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Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall |OT| It's straight up Daud time



In Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall take on the role of Daud, the legendary assassin who killed the Empress.
This second add-on pack for the award-winning first person action game from Arkane Studios gives you a new
perspective on Daud, and access to his weapons, gadgets, allies and supernatural abilities.

After assassinating the Empress, and forever changing the fate of Dunwall, you embark on a search for redemption.
The Outsider reveals the key to your atonement, but who—or what—is Delilah? Accompanied by the Whalers, your
loyal band of mercenary assassins, your search will take you through never-before-seen districts of Dunwall as you
face off against new and terrible foes. Employ a unique arsenal that enhances Dishonored’s dynamic combat,
mobility and stealth systems. In the struggle to hang onto the last shred of your humanity, the choices you make
will ultimately determine your fate.​

Available 4.16.13 - $9.99 PSN/XBL/Steam

Dishonored 50% off on Steam


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Looks good. Didn't play (or have any interest in) the first DLC but I'll definitely be playing this one.

Dr Dogg

Very tempted. Seams like that Daud is having his character fleshed out then, seeing as he just showed up at the eleventh hour. Any ideas how long this might be?
Looking forward to it, but they've made it even easier by giving Daud time slowing powers that can be used in conjunction with the terribly broken Blink as well as various long range gadgets and what appears to be his own assassins.

Hopefully it will present some kind of challenge.


Very tempted. Seams like that Daud is having his character fleshed out then, seeing as he just showed up at the eleventh hour. Any ideas how long this might be?

it's hard to tell cause I wasnt expecting much but they seem to introduce a lot of new abilities so it'd be weird if they didnt give you enough time to play around with them

3-5-ish hours?

and yeah Daud basically being filled with regret is an interesting twist, wasn't really expecting it.

Now I feel bad for killing him, though I guess I only did that once :p


Looking forward to it, but they've made it even easier by giving Daud time slowing powers that can be used in conjunction with the terribly broken Blink as well as various long range gadgets and what appears to be his own assassins.

The entire game, every single level have been designed around Blink. How is it broken?


Wow, I can't believe it's coming out next week, great OT! Can't wait because I really liked Dishonored.
The entire game, every single level have been designed around Blink. How is it broken?

That's just my point. Apologies, I should have been more clearer. Blink ruined what might have been a great stealth title that challenged the mighty Thief for the crown, but due to the broken Blink mechanic (and most levels being designed around the broken mechanic), it's merely an average stealth title that is just slightly better than Absolution and its Instinct mode.

Don't get me wrong, the story, the world, characters, etc all served to pull me in and that's why I'm buying the DLC, but the gameplay wasn't as memorable or as challenging as I'd hoped mainly due to Blink.


Judging from the trailer you get even more tools for enjoyably murdering dudes. I'll mainly be stealthing but not holding myself back from playing around with the new stuff, hopefully it doesn't become too easy this way.
I think Blink is what makes the game interesting, and also less interesting. It's not like the first playthrough was all that easy, and the developers know of the problems with Blink, which is why some of the dlc challenges are based on making Blink less effective or disabling it. It can't be easy to design a stealth game around an ability that lets you teleport without making that ability overpowered or underpowered.

Not a big fan of recycling the target assassination animations for this dlc though. Unless we get to see
the execution for Martin
reused on another character. That one is ridiculous.


is this standalone at all? i rented and played the heck out of dishonored on 360 and loved it.
idk if i want to spend 40 bucks just for this *sad face* it looks fuckin awesome, the murder simulating looks even better.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, that was a very nice trailer. Gonna have to get a PSN card for this.

It's only broken if people view it as a stealth game instead of an action game like they should. Because blink completely ruins stealth.

I agree that Blink needs to have a bigger risk and cost than it was. The game was great, but without Blink it would've been great.

That would also imply that the devs need to design levels with having blink being more restrictive too.


is this standalone at all? i rented and played the heck out of dishonored on 360 and loved it.
idk if i want to spend 40 bucks just for this *sad face* it looks fuckin awesome, the murder simulating looks even better.

not standalone

dishonored is 50% off right now on PC
So I'm guessing this takes place before you meet him in the original game?
Because I straight up killed the bastard.



I actually think calling it "Stealth" with quotes is a good way to put it

in the end the game is about stealth for me in the sense that I had a lot of fun going through it without being noticed

that said, it's as much about that for me as it is about getting skillful with the abilities and finding ways to pull off the fastest and most succesful string of kills and just feeling fuck awesome about it


not standalone

dishonored is 50% off right now on PC

thx for info. ya 30 +10 equal 40 :p i dint have my pc yet is why i rented it on 360 or i woulda just grabbed it for pc at the time.

I actually think calling it "Stealth" with quotes is a good way to put it

in the end the game is about stealth for me in the sense that I had a lot of fun going through it without being noticed

that said, it's as much about that for me as it is about getting skillful with the abilities and finding ways to pull off the fastest and most succesful string of kills and just feeling fuck awesome about it

I actually think calling it "Stealth" with quotes is a good way to put it

Blink isn't a stealth mechanic so much as a stalking mechanic. It enables you to be an assassin or a voyeur, depending on your preference. Complaining about difficulty is missing the point; it's a power trip.


Even though I have a Dishonored avatar (I keep it because I like it) I admit it wasn't all I hoped to be, and can see why some were disappointed with it. But I enjoyed it as a solid stealth title by playing it as stealthy as possible, and I've been starved for good stealth games this gen so I won't complain... Although Mark of the Ninja also came out last year and was a better game.

As for the DLC, I'll play it because I did like Dishonored but I feel they've missed the boat on this one. A DLC release 6 months later, for a game that the "Average Joe" who bought it has probably traded it in by now? And it's a 2 parter for a side character who had no depth to him at all? Sorry, but I don't appreciate (nor think it will work) trying to add substance to a character who had none in the main game post launch.

Blink isn't a stealth mechanic so much as a stalking mechanic. It enables you to be an assassin or a voyeur, depending on your preference. Complaining about difficulty is missing the point; it's a power trip.

Like, I said I enjoyed Dishonored but this is the attitude that has cost us great stealth games this gen.


Blink isn't a stealth mechanic so much as a stalking mechanic. It enables you to be an assassin or a voyeur, depending on your preference. Complaining about difficulty is missing the point; it's a power trip.

That's exactly why it's a bad stealth game, they're supposed to be the opposite of that. But like I said that's ok as long as everyone recognizes it's not a good stealth game. I'll be getting this DLC to rip fools up just like they want me to.
What is a good stealth game, then? People tend to say Splinter Cell, and I like Chaos Theory and all, but it's still a much more limiting game. I've only played 10 hours each of Splinter Cell and Mark of the Ninja (and even then that was 2 playthroughs for each game, and I only stopped playing Mark of the Ninja to play other games), while I have no problem playing 40-80 hours of Dishonored and Deus Ex.

Thief? Though you certainly don't feel very agile in Thief/ Thief 2.


Even though I have a Dishonored avatar (I keep it because I like it) I admit it wasn't all I hoped to be, and can see why some were disappointed with it. But I enjoyed it as a solid stealth title by playing it as stealthy as possible, and I've been starved for good stealth games this gen so I won't complain... Although Mark of the Ninja also came out last year and was a better game.

As for the DLC, I'll play it because I did like Dishonored but I feel they've missed the boat on this one. A DLC release 6 months later, for a game that the "Average Joe" who bought it has probably traded it in by now? And it's a 2 parter for a side character who had no depth to him at all? Sorry, but I don't appreciate (nor think it will work) trying to add substance to a character who had none in the main game post launch.

Like, I said I enjoyed Dishonored but this is the attitude that has cost us great stealth games this gen.

Which is funny since I found him the most interesting character in the entire game. He pretty much mirrors Corvo, or you as the protagonist, if he kept abusing the Outsider's powers and spread chaos through out Dunwall. I liked the scene before the battle with him where he was confessing his regret for killing the Empress and abusing his powers.

Also, awesome thread title Salsa.


What is a good stealth game, then? People tend to say Splinter Cell, and I like Chaos Theory and all, but it's still a much more limiting game. I've only played 10 hours each of Splinter Cell and Mark of the Ninja (and even then that was 2 playthroughs for each game, and I only stopped playing Mark of the Ninja to play other games), while I have no problem playing 40-80 hours of Dishonored and Deus Ex.

Thief? Though you certainly don't feel very agile in Thief/ Thief 2.

Unless AI gets better then stealth games shouldn't let you be all that agile, even in something called Thief where you play as a master thief. Because if it's too easy to outrun/out-jump the AI after getting spotted then there's no fear of getting caught or reason to really try not to. That's part of the reason why I'm worried about EM's comments about letting you be faster in Thief 4, as I personally don't see AI getting much better next gen.
blink really dropped my opinion of this game. i know it was integral to the game but it just made stealth a bore for me.

I'm just curious, for those who disliked Blink as a mechanic, is there another type of game it belongs in or do you consider it inherently flawed?
I'm just curious, for those who disliked Blink as a mechanic, is there another type of game it belongs in or do you consider it inherently flawed?

it needs a much longer cooldown period and it seems like it would belong better in a superhero action game like infamous series.

considering how much this game was pushing stealth i think blink worked against it for me.


I'm just curious, for those who disliked Blink as a mechanic, is there another type of game it belongs in or do you consider it inherently flawed?

It needs more limitations. As it is in Dishonored your magic regenerates 1 bar, and blink takes up 1 bar. So all you have to do is wait a few seconds and you can use blink infinitely without consequence.

It doesn't help that the very nature of it is so overpowered. See a locked gate that needs a key? Blink over it. Get caught outside? Blink to the roof and everyone forgets about you. Need to get by a couple of guards? Blink right behind one and silent kill, then rapidly blink to the other and kill him too. See a place you want to get to? Chances are you can blink your way to it.
Played this on 360 and loved it - one of my favorite games of the year. Just double-dipped for the PC sale and looking forward to Dunwall.

That's my story.
Blink as it is a pretty overpowered mechanic, but I still really enjoyed it. Added a sense of platforming to the game in a way, can't really describe it.


IMO it's not so much that Blink is overpowered, but that the game wasn't really designed around challenge in the first place. It's more about experimenting with the systems.

If you really want a challenge check out the first DLC, that has some hard as balls achievements.


I really want this, but I need to know how long it is first. I don't want to pay $10 for two hours of gameplay. Dishonored itself was only 10 hours unless you were a completionist, so I am skeptical about how long this one will be. I also hope there's no morality thing, that really felt limiting in the original game.


I spared Daud's life so I can play as Daud.

"Holy shit, where are are my keys?!! I shouldn't live by now!!"
I hope it was like that...
I really want this, but I need to know how long it is first. I don't want to pay $10 for two hours of gameplay. Dishonored itself was only 10 hours unless you were a completionist, so I am skeptical about how long this one will be. I also hope there's no morality thing, that really felt limiting in the original game.

The developers are estimating 3-5 hours of playtime, and it has Low & High Chaos outcomes like the base game did.
and yeah Daud basically being filled with regret is an interesting twist, wasn't really expecting it.

Now I feel bad for killing him, though I guess I only did that once :p

Did you listen to Daud's spiel before killing him?
He talks about his regret for killing the Empress, and how the Outsider just manipulates both of them.

It was one of the best parts of the game, in my opinion.

Double D

I played Dishonored, watched the trailer for this, read the description in the OP, yest still can't remember who the hell Daud is. I remember the Queen getting murdered by whom I thought was some nameless footsoldier, then me creeping around stabbing dudes. I also remember the outsider guy.

In any case, looks interesting enough so I'll probably buy this.
I played Dishonored, watched the trailer for this, read the description in the OP, yest still can't remember who the hell Daud is. I remember the Queen getting murdered by whom I thought was some nameless footsoldier, then me creeping around stabbing dudes. I also remember the outsider guy.

In any case, looks interesting enough so I'll probably buy this.

He was
your target in the Flooded District area. The level with all of the assassins. He was the assassin in red.

I think a lot of players just outright choked him out, or killed him too quickly, and missed the really interesting conversations with him.


He was
your target in the Flooded District area. The level with all of the assassins. He was the assassin in red.

I think a lot of players just outright choked him out, or killed him too quickly, and missed the really interesting conversations with him.

If you try to freeze time on him it doesn't work and he'll say something like "Nice try, Corvo!"
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