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Angry Joe gets called out by IGNs review editor for misquoting their Titanfall review


So many "Angry Joe is wrong because I don't like him" posts.
To be fair, he is wrong because he is wrong. Saying he was not trying to imply that is just like the IGN guy saying a 8.9 is not reaaaaaaally a 9.0. They're both being too literal when they know that is not how its interpreted.


This thread is so sad. If you like Angry Joe, then you like his content. If you like IGN, then you like they're content. Just because you don't like one side doesn't mean the other is completely wrong. They both handled this poorly.


Too many pages, too many opinions.

Can someone give us a short version of this argument along with their opinion of this fiasco? That would help a lot.
A resume from Joe : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=108510153&postcount=803

Here's the thing that wasn't shown in the OP.

Dan tweets no less than 5 rude sarcastic character attacking tweets directly at my handle & other twitter users before I even reply.

Granted, I was annoyed by that time that the dude who is supposedly a "real" journalist couldn't handle himself more professionally say send me a private message, direct email hell even snail mail. If I needed to make a correction I would have made the correction, I'm open to that if its warranted.

But that's just the thing, none of this was warranted and if someone from IGN wants to throw down and get dirty on twitter what does one goof ball on youtube care? I've a right to defend myself in public when someone is bashing me, especially someone who is representing IGN, wouldn't you?

Basically the dude is upset that I made a point that most major outlets praised the game highly before and even in their reviews, gave the game high marks but yet left out some of the games glaring commissions and issued 9s and 10s anyway. I help make this point by showing some examples on screen while talking about this idea, some of which was ign's "believe the hype" quote from a preview article, their 8.9/10 review score, another outlets 10/10 review score and a full page ad from that same 10/10 review site.

His major points where:
1. IGN issued the game a 8.9 and not a 9/10! Which not only is that the stupidest point to ever make showing how much importance IGN places on stupid decimals between a good game and an amazing game, but the fact is I NEVER said IGN gave it specifically a 9/10, I just said many outlets. His point is invalid.
2. I showed the believe the hype quote which was from a preview and was eventually used by titanfall, EA, and Origin to sell the game, putting it in bold right up there with other review scores from other outlets. If hes mad that I mentioned that perhaps he should be mad with those companies who used that quote from a preview to sell their game not me, again another stupid point to be mad and talk crap about Angry Joe over twitter for. Misdirected frustration it really seems like.

and this is the doosey...
3. Basically he is saying IGN didnt hype up the game, and didnt issue it a high score so im misrepresenting them. Ill leave it up to you whether Believe the Hype and a 8.9/10 is a higher score.
4. Another funny thing is he mentions they do address the many things missing in the game (for example no private matches at launch) yet its addressed in the most vague general way passingly, yet despite all the games short comings and lack of content BOOM 8.9, because darn you respawn and EA so much is missing so deduction of 0.1 is in order from that coveted IGN 9.0! LOL.

Im sorry but I couldnt believe the dude picked me to get upset at over this. Then he puts the icing on the cake with this: https://twitter.com/DanStapleton/sta...64308811026432
"Fun math fact: IGN has 4x the YouTube followers Joe does."

Sure they do Dan, they are also a multi million dollar company with 400 employees who all keep it running where as im 1 guy, seriously 1 frigging dude youtube wearing all different hats to get everything done just barely. How can I seriously hope to compete and why am I a target of IGN?

Maybe this?


Neo Member
So, I saw a rather interesting discussion on my timeline today.

I'm sure some of you remember IGNs Titanfall hands-on article, it's the one where they mentions things like:

Now, my question to GAF is: is IGNs Review Editor making too big of a deal out of this? Is he overreacting? Or did Angry Joe really make a mistake when using these examples? There's more tweets to be found at their twitter pages, but it really is a lot.

First i never read IGN which is simply a crappy site but this actually made me question the intelligence of both those people.

Are they seriously arguing over a score and what the h... some unimportant youtuber thinks?
Yes you can. I beat EACH of the side missions in under an hour. 30-58 mins is still under an hour, blind. Did I get a "good grade"/A-S rank? No. But if you don't give a shit about that, you CAN beat each of the missions in under an hour.

I think there's a miscommunication going on here. He's talking about beating all of the side missions in under an hour, ie: getting only an hour of extra content in total. You, on the other hand, are talking about how long a single side mission takes to complete.


Watched the video (ugh Angry Joe videos are unbearable)

That was it? IGN guy made an argument out of nothing. lol It's pretty amusing how seriously most of the 'Game Journalist' circle take themselves.


I do hope they both rectify this issue and bury the hatchet between the two just like Angry Joe and Geoff Keighly.

One flicker flame of misunderstanding can burn a house.
Watched the video (ugh Angry Joe videos are unbearable)

That was it? IGN guy made an argument out of nothing. lol It's pretty amusing how seriously most of the 'Game Journalist' circle take themselves.

And amusing how someone who bitches for a living acts like a 12 year old when someone bitches about him...


LOL at IGN demanding accuracy. These are the idiots who report that you can't see above 720p below 55" because it was 'something they heard'.

Makes their splitting hairs in this case look even more ridiculous. Mr. IGN Editor should try demanding accuracy from his own staff for a change.

Dead Man

Dan is upset because Joe quoted a preview in the context of talking about reviews. IGN considers previews to be so different from reviews that confusing the two (whether purposely or not) is the same as lying. Of course, with a review you have more time to get into a game and really pick apart the details. You don't even know if what you play in a preview setting will be completely representative of the final game. But even so, you would imagine the point of a preview is to give gamers a balanced look at how a game is shaping up. What is the point of one otherwise?
Oh right. IGN previews are written to get fans hyped for games so they'll keep coming back to IGN for coverage. It's all BS and fluff. Really, look at that quote, it's [I]all[/I] BS. And Dan believes they can wash their hands of it because it says "Preview" at the top instead of "Review".

AngryJoe was technically in the wrong, but the only reason he was called on it was because Dan was embarrassed that an IGN preview was held up as something to be considered real journalism.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much my feelings as well. IGN set themselves up for this with their rubbish preview.


i don't think anyone comes out of this thread looking well.

This I can agree with.

Especially the people who just waltz in to say something like "omg youtube reviewers with a schtick are teh worst how can nyone like this guy" and not bother to add anything into what little conversation there is to be had.


I think the 0.1 and (p)review quotes are less the main issue and more of a means for what seems to be a clash of personalities. Have these guys interacted before or had previous disagreements? Has Angry Joe been an outspoken critic of IGN? Maybe Joe's video was the straw that broke the camel's back, leading to the call out.


Junior Member
(Today, 09:33 PM)

Thanks for the great rebuttal there, dude.

That's pretty classy brah, dismissing his post because of his lack of seniority here? He was merely checking to make sure that you played it, maybe it struck him as odd that you would defend a point that you could finish all the SideOps missions in under an hour. Probably set off his bullshit alarm.

Yes you can. I beat EACH of the side missions in under an hour. 30-58 mins is still under an hour, blind. Did I get a "good grade"/A-S rank? No. But if you don't give a shit about that, you CAN beat each of the missions in under an hour.

I don't think you quite understand what Angry Joe is saying. He's saying ALL THE SIDE OPS can be cumulatively finished in under an hour for a first time player. You seem to think he means under an hour 'per mission'

This is total bullshit on his part, once again he's just pandering to the popular sentiment at the time that the game was a bad value proposition at the expense of accuracy.

Portal is a horrible example because the levels themselves can or can not be beaten in minutes due to player ability. Meanwhile, Ground Zeroes LETS you use/abuse Reflex and run through levels with spotting and a silenced killing gun. Anyone sees you? Shoot them in the head with the killing gun, grab the two VIPs in Ground Zeroes or the mission objectives and run like hell to the extract.

In other words speed run. Speedrunning is not representative of the standard playthrough experience.

No you don't. VIP Assassinate is only tricky blind to that fake-out. If you run to VIP A. You get the mission update. If you Rush B, he doesn't change at all and even then he's where he says he's supposed to be. Which then leaves you with scanning with the binocs for A.

I am talking about Intel Operative Rescue, the on rails level where you have to rescue Kojima. That entire mission is trial and error, it takes a lot of playthroughs and continues to finish it. You're talking about the VIP assassinate mission, that's another tricky long one if you're not using a guide, you can easily lose the location of the VIPs and then you're trying to locate them again, that happened to me a few times. The likelihood of you getting a perfect run on your first time around without a guide is slim to none


That's pretty classy brah, dismissing his post because of his lack of seniority here? He was merely checking to make sure that you played it, maybe it struck him as odd that you would defend a point that you could finish all the missions in under an hour. Probably set off his bullshit alarm.

From the context I derived from that post, it was a warning to a junior who is getting in over his head on things that previous people have gotten in trouble for.

God why am I still reading this thread.
while i get why Dan was upset (it was more than just the 0.1 thing) he should've just ignored Joe

and Joe shouldn't have been such an ass hat and shouldn't have stooped to name calling... he should have just ignored Dan when shit got real..

A little more clarity.

And I'm leaning more towards neither being right, but Joe being less wrong.

Still...obviously this was a good topic. If nothing else it led to more people finding out (for good or bad) about Angry Joe, which in the end will be good for him.

and Joe shouldn't have been such an ass hat and shouldn't have stooped to name calling... he should have just ignored Dan when shit got real..

Well, Joe was being Joe. I don't know Dan, but anyone that knows Joe would probably expect Joe to act the way he did. He can be a hot head, and he crass...and sometimes insulting. And in a way...in this instance he handled Dan wrong.

But from what I can tell...Dan started this because he took offense to Joe's opinion on the majority of reviews for Titanfall. Dan too should have been the bigger man (as you mentioned also)
Could someone for the love of all that is good in this world explain to me the difference between an 8.9 and a 9.0?

The game wasn't amazing for IGN, it was "just" great, so they decided to keep the score between 8 and 8.9, which happens to represent the "great" category. You are welcome, sir.

As simple as that, Gaf.
This argument wasn't and won't be a win for anyone. They both need to just drop it and get over it. I understand that the context in which the quote was provided is inaccurate, but it doesn't really matter. I'm not disappointed in the reasons for the argument. I'm disappointed in the ability in which to resort to name calling and personal attacks.


Neo Member
Oh he's so fearless! Not afraid to step to the man!

No, he said all the side ops can be cleared in under an hour, WATCH HIS REVIEW. Your adoration of Angry Joe is preventing you from admitting that he's a disingenuous guy. You prefer entertaining to accurate.

It's interesting how much hate you have for Angry Joe. If you want I can show you how every single human being on Earth isn't perfectly accurate. Also, when you play the accusation game, then provide concrete evidence, such as the time on the video that you saw him say that. Since you heard him say it then you should know when he said it, it would save me some time. Thanks.

His point BTW is still absolutely fucking perfectly valid even if taking into account your nit-picking. Game is too short and buying the game would support this business of selling a demo.

Anyway regarding this IGN thing, who publicly started bad mouthing? The IGN dude. If there is an inaccuracy in the review, just send a private message. No need to fucking accuse Angry Joe of "maliciously misquoting," especially when he was just using random examples of positive things journalists said while ignoring some negatives.



Source : https://twitter.com/AngryJoeShow/statuses/456976684130897920


This thread is so sad. If you like Angry Joe, then you like his content. If you like IGN, then you like they're content. Just because you don't like one side doesn't mean the other is completely wrong. They both handled this poorly.

I think most are ashamed to say they enjoy IGN, which is pathetic but isn't shocking around here.


DMs is where this should have been at in the first place, glad it was taken there.

Now time to wash this thread from my memory.


9 = amazing
8 = great
7 = good
6 = bad
5 = bad
4 = bad
3 = bad
2 = bad
1 = bad

Pretty much the same as grading in the US school system. Maybe it's weird to people from other countries but I think it makes a lot of sense, here. That's not really what's at fault, it's more the hilariously small difference between an 8.9 and a 9.0.
that's because you're choosing to ignore the legitimate complaints about angry joe

The main complaints that I see, especially from your previous posts, is that Joe is not 100% factual.

Which begs the question.... so what?

If you cannot take a look at joe and realize that he is a character that is made for entertainment purposes, like francis or chad, then you are already focusing on something that is totally irrelevant.

It echoes comments from fox news pundits crying about how the Stephen Colbert misrepresents them or that Jon Stewart may not show the whole picture in a skit. (what, do those guys take this as a joke?!?!)

You cannot character assassinate a fictional character.

The only thing that it comes down to is a guy calling angry joe out and then using the worst possible stances to back up his arguments.

Card Boy

If you cannot take a look at joe and realize that he is a character that is made for entertainment purposes, like francis or chad, then you are already focusing on something that is totally irrelevant.

Joe isn't a character. The man is rarely angry outside certain issues (like Xbone DRM) and its just a name.


You can finish portal in about 20 minutes if you know what you're doing, so what? The normal play time on Portal is approximately 6 hours for a first timer.

You cannot finish all the side op missions in under an hour, specifically not on your first run through and when you're not using a guide. That's disingenuous as fuck. He's just pandering to the popular opinion by echoing the popular sentiment at the time.

The normal mission is under 2 hours, The average main story playthrough is 1h41 minute. And if you rush it, it's about an hour yes.

The main mission was speedrunned in 5 minute and 41 sec.If you do all the side missions its 5 hours.

People complain about the lenght. Joe gave a really fair review of the game saying that the game is awesome, but the lenght do not justify the price.
Hell, I waited a sale for Gone Home because 3 hours of "normal" play time for 20$ is way too high for a game like that. Gone home can also be speed runned in under 30 sec. That's why people complain.
Angry Joe comes across as a bit of a prick. I work in traditional media where citing your sources is extremely important. The MLB and NFL are strict as fuck and they don't mess around with this stuff.

If I posted something on the web misquoting a team press release or taking it out of context you can bet your ass I'd lose my job.

Lucky for Angry Joe he doesn't have a real job and doesn't deal with real requirements and regulations. He's free to be as much of a jackass as he wants.


I agree with IGN guy on this.

If Dan has an issue with Joe's claims that they over-hyped it, or omitted issues the game had in the review, okay. But arguing with him over a decimal point is silly. And the way Dan handled himself on Twitter over this, is pretty bad. If I were IGN (or any company for that matter), I would not be happy with an employee going off on Twitter the way he does. Plus, this isn't the first time Dan has gone off on Twitter arguing with people over things.
Angry Joe comes across as a bit of a prick. I work in traditional media where citing your sources is extremely important. The MLB and NFL are strict as fuck and they don't mess around with this stuff.

If I posted something on the web misquoting a team press release or taking it out of context you can bet your ass I'd lose my job.

Lucky for Angry Joe he doesn't have a real job and doesn't deal with real requirements and regulations. He's free to be as much of a jackass as he wants.
Oh man, are we going to talk about this now? I think that's my cue to mosey.
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