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Dragon Quest IV DS - The Official Thread


... and that's Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen.

Before we delve in, let's touch on a few of the common myths regarding DQ4 and the Dragon Quest series as a whole:

Myth #1: It's Slow
The series definitely isn't slow. How can anyone who has tolerably played through RPGs like Final Fantasies VII - IX or Skies of Arcadia or Paper Mario or Shadow Hearts: Covenant or Suikoden V call the Dragon Quest games slow? Have you been knocked out of temporal alignment with the rest of the world somehow? Perhaps so. Back in reality, these games actually have a very speedy combat system, and lodging the "it's too slow" complaint is a surefire indicator that the individual has probably only played Dragon Quest VIII out of all the games in the series. The rest of them have used flexible battle speed configurations, scant reliance on lengthy animations, minimal loading and camera panning, efficient UI design, and useful AI options to greatly cut down on the length of time each encounter takes. Most dungeons are also well enough balanced that the encounter rates are not frighteningly high. And with the exception of DQ7 and DQ8, most of the games aren't overly long, either. That being said, to make the most out of the battle speed one probably needs to fight a bit intelligently and not approach each fight as an exercise in X-button mashing. Which nicely segues us to...

Myth #2: It Requires Grinding
No, you're wrong. Look, most of the time the people complaining that an RPG requires grinding are the same people who insist that they don't require any skill. Here's a pro-tip: stop whining, develop some of the skills you're clearly lacking, and you won't have to issue the grinding screed again. Use the many abilities the game affords you (especially the oft-ignored buffs and debuffs), create some effective strategies, explore the world map and dungeons thoroughly, complete the game's side quests, and get some good equipment -- you won't need level grinding and you'll be in for a far more satisfying gaming experience.

Myth #3: It's Archaic
What does this even mean? Sometimes I feel like people are throwing words around without any comprehension of their meaning. The word implies that we can clearly delineate some point in history that separates Dragon Quest games from modern games -- but on what criteria do we rely? Turn-based battle systems? Real-time battles predate turn-based, so that's certainly not a good distinction to draw. Random encounters? Unfortunately, these too are a more recent creation than non-random enemy encounters, so they can't really be used to separate "modern" from "archaic." If people want to complain that the games don't reinvent themselves often enough, or introduce enough new things with each iteration to the genre (though even this is a bit shaky as the series has still done a lot of progressive things), then okay -- but that's something else entirely. And if we're just using "archaic" as a sophomoric shorthand for "something I don't like," perhaps we should elevate ourselves out of this simpleton pit and stop pretending that there's some sort of cut-and-dry terminology to objectively classify our tastes as the good ones.

Myth #4: It Has No Story
Bzzzzt. Wrong again. I'm not entirely sure how this trope originated, the idea that Dragon Quest doesn't have any stories, but it's completely false. This isn't to say that one should play them (or anything, for that matter) solely for the stories, but there is a story here, and it's a very fun and charming one at that. Perhaps there are some people who are simply incapable of distinguishing between "story" and "flashy non-interactive feature film-length full motion video parades," but I feel very sad for these individuals and their opinions aren't worth a lot. Most people, however, should be able to appreciate the humorous dialogue and situations, the series' rich and elegant weaving of folklore and mythology into each game, and the unique narrative structures and world designs that have marked most of the Dragon Quest games.

Myth #5: It Isn't Worth 40$
No, you're wrong. Hey, no one likes the Square tax -- not you, not I, not the rest of the common plebes. But the game is worth it. "But it's old! But it's a portable game! But but but!" So what? This is a fantastic, high quality remake of a truly excellent, classic RPG; get it and you'll be able to enjoy an RPG experience easily the equal (if not the better) of some of the other most highly regarded and anticipated hits of the year, whether you're thinking of Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, The World Ends With You, Etrian Odyssey II, Tales of Vesperia, or Final Fantasy IV. When you buy this game, you'll be getting a 20+ hour quest with a fun, charming cast, positively luscious 2D visuals, a great battle system, nice dungeons, and lots of devious bosses. It's worth the money. Just pay it. This is a series that has, sadly, never gotten the appreciation it deserves in North America, and I tip my proverbial hat to Square Enix for their recent attempts at strengthening the brand abroad and for reintroducing it to English-speaking gamers with the trilogy remakes.

If you've fallen for one of these myths (much like a youngling who's been taught to believe in the tooth fairy and trolls under bridges), this is the perfect opportunity to find out what you've been missing out on. And if DQ8 is the only game in the series you've played, now is your chance to go back to the series' roots.

Now with those little let's-scare-the-kids fairy tales out of the way, let's move on to prepping ourselves for one of the best RPG releases of the year:


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Developer: ArtePiazza
Publisher: Square Enix
System: Nintendo DS
Release Dates:
• 09/11/08 (AU)
• 09/12/08 (EU)
• 09/15/08 (NA)

Watch the Trailer

Dragon Quest IV is marked by a very cool chapter system. In each of the first four chapters of the game, the player takes control of a different hero who must complete his or her own quest. Finally, in chapter five, all of the heroes must come together to confront their real destiny.

Also, be sure to check out Aeana's excellent thread for the Japanese release. I don't want to try to replicate all the work she did for that one.



Ragnar (Chapter One)

A noble veteran soldier, Ragnar is given a special assignment by King Burnard.

Alena, Kiryl, and Borya (Chapter Two)

When Princess Alena becomes bored of the castle and seeks an adventure in the world outside, the chancellor and her tutor tag along to try to keep her out of trouble.

Torneko (Chapter Three)

Torneko's dream is to become the best merchant in the world. Can you help him achieve this?

Maya and Meena (Chapter Four)

The sisters Maya and Meena seek revenge against the man who took their father's life.

So is everyone else ready?


Gold Member
I can't wait for the game, but your rebuttal to myth #3 is pretty dodgy. You attack using the one word "archaic" that you used. How about myth #3 being "the games don't reinvent themselves often enough" and then you elaborate on that? Well, its not really a myth, its at least partly true, but the games are built on years and years of refinement. I've talked to Dragon Quest experts, and they talk about how they approach battles like master bakers talk about making a cake.


Wow I was completely oblivious to the fact that they changed all the names around. What happened to Cristo, Brey, Nara. :(


listen to the mad man
You know, there's a legend that the greatest of all heroes posters will only show up when he is needed in a time of great urgency.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
DQIV caused ethelred to rise from the dead!

*bows to DQIV*

Day -1 if I could. Great thread BTW.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
I've been dying to play this (the remake) in English for a LONG time. I've played the PS1 version a few times in straight Japanese and the original NES game about a dozen times, it's probably one of my all time favorite games of all time.


Wow I was completely oblivious to the fact that they changed all the names around. What happened to Cristo, Brey, Nara. :(
well they are the original ones... but in some cases they got their US name as surname resulting in stuff like torneko talon and ryan ragnar

anyway,i think it's kinda dumb to go "the thing you know are wrong! and the game is awesome! play it" especialy when some subjects are a little touchy (while i don't know if it's the case for this remake,the GBC remake of DQ3 is incredibly frustating with his battles... while the animation go quickly the encounter rate is quite high and in battles enemies can come in number between 3 and 8 which still make the game drag) anyway as usual i suggest reading the article on hg101 which also touch some of the "myth" in what i think it's a better way for example regarding the story
Dragon Quest is often derided for having poor stories and dull characters. While most of their plots are hardly epic or groundbreaking, that doesn't necessarily mean that they're bad. Furthermore, the few games that actually did have really good stories (V and VI) were never originally translated into English. However, compared to a lot of other RPGs, Dragon Quest is certainly a bit simplistic in its narratives, as the plots rarely steps beyond the "go into evil dimension and kill ultimate bad guy" cliche. Similarly, the characters are usually somewhat uninvolving, with minimal backstories or personalities. Part of this also has to do with the simplistic graphics and never-changing world design - it's hard to get attached to things that look like blurry messes of pixels. Toriyama's characters are generally pretty cool looking, but it's only recently that any of his artwork has actually appeared ingame.
Stumpokapow said:
You know, there's a legend that the greatest of all heroes posters will only show up when he is needed in a time of great urgency.
This. Just yesterday I was wondering if etherled could be resurrected by the power of tears.

AND absolutely can't wait for DQIV! I've been building up for it by playing VII again and cannot wait!!


Has problems recognising girls
Holy shit ethelred is alive! About time we copped a DQIV thread!! I've been waiting months for this.


Speevy said:
I want them to make another Dragon Quest for consoles. I don't care which.
Buy this, stop complaining and maybe Horii will think about it.

jj984jj said:
Day -1 if I could. Great thread BTW.
I'm pretty sure some already have.


Looking forward to this. Should probably wrap up FFIV before it comes out (which I am also playing for the first time, and quite enjoying- except for the areas where you really do have to grind). I've only played DQVIII, and I enjoyed it a lot once I got into it.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Now I can't quite belive I am saying this but here I go: We EU people are getting the game before you pesky Americans! :D

For some...reason, we're getting the game next friday, and yes, it will be bought. I can't wait to see what all the fuss about DQ really is about too.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
AWESOME THRAD - DAY ONE for sure - PAL Release FTW.

btw. ethelred where have u been ?


Has problems recognising girls
Seriously. This game cannot get enough love. I was a huge lover of DQV and DQVI. They were my favourites out of the entire series.

That was until I played DQIV on DS. Anyone remotely interested in RPGs needs to play this game. It can be that breath-taking.


I've played FF since the SNES days but for some reason i was never able to get into DQ. Im definitely getting this one and i hope it lives up to the hype.


I love your myths, ethelred. I never would have thought to put something like that in the thread I was planning on putting up. :O ...which was admittedly just a copy of my thread for the Japanese version, mostly.

lyre said:
Prob not; she'll be busy playing it herself. :p

I'm not worried.
I didn't know there was an RPG I should be playing other than this in September.

Can't wait. I just need to finish up FFIV this weekend and I'm ready to go.


I put off any other DS purchases for the last couple and next couple weeks in preparation. Never played this one, so in a rare case I will consider the $40 justified.


Teasel said:
anyway,i think it's kinda dumb to go "the thing you know are wrong! and the game is awesome! play it"

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. And if forum posters weren't fucking morons, there'd be no need for me to say they're wrong.

speedpop said:
Holy shit ethelred is alive!

A friend that I think very highly of asked me to make a thread as a favor; I felt compelled to oblige.


Has problems recognising girls
ethelred said:
A friend that I think very highly of asked me to make a thread as a favor; I felt compelled to oblige.
I'm glad to see you even slightly back, and to even create the thread on perhaps my most loved game of the past 3-5 years is even better.


I need this game. I haven't played too many Dragon Quests to my great shame (only VII and VIII) but I'd like to blame Europe for this. Any word on them releasing DQV outside of Japan?


eXistor said:
I need this game. I haven't played too many Dragon Quests to my great shame (only VII and VIII) but I'd like to blame Europe for this. Any word on them releasing DQV outside of Japan?

Yes; 4, 5, and 6 have all been confirmed.


If I find moneys after buying FFIV (today) and Yakuza 2, then sure, I'll get it. I wonder how long will it take to beat it though, I'm a slowpoke on handhelds.


Has problems recognising girls
It shouldn't realistically take you too long. My first save has around 30 hours or so, but that's playing in Japanese and not understanding a single word.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Trying to decide if I should buy it again. I played and loved the Japanese release. It's about 30 hours, sure. I finished around there but I was developing my Japanese skill while playing (though I had some outside help for sure! :D).

The game is really so, so great. So well balanced and engaging, has beautiful music, memorable characters and scenarios, and a really charming story.
I was wondering when this thread was going to pop up. Dragon Quest IV is one of my most highly anticipated games for the rest of the year. I'll be totally fresh to it, as the only proper DQ games I've played are 1, 3, and 8. Between Ys on Virtual Console and these DQ remakes, I'm finally getting to play games I've literally been waiting over a decade for. I don't even mind the S-E tax on this one.


Has problems recognising girls
Heh yeah it gets a bit like that. I've had it all paid for since five months ago from what I can remember. Soon as I finished the JP copy I had to get it. Now it seems so far away with only 5 days left.
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