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Lightning voted best character in Dengeki's otaku-driven poll


Topic change... :(

It is also inaccurate, since the source says itself, "Lightning has been voted as the best character of 2013 at Dengeki PlayStation Awards". The way the thread reads undermines that it was an actual, official awards show.


Again, I never said it was. I guess people are just stigma-ed from the term "otaku".

I think the change is due to the higher fidelity in graphics, to be honest. Before characters were sprites or so blocky that they didn't really elicit a physical attraction. Now that everything's HD, people are really caught on looks.

Maybe who knows


The cost is alienating your western fanbase. Specially bad when you still have the marketing budget of a AAA title.

I don't think that's the case at all, I think Japanese developers are being far too lazy these days. Notice the artwork of Korean MMORPGs is full of naked people everwhere? Well, most Korean MMOs die within one year, despite whatever sexualized artwork they're using.

People are still people, they'll buy what's good if it's advertised well enough and is a solid experience they'll become a fan of the series. Japanese games and media turning into this sex crap is stupid.

It is also inaccurate, since the source says itself, "Lightning has been voted as the best character of 2013 at Dengeki PlayStation Awards". The way the thread reads undermines that it was an actual, official awards show.

shhh Kagari is betraying gaf's hopes to recreate the world in her image


Bleh, sorry. I had a feeling that line would cause confusion. I don't mean that the story doesn't give a reason as to why she might be called a goddess. I meant that my point was not about the story, and her treatment as a character externally.

Oh that. I'm pretty sure many of us are just joking around just to rile up the haters. And honestly? It's kind of fun and apt since she's practically one in the game post FFXIII-2. :p
I want to say yes, but with this anime I have to say no.



Don try the guilt trip. You renounced to you high horse rights when you come here to celebrate a "edick" contest.

Ahaha, Im not celebrating anything, Im just laughing at the reactions(hence my first two posts), I don't even agree that Lightning is the best character.
If you want my super serious self, I could say that it's sad that people are having such knee jerk reactions instead of discussing the actual merits/flaws of the character (and that's what I tried to direct the discussion to after my first few light hearted NON SERIOUS posts)through actual evidence of what happens in the XIII games in regards to her character. But go on, paint me as the hypocrite or the bad guy all you want.
The tonality and discourse is completely different between the two topics.. If you want me to go into detail about why Im not being inconsistent, I can.


None of them had a following this devote, though. Yuna got dangerously close to this level of fandom. I recall people calling her "Queen Yuna", but this new level of devotion is something else. I guess it's been a gradual change in the fandom over time.

I think the only reason why it may seem that way is becuase she doesn't have an equally as popular male counterpart.

Lighting is currently the primary mascot for the FF series. Before her, it was Yuna, whom succeeded Aerith, whom succeeded, Rydia. In each of those cases, they had an equally as popular male counterpart in Tidus, Cloud, and Kain respectively. Lightning doesn't have that (I assume Hope is the closest one since he's the most prominently featured male character in the sequels). That's how I see it anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
Time to make a new series set in an alternate mutliverse. Almost every Final Fantasy game but with one main character from the cast replaced with Lightning. Replace all of the nameless characters from the original with Lightning, Leon from II, Luneth from III, Cecil from IV, Bartz from V, Terra from VI, Cloud from VII, Leon from VIII, Zidane from IX, Tidus from X, Basch from XII. And then for the finale, have all of the Lightnings from every universe come together in one more universe to create an entire party of Lightnings.
Ahaha, Im not celebrating anything, Im just laughing at the reactions(hence my first two posts), I don't even agree that Lightning is the best character.
If you want my super serious self, I could say that it's sad that people are having such knee jerk reactions instead of discussing the actual merits/flaws of the character through actual evidence of what happens in the XIII games in regards to her character. But go on, paint me as the hypocrite or the bad guy all you want.

No need. Also, nice edit.


People want a playable female character for ff 15, lighting winning polls like a boss

You know what to do square!


Junior Member
Oh that. I'm pretty sure many of us are just joking around just to rile up the haters. And honestly? It's kind of fun and apt since she's practically one in the game post FFXIII-2. :p
Idk man, I see the posts that are clearly getting a rise out of people, but then there's other users, who are either perfect trolls are reeaaally dedicated. And they never break character.

But yea, just wanted to say I'm not one of the "FF is doomed because of FFXIII!" crowd. I personally didn't like what I played of it, and found it wasn't for me. And even if I found it weak, I know the next FF is by a different team and the world moves on. I just can't wait for us to put this era (the obsessive love and obsessive hate) of FF, behind us.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I could say that it's sad that people are having such knee jerk reactions instead of discussing the actual merits of the character through actual evidence of what happens in the XIII games in regards to her character.
I don't particularly like Lightning despite her being aimed towards my demographic/a character I should more than likely empathize with (early 20s female, older sister, etc) way back when Final Fantasy XIII was originally released in Japan in 2009, and I've written in the past why I don't care for the character very much. I get that people like her. If I say something exaggerating like "man, going out for a drink because of this", it's mostly because I'm joking. There are bigger things than video games.

The squabbling and hyperbole can underscore the direction that some FF threads go into on GAF lately. It's something that is no longer surprising at this point. Other FF threads are cool, though.
Squall is an orphan teenager with abandonment issues, his character is incredibly human and extremely realistic.
Besides having no parents, his only family in the orphanage "abandoned" him, he was a child when these things happened, these events left traumatic scars on his psyche forever more, leading him to social isolation and trust issues. He is still a good guy at heart that learns to cope with his problems and he has a gradual and organic change from grumpy angsty douche to a legitimately cool dude with a new outlook on life.
It seems like people have selective narrative comprehension to the things they like and f the rest..

Maybe you're right, but Squall had a group to help him through his problem, people who experienced the same EXACT life that he did growing up.

Cloud re-grouped in the midst of his problems, suffered clear psychotic and split personality tendencies, while successfully saving the world.

Maybe Squall doesn't suck, I'll retract that, but if the problem with FF is teen angst and unnecessary melodrama, Squall and FFVIII is the source. In my opinion.
It didn't get #1 in the gaming award category if that helps.

#4 to God Eater 2 (#1), Dragon's Crown (#2), and Sen no Kiseki (#3).

I mean, I have no feelings on this one way or the other. I liked her in XIII and XIII-2 (well enough, at least), felt she was a horrible slog in LR. I'm just commenting that if the popularity actually meant anything, the sales of the game wouldn't be a fraction of XIII and half or less than XIII-2. And obviously she has no real pull outside of Japan if NPD is the be believed.
So have interesting tidbits... Her competition...


2nd place was Hatsune Miku

3rd place was Monokuma


Further amusement,

4th place was Zero from Drag-on Dragoon 3

5th place was Neptune/Purple Heart

6th place was God Eater's Alisa

7th place was Yuna and Raiden for a tie.

9th was Rorona

and 10th is Rean from Sen no Kiseki

So that explains why she won.


Maybe you're right, but Squall had a group to help him through his problem, people who experienced the same EXACT life that he did growing up.

Cloud re-grouped in the midst of his problems, suffered clear psychotic and split personality tendencies, while successfully saving the world.

Maybe Squall doesn't suck, I'll retract that, but if the problem with FF is teen angst and unnecessary melodrama, Squall and FFVIII is the source. In my opinion.

FF6 is probably one of the most melodramatic FF's(Im not saying this in a derrogatory way, I love "melodrama") but there we go again with the selective criticism.(this is not directed towards you, it's directed towards "TRUE" HERPDERP Final Fantasy fans)
Squall's character was intentionally written that way, it's targetted towards people IRL that might be suffering the same struggles(Btw the other characters had no equivalent of "sis", Squall and her had a particularly close connection and you just have to take into account that different people have different personalities by default, he was always an introvert kid, the others werent.).
But oh well, the internet will be the internet.(Im not attacking you, im speaking in general)

And LOL AT THE thread title change, that's flat out insulting generilized trite.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
As it should be! Love Lightning <3 Her and Bayonetta are my 2 fave new characters introduced last gen
It is also inaccurate, since the source says itself, "Lightning has been voted as the best character of 2013 at Dengeki PlayStation Awards". The way the thread reads undermines that it was an actual, official awards show.

I would write up a real response
but nah

you salty bro?
Of course she's the best character.

How else would Lightning Returns have sold 5 million copies alone in Japan in the first week and is thus the best selling game in Japan ever?


I wouldn't say it was all that otaku driven, there are some decent choices in there like Monokuma, and hell we have Raiden from MGR.


It is also inaccurate, since the source says itself, "Lightning has been voted as the best character of 2013 at Dengeki PlayStation Awards". The way the thread reads undermines that it was an actual, official awards show.

As official as:

"Dengeki praised the game for the battle system, stating that the battles are by far the most exciting in the series, and concluded Final Fantasy XIII deserved a score of 120, as 100 would not be enough..."


Why didn't the game sell better in Japan if they love her so much?

Maybe because they are tired of FFXIII world despite liking her? It's possible to like a character or two and not liking the game. The lore of FFXIII is too overwrought for me. I can't keep up with all of the Gods' shenanigans and I am not even sure which ones can be counted as Gods and which ones are stronger than others.

I like Lightning because she's pretty great to use in battle. I know many are not too hot on her stoic personality the same way people never really warm up to Anna Torv's Olivia Dunham on "Fringe". I think it's mostly because neither of them are female character who puts their emotion on their sleeve. Thus the 'no personality/emotion' comments. But I'm fine with that. Not all female characters have to have similar type of personality.

Come to think of it, people would probably like Lumina better than Lightning if she were the main character of the game. Because her personality is the kind of personality that attracts/drawn people to her.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So have interesting tidbits... Her competition...


2nd place was Hatsune Miku

3rd place was Monokuma


Further amusement,

4th place was Zero from Drag-on Dragoon 3

5th place was Neptune/Purple Heart

6th place was God Eater's Alisa

7th place was Yuna and Raiden for a tie.

9th was Rorona

and 10th is Rean from Sen no Kiseki

How in the world did she beat out Miku?


"Why are you celebrating that Braveky Default sold more than LR?" :angryface:

Both sides are salty.

Seems like you misjudge my posts all the freaking time.
My point was the following in that thread:
-Since when are sales indicative of the quality of a game.
-Why arent people discussing the merits/flaws of each game instead of using irrelevant trite such as sales to prove anything. Many amazing games have sold like crap in the past and some terrible games have sold like hot cakes. Sales mean nothing. I was trying to promote a passionate discussion about games and not a dick measuring contest.

THAT'S EXACTLY the same I am doing here(just with a different tonality) by pointing out how silly and sad many reactions are being.

The thread title change is only the icing on the cake that truly gives strength to my interpretatons.


Well shit. I better go into hiding then!


So have interesting tidbits... Her competition...


2nd place was Hatsune Miku

3rd place was Monokuma


Further amusement,

4th place was Zero from Drag-on Dragoon 3

5th place was Neptune/Purple Heart

6th place was God Eater's Alisa

7th place was Yuna and Raiden for a tie.

9th was Rorona

and 10th is Rean from Sen no Kiseki


Incredible. She isn't even the top waifu bait on a list full of waifu bait.
In all seriousness, why is anyone genuinely angry or upset by this? Irrelevant magazine that's arguably even worse than Famitsu in terms of reputation hosted an irrelevant award and Lightning wins another irrelevant award on top of other irrelevant awards. It is such a non-story and only here because we all know what kind of reaction is normally fished from this, and it becomes embarrassing to see.

Lightning Returns has bombed relative to other FF games anyway. Save frustration for an outlet that really calls for it, like say a fourth FFXIII game or a substantial Lightning role in FFXV.


I mean, I have no feelings on this one way or the other. I liked her in XIII and XIII-2 (well enough, at least), felt she was a horrible slog in LR. I'm just commenting that if the popularity actually meant anything, the sales of the game wouldn't be a fraction of XIII and half or less than XIII-2. And obviously she has no real pull outside of Japan if NPD is the be believed.

I think there are Western fans that like Lightning too just as much as the Japanese, they just may not play the games as much. :/

And honestly, I feel like a third sequel of any FF game would probably not have fared too well compared to the earlier games anyway.

In all seriousness, why is anyone genuinely angry or upset by this? Irrelevant magazine that's arguably even worse than Famitsu in terms of reputation hosted an irrelevant award and Lightning wins another irrelevant award on top of other irrelevant awards. It is such a non-story and only here because we all know what kind of reaction is normally fished from this, and it becomes embarrassing to see.

Lightning Returns has bombed relative to other FF games anyway. Save frustration for an outlet that really calls for it, like say a fourth FFXIII game or a substantial Lightning role in FFXV.

What is this bad reputation you speak of?! >( Anyway, subscribers probably voted for these.
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