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Eurogamer: Yu Suzuki is looking into Kickstarter for Shenmue 3 / wk on secret project


To gather the money he needs for the game that big, minimal pledge that will give the game would need to be full price of $60.

This is a very hard game to make.


Why would we assume that? The assets are from 13 years/2 gens ago and who knows if they still have the source code. That's like saying that a VII remake would be easy since they already have the assets. Doesn't work like that.

I don't see what's wrong with those assumptions. I specifically stated that this would be if they were to make the new game as if it had been created as a Dreamcast sequel. Your FFVII remake comparison makes no sense, as the main expectation of a FFVII remake is that the graphics would be completely revamped. That's exactly what I'm saying they could avoid doing for a new Shenmue.

I also think that it's less likely that they don't have the source code for a variety of reasons... the first being that Shenmue as a project was never completed, so it likely never transitioned over to the "we're done with this" folder that Sega has a tendency to accidentally lose. Secondly, they seem to have become a lot better at maintaining there code and assets from the Dreamcast era when compared to the Saturn era and before, this is likely what contributes to so many of their chosen rereleases being Dreamcast games. Lastly, all signs point to the fact that both Shenmue and Shenmue II were essentially completed as HD projects, meaning that not only would they have the code, it would already be prepared for current generation development.

Even failing all of that, most of the assets (sound, models, textures) could simply be extracted from the already released copies. So yea, I don't see anything wrong with my assumptions here.
I'll fund it and I don't even like Shenmue

it's justice

Haha awesome.

I'm in fo sho. I'd love to see how yu's strange series would interact with a more modern medium. Shenmue was a pioneer in so many ways, it'd be great to see it adapt the lessons of all it's descendants and hopefully improve on them.
If this happens to exist, I'll put down 100. Maybe more depending on how long the Kickstarter goes.

However, I'm doubtful fans will put down more than a few bucks. Hell, I'm doubtful enough fans exist to justify this game's existence.


Shenmue I & II Hd Remaster would be a good test before the sequel...



Trojan X

Shenmue I & II Hd Remaster would be a good test before the sequel...



No need to test anything for that timing has already passed. It's either you go all in or not at all.

Yu should definitely do the kickstarter and get Donnie Yen to help with the choreography. He CANNOT go wrong!
Shenmue 3 was trending worldwide on twitter the other day. There's definitely a large fanbase for this game. Not to mention whenever there is a slight bit of Shenmue related news, the gaming media blows up.

Like i said previously, if they really wanted to cut the costs down to the bare minimum whilst keeping the shenmue magic, use the old graphics with uncompressed textures, HD them, smooth out all the edges, and revamp the controls.

Reading this thread, I get the feeling $100 would be the minimum pledge. Haha, so much love.

Too bad most won't put their money where their mouth is. No offense, but some people on a forum saying "I'LL SUPPORT IT" doesn't install much hope.

As I've said before, Shenmue, despite how awesome it is, doesn't have the fans to support another game. Unless they are super cray and decide to drop down a load of money per person, it ain't happenin'.

Dr. Kaos

A kickstarter would never raise enough money for Shenmue III.

Never ever ever ever ever. Not even close. Not even close to half. Not even close to a quarter. Not even close to half a quarter.

The game would cost over $100M to develop.

Abandon all hope please and thank you.

Also, not enough people played Shemue, and not enough people who played it liked it (dem loading times...ughhh).

Who wants to buy Shemue III when they haven't played the first 2? Nobody. That's who.

And I say this as someone who petted a kitten for a solid 15 minutes in Shenmue 1.
Shenmue 3 was trending worldwide on twitter the other day. There's definitely a large fanbase for this game. Not to mention whenever there is a slight bit of Shenmue related news, the gaming media blows up.

Like i said previously, if they really wanted to cut the costs down to the bare minimum whilst keeping the shenmue magic, use the old graphics with uncompressed textures, HD them, smooth out all the edges, and revamp the controls.


Only Ps4 would be a mistake. Especially considering the cost of developing the game.


Lol this can't be real. I mean I guess it is, but it just doesn't feel like it.

I mean I'd back it. Hopefully something comes of it.


Would anyone mind if the graphics remained the same with Shenmue 3? I know I would still spend $100+ even with Dreamcast-level graphics. At least with that level of fidelity, the development cost should not be that high.


Only Ps4 would be a mistake. Especially considering the cost of developing the game.

I'll get the PC/tablet version.
Would anyone mind if the graphics remained the same with Shenmue 3? I know I would still spend $100+ even with Dreamcast-level graphics. At least with that level of fidelity, the development cost should not be that high.
The first game has a solid and consistent look. That is lost somewhat for Shenmue 2 with some nasty backdrops, the gaudier palette, and a flat sea.


A kickstarter would never raise enough money for Shenmue III.

Never ever ever ever ever. Not even close. Not even close to half. Not even close to a quarter. Not even close to half a quarter.

The game would cost over $100M to develop.

Abandon all hope please and thank you.

Also, not enough people played Shemue, and not enough people who played it liked it (dem loading times...ughhh).

Who wants to buy Shemue III when they haven't played the first 2? Nobody. That's who.

And I say this as someone who petted a kitten for a solid 15 minutes in Shenmue 1.
Again, please take a look at Star citizen.
Was kickstarer and now it has 40M $$$$ >_>"


Shenmue II confused me. Where was the fighting? Where was the fighter move RPG level up system? It got so bad that I purposely failed the stealth sections near the end just so I could punch and kick fools.
Again, please take a look at Star citizen.
Was kickstarer and now it has 40M $$$$ >_>"

Such a different situation though. Star Citizen was about bringing back a long neglected genre, on a platform that plays well on KS (the PC), and with a business model that plays in to raising the funds exponentially past the KS (selling ships and other things for large sums of money). Even then, the KS only raised $2million which sounds like a lot, but is a miniscule budget for a game like that. It works for them though because they have lots of private investment money to back it up on top of the business model previously mentioned.

Shenmue would be a sequel to a heavily story based game (limiting the entry point), to a game that was pretty niche, and would require a LOT of animation, voice acting, and art assets, all with no real extra revenue generator beyond the initial purchase.

From wiki talking about the original games:
The game was followed by a 2001 sequel, Shenmue II, with at least one more planned as a Dreamcast series. The budget for both games amounted to $70 million, equivalent to over $98 million in 2013.

And that was for two Dreamcast games. I can't imagine any game any time soon generating $50 million on KS (even with Paypal late backers) and if any game did, I don't think it would be Shenmue.


Hope he just plans on using it as a start, because there's no way it'll cover everything.

Get Cerny to foot the rest of the bill.


Only Ps4 would be a mistake. Especially considering the cost of developing the game.

It would be a mistake if being funded purely via Kickstarter. However it would probably make a lot more sense in terms of Sony funding and publishing it exclusively for PS4, versus Sega publishing it for all platforms. I've stated a few times in the past, that I feel Shenmue would have a lot more value being used as a differentiating factor for one console (much like most exclusives really), rather than an attempt to actually generate profit from the game's sales. There are plenty of examples of first (or second) party games which likely would not have happened otherwise (such as Shenmue in the first place).

Shenmue II confused me. Where was the fighting? Where was the fighter move RPG level up system? It got so bad that I purposely failed the stealth sections near the end just so I could punch and kick fools.

I really missed practicing my martial arts in the sequel. I also missed the little things, such as having the cassette player loaded with music to listen to. It would be awesome if any HD remakes could apply the strength of each title across both games. So for Shenmue 1 you would be able to do the basic shit like walking down stairs seamlessly, whilst in Shenmue you could still find vacant places to practice... and when you get you bag back from that little shit Wong, some of your stuff from Shenmue I (such as your cassette player) where still there.

And that was for two Dreamcast games. I can't imagine any game any time soon generating $50 million on KS (even with Paypal late backers) and if any game did, I don't think it would be Shenmue.

Your post was pretty much perfect up until this point. IT WOULD NOT COST $50 MILLION to make a Shenmue game today! Suzuki said it was $47m for the previous games rather than $70m, and that covered all the new ground-breaking tech, plans for when it was Virtua Fighter RPG, the transition from Saturn to Dreamcast, and marketing. Can we stop throwing $50m out there as an estimate please?
Yu Suzuki is a genius. I hope he realizes that you don't need a massive budget to make an amazing game these days. I would kill for a Shenmue 1+2 HD, though. Please, dear God, let it happen. Just let me drive my damn forklift in HD.

Shenmue III will happen.
Your post was pretty much perfect up until this point. IT WOULD NOT COST $50 MILLION to make a Shenmue game today! Suzuki said it was $47m for the previous games rather than $70m, and that covered all the new ground-breaking tech, plans for when it was Virtua Fighter RPG, the transition from Saturn to Dreamcast, and marketing. Can we stop throwing $50m out there as an estimate please?
I'll concede that. I still think the cost would be too large for traditional crowdfunding though. If a game like Psychonauts 2 would cost around $13m today, I don't see how a new Shenmue could be done for any cheaper than that even if you cut a bunch of corners.

EDIT: Doing some research in to Kingdom Come Deliverance's budget, they seem to estimate final costs around $5million at their original vision. Not sure if that's a more analogous game or not though.


Cool. Since I never played the previous games I can't really say I am excited about the idea, but I might be down for what ever the cheapest tier that gets me the game is.

Some people need to keep their expectations in check it seems though. There is no way this will pull anywhere near the kind of money Star Citizen has for reasons many have said in this thread already. A few million is pretty much the best anyone should hope for.


I'll concede that. I still think the cost would be too large for traditional crowdfunding though. If a game like Psychonauts 2 would cost around $13m today, I don't see how a new Shenmue could be done for any cheaper than that even if you cut a bunch of corners.

EDIT: Doing some research in to Kingdom Come Deliverance's budget, they seem to estimate final costs around $5million at their original vision. Not sure if that's a more analogous game or not though.

Yea, I'm not sure how much a new Shenmue would cost, and am aware that it's probably still out of Kickstarter territory. I don't think it's necessarily the same scenario as Psychonauts 2 though. I always assumed that $13m would get you a current gen Psychonauts along the line of a recent Ratchet and Clank game or something, rather than a Megaman 9 style sequel which is what Shenmue 3 should be targeting. Basically pretend the last decade didn't happen, repurpose everything you can from the original development, and just get it done as cheap as possible.

I have no idea what Kingdom Come Deliverance is.

EDIT: Just took a look at it. That's actually quite impressive if they're able to hit that for around $5m. Really puts into perspective how much has changed in games development over the years. I'm not even sure if I'd consider Shenmue 3 as being as large an undertaking in most areas (voices being an obvious exception).
Yea, I'm not sure how much a new Shenmue would cost, and am aware that it's probably still out of Kickstarter territory. I don't think it's necessarily the same scenario as Psychonauts 2 though. I always assumed that $13m would get you a current gen Psychonauts along the line of a recent Ratchet and Clank game or something, rather than a Megaman 9 style sequel which is what Shenmue 3 should be targeting. Basically pretend the last decade didn't happen, repurpose everything you can from the original development, and just get it done as cheap as possible.

I have no idea what Kingdom Come Deliverance is.

It might be doable with Dreamcast style graphics, but I also feel like it would generate less interest that way (I'm sure plenty would be cool with that though).

Kingdom Come is an upcoming open world RPG/action game with AAA looking graphics (runs on Cryengine) that was successfully funded not too long ago. I thought that might be closer in execution to what people would want from Shenmue 3 though I'm not sure if they really are when you factor scope, voice acting, and assets. The needs are still pretty different when you're talking about a medieval era landscape as opposed to a modern era city.


It might be doable with Dreamcast style graphics, but I also feel like it would generate less interest that way (I'm sure plenty would be cool with that though).

Kingdom Come is an upcoming open world RPG/action game with AAA looking graphics (runs on Cryengine) that was successfully funded not too long ago. I thought that might be closer in execution to what people would want from Shenmue 3 though I'm not sure if they really are when you factor scope, voice acting, and assets. The needs are still pretty different when you're talking about a medieval era landscape as opposed to a modern era city.

I don't think the number of people that would pledge, or the amount they would pledge would be of significant enough difference to make the jump to a more greenfield development worthwhile. Most of the people that really want to see the series completed (as in "multiple hundreds of dollars want") are more concerned about the project simply existing, than it being cutting edge in any way. Time has actually built up a decent amount of nostalgia for how Shenmue looked, and redoing all the graphics actually has a good chance in harming people's sense of familiarity with it, if not done well.

The potential for the game to sell once it actually exists however, would probably likely be altered dramatically based on it's level of graphics. It would be enough to determine whether it sits on a retail shelf, or remains as an XBLA/PSN style release, and would need to be priced accordingly.
Cool. Since I never played the previous games I can't really say I am excited about the idea, but I might be down for what ever the cheapest tier that gets me the game is.

I'll fund it and I don't even like Shenmue

it's justice

Even my sister would contribute to this Kickstarter and she barely plays games.

I'd donate 100 bucks just to get Shenmue fans to shut up about it already lol.



Can’t stump the diablos
My wallet couldn't handle a kickstarter for Shenmue.

At this point, I would just like to finish the story; I don't really care which medium it comes through.
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