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Let's talk about a potential sequel to the amazing Alien Isolation


Unconfirmed Member
How did this game sell? Hopefully well enough. I'm ecstatic at the prospect of a sequel given how much I enjoyed this game. It does such a great job at striking similarities to the first movie from its visuals, to its sound, and to, of course, its atmosphere. But now I want a sequel. Give me more!

Where should it go? Should it also feature Amanda? Should it not?
I would love to see a sequel or even a game set in and around Aliens using the same controls/setup/etc.

Hell, give me anything. I want MOHR.


Unconfirmed Member
I would love to see a sequel or even a game set in and around Aliens using the same controls/setup/etc.

Hell, give me anything. I want MOHR.

Do you think a sequel would once again make it impossible for the player to kill an alien? Is that what makes this game unique, in that the player can't fucking kill the thing?
CA really gave us something special with the first game. Expanding on the universe-or letting the player be the Alien would flip the script for sure.


I don't think there's really a material for a sequel especially since they were struggling a bit with the first game and made a few too many twists and scenes at the end. If it comes out I'm hoping for some big gameplay changes, not the same thing set in a different location.


Unconfirmed Member
CA really gave us something special with the first game. Expanding on the universe-or letting the player be the Alien would flip the script for sure.

While I enjoy playing as an alien in the Alien vs. Predator games an so forth, I don't think such a route would be good for this IP. I mean, after some time Alien Isolation lost its scare to me but I was still on edge; playing as an alien would certainly take all tension away from me.


a game with few (around 20 or so) killable aliens would be great. You would play a group of marines tracking and hunting while being tracked and hunted by the aliens. Setting traps, coordinating with your troops, getting satelite infra-red images of the area.

Think of it like a Shadow of the Colossus meets Deer Hunter.
I would love for the sequel to be entirely on the Derelict.

Can you imagine what horrors await in the belly of the beast? That thing is fucking HUGE, there has got to be some more biomechanical horrors on that thing.

Just imagine it.


I read a suggestion from someone basically wanting a "The Thing" game with the same type of setup, and I would be so freaking down for that.


Unconfirmed Member
I would love for the sequel to be entirely on the Derelict.

Can you imagine what horrors await in the belly of the beast? That thing is fucking HUGE, there has got to be some more biomechanical horrors on that thing.

Just imagine it.

I was thinking of this. I would love to play as (unfortunately) a creator from Prometheus (since this is canon) on that derelict ship before all hell broke loose.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I would love for the sequel to be entirely on the Derelict.

Can you imagine what horrors await in the belly of the beast? That thing is fucking HUGE, there has got to be some more biomechanical horrors on that thing.

Just imagine it.
There is no way they could make a game set entirely on the derelict. Without it being too short and/or offensively padded out.
I read a suggestion from someone basically wanting a "The Thing" game with the same type of setup, and I would be so freaking down for that.

I was the one who thought of that initially, but a lot of other people want that too.

I was thinking of this. I would love to play as (unfortunately) a creator from Prometheus (since this is canon) on that derelict ship before all hell broke loose.

That's neat, I kind of like that but I always thought of playing as someone from WeyYu sent with a team to examine every facet of the Derelict, only to find even stranger and more terrifying horrors than the Alien.

There is no way they could make a game set entirely on the derelict. Without it being too short and/or offensively padded out.

It'd be a lot like being on a space station, I mean 90% of Isolation is on a space station, the Derelict is absolutely MASSIVE and multilayered, they could do so much with it.


I read a suggestion from someone basically wanting a "The Thing" game with the same type of setup, and I would be so freaking down for that.


Don't know how they can change the formula though for it to work differently without more of the same kind of confined quarters (open world would suck).


Unconfirmed Member

Don't know how they can change the formula though for it to work differently without more of the same kind of confined quarters (open world would suck).

Open world would definitely suck. Would you still want it to take place in Antarctica?


Where do i sign up?

I think the only way would to be a more action game in the Last Of Us style, you still play as Amanda but you are at some complex on some moon investigating there because some eggs have been found but on route to the complex, there is a outbreak so when you arrive most of the people are dead, but you & your team of bad ass marines have to survive, as you have zero military experience you can only use a normal hand gun, but you can tell the marines what to do like in Rainbow Six, lets say you start off with ten marines at the start of the game, each has their own best abilities, some are better at shooting things where some are more resourceful, but once they die then they die & that is it, you can never use them in the game again, it is like a squad based action horror survival game, the story is based on Aliens of course but you do find a child in the complex that you & the squad must protect.

In the game there will be a couple of boss fights where you will lose some squad mates, but if you finish the game with eight then you get a platinum score, six you get gold etc, you can also finish the game with just yourself but you have to do it in a more stealth style, there will be a final boss fight where you get a warning flash up on the screen saying that if you lose the fight then the child will die & you only get one go at it as there is only one save slot in the game, you can still finish the game but in the final cut scenes the child will either be in them or not, the final boss fight will be of course you in a Power Loader v The Alien Queen & this will be a HARD fight where you control the Power Loader with the gamepads two thumb sticks & the triggers for forward & backwards & the shoulder buttons for left & right, the PS4 touch pad will operate the welding torch thing (the X button on X1) & another button will operate the cargo bay door.
Some changes could be made regarding the gameplay (I grew bored of the hacking minigames after the hundredth time while opening a door or logging into a computer) and length of the campaign, but the first installment of this fantastic IP should definitely have a sequel.

Perhaps make the alien more interactive with the environment. Have it crawl on ceilings and on the side of walls to provide more uncertainty as to where it's traveling. I know that the developer designed the xenomorph around the behavior and anatomy of the one showcased in the first movie, but AVP for the 360/PS3/PC nailed the behavior and aggressiveness of a xenomorph.

Create side missions where you have to rescue individuals who are trapped in a sector, and the player's best way to assist is by utilizing his/her gadgets or activiting things in the environment to distract the xenomorph while the person tries to escape.

Multiple xenomorphs may work as well, though used in moderation so that the player isn't overexposed to them while exploring the premise.


Unconfirmed Member
Where do i sign up?

I think the only way would to be a more action game in the Last Of Us style, you still play as Amanda but you are at some complex on some moon investigating there because some eggs have been found but on route to the complex, there is a outbreak so when you arrive most of the people are dead, but you & your team of bad ass marines have to survive, as you have zero military experience you can only use a normal hand gun, but you can tell the marines what to do like in Rainbow Six, lets say you start off with ten marines at the start of the game, each has their own best abilities, some are better at shooting things where some are more resourceful, but once they die then they die & that is it, you can never use them in the game again, it is like a squad based action horror survival game, the story is based on Aliens of course but you do find a child in the complex that you & the squad must protect.

In the game there will be a couple of boss fights where you will lose some squad mates, but if you finish the game with eight then you get a platinum score, six you get gold etc, you can also finish the game with just yourself but you have to do it in a more stealth style, there will be a final boss fight where you get a warning flash up on the screen saying that if you lose the fight then the child will die & you only get one go at it as there is only one save slot in the game, you can still finish the game but in the final cut scenes the child will either be in them or not, the final boss fight will be of course you in a Power Loader v The Alien Queen & this will be a HARD fight where you control the Power Loader with the gamepads two thumb sticks & the triggers for forward & backwards & the shoulder buttons for left & right, the PS4 touch pad will operate the welding torch thing (the X button on X1) & another button will operate the cargo bay door.

Eh, I appreciate your excitement for a sequel, but I don't really enjoy your idea of what a sequel should be.

Some changes could be made regarding the gameplay (I grew bored of the hacking minigames after the hundredth time while opening a door or logging into a computer) and length of the campaign, but the first installment of this fantastic IP should definitely have a sequel.

Perhaps make the alien more interactive with the environment. Have it crawl on ceilings and on the side of walls to provide more uncertainty as to where it's traveling. I know that the developer designed the xenomorph around the behavior and anatomy of the one showcased in the first movie, but AVP for the 360/PS3/PC nailed the behavior and aggressiveness of a xenomorph.

Create side missions where you have to rescue individuals who are trapped in a sector, and the player's best way to assist is by utilizing his/her gadgets or activiting things in the environment to distract the xenomorph while the person tries to escape.

Multiple xenomorphs may work as well, though used in moderation so that the player isn't overexposed to them while exploring the premise.

You know what, throughout my entire run of the game I thought for sure that an alien would appear out of a wall or ceiling similar to the end of Alien, but it never came. I really couldn't believe such a scene didn't happen, or that the aliens weren't programmed to blend in with the walls. This could have especially been done in the nest.
Do you think a sequel would once again make it impossible for the player to kill an alien? Is that what makes this game unique, in that the player can't fucking kill the thing?

I do feel the fact that you're just buying more time to get from A to B is what makes the game tense & unique, but there are a number of levels where the Alien isn't even there or bothering you, and you get to terminally dispatch humans and androids, which I also enjoyed.

Personally I just loved everything about the atmosphere.. the retro-future.. the faithfulness to what I remember from the movies.. all of it. I'd be happy with a similar sequel set in a similar location, just change up the story some.

Bringing in Marines/etc could work, but assuming its pre-Aliens you'd need to find a good way to do it in canon.


Unconfirmed Member
I do feel the fact that you're just buying more time to get from A to B is what makes the game tense & unique, but there are a number of levels where the Alien isn't even there or bothering you, and you get to terminally dispatch humans and androids, which I also enjoyed.

Personally I just loved everything about the atmosphere.. the retro-future.. the faithfulness to what I remember from the movies.. all of it. I'd be happy with a similar sequel set in a similar location, just change up the story some.

Bringing in Marines/etc could work, but assuming its pre-Aliens you'd need to find a good way to do it in canon.

I could see it being canon if the game was set around the time they began to terraform the planet (prior to the events of Aliens) where the derelict was once again encountered, but the company, ONCE AGAIN (LOL), decided to cover it up.


I just really, really hope they don't go back Aliens. I'm tired space marines, pulse rifles, and other heavy weapons mowing down xenomorphs. The moment you put a gun in players' hands that can kill the Alien, that's when the game ceases to be scary. And the game needs to be scary.

They really hit something great with Isolation, and a return to the original style and tone was welcome. I just hope they don't try back tracking to Aliens again.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe in the next game they'll have the usual aliens, but SURPRISE, you're actually playing an Alien vs. Predator game and now predators are in the mix. LOL Predators Isolated.


You are the half predator half Ellen Ripley's daughter clone that is hunting the half alien half Ellen Ripley clone.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
First things first, if they make a sequel, then still no 'killing' Aliens (in the sense of shooting them). Keep the game based on Alien, not Aliens. That's what's so refreshing about Isolation in the first place; it's consciously based on the first film, not Cameron's sequel.

There's a lot they could do in terms of setting and more varied activities. Introduce environmental hazards, perhaps, or have more of a Metroidvania style (they kind of did this with the central transit hub, but that was really mostly just a way to move between levels).

You know what, throughout my entire run of the game I thought for sure that an alien would appear out of a wall or ceiling similar to the end of Alien, but it never came. I really couldn't believe such a scene didn't happen, or that the aliens weren't programmed to blend in with the walls. This could have especially been done in the nest.

Well there were a couple of places where the environment was clearly designed in order to look like the Alien from a distance. That's about as close as they got. But they were really committed to the 'no scripted stuff' policy.
I could see it being canon if the game was set around the time they began to terraform the planet (prior to the events of Aliens) where the derelict was once again encountered, but the company, ONCE AGAIN (LOL), decided to cover it up.

Yeah, I dunno. It's hard already believing there were so many Alien run-ins without anyone else knowing about them.. but I guess THE COMPANY was in the know for a while, so that makes sense.

As others have said, once you get the military involved it turns into a different game. I still think it could be good, something like how in Aliens they got their butts whooped in the beginning and then had to survive and try and escape.

Maybe their dropship gets hit, lose most of the tech/weapons etc.

From the way Alien: Isolation ended I'd assume maybe a stowaway or something could continue the story.. but that's so cliche. But.. so is finding ANOTHER Alien planet or going BACK to the same Derelict.. so I dunno :)


Said it before: I'd buy a sequel taking place on the colony on LV426 when it's going to shit after Newt's parent find the derelict and her father gets hugged. Playing as Newt and trying to stay alive evading an army of aliens till the marines arrive..
You know what, throughout my entire run of the game I thought for sure that an alien would appear out of a wall or ceiling similar to the end of Alien, but it never came. I really couldn't believe such a scene didn't happen, or that the aliens weren't programmed to blend in with the walls. This could have especially been done in the nest.

I was surprised by this as well. There was a degree of predictabity that the xenomorph had. Knowing that it only appeared out of vents and kept itself on a set pathway on the ground before jumping back into an air duct, I didn't feel as threatened by it in comparison to those encountered in the Marine campaign of AVP. Those bastards would be on the ceiling, walls and beneath you in the floor grates. Kept you on your toes more...haha.

Perhaps it was a limitation with the game's engine that the xenomorph was unable to use the entirety of the environment to travel around. Regardless, AI is a fantastic game in its own right.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I dunno. It's hard already believing there were so many Alien run-ins without anyone else knowing about them.. but I guess THE COMPANY was in the know for a while, so that makes sense.

As others have said, once you get the military involved it turns into a different game. I still think it could be good, something like how in Aliens they got their butts whooped in the beginning and then had to survive and try and escape.

Maybe their dropship gets hit, lose most of the tech/weapons etc.

From the way Alien: Isolation ended I'd assume maybe a stowaway or something could continue the story.. but that's so cliche. But.. so is finding ANOTHER Alien planet or going BACK to the same Derelict.. so I dunno :)

Maybe they can take the story to Earth?

I was surprised by this as well. There was a degree of predictabity that the xenomorph had. Knowing that it only appeared out of vents and kept itself on a set pathway on the ground before jumping back into an air duct, I didn't feel as threatened by it in comparison to those encountered in the Marine campaign of AVP. Those bastards would be on the ceiling, walls, beneath you in the floor grates. Kept you on your toes more...haha.

Perhaps it was a limitation with the game's engine that the xenomorph was unable to use the entirety of the environment to travel around. Regardless, AI is a fantastic game in its own right.

At least you can kill the aliens in AvP. That diminishes the scare factor for me, but I still enjoyed it nevertheless. I'd like to play as an android, only to find that out at the end when your body is cut in half and you're dripping white fluids. :D


There should be more tampons in gaming
I'd like to be able to kill an alien in the game. That was the biggest disappointment for me during the course of the game. It was jarring to throw a pipe bomb at the damn aliens feet and it not die. It completely removed me from the experience -although I know what Creative Assembly was attempting to do, it just succeeded in only creating a disconnect with the player and the universe.
It's really tricky.
When you think of where they can go, it seems you're either in the camp of 'keep it like Isolation/the first Alien' (i.e. pure survival, vulnerable, inability to kill the creature) or 'move towards Aliens' (bigger, badder, more aggressive).

How about meeting in the middle with a dual-protagonist story? Continue with Amanda (perhaps running from Seegson or WayYu) & do a merc-like character in some kind out outfit that's searching for her? With Amanda you get the classic Isolation gameplay & with the merc team you have a more offensive campaign?

A:I was excellent, but so much of it was a big throw-back to Alien. Like "remember this awesome part from Alien? Now we have it controllable in our game, just with original characters!" I'd like to see them be a bit more original with the story/set pieces in the sequel. Like others have said, try to get The Engineers involved and introduce some new fucked up creations to compliment the xeno. Make Amanda truly go into the heart of darkness & get the story truly horrifying and disturbing.

I dunno. I'll leave all of this to the pros, but I just really want CA to get a chance to make a follow-up.
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