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Adventures working in Stripclublandia aka don't let the children read

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Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
NSF reading at W??

Well someone suggested I do this thread and tell some of these gross and bizarre stories from working at a strip club, figured I'd throw it out there if anyone wants a good laugh since I don't have anything else of value to contribute to gaf lol.

Skip this part if you just wanna hear gross stories

So a few years back, I worked as a door guy for about 6 months at a strip club. I wont mention the name because well, they don't merit the promotion.
I met a few cool people there, the floor manager, my first day manager, some of the other door guys, some of the dj's. Even some of the dancers were pretty damn cool.

But by and large, the people were worse than any stereotype you may have.
Greedy, coniving, souless, backstabbing, cowardly, angry, and stupid. From the people in charge, to the girls, to the customers.
Working there made me a far more negative person than I used to be. And it did a lot of damage to my perception of women.
On the flip side, it also made me a little more aware and smarter about the things going on around me and removed some absurd childhood beliefs about the personalities and roles or woman vs. men.
Anyways, the amusing stuff...

First off the stuff I posted elsewhere, slightly expanded.

A few months before I got there, I kept hearing inside jokes made about the shit stained front row.
Turns out, a girl who was shit faced drunk and had explosive diarrhea had gotten up to do her set.
When she got up on stage and started spinning around the poll, the stress on her muscles plus the complete lack of control due to the alcohol created a perfect storm...of shit.
She sprayed dookie all over the front row.

There was one girl who was...well, not the brightest.
Always sweet to me, but very obviously a complete idiot.
She lets some guy fingerbang her for some extra cash, but doesn't bother to tell him she's on her period.
So she bleeds all over the guy. It's dark so he doesn't notice and he goes ahead and gets some more lap dances from other strippers and suddenly half the people in the club are covered in menstrual blood.
The dancers are freaking the fuck out cause they are covered in some mysterious blood, the customers are confused but too horny and drunk to care, and the staff is trying to hold back laughter as they peice together what happened.

Some guys used to go into the bathroom once they got horny and put on condoms in hopes of getting laid.
When this would fail (too expensive and only a very small portion of the girls there would do it) they'd take their drunk asses to the bathroom to piss, forget to take off their condoms, and...
well just imagine what happens when you have a erect penis and take a drunk piss with a condom still on.

I should also throw a shout out to the gorgeous drunk 18 year old stripper who shoved her fist in her cooter and then as an encore proceeded to the same thing to her asshole (not at the same time...that woulda been awesome!).
She was tiny and had baby hands but still...ended all fantasies we had about her.
Later on, she started taking customers home and letting them gangbang her while her husband filmed it.

And some new ones.

It was a fairly regular thing to see dancers go storming past me with some guys cum all over her leg.
They be yelling stuff like"god damn fucking pervert nutted all over me!"
I was sleeping with one of the strippers for a few weeks before I realized I had seen her do the afermentioned angry cum stomp walk a few times.
I then realized that I had slept with her a few times without knowing if she had taken a shower yet after work. I pretty much tied a bar of soap to the front door after that.

We had one girl who was very popular a year or so before I started working there, but she just kinda dissapeared.
Suddenly she shows up again while im working there and I see why she was so popular. Pretty, great body, a little skanky, and a good flirt.
I ask the guy who'd been there forever why she left.
He tells me that she got so drunk one night that she fell off the stage, stumbled towards the dressing room, threw up all over the floor, and then slipped in her own puke.
After rolling around in her puke for a few seconds, she crawls her way to the dressing room and dissapears for a year.
Turns out you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
WIthin 2 months she was passing out drunk in the champange rooms.
Also found her face down in the woman's bathroom once, about an hour after she tried to get me to give her my lighter in exchange for sex.

When I was still on day shift, we had some Indian guy come in at around 1 in the afternoon.
He is the only person there and he sits in the middle of the very first row. As soon as the first girl gets on stage, he whips his dick out and sits there grinning like a damn child.
We tossed him out but he had no idea what he had done wrong.

We had waitresses than brought out soda's and cleaned the polls and stage every so often.
On one occasion, none of the waitresses showed up for work (we went through waitresses on a daily basis).
So there I am, in a full suit, climbing up a stripper pole in front of the audience trying to clean off all the pussy juice.

Speaking of pussy juice, unwritten rule number 1, don't rub your snatch on the pole.
The next dancer that gets up there is going to slip on your coochie cream and fall face first onto the stage.
I saw some pretty amusing confrontations over that one.

One last story. We had private booths downstairs inthe porn shop. They were those booths with the glass between the customer and dancer. Guys bassicaly paid to jerk off while the girl danced for them.
On one occasion, a couple asks for a private show in one of these booths. 20 seconds into it, the couple start having sex.
The dancer is a little taken aback, but she keeps going. 5 minutes go by and the woman reaches out into the hallway and grabs some random stranger walking by, pulls him in, and starts sucking him off while her boyfriend keeps pounding away.
The stripper just got up and left, the happy couple never even noticed she was gone.

Just a few interesting notes:

The DJ's were one of the best parts of the club. They could ruin a dancer's night by playing shitty songs, fucking up there name when announcing, just making them look bad over the mic. So the dancers for the most part kissed these guys asses. Hated them, but still kissed their asses. We had a DJ who used to like to mock customers who turned down lap dances. I wont write the insults he used cause it might get me banned but let's just say he was damn funny but very un PC. Just imagine being drunk and having a booming voice from the sky questioning your manhood.

Female customers are a pain in the ass, 9 times out of 10 they cause a damn scene.

The lighting in the club does wonders who appearances. One of our ATM's was out by the front desk and the lighting there was normal. So we would see customers walk out with whatever stripper they just got a dance from and the minute they crossed from club lighting to normal lighting it was like a fucking vampire walked into the light. Scars and stretch marks would spring up out of nowhere, faces would melt into beat up bags of leather and regret. I'd see customers litterly jump in surprise when they'd see how this girl they just fawned over really looks.

In most clubs, the dancers "rent" the stage out for the night. This can be anywhere from 50 bucks or so to several hundred at the best of the best clubs. It was $130 where I worked and the amount of girls who couldn't even make enough to cover there rent for the night was pathetic. On the flip side, some girls could walk away with a couple thousand on a good Saturday night. But they were never the hottest girls at the club. instead it was always the ones who were the best talkers and could get a guy to sit there for 2 hours racking up hundreds of dollars worth of lap dances.

These girls, even the ones who are nice people at their core, are hardwired to make money. They will tell you anything to get 20 bucks. For the most part these girls don't see you any other way than as wallet with legs and a dick. They don't like you, they don't want to get to know you, they don't think you are interesting. They want you to like them enough to give them large amounts of money. Once that is done, you are no use to them. They are probably laughing at you the minute you are out of earshot. I would watch a dancer pretend fawn over a customer for 20 minutes and then walk over to me and say the most vile shit about the guy. We had one guy who we had to ban from the club because he got so obessive over a girl he followed her out into rhe street and had a crying, screaming hissy fit. He would spend hunderds of dollars every other day, and went so far as to pay one girl's college tuition and buy another one a car. He never got laid, never even got a damn handjob.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
got damn

When she got up on stage and started spinning around the poll, the stress on her muscles plus the complete lack of control due to the alcohol created a perfect storm...of shit.
She sprayed dookie all over the front row.


You work at hell. what a cursed abode it is.


----- ------
Jesus Christ that is vile.

Dude thank you this is very informative and entertaining lol, I can see why you'd become cynical after experiencing all this.
To be honest I've never been into the whole strip club thing like a lot of my friends though I can see why it would be appealing for certain personalities it just isn't my thing.


Rodent Whores
missbreedsiddx said:
He would spend hunderds of dollars every other day, and went so far as to pay one girl's college tuition and buy another one a car. He never got laid, never even got a damn handjob.
How sad.

More stories please. *sits cross legged on the floor in a semi circle with everyone else*

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
BREAKING: Strip Clubs are disgusting!


I don't know what to make of this.
I guess the moral of the story is "Don't go to strip clubs, they're gross and so are the girls"?
Really great read man, btw I might totally ape this line "Scars and stretch marks would spring up out of nowhere, faces would melt into beat up bags of leather and regret"


Great read.

missbreedsiddx said:
The lighting in the club does wonders who appearances.

Sooooo true :lol Sometimes when you see them outside of the club smoking you're like how the hell did they get hired?


missbreedsiddx said:
These girls, even the ones who are nice people at their core, are hardwired to make money. They will tell you anything to get 20 bucks. For the most part these girls don't see you any other way than as wallet with legs and a dick. They don't like you, they don't want to get to know you, they don't think you are interesting. They want you to like them enough to give them large amounts of money. Once that is done, you are no use to them. They are probably laughing at you the minute you are out of earshot.

This is the very reason why I hate strip clubs now, especially one here on Staten Island. I used to go there with my friends every once in a while, and the place was full of Russian girls, and they are the WORST!! They are so damn aggressive with the customers trying to get money from them, that all it does is turn people off.

I remember one time I went into the club with my friends, and of course a Russian girl came right over to me and sat down and started talking, and I just ignored her, never said a word. She literally sat there for a good 5-6mins before she got up and moved to the next schmuck.

One time a girl sat next to one of my friends and they were talking and she was like "Do you want to buy me a drink" so my friend being nice and all said sure and proceeded to order her what he was drinking, and she said "No, I want a Cosmo." So my friend asks the Bartender for the cosmo and she brings it over and I shit you not, she tells him that will cost $18. $18 for a fuckin Cosmo!! My Friend flipped out, took the drink away from the girl and gave it back to the bartender and got his money back. We promptly left after that because the girl started to yell at him in Russian.

The only time I enjoy a strip club is when I go to this one place in NJ (and now that they moved to a smaller location, its not that fun anymore) where I could sit down and watch these girls dance nude (juice bar, so no alcohol) and not get pestered by a girl every 5secs wanting to know if I wanted a lapdance, or go to a private booth.

Anyway, getting back to my original point, what the OP said at the end of his post is 1000% true, that if you do not listen to him on that, you will just get burned everytime you step foot into a strip club.


MickeyKnox said:
Really great read man, btw I might totally ape this line "Scars and stretch marks would spring up out of nowhere, faces would melt into beat up bags of leather and regret"

I thought the same thing in a normal club when they closed at four in the night and turned on very bright light. But to be fair, nobody looks flattering with a super bright light in your face :lol

I heard many stories similiar to yours, being a bouncer sounds like the best way to get enough stories for a book. But a normal bar seems to be better than a strip club for sex, someone told me about skanks giving hand/foot/blowjobs for buying them a drink

Actually, bouncing at local events here is done by weedy runts (small-ish town), so one day I might try to do it as a part time job. A guy from school made over 100 bucks a night, and the only qualification was being in the right fighting gym (for a month). Okay, he also was so fat nobody could push him.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
haha im glad ya like it, you were right whytemyke

I don't work there anymore, I actually quit one night when I just couldn't take the bullshit anymore.

I had started sleeping with a female coworker. One of the other female coworkers that I used to sleep with got pissed off and told management. By the time things started to blow up, me and the girl were no longer on good terms.
And I had gotten her pregnant.
So i'm trying to scrounge up money, taking out loans etc... to help this person who hates my guts deal with the pregnancy whatever way she wants (she didn't give me any say in the decision) while rumors are circulating and my manager is hearing all kinds of absurd things that are getting blown out of proportion. Finally after the pregnant girl gets everything she needs from me money wise, she pretty much tells management that i'm a scumbag and she doesn't want to work with me.
They bring me into the office and start questioning me about everything. I tell the truth, they don't believe me. I remind them that I have never missed a single day of work, offered to work on Christmas, thanksgiving, and new years rather than spend time with friends and family. I was well liked by the majority of other people there, and that I have done every single thing ever asked of me.
Finally I get fed up, tell them it would be better off if I just quit because I don't want to cause any more drama and I don't want to get the girl I got pregnant in trouble (not knowing she was trying to get me fired at the time).
I blame myself though, I could have handled it all better and not gotten things to the point they had. I should have been a little more aware of the people around me and who to trust.

I miss some aspects of it, but at the same time, I needed to gtfo out of that environment.

Girls are drama 9 out of ten times because they tended to be young, drunk and petty. They would try to get on stage because "these bitches aint prettier than me, I can do that!" The jealousy would just eat them up till they either got into with a dancer, caused a scene with their boyfriend or husband, or refused to leave (oh god I have a page long story I think i've told before about a girl who would not leave the damn club and almost got the guy she was with beat up by some random strangers).


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Deadly Cyclone said:
Here is my question, wtf is in stripper dust? Cocaine?

I think it would depend who you asked. I believe I heard that term in reference to the glittery shit they like to put on themselves. But cocaine is a huge drug at these clubs. When you're dancing for 5 to 6 hours you need as much energy as you can get.

And yeah, the renting the stage thing was confusing to me at first. But dancers are considered independent contractors. I believe there are a few clubs where this isn't the case, but the majority of places do the renting thing.

Oh and I can recognize a stripper from their scent now lol. Because they are dancing and getting sweaty and don't have time to shower while working, they just spray this fruity deodorant body spray all over them every so often. I don't know the brand but it has a very distinct smell.

Also if you ever see a girl in sweatpants who has obviously not been working out and is carrying a big sports bag or oversize purse over her shoulder, she's probably on her way to the stripclub.

way more

missbreedsiddx said:
These girls, even the ones who are nice people at their core, are hardwired to make money. They will tell you anything to get 20 bucks. For the most part these girls don't see you any other way than as wallet with legs and a dick.

This is what I like about the idea of a strip club. If you view this as a tragedy you are very naive.

One of the cooks I worked with said that bouncing at a strip club was much easier than a college bar. At the strip clubs the people being tossed out take it without making a scene but the college kids always try to start fights. He also said he once had to kick a guy out because he was trying to look behind the curtain where they girls changed.


missbreedsiddx said:
haha im glad ya like it, you were right whytemyke

I don't work there anymore, I actually quit one night when I just couldn't take the bullshit anymore.

I had started sleeping with a female coworker. One of the other female coworkers that I used to sleep with got pissed off and told management. By the time things started to blow up, me and the girl were no longer on good terms.
And I had gotten her pregnant.
So i'm trying to scrounge up money, taking out loans etc... to help this person who hates my guts deal with the pregnancy whatever way she wants (she didn't give me any say in the decision) while rumors are circulating and my manager is hearing all kinds of absurd things that are getting blown out of proportion. Finally after the pregnant girl gets everything she needs from me money wise, she pretty much tells management that i'm a scumbag and she doesn't want to work with me.
They bring me into the office and start questioning me about everything. I tell the truth, they don't believe me. I remind them that I have never missed a single day of work, offered to work on Christmas, thanksgiving, and new years rather than spend time with friends and family. I was well liked by the majority of other people there, and that I have done every single thing ever asked of me.
Finally I get fed up, tell them it would be better off if I just quit because I don't want to cause any more drama and I don't want to get the girl I got pregnant in trouble (not knowing she was trying to get me fired at the time).
I blame myself though, I could have handled it all better and not gotten things to the point they had. I should have been a little more aware of the people around me and who to trust.

Sorry if I'm asking too much, you obviously don't need to answer this if you don't want to, but did she keep the baby or have an abortion?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
mac said:
This is what I like about the idea of a strip club. If you view this as a tragedy you are very naive.

One of the cooks I worked with said that bouncing at a strip club was much easier than a college bar. At the strip clubs the people being tossed out take it without making a scene but the college kids always try to start fights. He also said he once had to kick a guy out because he was trying to look behind the curtain where they girls changed.

Yes! Very true. The entire time I was there, we only had one guy try to get physical with us. Our resident MMA trained bouncer put him in a choke hold and we tossed him out. He came back a few minutes later and threw a empty bottle through the glass window on our door.

But other than that, I think the people there already have a sense of shame so it was very easy to talk them into leaving. Just put on a air of authority and superiority and they would remove themselves with little to no drama. Even the guys who coped an attitude would walk away after a little yelling.
We also had a some guy try to stick his head in the dressing room once, he's lucky a stripper didn't spot him or he'd might have ended up with a damn heel to the throat.

Desiato said:
Sorry if I'm asking too much, you obviously don't need to answer this if you don't want to, but did she keep the baby or have an abortion?

No worries, i'm a open person.
She had an abortion. I believe her exact words were "As soon as I found out, I knew I had to get rid of it, I could never have a child with such a piece of shit little dick annoying horrible human being".


Best Read I had on gaf in weeks. JG

For the record the pussy juice on the pole slipping made me
laugh out loud in class. :lol


I had a radio teacher that had a DJ- gig one time in a male strip club (totally straight though) anyway the strippers "tipped" him by giving him dollar bills that were stuffed in their G-string.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Alphahawk said:
I had a radio teacher that had a DJ- gig one time in a male strip club (totally straight though) anyway the strippers "tipped" him by giving him dollar bills that were stuffed in their G-string.

Yeah I usually switched out all the ones I got in tips for 20's at the end of the night. Some of them had stains that I couldn't quite place. That was the best part of the job though. Walk the girls to their cars at the end of the night, get a 5 or a 20 or a handful of ones for five minutes of walking beside her while trying to look intimidating. Of course, that brings up the incident of a stripper trying to beat up a couple for pissing on her car.


missbreedsiddx said:
I believe her exact words were "As soon as I found out, I knew I had to get rid of it, I could never have a child with such a piece of shit little dick annoying horrible human being".
Wow. Awesome thread by the way.
missbreedsiddx said:
Yeah I usually switched out all the ones I got in tips for 20's at the end of the night. Some of them had stains that I couldn't quite place. That was the best part of the job though. Walk the girls to their cars at the end of the night, get a 5 or a 20 or a handful of ones for five minutes of walking beside her while trying to look intimidating. Of course, that brings up the incident of a stripper trying to beat up a couple for pissing on her car.

wait what? do tell :lol

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Hey, would you mind if I added to this thread sometime? My sister worked in a stripclub for a while, and had a few decent stories herself...


missbreedsiddx said:
There was one girl who was...well, not the brightest.
Always sweet to me, but very obviously a complete idiot.
She lets some guy fingerbang her for some extra cash, but doesn't bother to tell him she's on her period.
So she bleeds all over the guy. It's dark so he doesn't notice and he goes ahead and gets some more lap dances from other strippers and suddenly half the people in the club are covered in menstrual blood.
The dancers are freaking the fuck out cause they are covered in some mysterious blood, the customers are confused but too horny and drunk to care, and the staff is trying to hold back laughter as they peice together what happened.

After reading it again, by far my most favorite. :lol

Excuse the naivety but what exactly does a doorman get paid to do? I got the impression from reading the first few lines earlier that you were a bouncer of sorts.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
InsertCredit said:
wait what? do tell :lol

:lol Well I'm walking a dancer and one of her friends to her car and as we round the corner, there is a young couple who appear to be urinating on her car. Now me being the only sober person there, it was obvious to me they were pissing in between her car and the one in front of it. But drunk stripper eyes deceive. So she goes running over screaming "what the fuck are you doing!!! I'm going to beat your ass!" The man starts screaming back at her "shut up you whore! Go home drunk bitch!"
The dancer loses her shit and activates stripper rage mode. I'm desperately trying to keep them apart as he throws insults about her being a whore stripper and she lets him know she is going to use his balls as a hood ornament. I start talking to the guy, telling him he needs to be the bigger man here and just walk away. He agrees but as soon as he gets halfway across the street the stripper screams "thats right you little midget, i would fuck you up!" this brings him back into the fray and here I am back in the middle trying to separate a very attractive 6 foot tall stripper and a drunk a 5'8 guy. This happens about 4 times more, I get him to walk off, she calls him out, he comes back. Meanwhile the strippers friend is desperately trying to hold her back while I attempt to avoid a possible massacre.
Finally I tell the guy that if he doesn't walk away, I have to get involved more physicaly if he catches my drift, and then to please save everyone the headache is just keep walking this time.
He seems to get the hint and walks away while his girlfriend stumbles after him. The girlfriend btw, spent the entire time looking like a frightened chipmunk.
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