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Will we see a next gen Gears?


One of the best new IP's from current gen, is there any hints of a new Gears of War in progress? What's Epic working on?

Currently don't have XboxOne on my rader but a new GeOW would change my mind.


Gold Member
Does anyone even want to see a new GoW? Personally I'm totally burnt out from this series. Haven't bought Judgement to this day.


If it's about the Pendulum wars? Give it to me.

If it's about anything else? Let Epic create something new and exciting. Give us what Gears 1 gave us.


Considering how succesful Gears of War has been on the 360 I'd be really surprised if we don't get a next-gen Gears game at some point.


Does anyone even want to see a new GoW? Personally I'm totally burnt out from this series. Haven't bought Judgement to this day.

Don't buy Judgment. Judgment is ass sandwiches.

I remember seeing a thread about Judgement being a new trilogy?

Judgment is set before Gears 1, so no.

Anyway, I just want Gears 1, 2, and 3 remade. 1080p, 60FPS, Dedicated Servers.


Gold Member
Judgment didn't look interesting at all. The original three had me on board with launch day purchases and swag, but I just couldn't muster up the courage to play this last one. Especially after Cliff B. left. There didn't seem to be any hope left to the series.
I love Gears of War, but I'm not to sure if I want to see another one.

Cliff Blezinski, Rod Fergusson, Lee Perry, Chris Wynn, and Quinn DelHoyo all left, and the current team at Epic consists of random nobodies. If another Gears game were to ship, it wouldn't be the same.

Back in the day, when a new Gears was announced, we always looked to Cliff and Rod to give us the scoop on what's going down and what to expect and now the franchise doesn't have a father figure like that anymore.

I heard that they are working on a new IP, so I'd want to see that before another Gears.
I bought all Gears day one and skipped Judgement but would still love to see a next gen Gears even if it's on a platform I don't plan on owning any time soon.


I reckon EPIC is busy downgrading tweaking their Unreal Engine in order to make it work well on xbone.


I wonder if Epic's disappointment with next-gen system performance is because of signing up for a (yet to be announced) MS exclusive and now knowing the Xbox One will function badly as a promoter for their engine. This in a period where they are under more pressure than ever from Unity.

Jack cw

I reckon EPIC is busy downgrading tweaking their Unreal Engine in order to make it work well on xbone.
The engine seems far from finished this is true. It appears that the loss of cliffy hit them harder as they thought. He is a great designer for action games and I hope that the infiltrator demo turns out to to be an actual game.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I love Gears. Gears 1 is still to this day my favorite MP game of all time. However, I wouldn't expect a new Gears for Xbone anytime soon. But with how much money the franchise has potential to pull in, I'm sure they're working on one.

I'd probably guess a 2015 announcement with a 2016 or 17 release. I'm sure even Epic wants to give the series a much needed break so they can come back with a vengeance. During that time they can also cook up fresh ideas. I don't need to buy an Xbone for any game until Gears IV comes out.
I have been playing the MP(1,2,3) weekly since '06 and easily my go-to online game this gen.

now that PS4 is the console to own this winter I'm really hoping for Epic to push this franchise to multiple platforms. if Microsoft manages to weasel another contract out of Epic I'm going to be pissed. I want a next-gen gears but I don't want an Xbone.

Jack cw

now that PS4 is the console to own this winter I'm really hoping for Epic to push this franchise to multiple platforms. if Microsoft manages to weasel another contract out of Epic I'm going to be pissed. I want a next-gen gears but I don't want an Xbone.
Isn't gears a Microsoft IP? Does anybody know?
Judgment did a TON of damage to the brand. With that said, I hope Epic picks up the pieces and really puts everything into a next gen Gears for the latter half of this decade.

Judgment felt pretty half baked but it still brought some nice features and changes. If they can take the good things from Judgment and mold that with the core of Gears 3 then I think it could really be a rebirth for the franchise in a lot of ways.

Also I'd like to see them stray away from the old cast. Create some brand new characters and tell a new story. Gears of War's story telling obviously isn't anything to write home about but they did manage to create some cool characters (especially in the novels/comics). I think getting a different perspective on the world through a new pair of eyes without being severely bound by lore would definitely help in making the series feel fresh from a campaign perspective.

Either way, surely the series has brought in enough money as a whole to warrant keeping it alive. I'm hopeful we'll see a new blockbuster Gears title in 2017 or so.

Isn't gears a Microsoft IP? Does anybody know?

I'm pretty sure that Epic retains the rights to Gears. Although they've said multiple times they are happy with their partnership with Microsoft.


Judgment sucked big time

Shit campaign
Awful control scheme
No locust in multiplayer
No horde/beast
Shitty new gametypes
Ridiculous character skins

Cliffy said he agreed with all the changes

The biggest problem is that the story is finished. How is gears 4 even possible ?!
If they do a new gears for xbone they should move away from marcus cole dom and baird go to another part of the world with a new squad explore what they went thru they have so much they could do for that series


Hoping we'll see a new Epic IP before Gears. Maybe even Infinity Blade on a console (with different mechanics), that would be interesting.


Never been a fan of the series, and have never played it. Everyone... everything looks so ugly. The people, the aliens, the scenery, et cetera. I suppose for the people that like those kinds of dark atmospheres, it works. But for me, I'll just stick with Halo.

Although saying that there can't be another game after the third one is like saying there can't be a Mass Effect after 3. There's always a way.

yes ,, its a matter of time ,, i think it will be released in 2015 ,, only on Xbox one .

What is with you and your weird comma situation?

Jack cw

Judgment did a TON of damage to the brand
I agree with many of your points but judgement was decent compared to gears 3. Part 3 was the low point of the series and the reason why this fatigue started. It was uninspired, cheesy and the glowing locust killed it for me. Played through it once and barely touched the multiplayer. People can fly are capable developers and judgement would have received much better if it wasn't for that boring gears 3.
Hoping we'll see a new Epic IP before Gears. Maybe even Infinity Blade on a console (with different mechanics), that would be interesting.

There was some news that came out a few weeks ago that said Epic is working on a new AAA shooter. No real details about it but I would highly doubt it being a Gears of War game. Most likely a new IP with a small outside shot of Unreal Tournament.


Gears of Battlefield.

Pendulum Wars setting. 64 players running around as Locust and CoG's, Throw in crazy vehicles and objectives as well as various weather effects and environmental stuff like the trains going through etc.


Neo Member
I personally hope that this doesn't happen but in the end we will get both new gears games and "remakes" of the old ones maybe in a collection box and running in 1080p or something.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
The series got old pretty quickly for me. Skipped judgement. I think new hardware could expand the core game in interesting ways though.
I agree with many of your points but judgement was decent compared to gears 3. Part 3 was the low point of the series and the reason why this fatigue started. It was uninspired, cheesy and the glowing locust killed it for me. Played through it once and barely touched the multiplayer. People can fly are capable developers and judgement would have received much better if it wasn't for that boring gears 3.

I can see where you're coming from there. I think one of the biggest failures of Gears 3 was the random 6 month gap they injected in the story after Gears 2. There's quite a bit of stuff that actually gets covered in the novels that they try to sum up in a 2 minute video and it just doesn't work.

That aside though, I actually enjoyed Gears 3 in terms of it being a bookend to the trilogy. It felt like a nice swan song.

I probably should have elaborated a bit more when I said that Judgment did a ton of damage to the brand. I was generally speaking about multiplayer, which I'll touch on here in a second.

As far as the campaign goes though, from my understanding, People Can Fly worked on the campaign while Epic handled the majority of the multiplayer. I think PCF did a nice job but the story almost seemed to be a forgotten thought. The gameplay and level design were fantastic but I always anticipated a game starring Baird and Cole to be so much more full of life and character than Judgment was. It just felt like a missed opportunity in that regard.

In terms of multiplayer though, I think that's where the damage was done, at least from what I've seen. I've played Judgment MP a lot less over the last couple months but the population numbers in TDM (most popular playlist) barely reach 1500 on a good day. By comparison Gears 3 TDM still sits at around 6000 a lot of the time.

I visit the Gears forums fairly regularly and from everything I've seen on the forums and in social media, the majority of the dedicated Gears fanbase has completely shunned Judgment in terms of multiplayer. It's not uncommon to find a lot of the hardcore Gears playerbase saying they despise Judgment. There's also been a lot of back and forth, tug of war style dialogue between the community and the developers. Both sides are pretty stubborn. I just think when you factor all that in, Judgment ended up doing more harm to the series than anything else.

All that said though, I didn't dislike Judgment. The campaign was enjoyable and the multiplayer was at least a nice change of pace. The majority of the community has just seemed to shun it completely and I think that's where the damage has been done. That's why I think Epic might be best served to go back to the more traditional Gears formula that they used in the original trilogy, while still taking some of the better aspects of Judgment into consideration.

And wow, guess I got a bit carried away there lol. Sorry this ended up so long winded.
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