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SCEA hasn't charged an indie for a patch in over three years


The two-man developer Vlambeer knew it was on to something with its 2D dogfighting retro throwback Luftrausers. Its snappy pace and minimalist visuals seemed well suited for on-the-go gaming, but Vlambeer worried its control scheme would be compromised on mobile. Instead, the Netherlands-based developer decided it would be a perfect fit for the PlayStation Vita's widescreen and button input. So it did what any small studio would do - it worked on a pitch.

Before Vlambeer could send this out, Sony came to them.

Maybe this isn't that wild. The two had worked together before on Super Crate Box, after all, but it's indicative of a larger movement that Sony's been working towards, its goal to become the defacto hotspot for indie developers.

We've seen Sony creep towards this over the years with titles like Noby Noby Boy, Journey and Tokyo Jungle, but it's making much greater strides in this area with its fledgling handheld, the Vita, and the upcoming console behemoth, the PlayStation 4. The former is acquiring just about every PC indie hit under the sun with games like Hotline Miami, Lone Survivor, The Binding of Isaac, Thomas Was Alone, and Stealth Bastard making their way to the platform, while the latter had the outspoken indier-than-thou Braid developer Jonathan Blow front and center at the console's reveal event where he announced his upcoming game, The Witness, as a timed PS4-exclusive.

So why the strong push? Vlambeer's Rami Ismael thinks it's due to the astronomical success of Steam and the App Store. With games like Minecraft and Angry Birds dominating the market it's no wonder highly bestowed indie devs like Team Meat are gravitating towards mobile. It would seem that Sony realises that the marketplace is evolving and console manufacturers need to evolve with it, lest they go the way of the dodo.

"It feels like at this point Sony kind of gets the notion that they are not a necessity," says Ismael. "They are not a requirement for an indie developer to be successful. If Sony doesn't want to play ball, people can go to a number of other platforms and be successful on those. We can go to Steam, we can go to iOS, we can go to any of the other consoles that might be interested in talking. Nobody is a necessity at this point. Nobody is needed."

Rest here:


I'm loving Sony's foray into indie development recently. They're generating so much goodwill, it's awesome to see.


That's actually a really good article which talks a lot about Sony's foray into grabbing indies and how good they are at it.

Also, Nick Suttner's beard becomes more amazing every time i see a pic.


Meanwhile, Microsoft is asking for $40k large to patch games on XBL.

It's not really a mystery why indie developers are jumping ship in droves when it comes to developing on the 360 anymore, and based on scuttlebutt on next gen platforms, it'll not going to slow down anytime soon.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
T-minus 1 hour until Pachter's article about how this is a horrible business model.


extra source of jiggaflops
Based on the credits of recent games, GDC, podcast and twitter they have some really cool dudes in third-party relationship:

- Adam Boyes

- Shahid Kamal Ahmad, Shane Bettenhausen & Nick Suttner


hide your water-based mammals
STOP. This thread is about good Sony PR.

Don't worry, you can post positively about lord Microsoft in the proper thread. This is about PSN/Sony.

I really like this particular quote here

"This is not about going and looking over their shoulder to check whether they're doing the right thing. This is about finding the talent and enabling that talent to do what they want."

It feels like Sony is really fostering a lot of these devs and I'm happy to hear that more of them are happy because that means more games for their respective platforms.
Meanwhile in SCEE they delay every indie game from the US 3 months and encourage $1=€1 bullshit. Would not be shocked if they still charged for patches.

At least PS+ is nice here.


It's basically given life to the Vita for me; all these indie titles are much more appealing to me to play on the Vita than on my laptop.


XBL Indie Games aren't certed by Microsoft, have a price cap, only work while you're connected to Live, can't award achievements, can't have leaderboards, and can only access 4 out 6 of the 360's hardware threads

Don't forget to mention abysmal marketing.


hide your water-based mammals
I like what I'm reading

According to Gerritzen, the whole of Sony seems to be on board. "Their upper management - so not only just the biz dev guys and their boss, but like their higher upper management - have all been really excited about what's going on," says Gerritzen. "They really truly believe that this is the next step. It's not like two guys are dragging the biz dev guys. It's literally a full group. It's a full effort and it's really refreshing."

Ismael echoes this sentiment and explains that Sony has really gone out of its way to make him feel valued, such as when it swung him an 11th hour pass to the PS4 reveal event earlier this year after he missed a flight. "I was invited to the PlayStation 4 event in New York because I missed my flight out of New York that day, so they actually arranged a last minute invite for me," he recalls. "After that Nick [Suttner] and Zach Gage and Douglas Wilson and some others went to Zach's house and played Spelunky on an Xbox... with the PlayStation guys."

"It's easy to assume for a lot of people that these companies are companies, and that they act and behave as companies," says Ismael. "But in the end it's always a person talking to a person. A human being talking to a human being. And the way people interact and that sense of trust and value that they instill in each other is so important to what actually happens, to what games come to what platform.

This kind of support and handling of devs is what will foster these great little games. Something everyone should be championing.
They need to go and talk to the devs behind Routine. They've already said that they're interested in developing for consoles. PSN needs more horror games.
Meanwhile in SCEE they delay every indie game from the US 3 months and encourage $1=€1 bullshit. Would not be shocked if they still charged for patches.

At least PS+ is nice here.

A lot of the indie stuff, like Luftrausers, was handled by SCEE, as far as has been said. A lot of the initiative came from a dude at SCEE.

So at least give them some loving on that front.

SCEA DOES in fact get it though, we're like best pals, they're super supportive.

"I was invited to the PlayStation 4 event in New York because I missed my flight out of New York that day, so they actually arranged a last minute invite for me," he recalls. "After that Nick [Suttner] and Zach Gage and Douglas Wilson and some others went to Zach's house and played Spelunky on an Xbox... with the PlayStation guys."

So that's where they went! The rest of us stayed out til way too damn late with Adam.


GAF parliamentarian
Grooming aside, I'm glad the dev relations team and Sony are getting independent developers on board. I only hope that they're finding commercial success on a floundering platform.

In a similar vein, are SCEJA bringing some of these games over? I know they translated When Vikings Attack, for instance.


Sony all the way, this gen, next gen, every gen! They work hard to garner support. Microsoft just sits back and collects its XBL fees and doesn't give a shit.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Does Sony run comparable quality control tests to Microsoft for all these patches?

As a player of Fez, Castle Crashers, Shadow Complex at launch, and many other titles with crippling bugs/flaws, theres not exactly much of a yard stick to meet.


extra source of jiggaflops
They need to go and talk to the devs behind Routine. They've already said that they're interested in developing for consoles. PSN needs more horror games.
Without bullshit: You can write a twitter post to Shahid Kamal Ahmad, Shane Bettenhausen or Nick Suttner.

Someone in the Vita thread wrote a message that pointed at how "Super House of Undead Ninja" would fit on the Vita at Shahid Ahmad and it seems like that game will perhaps now turn up on Vita.

An Adult swim developer has said people are talking to each other following that tweet.

Sony all the way, this gen, next gen, every gen! They work hard to garner support. Microsoft just sits back and collects its XBL fees and doesn't give a shit.
Without going into Sony vs. MS console war territory, MS has done a lot around 2008-2010 with the XBLA stuff. It was where you went if you were an indie game of note. It's also mentioned in the article that Metrico wanted to be on XBLA because of that.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I wouldn't want the door to be (even more) open for developers/publishers to push out incomplete products...

"Complete" is kind of subjective in this industry, though...

The notion that removing patch disincentives would result in a dramatic drop in product quality/reliability is nothing but a myth; similarly, I'd wager Microsoft's outrageous financial wall surrounding updates has done more harm than good (though it goes without saying this is difficult to prove either way). You don't see broken games popping up on Steam and the like on a regular basis despite the possibility of things going wrong being far more likely due to the countless PC hardware configurations.
Does Sony run comparable quality control tests to Microsoft for all these patches?

Microsoft doesn't run quality control tests. Certification != QA

Anyway, I read the article earlier and it's pretty fantastic. Sony still have a ways to go, especially when it comes to communicating between getting their departments to actually work together, but they do at least seem to be actively trying to improve.


I wouldn't want the door to be (even more) open for developers/publishers to push out incomplete products...

"Complete" is kind of subjective in this industry, though...

Like you said there already is incomplete games. Removing patching fees is just one barrier to fix them.


Does Sony run comparable quality control tests to Microsoft for all these patches?

Not directly relevant but


The process, according to Boyes, started with approval of the concept alone, followed by a submission of a build, and throughout this entire process Sony would give you feedback on your game development process. However, Boyes said that game development teams, small and large, never used that feedback. “We talked to bigger teams, and even mid-sized teams,” Boyes said. “We said, how helpful was that feedback, and as we sat down with them they said, “We’re paying 300 people to make a game,” or 80 people, or 100 people. “We have a market for it, we have a publishing and marketing team, we do focus testing. Why do we need your feedback?””

Boyes went on to say that Sony is also looking to streamline the certification process for indie developers and that Sony has a policy of waiving patch fees for indie developers. The new certification process should allow developers to do things such as fix bugs very easily, while bigger changes will still require something of a content review.


Whats the difference between 'XBL Indie' and what Fez did?

XBLA games must have a publisher (hence are not "indie"="independant" by definition).
XBLIG are self-published, MS only provides a way to distribute the software.

I think we should avoid using "indie" for small studios in general. There is a reason why it was a breakthrough to let real indie developer sell products on a gaming console market.


The reported Sony efforts to approach/work with loads of smaller/indie devs must take a huge amount of effort to sustain. I mean the next hit (from the demographic) could conceivably come from anywhere! Still, I'm an outsider looking in; if you're au fait with the market I guess it's easier to do.

EDIT: D'oh, read the thread is always good advice. Just seen benny_a's post thanks to Kenshin's post below mine... :(
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