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GAF: You were right, and I was a fool not to listen to you.

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First, I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to the Gaffers who took the time to offer me advice when I posted about my relationship issues in several earlier threads.


To make a long story short(er): I'm 25 and I'd been with my 24-year-old gf for 5 years, and we have lived together since last September. Our relationship began to deteriorate over the past couple months, with her admitting to me that she felt bored and "confined" — she needed more excitement and felt like she was too young to be settled down. Shit hit the fan a few weeks ago when I discovered that she and one of my best friends had become very close, and confessed (to each other) to having feelings for one another. I confronted my gf and after a long argument where I accused her of having an emotional affair behind my back, and she accused me of not trusting her and breaching her privacy (I read her texts), we decided to go on a "break."

This is where GAF told me it was already over and that I needed to run for the hills. But did I listen? No...

I took your advice at first. I came on strong and acted like it was over. But her reaction was unexpected. She backpedaled, telling me that this break was not a break-up, and that all this was about was her need to feel more independence. Here's a copy of a text she sent me, so you have an idea:

"I want to make things work. That's why I'm taking this break now. So I can stop hurting you and continue to love you like I once did."

So all she needed was a little space to get her head together, and we could work things out. I felt better, and decided that it was worth a shot if we had even a little hope of making things work. My gf assured me over and over that her and my friend were just friends. She just enjoyed hanging out with him because, unlike me, he is spontaneous and satisfied her desire for excitement. Yeah, they had crushes on each other, but I had nothing to worry about. She was adamant about this. She made me feel guilty for not fully trusting her. I know what a lot of you are already thinking: "Oh Luap, you poor dumb bastard." Well, it's so true that you never actually think it will happen to you, but...

Last night my gf admitted to me that they hooked up. I was absolutely shocked, even though I shouldn't have been. I asked her how far they went, and she said: "We didn't have sex... but it went pretty far." That's both vague and yet all the detail I need. I was fucking crestfallen. I started hyperventilating and was so upset I couldn't speak for a couple minutes. This is my first gf; she was my first kiss and is the holder of my V-card. But this just killed any remaining chance we had. Even now, when the image of my friend and my gf hooking up enters my mind, I am overcome by a rush of white hot anger coupled with gut-piercing anguish. I know my gf didn't technically cheat on me since we were on a "break." However, she had led me to believe that we were, if not still together, working on getting back together soon. So at the very best, I feel like she unfairly led me on. But at the core, I feel like I've been cheated on. It is the worst feeling. And it's made so much worse by the fact that it was with someone I considered to be a close friend for the last ~12 years.

I let my gf know in no uncertain terms that it was now over. I could not recover from this. She argued back, and actually had the gall to attempt to spin it and make me seem partially at fault. I'm generally a super laid-back and docile person (perhaps to a fault), but I was having none of her shit at this point. Even though I never raised my voice or cussed, she was caught so off balance by my assertiveness that she lashed out at me for being "mean" and got so angry you would have thought I was the one who had hooked up with someone else. I also sent my "friend" one final text, and although I did my best to take the high road and keep it composed, it was still dripping with venom. But he deserves all the ether in the world. It takes a real piece of shit to pursue and later hook up with his friend's SO.

Well at this point I'm just starting to ramble. Thanks again GAF — I learned a hard lesson on this one, but you gave me plenty of warning. Live and learn. Now the recovery phase begins...


You'll be much, much happier one day. I promise. And yes, once they start that shit, it's always over. Always.


You need to have a little conversation with this so called friend. Which ends with his punk ass face down on the floor


I appreciate you being humble and posting this. I don't know of any other GAF posters that have done something like this before. At first glance I wanted to do a Nelson "HA-HA!" but after reading your story, I feel sympathetic to your cause. Please keep us updated!
“I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.”
Mate he probably laughed at that. Should have just let them be. Just ignore em and get on with your life.


Pfff, they definitely had sex. Her defensive attitude gives it away because she knows she is guilty.

Good riddance man. Good luck and you'll find someone better!


it is the absolute fucking worst when you lose another friend in the process as well. like it's not hard enough sometimes to break up a long term relationship

your life will be better though for not being with someone who wasn't really focused on you


Scaley member
It'll take time, OP, but you'll come out of this better and stronger than before. Good riddance to her. I take it you kicked her out or you've found somewhere else to live where you'll be far away enough from the two of them?


Good on you for finally realizing the truth, it's way easier to keep trying than to cut it off like suggested. It might have cost you some more anguish but you'll be better off in the end.

What'd you send your friend, if you don't mind sharing? I don't know how I'd be able to keep it together if one of my friends did that. I'd be in war mode.


Your "friend" is an absolute jackass and a piece of hot trash of a human being.

Yo do NOT do that to a bro. Under any circumstance.

Anyways man, cheer up. You will meet new people and a new nice girl. Do not waste your time thinking about garbage people. They do not deserve a second of your time, or a place in your mind.



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Sorry OP.

I'm not going to say you're going to get over it and things will be better soon because it won't. Stuff like that scars. How deep it cuts is up to you.

Good luck.


Rodent Whores
Jeez, what kind of loser friend is so desperate that he has so little dating options other than girls who are dating/used to date his friend.

Sorry about the bad situation, OP. It'll be ok.
Thank you for the kind words GAF.

GAF is always right when it comes to Ross/Rachel situations.

Lol... I knew someone would mention Friends. I was waiting for that pic.

What'd you tell your friend?
“I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.”
No lol... Here's a copy of the text I sent him, slightly edited for privacy. Some of it was stuff I already said in the OP:


I wasn't going to say anything to you, but I suppose closure is important.

I would just like to make it clear that I believe what you did is despicable, and that any remaining chance of friendship between us was lost when you and [my gf] got physical.

[Friend], you hooked up with my girlfriend.

And yes, I know that we were technically on a "break," but [my gf] had made it very clear that our relationship was not over; she intended to work things out with me. This "break" was just supposed to be a chance for her to get some space to figure things out. At least that's what she led me to believe. Here's a copy of a text she sent me, to show you what I'm talking about:

"I want to make things work. That's why I'm taking this break now. So I can stop hurting you and continue to love you like I once did."

And then you guys hooked up. So much for her trying to stop hurting me. At the very BEST, I feel like I've been unfairly led on. At the core, I feel like I've been cheated on. And to add salt to the wound, it was with someone who I've considered to be a close friend for (at least) the past 12 years. While playing on [my gf's] iPad, I saw a text you sent her last night. Something along the lines of: "I know [Luap] would hate me for this, but I love it," I believe? I wasn't totally sure what you were talking about then, but obviously I am now. It's clear that you have very little, if any, remorse for your actions. I struggle to understand how you could be so incredibly callous.

I cannot resist bringing up that story you told me about [Mutual Friend #1] messing up [Mutual Friend #2's] chances with their lady coworker. You told me it caused you to distance yourself from [Mutual Friend #1] because you thought it was a really shitty thing for him to do to a friend. The irony. You ended up making [Mutual Friend #1] look like a saint in comparison.

Perhaps worst of all is the fact that I'm not the first, or even the second, friend you've done something like this to. You are a repeat offender — a serial toe-stepper. I do not claim to be the greatest friend in the world; however, I can say with certainty that I would never do anything like this to a friend of mine. But I already told you that in my last text, so I suppose I'm just rambling at this point. The bottom line is that I can not forgive you for what you've done, and for the lack of remorse you have for your actions. I will leave you with a message I sent [Mutual Friend #2] earlier tonight: "If there's one thing I've learned from recent events, it's that a loyal friend is one of the rarest and most valuable assets you can have in life."

Goodbye [Friend].


I explained all that shit about my gf wanting to make things work with me, but I know he already knew that. My gf and him have been sharing everything with each other. This dude knew exactly how things were, and did what he did anyway. So that's why he's dead to me.
Yeah sorry dude. But some of us have been there and know how these things work.
The good thing is that you've learned more about the human psyche and you'll spot the signs next time something like this happens.

Chances are that their relationship will end sooner than your' relationship has lasted. Don't waste time thinking about it and take care of your own happyness.

Best of luck. Don't loose hope on a great relationship. It's possible.
And you will feel great again. Don't worry.


Was this the one who was in nursing school? If not, I expect his post any day now, too. Now you'll join the next chorus of people telling the next guy he's deluding himself and to cut and run, only to watch him convince himself it's still cool.

K' Dash

I friend of mine "stole" my fiancee, that was like 8 years ago, I asked her for a break, the they started to date, I didn't think much of it because (this will sound bad) he was TERRIBLE with the ladies, later I found out they were actually together, I officially ended it with her and 2 years later they got married, I'm friends with her still, my friend didn't talk to me ever again since their relationship started, and you know, I want my friend back.

Time heals everything, eventually you'll find someone better and you'll see that holding a grudge over a woman is silly.


And to add salt to the wound, it was with someone who I've considered to be a close friend for (at least) the past 12 years.

Jesus... 12 years of friendship down the drain.

I'll say it again: Your ex-friend is human trash.


I didn't listen to GAF once and I now I have a baby with a girl I met online who I was considering breaking up with within the first two months.
Sorry to hear that.

Take this time now to focus on yourself. Work out and build your self esteem. Reflect on who you are and what you truly want. Don't rush.

Best of luck.


You will recover from this, I promise. Enjoy being single for a while and you will be fine.

I wish you all the best.
I know it hurts now, but it's not healthy to say to yourself "I'll never forgive him/her!!"

The wound is fresh, but in time you'll realize that people hooking up isn't the worse sin and you can forgive them. Otherwise you're the only one that ends up carrying around all that pain and regret while everyone else moves on.


Black Canada Mafia
I've been almost in your exact shoes op. Was with a girl nearly 7 years, lived with her, she was my first everything - she cheated on my multiple times, stories all very similar to yours (not technically on a break, mutual acquaintance I trusted, etc). Heck, she even did that thing where she got mad at me when I had the gall to actually not be docile and get angry.

Those sorts of people are... not good. Immaturity doesn't even come into it, as this may very well be the person they will be for the rest of their lives. Be happy that you didn't take her back, move on and never ever ever be that docile motherfucker again. That person was beat out of me through a lot of hardship and abuse, and it doesn't do you any good. You can still be kind, you can still be thoughtful and forgiving, but do not take anyone's shit or abuse. You are really and truly better than that, and you don't have to settle for anything less than absolute respect.
As someone currently on a "break" that I'm expecting to crash and burn shortly, I feel for you, OP.

I wouldn't worry too much about not listening to GAF though. The advice was all good, I'm sure (and it was good in my thread about my "break", too), but you probably had to make this mistake on your own to truly understand why it wouldn't work. Plus with this experience you can assure yourself that you'll never let this happen to you again. I know I need to make my current "mistake" for myself, too.

That's rough losing a friend at the same time though. Hang in there!
Yeah sorry dude. But some of us have been there and know how these things work.

Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3K9H6dU-1U

This is of course not how it always is. An advice to the OP, would also be not to get hung on it. Like I have. It fucking cuts deep so when it happens to you, sometimes your brain just rewires and then all you see, is cheating and betrayal in everyone. It's a fucking mess.

But I've also begun to grow wiser in the sense that, even if this shit happens on a regular basis - people fucking each other over with "side love! It's not cheating, it's side love, dude!" < And that sort of shit, it's not how it always is.
I just think the way we look at relationships, and walt disney happy-forever-type bullshit is too much for our ignorant minds when people are young and inexperienced. At least for some of us. it's an immense burden, I think sometimes make people self-sabotage their own relationships.

and of course, communication, communication, communication. But it's not always people want to communicate or rather, listen when they are 25. It's an ugly business when one of the parties gives a lot less of a shit than the other. It feels like you're being killed from within, and that makes it double hard to forgive the other person, yourself, and sometimes even the world.


It's fucked up, man. I recently learned that one of my friends tried to make a pass at my ex-girlfriend, knowing we were still together at the time. It's fucked up, I don't know why someone would get so desperate or be so deceitful to do this.


Terrible situation. Sucks losing a friend because you normally want to surround yourself with people you trust and care for when breaking up with someone. Just try to keep yourself occupied and focus on your own future. There are many people in the world, you'll find someone else.

I've never heard from someone I know personally that has had a successful break. Shit like that is just insurance in case they can't get with someone else.


Yeah, fuck this. I'm sorry man.

But I hate when people have the nerve to spin it back on you, when they are the one that wanted to leave the relationship, and then basically cheated. Fact is, if she really wanted to be with someone else, she should have just said it was over to you.

Also wtf, at your best friend. Who starts seeing your best friends GF. Smh. Some people.
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