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LTTP: Alien: Isolation


So I bought this on the Steam sale and decided to stream it on hitbox.tv. (Here: http://www.hitbox.tv/HylianSeven) I'm really enjoying it so far.

There are a bunch of weird things that jump out at me so far, some for the better, and some for worse.

First of all, the QTEs: Dear CA, there does NOT need to be a QTE for turning every single lever, knob, or what have you. Every time I get to one of those doors where it goes "Hold RMB, press A" I'm just like "Seriously?"

The worst offenders, and this is Bayonetta 1 levels of bad (I love the game, but the QTEs in it are the worst) are the insta-death hiding QTEs. I was already holding S, then the alien sniffed my locker, and it says "Hold S, hold RMB to hold breath, so I let go of S for a split second, thinking I needed to press it again, but nope, tears open the locker and eats my face. These locker QTEs are so fast and incredibly infuriating. I'm doing well on a section, then die to something so stupid like that.

Then we have the music. The quality of the music is great, there's just a problem with it though, and maybe this is a matter of personal taste. It really takes the fear out of it when the music just intensifies when the alien gets closer. The sounds it makes and environmental sounds I hear are supposed to do that. In fact, I turned the game's music off via the in-game settings for this reason. It is SO much better with the music off.

That was the bad, for the good, this game is amazing, and I'm having a hard time why critics gave this game such bad reviews. It plays very well, and so far I'd probably rank it close to Amnesia for survival horror. Granted I'm not too far in yet, but it is pretty damn good so far. The alien being so unpredictable really seals the deal, and as promised, it is very dynamic in how it behaves. It's a shame that technical achievements are generally only celebrated in graphics, because I think the alien's AI is pretty impressive.

I have no problem with it being a stealth game. The androids aren't near as scary as the alien is, but I don't really have an issue with the sections where you are running and hiding for androids. It is kind of disappointing though that most of the time you can just run past them with no fucks given. On the last android section I was at, one saw me near the end, and I just ran toward the end, turned around and he was just walking menacingly behind me, and then I was in a loading screen.

I also like the idea that while there are guns in the game, it's only in so they aren't held out all the time. In fact it even has your Motion Tracker mapped to the spacebar, which is a great thing because that is your real "weapon" as far as this game is concerned.

The save system is also a cool idea, giving you some goal to go toward, and you can actually be caught right as you are saving.

I really love this game so far, and plan to continue streaming it.


My game of the year. Only game to ever make me crouch-walk through the entire thing.

I actually liked the QTEs. They aren't like most games. They aren't timed, and you don't have to hit the prompt at a specific moment. Once I memorized the button combos, I could get through them as fast as the animations could play.
The QTEs are good, the point is that it takes time to do everything so you need to have a space of time to do something without getting seen, including something as simple as opening a door. Also by definition they are not QTEs.
I like the QTE, adds immersion. Perhaps something that suits dark room couch controller type setup. They even have a setting for camera so you can lean your head, and mic so you can screw your stealth up yelling at your kids. They want it to be a whole body experience and QTEs help that.
You fucked up the QTE, when the alien is near a locker you need to hold S + a or D to lean to the left or right and hold RMB.

I never get pulled when I do it that way.

This game is perfect, I love everything about it gives me Thief II vibes when I'm sneaking around.

On top of that it is one of the scariest fucking games I've ever played and the fact that they adhered to the design and lore of the first film and Giger's Alien design is absolutely incredible.

Alien: Isolation was my GOTY for 2014, absolutely stellar experience.

I want these dudes to make a Thing game next.
I feel like I'm playing this game wrong. I like at chapter 7 and I still don't know the best method for killing androids, and I hardly ever use any items. They seem so incredibly specialized. Also, I'm not sure why they give you the option of planting items on the ground. The enemies are so unpredictable it's really tough to lead them into a trap.

I basically just throw noisemakers to the other side of the room. That's about as strategic as I get.
I feel like I'm playing this game wrong. I like at chapter 7 and I still don't know the best method for killing androids, and I hardly ever use any items. They seem so incredibly specialized. Also, I'm not sure why they give you the option of planting items on the ground. The enemies are so unpredictable it's really tough to lead them into a trap.

I basically just throw noisemakers to the other side of the room. That's about as strategic as I get.

Option 1:

Place pipebomb

Throw noisemaker, android walks into pipebomb.

Throw molotov.

Beat with wrench. Done.

Option 2:

Sneak and use distractions or wait for openings, look for vents, etc.

This is usually the best option and requires patience.

Then Predator after that.

Hell yes.


I want these dudes to make a Thing game next.



I feel like I'm playing this game wrong. I like at chapter 7 and I still don't know the best method for killing androids, and I hardly ever use any items. They seem so incredibly specialized. Also, I'm not sure why they give you the option of planting items on the ground. The enemies are so unpredictable it's really tough to lead them into a trap.

I basically just throw noisemakers to the other side of the room. That's about as strategic as I get.

Use the stun baton to shock them then beat the fuck out of them with it.

Back to OP, I loved the QTE's because you can memorize most of them and do them before the prompt even shows up. As for hiding, yea you leaned forward and he heard it/smelled your funk ass and ripped you from the locker. If you press Back and hold your breath when you get in the locker you shouldn't have a problem, even if the prompt shows up.

GOTY 2014, starting another playthrough tonight.



I want these dudes to make a Thing game next.

Great idea and perfect comparison. Like Iso, The Thing game was an under appreciated, oft overlooked gem that oozed tension and incorporated innovative ways of delivering the true essence of its source material.


I got grudge sucked!
I just started. The end of chapter 2 (the transit car) and ch 3 (the elevator)... trying to put in the code or waiting for the car to arrive.... I wanted to turn the game off. It can't get me if I turn the game off....I'm safe...

I've heard the med bay is bad news bears.....

The atmosphere is great, and I love the game. The Alien acts like it should. Maybe it can be re-balanced where its not stalking you EVERY level from 5 on up but still, I don't know what people expected. The Alien is a sneaky bastard and...oh yeah, a killing machine.

EDIT: The music is awesome, I love how it gets more frantic and dissonant the closer the Alien gets to you. Its the game's artsy way to say you gon git got.
The QTEs are good, the point is that it takes time to do everything so you need to have a space of time to do something without getting seen, including something as simple as opening a door. Also by definition they are not QTEs.

Yeah I don't see these as QTEs (there's essentially no time elements - also unbelievable we still use that phrase, such a random phrase coined by Yu Suzuki) but rather mechanics to make interacting with the station satisfying and to increase tension when you're trying to navigate it.

They're awesome.

I really hope this is CAs "alien" game, and the sequel is their "aliens" game :) I know the directors already confirmed he wants to do another one alien model but - but just think that would be a missed opportunity.


Yeah I don't see these as QTEs (there's essentially no time elements - also unbelievable we still use that phrase, such a random phrase coined by Yu Suzuki) but rather mechanics to make interacting with the station satisfying and to increase tension when you're trying to navigate it.

They're awesome.

I really hope this is CAs "alien" game, and the sequel is their "aliens" game :) I know the directors already confirmed he wants to do another one alien model but - but just think that would be a missed opportunity.

I'd want the gameplay and slow style to be the same, just tighten things up and give us a new location LIKE LV-426.
I'd want the gameplay and slow style to be the same, just tighten things up and give us a new location LIKE LV-426.

I'm not saying completely change the gameplay - it should still be terrifying, and aliens should be rare, but I think to go the whole game again
without the ability to kill any aliens would be a mistake.


Thanks OP for reminding me that I need to get back to playing this game. I had started playing it late last month (got about halfway through mission 2) before getting sidetracked by Bayonetta 2 (I beat it earlier this month and the whole time I was like this) and The Last Of Us (which I actually just started playing the other day) both of which I had heard great things about, but for one reason or another hadn't played either of them until now.


I love this game, but it is so stressful. I haven't made it more than 3-4 hours in because I just get too worked up. Makes it a poor choice for unwinding after work. But it is a fantastic Alien game. Really nails the aesthetic and feel of the first film.


I've replayed this game three times (one general playthrough, the next on Hard difficulty, and a survival achievement run)

Alien Isolation is that amazing!

Fady K

Playing through this right now, more than halfway through, and so far, this is not only a dream game for me as a huge Alien fan (and by Alien I mean only the first Alien, loved Aliens as well though), it is one of the best games I have ever played honestly. Will very likely be my 2014 GOTY.
The QTEs aren't really QTEs more like a movement that you can memorize. Pretty much every thing takes at least a moment to do and that seems intentional. For all the complaints about the game not having auto-saves, the distance between save stations was incredibly generous. Really enjoyed the game. Straight up heart attack material.
This game is one of those missed opportunities for allot of gamers because they got scared away from it by some of the mediocre reviews.

I never picked one GOTY game so easily in all of the years of gaming like I did with Alien Isolation last year. It was such an easy pick that I just hope CA keeps in this same type of atmosphere with the same kind of gameplay approach.

I have been on repeat in these kind of threads but Alien lovers abroad need to buy this game; pronto!.


I beat the entire game on Hard, and I used lockers on a regular basis, and was never found. I don't think I held my breath, either -- I just leaned back in the locker (hold down on a control stick; not sure how it works on PC). Lockers work very well.

What the OP describes as "QTEs" are not QTEs. They're not timed or any such thing. They just make interacting with those bits and bobs more realistic, I.E. holding two triggers to grasp a lever with two hands, and then pushing down on the control stick to push the lever down. It helped immerse me in the experience.
I feel like I'm playing this game wrong. I like at chapter 7 and I still don't know the best method for killing androids, and I hardly ever use any items. They seem so incredibly specialized. Also, I'm not sure why they give you the option of planting items on the ground. The enemies are so unpredictable it's really tough to lead them into a trap.

I basically just throw noisemakers to the other side of the room. That's about as strategic as I get.

Well you don't need more to get around them most of the time. I would usually prefer a flare though as the noisemaker will draw out the Alien out of the vents.
For the Androids, you can roughly estimate their paths and plant a bomb there. Or just let yourself seen while the bomb is between you and the android.

Later in the game, all the bombs become very useful as the Lv.3 versions will emit a sound just like the noisemaker (you have like 4 seconds to get away before it starts) so it actively attracts any enemy to it and then explodes (or smoke bomb etc.).


I really feel like the equipment interactions (doors, switches etc) were designed around controllers and slapped carelessly onto the PC. I can see how they would have felt quite interactive using equivalent movements on a pair of sticks. But on kb/m they just felt disjointed and annoying to me.

Loved the game. But this was a minor bugbear.


What the OP describes as "QTEs" are not QTEs. They're not timed or any such thing. They just make interacting with those bits and bobs more realistic, I.E. holding two triggers to grasp a lever with two hands, and then pushing down on the control stick to push the lever down. It helped immerse me in the experience.

Agreed. The whole notion of things taking time plays in perfectly with the alien potentially being just around the corner. Doing something simple like pulling a lever whilst it was on the other side of the room elevates the tension greatly.
Don't spend too much time in lockers. You have to hide sometimes, but you can also use noisemakers and flares to distract the Alien and move around.

I heard someone talking about the breathing thing on a podcast and never encountered it. I figured they were playing an older version for review or something but it turns out you only have to worry about that if you're spending too much time in them.


This is truly the ultimate love letter to the first two alien movies, & it has been an awesome experience. But goddamn, my nerves have been so rattled with this game, it's making progress impossible for me.


The holding breath in lockers thing isn't really a timed QTE as far as I know, I thought the prompts were more for instructing you in case you didn't know how to do it already. Can't say I used the lockers all that much though, nor did I find a reason to hold my breath; just standing away from the door was all I needed to do in the few times I ran into one.

And as for interacting with the environment, they're button prompts, not QTEs :p

The prompts feel much better/more natural when you do it on a controller vs keyboard as well.
I was late to the party, too, and just finished the game on Friday after getting it from the library. I'm glad I did, because I quite liked it.

It's not perfect, nor exactly great, but it's well above average. The atmosphere is great, the ship design (and its retro computer systems) is awesome and there's quite a bit to like. However, it's not as scary as it could've been, and the flamethrower removes most of the horror. It becomes a crutch.

The game is also too long.


I was late to the party, too, and just finished the game on Friday after getting it from the library. I'm glad I did, because I quite liked it.

It's not perfect, nor exactly great, but it's well above average. The atmosphere is great, the ship design (and its retro computer systems) is awesome and there's quite a bit to like. However, it's not as scary as it could've been, and the flamethrower removes most of the horror. It becomes a crutch.

The game is also too long.
I played through it on Hard, and found the length and pacing to be perfect. Flamethrower was interesting, too -- fuel was limited enough that I couldn't lean on it much. Still had to resort to sneaking and distraction tactics on most occasions post-flamethrower.

Just a fantastic game. Can't stop thinking about it.


Love this game.

My only problem with it is that too many missions are forcing you to go back and forth.
Like I have to get there but the power went down now so I have to go back again...


Love this game.

My only problem with it is that too many missions are forcing you to go back and forth.
Like I have to get there but the power went down now so I have to go back again...
Usually you just have to trek back several rooms at most. It reinforces the layout of the level so that when the alien/androids/looters appear, you have a good grasp of your surroundings and how to exploit them.


Usually you just have to trek back several rooms at most. It reinforces the layout of the level so that when the alien/androids/looters appear, you have a good grasp of your surroundings and how to exploit them.

Yeah but IMO it had it too often. Just to make the game feel longer.


Yeah but IMO it had it too often. Just to make the game feel longer.
For me, it didn't feel like filler. Added to the tension, really, since in the 30 seconds it takes you to go back to a room, you could be jumped by the alien.


For me, it didn't feel like filler. Added to the tension, really, since in the 30 seconds it takes you to go back to a room, you could be jumped by the alien.
Yeah, the backtracking never got tedious for me. In fact it felt organic because if everything was on a linear path it would've felt too convenient to be a real place.


I feel like I'm playing this game wrong. I like at chapter 7 and I still don't know the best method for killing androids, and I hardly ever use any items. They seem so incredibly specialized. Also, I'm not sure why they give you the option of planting items on the ground. The enemies are so unpredictable it's really tough to lead them into a trap.

I basically just throw noisemakers to the other side of the room. That's about as strategic as I get.

Plenty of options; stun baton + melee with the wrench or shotgun to the face when the alien is not around. For the tougher hazmat guys: lay a pipebomb on the floor as they're coming toward you and they walk over it like dumbasses.


Plenty of options; stun baton + melee with the wrench or shotgun to the face when the alien is not around. For the tougher hazmat guys: lay a pipebomb on the floor as they're coming toward you and they walk over it like dumbasses.
Do pipebombs work on the hazmats? I tried this near the end of the game, and the android was unscathed.

I think the best strategy for hazmats is the noisemaker. Throw one down a hall, hide in a locker, watch them go to investigate, then carry on with your mission.
I played through it on Hard, and found the length and pacing to be perfect. Flamethrower was interesting, too -- fuel was limited enough that I couldn't lean on it much. Still had to resort to sneaking and distraction tactics on most occasions post-flamethrower.

Just a fantastic game. Can't stop thinking about it.

I should've played on hard, but I opted for normal because I'm a stealth n00b.
Yeah I heard about the flamethrower breaking the game so I went with nightmare my first time through. Felt pretty similar to The Last of Us on Grounded. You can use the flamethrower maybe 3 or 4 and repelling the Alien costs maybe 100 fuel which you really don't have. The Alien is practically unfuckwithable
I agree with others here that they are either not QTEs or they are "QTEs done right", depending on how broadly you define QTEs.

Bad QTEs are "Press [random input] in the next 2 seconds or die!"

Alien is "Move to the back of the locker and hold your breath to not die", or "use both hands to turn this wrench... I hope you don't have an Alien sneaking up on you right now!"

Making you do an input combo or minigame to unlock the different types of door lock/weld/security is much more immersive than pressing X to have the game do the thing that opens the thing while you just sit there watching animations for 5 seconds and hoping you don't get jumped.


Love this game.

My only problem with it is that too many missions are forcing you to go back and forth.
Like I have to get there but the power went down now so I have to go back again...

The backtracking actually made much sense for me. It just feels wrong when you spend 2 hours reaching your objective and then another way out magically appears that takes you back to the starting point in 5 seconds. Immersion lost immediately.

The game is definitilely not too long. It can only be too long if it's no longer enjoyable, and I enjoyed it to the end.

Here's my review of the game
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