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Valve introduces Steam Badges


erotic butter maelstrom
I've definitely done all of the badges but a good handful of them are still blank. SHOULD I PANIC?
Pillar of Community
Complete all the tasks below to get the Steam Community badge (6 of 14 completed)

Join a group

Link your Steam and Facebook accounts

Comment on a friend's profile
Visit a friend's profile page and add a new comment.

Recommend a game
Choose a new game from your games list to recommend.

Post a screenshot
Press your screenshot key (usually F12) while in a game to take a new screenshot, and then publish it to your friends.

Post a video
Visit your videos page to pick a new video to share.

Add a game to your wishlist
Browse games on the Steam Store and select one to add to your wishlist.

Comment on a friend's screenshot
Visit your friend's screenshot pages and add a new comment.

Set an avatar on your Community profile

Set your real name on your Community profile
Edit your community profile to set a real name. Any name will work, but setting your real name will help your friends know who you are.

Play a game

Add a friend to your friends list

Rate an item on the Workshop
Visit the Steam Workshop and choose an item to thumbs up.

Enable Steam Guard on your Steam account

This is what I still have to complete


I only have 5 :(


"Steam Holiday Sale 2011
Completed 47 achievements"

I have this but I don't think I got even half of those achievements. Also I have several challenges blank that I know I have. For example the screenshot one is locked still yet I have over 300 screenshots in my profile haha.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I have:

- Years of Service
- The Potato Sack
- Steam Holiday Sale 2011
- Saoirse Ronan's #1 Fan


1 hour and 10 minutes, guys. GET READY!

By the way, I have:
Years of Service (Level 3)
Steam Holiday Sale 2011 (5 achievements)
Steam Summer Camp (11 tickets)
The Great Steam Treasure Hunt (5 or more objectives)


Party Pooper
Only badge I can't get to work is the screenshot one.

I'd like to get it done before the community page goes down from getting hammered =/

edit: nevermind, got it.
Only the holiday 2011 for me... for shame.

Two things left to do in it that will have to wait until I get home; screenshot and video.


"Steam Holiday Sale 2011
Completed 47 achievements"

I have this but I don't think I got even half of those achievements. Also I have several challenges blank that I know I have. For example the screenshot one is locked still yet I have over 300 screenshots in my profile haha.

Pretty sure that's how many you did. Because I got it and they credit me for competing 21 achievements. So either there's an error in yours, or you just have blocked out the memories (horrors).


two badges here.

Years of Service
Holy shit, i've been part of Steam since...September 12, 2003 1:02 PM. (Was beta testing Counter Strike 1.x at the time) Definitely have to be one of the first few.

Steam Summer Camp
From last year summer sale.


heh...the community one is so off....I recommended a few games, I posted videos, commented on a friends screenie, wishlist is full of games, and commented a friends profile. I have never set my real name as my profile though, it says I did lol.
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