accolades that the game receives are hard to ignore, even after having been vocally warned away from the game. Maybe if I see it cheap some day. . .


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What the hell, the music is awful garbage. It's like all elevator crap, and it's ho-down music in areas where it's totally not appropriate.


I want a tag give me a tag
Really really enjoyed it, my only problem with it is that i only get access to the DS a few days a month. and when i do it takes too long to remember what i was meant to be doing next

but really enjoyed it, like a good novel... but more intereactive.


Still Tagged Accordingly
gray_fox224 said:
Liked it? Loved it? Hated it?
Didn't like it. Too slow and plodding. It's not my sort of game.

I could see the charm in it though, and why others would love it.


Good: "One legged man in an ass-kicking contest", art style

Bad: Almost everything else. Puzzles were obscure and/or uninteresting. Far too many stupid, trivial tasks and sidestories. Endlessly annoying "end of level" recap quizzes that only a retard could fail.

For a good interactive novel, see: Phoenix Wright 3. Holy s**t at Case 5.


Master of the Google Search
White Man said:
I liked Touch Detective. Would I like Hotel Dusk?

Depends on whether you care more about the puzzles or atmosphere.

Hotel Dusk's atmostphere and story were great but the actually puzzles and gameplay were disappointing compared to other point and click games


Definitely not for everybody, but I loved it. As somebody upthread said, a great game for cold winter nights. The only thing that bothered me was not being able to speed up the text - I want the whole block of text immediately, not this ... a few words ... at a time ... shit.


White Man said:
I don't know what to make of this game. I see drohne say skip it, and I know that other old school graphic adventure fans say the same (and that is firmly where I am coming from), but the accolades that the game receives are hard to ignore, even after having been vocally warned away from the game. Maybe if I see it cheap some day. . .
Eh. It's hard to say. I played the first little bit of it and got really bored, then didn't pick it up for a few months. Went back to it later on and plowed through the rest. It definitely picks up and is sort of worth it, but the pacing is all off (how's THAT for a concrete answer).


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I really, really liked Hotel Dusk.

It's one of those games that will forever define a specific period in my life. In my case, winter 2006.

I have VIVID memories of it storming like a motherfucker outside - wind, sleet, snow, etc. I'm inside with Hot Chocolate, a comfy couch, and Hotel Dusk :D

Usually with me I burn through a game super quick, or lose interest and never get around to finishing. But with Hotel Dusk's chapter system and metered dialogue, the game actually lasted a really long time, for me. I played just a little bit each night, and by the time I was finished, I felt like I KNEW these characters. Felt like finishing a good book.

The plot has some nice intrigue & twists, too.
I loved it, it is one of the few games that came out this year that I can't wait to play again. When the next drought hits, I'll be all over this for a second play through.
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