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Israeli Cabinet Approves Bill that Reserves "National Rights" only for Jews

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Its Declaration of Independence, which provides the guiding principles for the state, makes clear that the country was established as a homeland for the Jews and guarantees “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.”

That is why it is heartbreaking to see the Israeli cabinet approve a contentious bill that would officially define Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, reserving “national rights” only for Jews.

A nationalities bill has long been sought by Israel’s right wing, and the initial draft they produced downgraded Arabic from an official language to one with “special status.” That and other antagonistic elements are likely to be dropped from the version that reaches Parliament.

But in this time of high tensions and violence between Jews and Arabs, incited by competing claims to the sacred site in the heart of Jerusalem — called the Temple Mount by Jews and Noble Sanctuary by Muslims — any measure that claims a pre-eminent status for Jews can only add fuel to the fire.

Mr. Netanyahu says that the nationality bill is necessary because there were so many challenges to Israel’s existence. But it is hard to see how a law would put a stop to that. There is also speculation in the Israeli press that the prime minister has been pushing the bill as a political sop to right-wing members of his fractious coalition — indeed, the cabinet vote was split 14 to 6 along ideological lines, with two centrist parties opposing it.

Well, that's disturbing. I feel like I am missing something here since it is just hard to believe that something like this could be passed into law. Is it likely that this bill is going to be passed? Still, its disturbing to think that a Prime Minister of a democracy endorses a bill making some of its citizens second-class citizens.


No but seriously fuck those guys.



I wish these people no happiness in life.
Their hearts are already ruled by fear and hate. I'd say that's a given.

I wonder if Magnetos backstory was an intentional shot at Israel when it was revealed in the comics or if it just happened to horribly predict the outcome.
Huh? Explain. I know the guy was supposed to be a holocaust survivor ironically turned mutant supremacist, but is there something else?
Ah, Israel. Our angriest cousins. I mean, I get why; between the holocaust and several decades of people trying to drive them into the sea, there gets to be a certain mentality that everybody's out to get you, because, well, they kind of are. Still, doesn't excuse crap like this.
Every year $3 billion in aid is sent to these people. Think about that for a second - they're a first world country able to sustain itself economically.

To top it off, they pull shit like this. But nobody say anything, it'll be labeled as an antisemitism.


Ah, Israel. Our angriest cousins. I mean, I get why; between the holocaust and several decades of people trying to drive them into the sea, there gets to be a certain mentality that everybody's out to get you, because, well, they kind of are. Still, doesn't excuse crap like this.
Not "decades", but millenia, apparently.

So yeah, while I can't possibly excuse their more recent actions (not just this, but also their illegal occupations and settlement building, disproportionate responces to rocket attacks, etc.), I can at least understand the mindset that led to those acts.
Not "decades", but millenia, apparently.

So yeah, while I can't possibly excuse their more recent actions (not just this, but also their illegal occupations and settlement building, disproportionate responces to rocket attacks, etc.), I can at least understand the mindset that led to those acts.

Well, the "drive them into the sea" thing is more recent, but yeah. Honestly, part of the problem is that the constant war mentality Israel lives under is kind of forcing issues to the surface the Jewish community has traditionally repressed, vis a vis the above mentioned millennia of extermination attempts and subjugation. Just not healthy to dwell on these things, but when you've got rockets shooting into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem regularly, it's hard not to.

But like you said, the settlements, illegal occupation, disproportionate responses, and now this new flavor of awful still isn't okay.


Unconfirmed Member
Surely this will lead to sanctions and boycotts, similar to that of South Africa during the apartheid era?

As cheesecake bobby and others will tell you, this is all necessary to stop Hamas and preserve the only free democracy in the middle east.


This could all be resolved like apartheid South Africa was resolved, but it won't because of goddamn cunts that call themselves the American government.
I hope that they get what they deserve, just like the nazi. To be honest, a country with such government won't last long. They might hide behind the cloaks of the West, but eventually they will abandon them. When that happens, they will be torn to pieces.
As cheesecake bobby and others will tell you, this is all necessary to stop Hamas and preserve the only free democracy in the middle east.
1. Fuck off.
2. This bill - in its likely final state - won't do anything new yet will inflame tensions so I don't support it.


I'd say they learnt plenty, just not the things we would've liked
Don't forget that this is still mostly the British Empire's fault for parking a persecuted religious minority right in the middle of a bunch of people who have hated them for centuries. And the country didn't have the best of starts either, what with the armed struggle against British rule, and then the British just upping sticks and leaving the Israelis and Palestinians to their fates, which leaves us with the situation we've had for the last 70-odd years.

I guess my point is that this is partially the UK's fault, and that, rightfully, the UK should clean up its own mess (by diplomatic and political means, of course). But the UK is America's bitch, and America is Israel's bitch, so that's not gonna happen, now, is it?
I hope that they get what they deserve, just like the nazi. To be honest, a country with such government won't last long. They might hide behind the cloaks of the West, but eventually they will abandon them. When that happens, they will be torn to pieces.

Call me when it happens

This could all be resolved like apartheid South Africa was resolved, but it won't because of goddamn cunts that call themselves the American government.

Nah, you can't just blame the government for this one. The American people support this and there is not bunch that will be done to change it.
This is against one of the core tenets of the United States. If Israel depends so much on America, how can America allow it to pass laws like this?


Huh? Explain. I know the guy was supposed to be a holocaust survivor ironically turned mutant supremacist, but is there something else?
His origin was added in later in the early '80s, it wasn't intrinsic to him until that point. (X-Men #1 is in 1963) The comics writing community was heavily Jewish and so it being "art imitating life" is a possibility here (as is the reverse.)


Pretty ridiculous. Any other country would be vilified internationally if they did the same, but Israel largely avoids the criticism. Just imagine how outraged people would be if Hungary or something says national rights only for the Hungarian people who are Christian only etc.

This is also why they've walled off the west bank and Gaza Strip. They don't want an Israel where a large percentage of the population are non-Jews. I believe a few years ago, they even made it tougher for Israeli women to marry Arab/Palestinian men. And I think two years ago, members of the government wanted to round up and send all African refugees and migrants to Australia.


Well, that's disturbing. I feel like I am missing something here since it is just hard to believe that something like this could be passed into law. Is it likely that this bill is going to be passed? Still, its disturbing to think that a Prime Minister of a democracy endorses a bill making some of its citizens second-class citizens.


well, doesn't your bolded section shoot that down? "Likely to be dropped from the version that reaches Parliament."

Of course that's just speculation...
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