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In depth look at Xenosaga Episode III Japanese demo


you can't put a price on sparks
that's good to hear....i liked the first one..............for its story.........................


Haha, I'm going to bump this thread since the title is perfect!

Some people have decided to have an even MORE "in depth" look into the Xenosaga Episode III demo, and once again, Monolithsoft's utterly incompetent loser self-owning programmers have inflicted pain upon themselves! :lol

Apparently Monolithsoft was SO lazy they didn't even "strip" the game for the demo, they simply only included the dungeon that would be in the game, and kept the engine and "other" data 100% intact with the final game. Therefore, someone decided to have a go at the database files and lo and behold, everyone on 2ch now knows the entire story of Xenosaga Episode III, the truths about every character, organization, location and backstory in the game, as well as the identity of all the E.S. units and who pilots them.

Monolithsoft, YOU LOSE!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


duckroll said:
Haha, I'm going to bump this thread since the title is perfect!

Some people have decided to have an even MORE "in depth" look into the Xenosaga Episode III demo, and once again, Monolithsoft's utterly incompetent loser self-owning programmers have inflicted pain upon themselves! :lol

Apparently Monolithsoft was SO lazy they didn't even "strip" the game for the demo, they simply only included the dungeon that would be in the game, and kept the engine and "other" data 100% intact with the final game. Therefore, someone decided to have a go at the database files and lo and behold, everyone on 2ch now knows the entire story of Xenosaga Episode III, the truths about every character, organization, location and backstory in the game, as well as the identity of all the E.S. units and who pilots them.

Monolithsoft, YOU LOSE!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

...damn, talk about shooting yourself in the foot. I feel bad for whoever was responsible - I can see this having a serious negative impact on sales.

You really don't have to take such malicious glee in their misfortune though, Duckroll. :p


Tellaerin said:
...damn, talk about shooting yourself in the foot. I feel bad for whoever was responsible - I can see this having a serious negative impact on sales.

You really don't have to take such malicious glee in their misfortune though, Duckroll. :p

It's not misfortune. It's incompetence. I take every single satisfaction in watching a company that tries to destroy itself repeatedly suffer. If you want to put up some pointers on why Monolithsoft deserves any sympathy when all they've been doing for the past 6 years is basically summed up as shooting themselves in the foot, I would be glad to hear them. If you fuck yourself up once, it's sad. When you fuck yourself up ten times over by in the span of 6 years since your birth, it's hilarious. :lol


duckroll said:
If you want to put up some pointers on why Monolithsoft deserves any sympathy when all they've been doing for the past 6 years is basically summed up as shooting themselves in the foot, I would be glad to hear them.

Watching Monolithsoft's slow-motion disintegration has been like watching a smart, talented friend go off the rails despite his best efforts to turn things around. (It's not like they haven't made an effort, and it's not like they weren't sincerely trying. They just keep fucking up.) These guys were behind a couple of games that I really enjoyed, and watching them end up like this is just tragic. Considering the high hopes I had for Monolithsoft when the company was first formed, I guess I just don't have it in me to laugh at their situation now. *shrug*


Tellaerin said:
Watching Monolithsoft's slow-motion disintegration has been like watching a smart, talented friend go off the rails despite his best efforts to turn things around. (It's not like they haven't made an effort, and it's not like they weren't sincerely trying. They just keep fucking up.)

QFT! That's what makes it so funny!

These guys were behind a couple of games that I really enjoyed, and watching them end up like this is just tragic.

Not sure who "these guys" are anymore. Most of the people that worked on XS Ep1 have never worked on any of the other Monolithsoft games. That's the other hilarious part, now Monolithsoft is really a little more than a Namco-owned studio that Namco's trying to make SOMEWHAT profitable by bringing in freelancers (Masato Kato on BK) or new guys (the writer/director of a few SRW games for NxC) from other good projects but yet they STILL kept fucking up! How can you not laugh? The people we REALLY love have moved on, Monolithsoft is just a sinking skeleton robotship that Namco has invested way too much time and money into to close at this moment for fear of the wrath of shareholders. :lol

Considering the high hopes I had for Monolithsoft when the company was first formed, I guess I just don't have it in me to laugh at their situation now. *shrug*

Hey, I've bought pretty much every Monolithsoft game worth buying, and I'll continue buying them. I've paid enough to DESERVE laughing! I pay first-day retail price on their JAPANESE releases too, all the more right I have to run them down when they don't deliver! :D
It is awesome that people who want to know what happens no longer have to sit through the 80 hours of cutscenes and 30 minutes of gameplay to find out. Yay!

Some programmer at Monolithsoft probably did it on purpose, out of mercy.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
duckroll said:
Haha, I'm going to bump this thread since the title is perfect!

Some people have decided to have an even MORE "in depth" look into the Xenosaga Episode III demo, and once again, Monolithsoft's utterly incompetent loser self-owning programmers have inflicted pain upon themselves! :lol

Apparently Monolithsoft was SO lazy they didn't even "strip" the game for the demo, they simply only included the dungeon that would be in the game, and kept the engine and "other" data 100% intact with the final game. Therefore, someone decided to have a go at the database files and lo and behold, everyone on 2ch now knows the entire story of Xenosaga Episode III, the truths about every character, organization, location and backstory in the game, as well as the identity of all the E.S. units and who pilots them.

Monolithsoft, YOU LOSE!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
You laugh, but honestly, why in the hell would you EVER want to read such information if you actually did care about the game? That sort of mentality I will never understand...

"Yeah, I think I'm going to spoil the game for myself just to stick it the developers lol"


dark10x said:
"Yeah, I think I'm going to spoil the game for myself just to stick it the developers lol"

You don't have to read it to stick it to the developers. It's like laughing when a director is tight-lipped on the plot of his new movie, then his film crew accidentally leaves the script behind after a press conference hyping it up. Or something. :lol :lol :lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
duckroll said:
You don't have to read it to stick it to the developers. It's like laughing when a director is tight-lipped on the plot of his new movie, then his film crew accidentally leaves the script behind after a press conference hyping it up. Or something. :lol :lol :lol
I guess I can understand that. :p

The situation is funny, I suppose...but it's not like those who are actually interested in it would read the whole thing. Is it on 2ch right now (at least some of the info), though? I can't access that site from work, unfortunately, so I can't see for myself.


dark10x said:
I guess I can understand that. :p

The situation is funny, I suppose...but it's not like those who are actually interested in it would read the whole thing. Is it on 2ch right now (at least some of the info), though? I can't access that site from work, unfortunately, so I can't see for myself.

It's on the Xenosaga threads on 2ch in bits. There's also a zip file with text files containing all the various sections of the database and all the entries in them.
Monolith is so unbelievable stupid, it´s not even funny anymore...but...the xeno fanboy in me is pretty satisfied with the conclusion of the story. sounds good.
There's no way in hell I'm reading that.

No way am I gonna read that.

Not going to read...


...itchy... tasty...


Yeah, so, I've never played any of the previous Xenosaga games, and I just read that.




I'm with Himuro. Played both Xenosagas and Xenogears, and I still don't know what the heck is going on. :/


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I read that and I'm so glad I didn't bother with this series after episode 1 :D


:lol :lol :lol The sabotage continues! Wait till the REST of the pics get online! :lol :lol :lol

The pics pretty much confirm that Omega = Weltall. Omega Res Novae is OR Weltall and the one that Dimitri builds out of the remains of Proto Omega from the end of XS Ep2, Omega ID is Weltall ID. I expect a blue normal Weltall varient to be Omega Universitis since we saw that in the VERY FIRST XS trailer back in 2001, and of course Omega Metapsychomwhateverthefuck would probably look like Xenogears itself.


there is joy in sucking dick
duckroll said:
:lol :lol :lol The sabotage continues! Wait till the REST of the pics get online! :lol :lol :lol

The pics pretty much confirm that Omega = Weltall. Omega Res Novae is OR Weltall and the one that Dimitri builds out of the remains of Proto Omega from the end of XS Ep2, Omega ID is Weltall ID. I expect a blue normal Weltall varient to be Omega Universitis since we saw that in the VERY FIRST XS trailer back in 2001, and of course Omega Metapsychomwhateverthefuck would probably look like Xenogears itself.

:O :O :O

Edit: Oh shit...I hit my 6,000th post...!!!



Himuro said:
I'm still trying to draw the line here. Connected or a retelling? WHat do you think, Ducky?

Any new info from 2ch?

Erm, my stand has been clear from the start. XS is not XG. It's a reimagining.


Monolith's made 3 really great games, and one really shitty one. Sure, Xenosaga just kind of blehed after #1, but Der Wille zur Macht was still a pretty sweet game. And both Baten Kaitoses have been extremely awesome.

I've never played Pied Piper (or 1+2), but I really don't understand the hate. Well, I understand the Xeno hate, but not the hate for them as developers. They've already proved with Baten Kaitos I and II that they can make a kick ass game without deeply religious themes and over uses of bilblical terms.

Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing how the series ends. None of the spoiler stuff makes any sense to me anyways, and the stuff that does I could already have guessed.


Himuro said:

Okay, I found the matching database entries to explain these characters I think! :lol

Aizen Magas - An old man who lives in the Dabre Mines on Miltia. Originally he migrated to Miltia with his son Teras after it became a republic as larbor immigrants working in the mines. There's a bunch of other shit about how U-TIC took control over the Miltia government and the mines and workforce were gradually falling into disarray with resistances against U-TIC. Anyway he's Mai's grandfather and I don't give a shit about Teras at the moment. In his entry it says he's was a resistance fighter against U-TIC.

Mai Magas - Teras Magas' beloved daughter. She lives with her grandfather Aizen Magas in the Dabre Mines. After her father dies in the riots in the Dabre Mines, she customizes his O-Tec, Leupold for combat purposes and restores peace in the mines.

Leupold - Specially tuned O-Tec used by Telas Magas for larbor work in the Dabre Mines. After his death, his daughter Mai installs firearms into Leupold and retunes it until it no longer resembles the larbor O-Tec it once was but is now a formidable weapon that matches military strength.


duckroll said:
Erm, my stand has been clear from the start. XS is not XG. It's a reimagining.

I still have faith they'll create 4, 5, 6 as a seperate trilogy tied to this one.

All they need to do is have Abel make contact (done), the entire Deus fiasco (I think it's halfway done behind the scenes) and then the eldridge transporting the dismantled Deus to somewhere in space.

That's all they need to tie into the rest of the series.

4 is Sophia, Krillian and Lacan's story.
5 is Fei and Elhaym's story.
6 is ???

So I'm not reading the spoilers, but do they tell the ending?


Tabris said:
I still have faith they'll create 4, 5, 6 as a seperate trilogy tied to this one.

Not if the sales (or lack thereof) can help it! That's one area Monolithsoft NEVER disappoints! :lol :lol

That's all they need to tie into the rest of the series.

WHAT SERIES? Xenosaga != Xenogears. Xenogears is not a series, Xenosaga is. STOP THE STUPIDITY!

4 is Sophia, Krillian and Lacan's story.
5 is Fei and Elhaym's story.
6 is ???

So I'm not reading the spoilers, but do they tell the ending?

This is why I love XGXS fanatics.

Case 1:

Takahashi says Xenosaga is a complete reimagining of the concepts of Xenogears and not the Xenogears series.

Fans say he MUST be lying and just covering up because he doesn't want to be sued by Square.

Case 2:

As the Xenosaga series goes on, it looks more and more likely that Takahashi was telling the truth. All "references" to Xenogears are just nods to the design and names while the story heads in a totally different direction as written for Episode 1 and Episode 2 and Episode 3 in Xenogears Perfect Works.

Fans say it must just be delayed slightly and make up all kinds of excuses to how EVENTUALLY it could still lead to Xenogears.

Case 3:

Monolithsoft throws in the tower and says XS Ep3 is the end.


Case 4:

The database of the Ep3 demo is cracked and all the data released. It is clear that there is no intention at all to ever get anywhere near Xenogears.


I gotta say, anyone who still supports this stupidass company the deserves to go under and be jobless on the streets of Tokyo really deserve each other. You can all huggle each other to keep warm in the streets of Tokyo when they go jobless though... should be soon, especially since there's no reason for anyone to buy XS EP3 now! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Himuro said:
They're all a bunch of random images.

They won't stop you from buying anything honestly. Thy're not THAT in depth.

How do I upload with that site? Just pick the zip, and go to upload? Do I need to make a del key?


You don't need a del key, just pick the zip and upload. Up to 30meg!
I can't even be bothered to read all the spoilers -- the story's a convoluted mess; even moreso than Xenogears.

Thanks for saving me $50, GAF.


Hmm... some of that does make sense now that I think about it. I'm just glad that X3 isn't going to be crap like X2. At least the series is ending on the right foot.

And seriously, Monolith is a great developer. They've made some really good RPGs, like Xenogears, X1, Baten Kaitos, and Baten Kaitos II.


Here are some totally spoilerific montages! Spoiler-tagged links and descriptions for your protection! :lol

All ES mechs

From left to right, top to bottom: ES Asher, ES Dinah, ES Zebulun, ES Rueben, ES Levi, ES Levi w/ Huge Claw, ES Issachar, ES Gad, ES Joseph, ES Simeon (Ep1-2), ES Simeon (Ep3), ES Dan, ES Naphtali, ES Judah, Joshua (Wilhelm's mech).

Gnosis bosses within Abel's Ark

From left to right: Natus Glacies, Natus Lumen, Natus Flamma, Natus Terrarum.

All forms of Omega

From left to right, top to bottom: Proto Omega, Omega Res Novae, Omega Universitas, Omega Id, Omega Metempsychosis (two pics!)

Man, they put so many goddamn pics in the database, if I spent enough time I could probably have the entire XS Ep3 game in thumbnail storybook form! :lol

Edit: Hey Himuro, mine are easier to view! You just copied and pasted! :p


Ugh, XSIII could be the amazing, but I would probably never buy it as I'd be forced to finish Xenosaga 2.


Unlike lazy-ass Himuro here, copying and pasting from other people's posts on various forums, I've actually been crosslinking the database images and database entries to get accurate reasons and maximum spoilage! I WILL DO MORE DAMAGE TO MONOLITHSOFT IN THE LONG RUN! (This is like a race, to destroy the incompetent!) :lol


I don't understand how posting any of this on a forum with few Japanese members will hurt Monolithsoft. Anyone outside of Japan that wants to know the story will be able to find out everything they want (with video) well before the game comes out in their territory anyways, just like for the first two games.

This thread actually got me interested in Xenosaga again. I just restarted episode 2 and will (hopefully) actually finish it this time.
I really liked the first two episodes. I thought Episode II was a pretty decent RPG and while playing it I couldn't understand why people hate it so bad. But hey, taste is taste I guess. I actually think the battle system in II is pretty fun and I enjoyed the experience on the whole. I've read a bit of these spoilers, but not really enough, so I can't wait to get the game.
My only real gripes concern the length of the games and the convoluted nature of the storytelling. I've never had much of a problem understanding complicated stories in the past but the events in both I and II pretty much went over my head and I'll have to replay them both before III comes out.
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