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I hate Uncharted 3's MP


I don't care for Uncharted but I'm willing to set my bias of the series aside to talk about some of the issues I have with the multiplayer component of Uncharted 3. I've been playing MP for a bit, recently, and I'm up to level 18 in it's (slower than all hell) progression system. I'm getting the hang of the flow of gametypes like TDM and Team Objective playlists, but there are some glaring issues regarding the game that bug me. Before I get to the issues, I want to say that after really /sitting down/ and getting acquainted with the movement/traversal, Uncharted 3 can be a very smooth and very electric experience on foot. The varied maps (I like the airport one, fuck the train map) are a very good example of what the movement system can do. It's fun.

Then you get to the rest of the game and I feel myself fighting against the rest of it to really enjoy it. The gunplay is really messed up in the game IMO. I feel as if there's no sense of weight or power with each shot you pull off with weapons like the T-Bolt or the M2. (Think Lost Planet's gunplay) It's like everyone on the map are shooting static dart guns that slowly pelt away at your enemies until they died. It doesn't help that there's little to no stopping power for the weapons and that people can easily run and gun through your fire AS they're getting pelted with fire. I think that the gunplay has a lot of it working against the movement in Uncharted 3 than it does in other third person shooters like Max Payne 3 and (yes I'm going to compare the two) Gears of War.

Then you get to the melee, and...well yeah the melee is fucked up. Not only does Melee does this weird thing where you lock onto an enemy and punch them, it appears that there's no way to 'dodge' a melee punch, no way to cancel someone doing a melee punch and even when you kill an enemy in the middle of them punching for some reason the damage still registers as a hit? Yeah, that's really...not, right. Was it like this in Uncharted 2? That the melee just gave you risk free damage?

Going back to gunplay, and focusing on the guns in general...there's no variety to the loadout and pickup/power weapons. They don't really seem to stand out/differentiate itself. Though this boils down to personal preference I'm not really seeing myself getting motivated to unlock "___"'s AK or "____" Pistol. Just seems lazy that these are the only guns in the game.

Some of the other mechanics like the boosters and medal kickbacks seem to be too vague with it's explanations as well.

...Also are the 'boosters' like paid for with actual cash? When was this added in the game? Is it a F2P thing or has it always been there?

I think I'll get to level 20 or so and probably call it quits there. Uncharted 3 MP fans, what do you think? I'd actually like to hear some feedback regarding my complaints instead of 'lol get good/naughtygods/waa waa shit op lolololo driveby" being repeated


Today I learned some people like things, and some people don't.



pip pip cheerio you slags!
I agree with you on gunplay and melee, which is why I like uncharted 2's multiplayer and not 3's. I hate three because gunplay and cover was essentially useless, as the preferered tactic for many was just running around/jumping like maniacs with shotguns, getting as close to you as possible before either just meleeing or one shot killing you. In 2, you didn't move as fast ( as well as no sprint) and it felt a lot closer to gears style cover shooting than it did to uncharted 3's monkey fest. 3 is terrible as an MP game because it for the most part abandons what a lot of players do in the SP, 2 is a far superior game.


Subete no aware
I remember it being okay in the beta and then kind of going to crap when the game came out. I don't even know what it's like now that it's a weird free to play thing.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I loved it in the summer '11 beta, then though it was "eh" on retail. If they aren't going to properly balance the guns, they should probably just go back to the weapon pickup system that 2 had.


Im normally good at games. Idk why i suck at UC3 i was good at 2. I just assume the vame has bad skill ceiling.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Im normally good at games. Idk why i suck at UC3 i was good at 2. .

I kind of felt the same way. Did fine in 2, great in 3's beta, but my performance in 3 is completely random. I never reach the point when I feel l'm doing well and it's satisfying.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I ditched it shortly after launch, but I forget in detail what many of those issues where that lead me to that...I did remember a whooooole bunch of CoDesque unlocking that seemed to be outright unfair to newer players which is never fun. And a whole lot of running around blindfiring like a headless chicken everywhere, which is not an entertaining combat engagement.

I loved UC2 MP until the patch that messed with health values, so I was never able to fall back to that.


jesus christ people are literally incompetent at reading the OP, THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK BOYS

Please, tell me how FEEDBACK is going to change your opinion of the game. Do you want me to rub your back tenderly and whisper in your ear "There, there. it will get better, trust me"?

Who the hell am I? I'm just some guy on the internet, and my FEEDBACK is probably not going to effect your opinion in the slightest.


Please, tell me how FEEDBACK is going to change your opinion of the game. Do you want me to rub your back tenderly and whisper in your ear "There, there. it will get better, trust me"?

Who the hell am I? I'm just some guy on the internet, and my FEEDBACK is probably not going to effect your opinion in the slightest.

Just tell me what you thought of the game. I like hearing other people's thoughts. It'd be appreciated.


Was the beta really that good? UC2 to UC3 players, did the beta feel like an evolution of UC2 than, rather, being what UC3 is?
Please, tell me how FEEDBACK is going to change your opinion of the game. Do you want me to rub your back tenderly and whisper in your ear "There, there. it will get better, trust me"?

Who the hell am I? I'm just some guy on the internet, and my FEEDBACK is probably not going to effect your opinion in the slightest.
"I dunno I thought it was a lot better before they nerfed grenades" "oh that's interesting and makes sense"

or something like that

Those posts are nothing more than "cool story bro"

Don't comment if you don't care pretty easy

Curious, what did you want from this thread http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=797297 ? Did you want someone to post a Harry potter gif and go oh well whatever


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just tell me what you thought of the game. I like hearing other people's thoughts. It'd be appreciated.


Was the beta really that good? UC2 to UC3 players, did the beta feel like an evolution of UC2 than, rather, being what UC3 is?

There was a summer beta and a subway beta. The summer one I didn't enjoy as much as UC2, but it was still heading in an okay direction. I thought the subway one(which lead up to release) was fucking AWFUL, they made huge changes that nobody asked for and it seeped into the game.

I'm gonna try and see if there are older threads on it.


Neo Member
IMO, the two most annoying thing about U3's MP... hip-firing and melee. It's like the L1 button (aim) doesn't exist. It's bad when you're shooting at someone and instead of shooting back, they press the melee button instead. You're 15ft away from me, why are you pressing square when you could just shoot?

I actually like the multiplayer though. Only because it's the one MP game I don't suck at.


Rolls can dodge melee attacks, so if you time your rolls right (roll just before someone reaches you), you'll take no damage if they try to melee. Rolls also cancel the melee animations, so if you melee and roll in quick succession, you'll potentially damage the enemy and not take damage from them. Or you'll both whack each other if your timing is similar. Or if you melee and whiff, you still need to roll to keep yourself from being an easy target. Basically, rolling is amazing and can immunize you from a bunch of things. But rolls also have like a 2 second lock out timer, so you have to get good with it.
Personally, I liked U3's MP. The powerplays helped to give the losing team a chance, the soundtrack really helped made the game more engaging and more adventurous, the maps are fun to climb around and look gorgeous, and the sounds in this game work really well and by that, I mean I can clearly tell when and where a gunshot went off or an explosion occurred. Besides that, I liked the melee system. Kicking people off from ledges or from climbing from the side or the stealth melees make it even more satisfying.

Gunplay, I cant really say if its bad or not, I just got adapted to it and learned to balance movement with shooting.


Just tell me what you thought of the game. I like hearing other people's thoughts. It'd be appreciated.


Was the beta really that good? UC2 to UC3 players, did the beta feel like an evolution of UC2 than, rather, being what UC3 is?

It was fine for me, had a bit of fun with it, then put it down for a while. But then again, this was early launch so I don't know how much tweeking and stuff was done to it.

ND is typically has PTSD with their mp's and are always tweeking it.

But it was fine when I played with it 3 years ago.


Just read up on this subway beta and what the fuck, they seriously had a promo beta for something like this???? ughhh


"I dunno I thought it was a lot better before they nerfed grenades" "oh that's interesting and makes sense"

or something like that

Those posts are nothing more than "cool story bro"

Don't comment if you don't care pretty easy

Curious, what did you want from this thread http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=797297 ? Did you want someone to post a Harry potter gif and go oh well whatever

I made that thread because I couldn't figure out what was preventing me from playing games on the 3ds. Wasn't sure if it was me, or the system itself.

I didn't make a thread called "I hate the 3ds" list my problems with it, then ask people what they thought.

I was unsure of something, so I asked others for their opinions to help. OP's opinion seems pretty set in stone, so nothing I would have said would change it.

So I said what I felt. People will either like something, or they won't. And nothing I can do will change that.

And I had that harry potter gif, so I wanted to use it.


Gold Member
I don't care for Uncharted

talk about some of the issues I have with the multiplayer component of Uncharted 3.

The gunplay is really messed up in the game IMO.

there's little to no stopping power for the weapons and that people can easily run and gun through your fire AS they're getting pelted with fire.

well yeah the melee is fucked up.

Was it like this in Uncharted 2?

there's no variety to the loadout and pickup/power weapons.

Some of the other mechanics like the boosters and medal kickbacks seem to be too vague with it's explanations as well.

I think I'll get to level 20 or so and probably call it quits there.

You don't care about Uncharted. You haven't played Uncharted 2 MP. You don't like Uncharted 3 MP's gunplay, guns, melee, loadout, boosters etc. I'm just curious to know that why are you continuing to play it?


You don't care about Uncharted. You haven't played Uncharted 2 MP. You don't like Uncharted 3 MP's gunplay, guns, melee, loadout, boosters etc. I'm just curious to know that why are you continuing to play it?

I want to test out the last couple of guns/unlocks before I shelve it for good.
Just read up on this subway beta and what the fuck, they seriously had a promo beta for something like this???? ughhh

I'm glad they had that promo, because I had a crazy 120€ collectors edition preordered in all my hype from the amazing summer beta. I quickly canceled that when I played the promo. They changed way too many things for the worse. This game was playtested to death.

I just bought the normal edition for the single player.

The Light

Eh I find mp to be decent. I started with the f2p version then upgraded later during a sell and leveled up pretty quickly. As for melee most people I've encountered know how dodge it with a roll.
I happen to like the character specific weapons as I don't have to use weapon expert to get two mods (Was working on getting Elena's G-Mal.)
One thing I don't like about mp is the hat stats, but I mostly play classic so I really only have to worry about callout.
Concerning kickbacks i'm not too big of a fan of them as I think they made power weapons on the map useless(Speaking of power weapons some have terrible placement on maps), but I thought the descriptions for kickbacks were pretty clear.
while I can't articulate why I find the shooting itself (aiming) to be fine, I'll say that being able to climb around the levels to the degree that's in the game allows me to look past some faults. Shooters in general (aside from arena shooter FPSs) feel so terribly limited in terms of traversal. Of course it's due to the deliberate design of the stages, but uncharted 2 and 3 are fun in multiplayer because I hardly ever feel stuck in any one place. I can jump off a ledge quickly, roll of that ledge and hang off the edge then pull someone off of it, I can jump off and throw a grenade behind me, Etc.

Specifically about multiplayer, I find the core gameplay to actually be fun, yet I also find the "killstreaks" to be much more tolerable in concept than in stuff like CoD. In CoD, you can call a helicopter after getting five kills in a row; it gets kills for you. Same with dogs and turrets or whatever. In uncharted, they'll spawn you a really good weapon that still requires that you aim it well, or it gives you some sort of stat boost that you still have to use well.

when you get into more, the differences between weapons become more apparent. it'd be better off if all weapons were like in uncharted 2 where there aren't loadouts, but w/e
I enjoy the MP, but I honestly couldn't tell you why. I'm not any good at it, I'm always disappointed by it, and it always feels and looks like a sloppy mess. I love the looseness and versatility of the combat in the Uncharted series, but it isn't all that great when you're playing against actual humans. Cover is pretty much useless, people rush you all the time, and fights almost always end up with everyone blind firing and hopping/rolling around like a bunch of idiots. I enjoy it, but I think it's because I try not to take it too seriously. I just listen to a podcast or something while playing it.
I feel as if there's no sense of weight or power with each shot you pull off with weapons like the T-Bolt or the M2.

Then you get to the melee, and...well yeah the melee is fucked up. Not only does Melee does this weird thing where you lock onto an enemy and punch them, it appears that there's no way to 'dodge' a melee punch, no way to cancel someone doing a melee punch and even when you kill an enemy in the middle of them punching for some reason the damage still registers as a hit? Yeah, that's really...not, right. Was it like this in Uncharted 2? That the melee just gave you risk free damage?

Going back to gunplay, and focusing on the guns in general...there's no variety to the loadout and pickup/power weapons. They don't really seem to stand out/differentiate itself. Though this boils down to personal preference I'm not really seeing myself getting motivated to unlock "___"'s AK or "____" Pistol. Just seems lazy that these are the only guns in the game.

Some of the other mechanics like the boosters and medal kickbacks seem to be too vague with it's explanations as well.

...Also are the 'boosters' like paid for with actual cash? When was this added in the game? Is it a F2P thing or has it always been there?[/B]

I wont address all of your points atm because I'm already tired, so prepare for a poorly formatted post...

I'm surprised you don't feel any sense of weight or power in the T-Bolt. It's a 1 shot kill, sounds loud and angry, and the reload is slow and heavy. Plus it knocks your enemy right off their feet. Although it's true that many of the other weapons don't have much stopping power besides the M9/G-mal(?).

As for melee, you can (in a lag free game) avoid getting hit by rolling at the right time. You'll hear the punch sound but wont take any damage. You can test out the timing in splitscreen to get the hang of it. You can also cancel your own punch animation by mashing circle after hitting square; this used to be a very good hit and run tactic, especially if your enemy isn't aware f the trick. I don't recall there being a way to cancel somebody else's melee though unless you kill them first. Lag, however, makes this a problem.

While simple, I felt that the base weapon provided enough variety.

The character specific guns won't make much of a difference to you until you find a weapon that you're going to stick with. For example if you decided you were an M9 user then the faster reload (or whatever stat it is) of Chloe or Marlowe's M9 would be useful. Don't bother going out of your way to look for the treasure's though, it can be ridiculously time consuming.

As a side note, if you find and equip a characters side arm and long gun while wearing the character's default skin you're treated to a hidden third booster.

Drake + Drake's AK + Drake's Para 9 = Explosive Buddy
Sully + Sully's Dragon + Sully's Arm Micro = For My Buddy
Elena + Elena's G-Mal + Elena's Raffica = Thanks Buddy
Chloe + Chloe's M9 + Chloe's Tau = For My Buddy
Marlowe + Marlowe's M9 + Marlowe's Para 9 = Sugar Buddy
Talbot + Talbot's Fal-SS + Talbot's Arm Micro = Stealth Buddy
Rameses + Rameses' Kal-7 + Rameses' Raffica = Booty Buddy
Cutter + Cutter KAL-7 + Jade Para 9 = Sugar Buddy
Eddie + Eddie’s AK + Jade Para 9 = Booty Buddy
Draza + Draza’s Dragon + Jade Para 9 = Thanks Buddy
Flynn + Flynn’s G-MAL + Jade Para 9 = Explosive Buddy
Lazarevic + Lazarevic’s FAL-SS + Jade Para 9 = Stealth Buddy

It's not much, but something to consider.

Power weapons can be the deciding factor in a close game. A blindfire shotgun streak, RPG tripled, or banking the Hammer shots off a wall can really help. Don't write them off just yet.

Powerplays have and always will be ridiculous.

Boosters are payed for with in-game cash.

Try and party up with some friends, it's much more fun that way.


Not as deep as he thinks
The problem that Uncharted MP has always had always boils down to one thing that ruins the experience for everyone: LAG.

Naughty Dog for some reason just cannot get the rid of the lag or better optimize the online code so that it gets rid of most of the issues people have with the game. You mentioned that you cannot dodge melee, which in fact you can. If you roll away at the correct time, you'll dodge the other person's melee attack and not take any damage. However, because of lag, you'll still get punched in the middle of your roll most of the time because people that lag in this MP always seem to have the most advantage. Oh, you're still getting shot, even when you take cover, and die? Lag. Somebody teleport punches you from 10 feet away and still manages to hit you/kill you? Lag. You throw a grenade, and it lands directly under someone and that person doesn't get knocked down or killed? LAG. It's always lag.

Not only is lag a problem, but the matchmaking in every ND MP game is always broken. The matchmaking is "ranked" based, instead of being ping based, which means you're going to get fucked over with unfair, balanced, teams most of the time coupled in with lag. Not only that, but with the addition of DLC maps, there's always the infamous "DLC on/off" toggle, which splits up the player pool, and increases the wait time to find a match. The DLC maps are ALL free now in the PS Store, and they can in fact FIX this problem if they force everyone to download the maps to play the MP to create ONE unified player pool, but according to Naughty Dog's recent Q&A answer, "technical (oh boy, they sure love using this word) hurdles" prevent them from forcing everyone to download the maps, completely forgetting that a free map (Dry Docks) was given away for free for everyone not too long ago and was a forced download. The game is F2P now and ALL the DLC maps are free, so they're doing a disservice to the online community of this game by not having one unified player pool.

Regarding the weapon handling, I think they all handle pretty good. Each offer their ups and downs, with the exception of the M9 because that gun is basically good at every distance and is the only one that doesn't have a single negative aspect to it, so it's always the one you see on the kill feed 99% of the time. All guns have a slight learning curve and handling, and once you get used to it, you'll start to see that they're not horrible or anything. I strongly believe they're really balanced now compared to how some of them were in prior patches. Only thing however, is the lack of stopping power. It never kicks in to stop those blindfire rushers and it's extremely annoying that you're aiming at them and your bullets don't stop them on their tracks. Some maps are really really small (Desert Village, Chateau)so they're mostly a CQC experience meaning you'll be seeing a lot of blindfire and close combat, while other maps are open (Airstrip/Museum/The Fort/Train Wreck) and you'll see people use the GMAL/Dragon. It's not the guns themselves that there's no weapon variety, it's the way the maps were designed.

As for boosters, I don't get the confusion. They all tell you what they do and what you need to do to level them. As for paid boosters, they have always been there since the summer beta. I don't know who in the world told ND to move the boosters around like 2 years later after the game released, but it is what it is.

I think I've addressed most of your points. so feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer them. I am still a UC3 MP player to this day, so I know the ins and outs of this game.

Trust me, as much I bitch on here or on their forums, at its core when you don't get lag or fucked up team balancing, the game is so fucking fun. it's way better than UC2 MP for me, and trust me, I played the shit out of UC2 MP (reached level 70). It's just a shame ND just neglects all these issues and never throws the community a bone when they move on to their next big game. At least McGrubber (ND dev) on the forums is looking into changing up the lab playlists and is always the only dev that reads the forums once in a while.


Seriously. wtf is up with the first posts of this thread? They're pointless and don't provide any discussion whatsoever.
Uncharted 2 had one of the best MP of last gen. Until the infamous health patch. It's beauty really was in the simplicity. Part 3 is ok, but kickbacks, and all the customisable stuff destroyed any semblance of balance.


Three was straight up trash, both single and multi.

The hip firing melee garbage of three was obvious in the first 5 mins of retail, nothing could make up for it.


Absolutely had a blast with the UC3 MP. Played with a group of friends and had a lot of fun. Favorite mode was TO easily. I say it all the time but UC3 had the best map designs of the series for MP too. Yemen is bonkers. The worst maps in the game are the re-imagined ones from the previous games (other than the village)

As for the guns complaint. I don't really understand it personally. It's a game in a realistic setting. So the guns are ones you would expect to see in a modern conflict. Different guns have their pros and cons depending on how you play too.

I do agree with the above mentioned matchmaking issue. It's messed up. However I almost never had an issue with lag in this game.

Anywho Nearrivers did a good job addressing boosters and such. I also agree with him on playing with a group of friends to make the most out of it. It's crazy fun if you get to be part of a good team and face off against another equally good team. This will also ensure you mitigate some of the issues with poor matchmaking.


Who plays Uncharted games for their multiplayer though?

ugh come on it's a thread about the fucking multiplayer of course there are people who play it for MP, christ


One thing I hope they do for Uncharted MP in the future is have weapon weight play a factor in traversal. Bigger the gun, slower you are, and stuff like that.
1- Weapons do have stopping power. Unless you're the host
2- You can dodge melee attacks by rolling. Unless you're the host
3- Weapon variety use to be great, but then Players realized LAG gave the Fal and Gmal a huge edge.

By the time my fun had run it's course with U3MP, i would simply not play unless i had 2 ping bars or less. It's hilarious how much slower everyone reacts to you when your ping is bad in the game.

My KDR with 4 bars 1, My KDR with 2 bars or less 10



I actually really enjoyed the Uncharted 3 multiplayer. When I first started playing it, I had alot of the same frustrations that you did. The melee seemed too buff and the weapons didn't feel all that different.
As I played it more though, I found ways against those people that who constantly meleed to get easy kills. I also realized that some guns are better depending on the distance and stuff.
I really think that it takes some real skill to be good in the UC3's multiplayer.
ugh come on it's a thread about the fucking multiplayer of course there are people who play it for MP, christ


One thing I hope they do for Uncharted MP in the future is have weapon weight play a factor in traversal. Bigger the gun, slower you are, and stuff like that.

Ahh, I'm just joshing ya. Yeah, ppl play the multiplayer. I just meant that the main things that attract ppl to Uncharted: The amazing setpieces, great characters, intriguing Indiana Jones-esque stories... those aren't really present in mp.
I think the addition sprinting ruined certain aspects of the multiplayer. It made the whole experience feel like a cod death match.

Seriously. wtf is up with the first posts of this thread? They're pointless and don't provide any discussion whatsoever.

People love to be the first post of an opinion based thread and go "wow people have opinions, I'm shocked lel!" like they're this enlightened thinker or something.

You just gotta learn to ignore them.


UC2 was tons better, but whatever problems that had was carried over into 3 and got much worse, on top of all the useless shit they added. Grenade sheninigans, melee lag teleporting damage BS, Uncharted: The fight against lag, etc. etc.

Throw kickbacks into this and generally overall less stable online portion and it's a mess. The whole game being super split up and cosmetics fucking everywhere makes it a visual nightmare and a buggy mess. They never once listened to the community on about anything and the Q&A's they do are a waste of manpower as they make up their own questions to answer instead of actually looking at the forums.

I will never forget [MEX], that's for sure...for all the wrong reasons.


Not as deep as he thinks
I think the addition sprinting ruined certain aspects of the multiplayer. It made the whole experience feel like a cod death match.
I disagree. I think it made it better. It's fast paced, and you can traverse the maps a lot quicker than the slower paced UC2 MP. Sprint was recently "nerfed" a bit in one of the last patches. The duration time and cool down were decreased if I remember correctly, so it's even better now IMO. I personally didn't have a problem with sprint in the original summer beta, but the majority did for some reason, which is why we got sprint the way it is right now. Personally, I think it's better to traverse the map with sprint than with regular running to get into the action a lot quicker. It was desperately needed for objective playlists like Plunder/Team Objective to help you get to the objectives quicker. If it was removed, these objectives would play a lot worse IMO.
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