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Cat-GAF - Please Advise (long-ish read)!

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***Edit: I've decided to keep the cat. If anyone has any advice as far as her healing process or even a name for her, please let me know. Thanks! There are a lot more pics of her later in the thread***

Original Post:

Summary (tl;dr) at the bottom of the post

I'll just start from the top and hopefully you guys can help me out.

After work today, I went to the bank to get some money from the drive-thru ATM. While in line, the lady in the car in front of me got out and told me that a cat ran under my car. I couldn't hear it mewing but I did have my music up pretty loud. Sure enough, I had a cat up in the wheel well of my car. I tried to get her but then she crawled into the undercarriage of the car. After about twenty minutes of trying to get this cat out from under my car (and getting several burns from the concrete because it was 102F outside), I managed to get it out. By this time, a teller from the bank came out with a bottle of cool water and I was trying to get this cat to drink; it eventually did. I wanted to see if the cat was capable of walking so I set it down in the grass. Well, the cat IS capable of walking but only on its front legs. Unfortunately, it was very adept at running with only its front legs because it ran under another car. After about ten minutes, I managed to get the cat back out.

I used to volunteer at the local ASPCA in Dallas and I'm aware of their adoption policies. The animal must be in the owner's care for 72+ hours and they only take animals if they have vacancies; they do not euthanize an animal unless it is untreatable or its behavior is so bad that they cannot adopt it out to anyone.This cat does not look like it has been in my care for 72+ hours and as I understand it, they're full anyway, so that's out.

My second option was to take it to the Dallas Animal Shelter (The Pound), where it would likely be euthanized. As much as I hate it (and please don't flame me Cat-GAF) I figured this would be a better fate for the animal than leaving it outside in 102 degree weather. Personally, I don't know if I would have the money after all was said and done to treat the cat, so I set up an appointment to have Dallas Animal Services pick the cat up from my apartment tomorrow morning. The original plan was to make sure it stays hydrated and comfortable tonight.

I called my boss (she's a sweet lady) to see if I could use vacation time to be present when animal services came over. She said she was ok with it but was understandably upset about the cat. A few minutes later, she called me back and put me in touch with her realtor's wife, who volunteers for an organization that helps pet owners pay for their vet bills.

There's the catch, though: I have to claim the cat as my own for it to receive treatment.

I've obviously decided to go this route and I've already made arrangements to take her to a clinic that isn't far from my apartment in the morning. I have to call Dallas Animal Services so they don't sent an officer out here to come pick the cat up tomorrow. Aside from that, I don't know what to do. I was planning on getting a pet (undecided between cat or dog but was leaning towards a dog) but not until sometime in the fall or winter so I would have money set aside and I would feel like I was in a more comfortable position as a pet-owner.

Right now, the cat is resting in a box with some food, water, and a shirt. It's shaking a little bit (guessing that's shock) but the cat did eat as soon as I put some food in the box with it, so I'm hoping that's a good sign.

So Cat-GAF, please advise. Should I at the very least foster this cat? I would not be able to take it to the no-kill shelter until they have an opening because they are full. Should I just adopt it and care for it as my own? Sure, I could definitely keep up with food, cat litter, and toys and I could start setting money aside for emergencies. I need to talk with my property manager tomorrow to see if I can hold off on giving them a deposit until I decide what to do.

tl;dr - I recovered an injured cat. Taking it to a vet clinic tomorrow. Not sure if I should foster it or adopt it. No, I'm not feeding it pizza.

Thanks everyone.

Oh, and here's a picture. It's just a kitten.



Adopt it. You probably saved it's life, and bringing it in doesn't always end up in a happy end for the cat. The cat went through enough as is, give it a good life!


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Keep it! You'll gain a new best friend and this story will have a happy ending! :)
(the cat is super cute btw, I want him but already have 3 of my own)


Keep him. We adopted a runt who was the last of his litter at the SPCA (and he was a bit sick too). We fixed him up, and he's seriously the best cat ever.
You're all correct in that I will probably keep the cat.

S/he sat in my lap on the drive home and kept looking up and hissing at me. I would shush it and it would start mewing. S/he still hisses at me when I look at her/him but s/he let me pick them up to change the shirt it was laying on, hissing the entire time. S/he has yet to snap or claw at me though, so hopefully that's a good sign.

I have no idea what the sex of the cat is and I don't want to try and check since its back legs aren't working and they're likely in pain.

I don't think any complications will happen throughout the night. S/he looks like they are about to fall asleep. I'll keep you guys posted. :)

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
My wife found a kitten two years ago in almost the exact same scenario you described. Here is Munchkin the day she rescued him from under a neighbors car:

I couldn't possibly say no to letting her take him in. Despite having 2 cats already.

And here he is today. We have never been happier.

Aww, he's beautiful!

I got one of my cats from a rescue shelter last year. She is the most affectionate fluffball. I think they tend to know when you save them
This is Mishka


Neo Member
Great job helping the little guy so far.

Is s/he trying to use its back legs at all, or just dragging them? Could be a few things going on, maybe a pelvic fracture (I'm a vet).
You should keep the cat, but more immediately you need to get that cat to a vet ASAP. You said its only using its front legs? Like dragging its back legs behind him? That sounds very serious.
Back legs not working isn't a very good sign, unfortunately. Best case, she has broken both her back legs. Worst case, it's a spine or pelvis injury. I hope it works out, please keep us updated, she is adorable :(
Great job helping the little guy so far.

Is s/he trying to use its back legs at all, or just dragging them? Could be a few things going on, maybe a pelvic fracture (I'm a vet).

Right now, s/he isn't moving. I've got her/him in a box right now because I'm worried that s/he might her her/himself if they move around my apartment, especially while I am asleep (which will be soon). I am taking her/him to a vet clinic tomorrow at 7:30AM when they open. S/he is sleeping right now.

S/he was mewing and mewing earlier but when I'd go check on her/him, s/he would hiss at me. I moved the box to a position where s/he could see me from the box and s/he got really quiet and fell asleep.

e: Also, you guys have adorable cats.


My wife found a kitten two years ago in almost the exact same scenario you described. Here is Munchkin the day she rescued him from under a neighbors car:

I couldn't possibly say no to letting her take him in. Despite having 2 cats already.

And here he is today. We have never been happier.

That first picture... I can't even.


Keep him. Even if he has difficulties and can't recover fully from whatever injuries he has and is forced to walk on his front legs the rest of his life, he will manage, and the bond between the two of you will be incredible. One month from now you will wonder how you ever even considered having him euthanized.
Keep him. Even if he has difficulties and can't recover from whatever injuries he has and is forced to walk on his front legs the rest of his life, he will manage, and the bond between the two of you will be incredible. One month from now you will wonder how you ever even considered having him euthanized.

I already feel that way. Keep in mind, it was something that I would have felt incredibly guilty about but there was no way I would have left it outside in that heat.


As I lay in bed reading this with my best cat friend purring beside me, I say adopt it if you can care for it properly... seems like you can since you already have the vet bills covered. Cats are the best.
Glad to hear that you plan on keeping it..between my two sisters, mom and I we've rescued 6 cats from various places and we love them all and have become part of our family.


Try to give it a good petting when you get a no hissing intro so It knows you wanna pet it and give it lovins. Probably have fleas so it'll feel extra crazy good.

My sister found a cat a few weeks ago. It was scared a bit after a good rub down then I started moving my finger in a rubbing motion and it was like all hell yeah let me get in on that.
Update: S/he is using her/his back right leg to push her/himself up but s/he was struggling. S/he positioned Her/himself to have better access to the food. Didn't use the other back leg, though. :(


Keep it.

Cats are surprisingly loyal animals, they sometimes get a bad rap, because unlike dogs you have to earn their loyalty.

But it sounds like you already have.

Cats can get by on 3 legs pretty well
Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear but im going to say it anyway.

You have no idea where this animal has come from. You do not know what diseases it may be carrying, how it will take to your home once it heals how well trained it is or its temperament.

You could be saving a cat that will piss and shit all over the place, have fenile aids and turn you home into a scratching post. You have no proof that it will tolerate you past the fact you give it shelter and food.

You did your good deed but past that, its really not your problem. If you want a cat, get a kitten from a reputable source.


^Reputable sources are all fine and dandy... but most people probably got cats from shelters or they were just random strays. Mine were strays, and they are fine.


Hope everything works out for the kitty and you.

You could foster it for awhile, and see how things go.


you can't put a price on sparks
Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear but im going to say it anyway.

You have no idea where this animal has come from. You do not know what diseases it may be carrying, how it will take to your home once it heals how well trained it is or its temperament.

You could be saving a cat that will piss and shit all over the place, have fenile aids and turn you home into a scratching post. You have no proof that it will tolerate you past the fact you give it shelter and food.

You did your good deed but past that, its really not your problem. If you want a cat, get a kitten from a reputable source.

1. take it to a vet. then they can figure 99% of that stuff out.
2. "training" and pissing and shitting all over the place etc... that comes with every animal...


Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear but im going to say it anyway.

You have no idea where this animal has come from. You do not know what diseases it may be carrying, how it will take to your home once it heals how well trained it is or its temperament.

You could be saving a cat that will piss and shit all over the place, have fenile aids and turn you home into a scratching post. You have no proof that it will tolerate you past the fact you give it shelter and food.

You did your good deed but past that, its really not your problem. If you want a cat, get a kitten from a reputable source.
My family has 2 cats we rescued from our backyard (and their brother went to a family friend.) Rescued pets can be great. But you have to prepare yourself for the worst at the Vet, unfortunately. This could turn out great, or it could be horribly sad. But you're doing the right thing, and since you don't have any other pets, you don't need to worry about contagion.


Give him a name and let wonderful feels guide you through this decision.

if you give him a name, it is over. It is impossible to let go of a cat once a name is given.
Update: S/he is using her/his back right leg to push her/himself up but s/he was struggling. S/he positioned Her/himself to have better access to the food. Didn't use the other back leg, though. :(

Damn. Please post an update after you take him/her to the clinic tomorrow. It doesn't sound very good but you never know. If he/she does make it you would have saved his/her life and in that case you must keep this cat and take very good care of him.


Dont be concerned over the hissing for now, poor thing will be in pain and shock and will hiss at anything that looks like disturbing it.

Its a cute little thing, fingers crossed things turn out ok at the vet.

Both our cats were rescues - their feral mother left them at 3 weeks old at the laundry door at work, bought them home filthy and covered in fleas - the vet checked them out, declared them dirty but healthy and with some cat shampoo and some special kitten milky stuff sent us home, 4 years later Cinder has sadly passed on but Bella is a healthy happy lazy affectionate cat.


Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear but im going to say it anyway.

You have no idea where this animal has come from. You do not know what diseases it may be carrying, how it will take to your home once it heals how well trained it is or its temperament.

You could be saving a cat that will piss and shit all over the place, have fenile aids and turn you home into a scratching post. You have no proof that it will tolerate you past the fact you give it shelter and food.

You did your good deed but past that, its really not your problem. If you want a cat, get a kitten from a reputable source.

Every cat I've ever has been a stray I found outside. I trained them all myself.

Feline AIDS only means you can't have another cat in the house that does not also have Feline AIDS and they can still live relatively long lives. It only affects cats.


you can't put a price on sparks
Every cat I've ever has been a stray I found outside. I trained them all myself.

Feline AIDS only means you can't have another cat in the house that does not also have Feline AIDS and they can still live relatively long lives. It only affects cats.

but what if you have sex with the cat.................................................... or if it bites you........


Cute cats.
This will make a great story about how you got the kitten.
Hopefully your property lets you keep it or doesn't want an insane deposit.


Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear but im going to say it anyway.

You have no idea where this animal has come from. You do not know what diseases it may be carrying, how it will take to your home once it heals how well trained it is or its temperament.

You could be saving a cat that will piss and shit all over the place, have fenile aids and turn you home into a scratching post. You have no proof that it will tolerate you past the fact you give it shelter and food.

You did your good deed but past that, its really not your problem. If you want a cat, get a kitten from a reputable source.
Step 1: Observe it's temperament.
Step 2: Put a little box next to it and it'll eventually use it.
Step 3: Get it tested for diseases.
Step 4: Treat it for x and fleas.
Step 5. Get it fixed.
Step 6: Have the cat at your house already, or go to to a shelter and get it, it makes no difference, aside from up front costs.

As someone has said a few posts above, feline aids only means no other cats in your house.
As far as scratching goes, you don't know what cat will scratch at wont scratch furniture. Shelter kittens are kind of... not in a house.

Some people like saving an animals out in the world, not just at a checkout counter.
It adopted you already! :D

Yep. I was in a similar boat at one time OP, except I was leaning towards a dog. I was never a cat person, but one day a four week old kitten washed up on my porch during a flood in the early morning hours. Took her in with the desire to at least rescue her and find her a new home, and three years later she's still here and I love her dearly!

The night I found her:

And a more recent photo:

Hoping for the best when it comes to the back leg, keep us updated!
Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear but im going to say it anyway.

You have no idea where this animal has come from. You do not know what diseases it may be carrying, how it will take to your home once it heals how well trained it is or its temperament.

You could be saving a cat that will piss and shit all over the place, have fenile aids and turn you home into a scratching post. You have no proof that it will tolerate you past the fact you give it shelter and food.

You did your good deed but past that, its really not your problem. If you want a cat, get a kitten from a reputable source.

In adult cats, being feral is a bit of a problem, but with hard work and patience, you can tame a feral cat. But it's a HUGE investment, so most people don't bother. I've successfully tamed two feral cats, in my entire 31 years.

This is a kitten. There isn't going to be much in the way of problems even if it's never laid eyes on a human being before now. Raise it right, and it'll be fine. Everything else can be fixed with a vet.
Thanks for the help, GAF. I'm gonna head to bed. I did try and let her roam my living room but she darted straight to my entertainment center to hide under it. I stopped her in time. She seems like she can move her back legs to some degree but she isn't very coordinated with them.

Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure she's a she by the way. ;)

I put her back in the box because I'm going to bed. I closed half of the lid because it seems like she wants to hide under things so I figured maybe it would make her more comfortable. So far, she seems ok with that.

Will post more updates tomorrow.


Good on you for saving a little life! My cat was a stray kitten that was rescued, and is a sweet and totally normal, take cat.

If you can't keep her, I hope you get her to a shelter or someone who can take care of her. But sleep well tonight, cat savior.


A pet shop was giving away kittens free of charge (I assume they were going to go to the cat pound if need)

Best decision ever. I didn't even like cats (actually hated them, was a massive dog fan) but she is the sweetest thing, can't imagine life without awesome puurrrrs!

Keep the kitty!
Cute cats.
This will make a great story about how you got the kitten.
Hopefully your property lets you keep it or doesn't want an insane deposit.

I pet-sit and house-sit for my cousin when he goes out of town. I already spoke with him and he's going to give me an advance on the money that he was going to give me for watching his pets/house on the weekend of the 4th of July. If I'm not mistaken, it's the exact same amount as my pet deposit (lucky coincidence).

I'm going to take the little one to the clinic here in a bit. I'll keep you guys posted.

e: I don't want to bump the thread but I did take the cat to the clinic. They're going to give me a call sometime this afternoon to let me know how everything goes. Fingers crossed that the cat will be ok.
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