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How is Nintendo hurt by not doing an E3 press conference?


I can only speak from my perception. Along with all the other issues not even bothering with a conference (which I usually watch all 3 of them) just sends me a signal of "we don't care" or they "don't have anything to show".

Then again, I'm probably not their target as they have almost completely lost me as a customer (still love my 3DS).

The conference is where the big announcements come from. Now I'll probably just read a twitter feed or some random thread on GAF about things instead of knowing when/where I could have seen it LIVE.

I get why already entrenched fans don't care much, but for somebody that is mildly interested in Nintendo at this point, a conference with some actual thought and announcements goes a long way.

EDIT: I understand it's "just the conference" they are skipping. But it seems like a shitty way to go about things. Every company is going to have youtube videos, developer interviews ... and most people will look for what they want to see. The E3 presentation is for people that are interested enough to watch without having a 'direct game' or 'interest'. It's a big presentation that you'll only see once a year. And they are skipping that so they can show me Mario Kart videos on youtube.


Is is just not live, that is all. It is prerecorded. I have a question, are you going to e3?


Why do you assume that they do?

Gaming media is largely focused in the opposite direction to Nintendo's fanbase. If there's more advertising revenue to be gained by marginalising Nintendo and offending fans who don't normally pay any attention to the site in the first place in favour of deals with companies who are willing to work with them, then that's precisely what they'll do. Sites don't care about appealing to everyone, they care about leveraging as much ad revenue as possible.

People think they are, though, and that's almost as important.

Exactly, even more reasons to not bother with a live conference.


And they're still not out yet. Will they be as interesting again this E3?

Mario Kart will be out before E3, and given they're probably anoucing new characters for Smash plus the invitational Smash tournament.

Yes Smash will be at least, if not more, interesting again this E3, probably more.


Continue to fight the good fight Op. Some people will never listen. I feel like this is a repeat of last year in terms of argument against Nintendo's strategy for E3. I think that all that Nintendo announced sounds great.


Its the first time they're saying something as big as "The one you have been waiting for"

Also, today's videos, one month before, made to hype nintendo's presence on e3

Im expecting big things

So aside from the butthurt gaming press, i dont think the lack of a live stage will be a problem for nintendo


What motivation is there for IGN to promote or hype up the Digital Show? Or Kotaku, or Gametrailers, or whoever the hell else?

E3 being gaming Christmas isn't just a platitude- it's one of the highest periods of traffic and therefore revenue that gaming sites get. The bigger gaming sites run their own streams of the conferences, and can leverage them for advertising revenue and their own content. They simply cannot do that with Directs or whatever the equivalent is- they can link to or embed the stream, but that's absolutely nowhere near as helpful to them, so space and promotion that would go to a live Nintendo conference goes to someone else?

Believe it or believe it not, gaming media is a business. If Nintendo aren't willing to interact with these businesses, Nintendo will not be supported by them. It's quite simple.
Your logic is off, though. Nintendo Directs are great for us because they have lots of exciting news, and people share exciting news, which leads to traffic on our website. Streams don't bring in nearly as much traffic as, say, a story titled "New Zelda Announced For Wii U."

So I'm suped hyped for the Nintendo Digital, both for personal and business-related reasons.
Its the first time they're saying something as big as "The one you have been waiting for"

Also, today's videos, one month before, made to hype nintendo's presence on e3

Im expecting big things

So aside from the butthurt gaming press, i dont think the lack of a live stage will be a problem for nintendo

Is not only fucking gaming press.

Is is just not live, that is all. It is prerecorded. I have a question, are you going to e3?

Read my edit, I know it's not just the conference. And no, I'm not going to E3. And before you say "then it's the same" ... NO IT ISN'T.

Live shows are almost ALWAYS better than recorded. In every medium, Art, Music, Lectures, Teachers, everything.

You like videos, good. Watch them. I prefer live and I feel Nintendo is phoning it in by not doing one.

But this whole argument is just personal preference.
The Smash Direct held a couple of weeks ago was a resounding success so...

Mario Kart will be out before E3, and given they're probably anoucing new characters for Smash plus the invitational Smash tournamen.

Yes Smash will be at least, if not more, interesting again this E3, probably more.

So smash alone is enough this year? Smash doesn't even matter to me at this point. I know it exists and it's coming. Nintendo needs a lot more than just 1 or 2 previously announced games to make me walk away from E3 wanting a Wii U.

I'm not even sure what Nintendo could do this year... Maybe dig deep into its pockets and announce updates for games they've been ignoring for the last 20 years... But that's Nintendo. I'm expecting more of the same.


So smash alone is enough this year? Smash doesn't even matter to me at this point. I know it exists and it's coming. Nintendo needs a lot more than just 1 or 2 previously announced games to make me walk away from E3 wanting a Wii U.
Nobody said that Smash would be their only title lol
yeah I'm sure Nintendo relying on the internet word of mouth will continue to do wonders for them and the Wii U...oh wait, that's right Nintendo's marketing and mind-share is horrible and clearly Nintendo has no intentions of remedying this problem. as the saying goes "it's my party and I can cry if I want to", Nintendo can do what they please. not having an E3 conference, especially if Zelda U is announced, is extremely asinine, and is not helping to remind anyone, besides current Wii U owners, that the Wii U even exists when both Microsoft and Sony will undoubtedly control the E3 hype.


Your logic is off, though. Nintendo Directs are great for us because they have lots of exciting news, and people share exciting news, which leads to traffic on our website. Streams don't bring in nearly as much traffic as, say, a story titled "New Zelda Announced For Wii U."

So I'm suped hyped for the Nintendo Digital, both for personal and business-related reasons.
I don't quite follow that.

Why would a link to a video of Reggie showing Zelda live on stage be less appealing to a reader than a link to a video of Iwata showing a trailer for Zelda in a Direct?


I'd be in the dick
For me it just shows a major lack of confidence in what they have to show. Even if they don't really need a live stage showing, going through with one at least show an added commitment to the industry and the fans instead of just a prerecorded Youtube video.
Your logic is off, though. Nintendo Directs are great for us because they have lots of exciting news, and people share exciting news, which leads to traffic on our website. Streams don't bring in nearly as much traffic as, say, a story titled "New Zelda Announced For Wii U."

So I'm suped hyped for the Nintendo Digital, both for personal and business-related reasons.
OK, fair enough. I still think these reveals are blunted by the Direct format, but I'm not going to argue with the professional here. Hope all goes well.
Read my edit, I know it's not just the conference. And no, I'm not going to E3. And before you say "then it's the same" ... NO IT ISN'T.

Live shows are almost ALWAYS better than recorded. In every medium, Art, Music, Lectures, Teachers, everything.

You like videos, good. Watch them. I prefer live and I feel Nintendo is phoning it in by not doing one.

But this whole argument is just personal preference.

...but you're watching a video of it in your house either way.


Read my edit, I know it's not just the conference. And no, I'm not going to E3. And before you say "then it's the same" ... NO IT ISN'T.

Live shows are almost ALWAYS better than recorded. In every medium, Art, Music, Lectures, Teachers, everything.

You like videos, good. Watch them. I prefer live and I feel Nintendo is phoning it in by not doing one.

Ehhhhhh. Konami 2010 would like a word with you.

Sure it was amazing...for reasons they didn't intend but when you bomb in a trade show you bomb HARD. Pre-recorded is cheaper and it gives you time to rehearse. The biggest thing you lose is the roar of the crowd (which goes a long way mind you) but they are by no means phoning it in. At least they can't phone it in any harder than they did in 2006. Remember that show? GAF remembers. Live show too. Again, when you bomb...


So smash alone is enough this year? Smash doesn't even matter to me at this point. I know it exists and it's coming. Nintendo needs a lot more than just 1 or 2 previously announced games to make me walk away from E3 wanting a Wii U.

Well neither of us has any ideia what they're annoucing, it could be great, it could be ok or it could be bad, how the hell are we suposed to know before it airs?

Also I love Smash, it's my favourite competitive game out there and one of my favourite Nintendo franchises. So I'm I hyped for a Smash tournament with 16 veterans plus some new characters? Hell, yes!

The Tree House thing seems interesting if they actualy announce some new games.

edit: Also Zelda, nothing generates more hype than a new Zelda.
People fail to realize that a majority of the people following E3 are already a small segment of the consumer population. It is a hobbyist convention. News will trickle its way to the intended audience regardless of whether Nintendo holds a 'traditional' conference or not.


I don't quite follow that.

Why would a link to a video of Reggie showing Zelda live on stage be less appealing to a reader than a link to a video of Iwata showing a trailer for Zelda in a Direct?
Exterminieren's logic was that we're losing revenue by not streaming a press conference. That's not really the case. Our E3 traffic comes from news and announcements and cool moments, not press conference streams.
Yes, heavily pushing one game to a group of fans who likely already own a Wii U is going to do wonders for their sales. If Nintendo wants to right the ship then they need to sell consoles to people other than Nintendo die hards. As has been started multiple times, only hardcore Nintendo fans are going yo tune in to a Nintendo direct, and only hardcore Nintendo fans are currently purchasing the Wii U.
The people tuning in to the Sony and Microsoft press conferences aren't largely Sony and Microsoft fans, respectively? C'mon now...

If people aren't interested in watching a stream of Nintendo execs showing games, I have a tough time believing that those same people will be interested in watching a stream of Nintendo execs showing the same games but on a stage. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think the difference is negligible.

People fail to realize that a majority of the people following E3 are already a small segment of the consumer population. It is a hobbyist convention. News will trickle its way to the intended audience regardless of whether Nintendo holds a 'traditional' conference or not.
Yup, this. The penetration of the actual conference itself into the mainstream consciousness is being very overstated.
...but you're watching a video of it in your house either way.

Dude, you are completely missing the point. Holy shit. that's like saying if I went to a concert and the band just played an MP3 of their songs I'm "listening to them either way".

Honestly, I'm not going to explain to you the enjoyment of LIVE television/videos over pre-recorded. It's something you may have to figure out on your own.

Ehhhhhh. Konami 2010 would like a word with you.

Sure it was amazing...for reasons they didn't intend but when you bomb in a trade show you bomb HARD. Pre-recorded is cheaper and it gives you time to rehearse. The biggest thing you lose is the roar of the crowd (which goes a long way mind you) but they are by no means phoning it in. At least they can't phone it in any harder than they did in 2006. Remember that show? GAF remembers. Live show too. Again, when you bomb...

An exception, a wonderful one at that.

But then think of all the awesome E3 live shows you've seen? I have a shitty memory to begin with but I've loved tuning into them.

I just prefer live. It's really nothing other than that. It's basically people saying "A live show is better" against "you'll be watching it on video anyway" ... and I believe both to be true. Live IS better and I'll be watching it on my screen at work/home.


I don't give a darn if they aren't doing a live conference. I just want to see the games. Do another Direct again, but show games I'm interested in. I sure hope they impress me with the Zelda, cause between that and X is what is holding me back on getting a Wii U. I must see more.


Read my edit, I know it's not just the conference. And no, I'm not going to E3. And before you say "then it's the same" ... NO IT ISN'T.

Live shows are almost ALWAYS better than recorded. In every medium, Art, Music, Lectures, Teachers, everything.

You like videos, good. Watch them. I prefer live and I feel Nintendo is phoning it in by not doing one.

But this whole argument is just personal preference.

I wasn't going to say that. I would understand if there was none at all but a prerecorded one is still perfectly acceptable and serviceable plus the best buy demos, smash tournament and tree house, etc.

We can we look at the overall e3 and not just the live conference? Does a live one make or break anything?


What was Sony's Press Conference like last year?
What was Microsofts Press Conference like last year?

I bet you have a clear idea of what happened and what was shown at both in your head, even a year later.

What happened at the E3 Nintendo Direct? No one has any idea. It wasnt special.

That is the problem.

This is... not a very good first reply. You are assuming a great deal about other people's thoughts/attitudes/recollections.


I prefer the Direct that they did last year and the individual trailers and developer interviews to the live shows. The live shows are awkward as hell.

Business executives try and fail to be funny. The audience doesn't know when or how to react to what they're being show. Sometimes there are great moments but in general the shows are a mess. The directs do a much better job of communicating announcements.

Also, the Smash Tourney in the Nokia Theater is much more exciting than doing a live press conference.


it breaks status quo, but honestly, EA/ubi and any of the publishers could easily throw together a video stream instead of a conference and be just fine. conferences at e3 have long become hype machines and shows. sony and MS are forever locked in a pissing match where neither are going to take a step back from the ridiculous amounts of hyperbole to be the one to "change" the formula.

a large part of the angst comes from what were used to, this is how "we" like e3. a video takes away part of the nostalgic magic people love of the show. the enthusiasts complain the most about nintendos lack of a stage show. were also the same audience who will watch a lackluster konami pre e3 steam. in the end, the change means little.

on the positive end, when nintey does hold a stage show, the hype is going to be deadly. which is a good thing for messaging looking long term.
Ye damn, Nintendo is having a direct to customer video and hyping it on the social networks to show nothing.

Some people are just trying way too hard.

Sure buddy, they had all that last year and it didn't do anything.
The WiiU isn't losing to PS4 or Xbone, it's losing to itself. If you won't go out and sell your product, you can't blame people for not buying it.


OK, fair enough. I still think these reveals are blunted by the Direct format, but I'm not going to argue with the professional here. Hope all goes well.
I won't speak for anyone else's business model, but our traffic during big live events typically draws from people reading and sharing our stories, and people are more likely to share big news stories than press conference streams. A big exciting Zelda reveal, captured from this Nintendo Digital, could be our biggest story of the show, traffic-wise.

What really hurts us is when E3 is really lame and boring.


Because the E3 live conferences time is when your product gets the most eyeballs of gamers and mass media alike. This new Nintendo format just doesn't match it and much alike the Nintendo Directs it seems the only attention that these digital presentation garner is that of existing Nintendo customers so they are just preaching to the choir.
Not like it'll save the Wii U. Might as well just make it as cheap as possible to save some money for game development. I just don't see their brand ever going back to the level of success Wii had.
The people tuning in to the Sony and Microsoft press conferences aren't largely Sony and Microsoft fans, respectively? C'mon now...

If people aren't interested in watching a stream of Nintendo execs showing games, I have a tough time believing that those same people will be interested in watching a stream of Nintendo execs showing the same games but on a stage. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think the difference is negligible.

Yup, this. The penetration of the actual conference itself into the mainstream consciousness is being very overstated.

I watched the three conferences because I like to see new stuff offered by the big three. I don't feel attached to a particularly company.
I wasn't going to say that. I would understand if there was none at all but a prerecorded one is still perfectly acceptable and serviceable plus the best buy demos, smash tournament and tree house, etc.

We can we look at the overall e3 and not just the live conference? Does a live one make or break anything?

Nah, of course not. I don't think that I mentioned it's going to make or break Nintendo as a company or even hinder/garner interest in a major way. I think a live show is more accessible to mainstream media personally, though.

It's just my preference. I personally feel like they phoned it in by not doing a live show. It's like lip syncing at a live concert.

This is the one chance for them to present to their fans live, it's not "required" but I'd prefer it even if I have little interest in their (announced) products I'd still would have tuned in because live presentations are usually pretty great.


Strap on your hooker ...
It's just another round of ammunition for the perception that Nintendo responds to adversity by retreating further into their own shell.

The situation with the Wii U being what it is, Nintendo needs the most visible stage possible to stand firmly upon and shout back at the naysayers, "Hey, we know things look bleak, but we're still relevant, we're still important, we're not running from this fight." They have that stage waiting for them on a silver platter, E3 is gaming's goddamn Super Bowl, and as a platform holder they have free reign to take the spotlight and throw a big ol' headline-grabbing halftime show appearance if they just ask for it. But instead they say no, we'll just do our own thing.

Their own thing's still going to get plenty of attention, granted, but the act of actually being there and dropping some bombs in person at gaming's biggest event would carry a lot of weight for a company that's spending a lot of time in headlines that decry them as out-of-touch and marching towards irrelevance.
I won't speak for anyone else's business model, but our traffic during big live events typically draws from people reading and sharing our stories, and people are more likely to share big news stories than press conference streams. A big exciting Zelda reveal, captured from this Nintendo Digital, could be our biggest story of the show, traffic-wise.

What really hurts us is when E3 is really lame and boring.

Could that be because it's a week day and people are at work/school where they're unable to watch a live stream?


I won't speak for anyone else's business model, but our traffic during big live events typically draws from people reading and sharing our stories, and people are more likely to share big news stories than press conference streams. A big exciting Zelda reveal, captured from this Nintendo Digital, could be our biggest story of the show, traffic-wise.

What really hurts us is when E3 is really lame and boring.

Wait wait wait... so you're saying it doesn't matter if Iwata is on a live stage or in a hot air balloon, what's more important is if he announces "Super Mario RPG U: Divide & Conquer"?

It's about the games? That's crazy.


Dude, you are completely missing the point. Holy shit. that's like saying if I went to a concert and the band just played an MP3 of their songs I'm "listening to them either way".

Honestly, I'm not going to explain to you the enjoyment of LIVE television/videos over pre-recorded. It's something you may have to figure out on your own.

An exception, a wonderful one at that.

But then think of all the awesome E3 live shows you've seen? I have a shitty memory to begin with but I've loved tuning into them.

I just prefer live. It's really nothing other than that. It's basically people saying "A live show is better" against "you'll be watching it on video anyway" ... and I believe both to be true. Live IS better and I'll be watching it on my screen at work/home.

Live isn't just automatically better though, it only has the potential to be. It also has the potential to go wrong in awkward and cringeworthy ways that a pre-recorded presentation won''t
It shows a lack of confidence. It gives the message that Nintendo doesn't think they can beat Sony or MS at the big flashy press conference game, so they're going with the "safer" option of a Nintendo direct.

That said, I think a Direct is still a better call for them than a press conference that's mostly shit we already know everything about or don't care about, given that the Sony and MS conferences will likely be full of announcements and trailers for games we haven't heard much about since last E3. In this case it's better to not play the game at all than play and lose.


An exception, a wonderful one at that.

But then think of all the awesome E3 live shows you've seen? I have a shitty memory to begin with but I've loved tuning into them.

I just prefer live. It's really nothing other than that. It's basically people saying "A live show is better" against "you'll be watching it on video anyway" ... and I believe both to be true. Live IS better and I'll be watching it on my screen at work/home.

I get the reason you prefer live shows. It is more human, a little less corporate (a little), kind of chaotic, and a live audience adds a lot. Thinking from a business standpoint, I can see why Nintendo shied away from it. It costs millions to market already expensive games and in the end people rate you on how much you amused them. I'd get cynical about the whole practice myself.

Personally, I love the Nintendo directs and don't mind that it consumed their press conference.


Could that be because it's a week day and people are at work/school where they're unable to watch a live stream?
That's part of it, but also, think about it this way: which are you more likely to post on Facebook or email to your friends, a Nintendo E3 livestream, or a trailer for the newly-announced Zelda?
Dude, you are completely missing the point. Holy shit. that's like saying if I went to a concert and the band just played an MP3 of their songs I'm "listening to them either way".

Except the concert equivalent of recent E3 press conferences would have the band dicking around for 20 minutes between songs and talking about things you didn't go there to hear about. And the set list would be pretty damn short. :p

Yes, there is a middle-ground between the two extremes, but I found Nintendo's show last year to be pretty refreshing. It gave me what I came there to watch, which was games and nothing else. I've sat through live press conferences by all three console manufacturers that were far, far worse.

I watched the three conferences because I like to see new stuff offered by the big three. I don't feel attached to a particularly company.

As do I. I just think it's a convenient argument to suggest that one company gets only those already interested to tune in, while the audience for the other companies' press conferences doesn't already have a high level of interest in those respective companies.


Nintendo isnt hurt... is just that the press can't have the story first.

by bypassing the press and going straight to the fans... Nintendo is allowing them to dictate the message and social impact instead of the press putting their spin on things in turn to sway viewers.

with this being done though the press are effectively creating more articles and red herrings to show how "out of touch" Nintendo is and will continue to do so until Nintendo plays ball.

IMHO... Nintendo should continue this course for their current system and only look to start having a conference again for their next iterations.

No point to throw meaningless dollars into systems on life support (Wii U) or ready to be upgraded (3DS)
Wait wait wait... so you're saying it doesn't matter if Iwata is on a live stage or in a hot air balloon, what's more important is if he announces "Super Mario RPG U: Divide & Conquer"?

It's about the games? That's crazy.

No way man, you got to have Iwata saying these things to someone live and in person. We need those reactions!!

Never mind to the end user, it's still watching a video over the internet. Even prerecorded, it's not like you can fast forward through the stream. Also, it's not as if they won't have things in place for people attending E3 to see.

Could that be because it's a week day and people are at work/school where they're unable to watch a live stream?

This kind of problem isn't Nintendo-specific, though.


Does a "conference" not require a live audience?

No, a conference is a meeting where people "confer" something. Traditional press conferences are a meeting of Nintendo staff who confer information about their games and business to the press and home audience. Nintendo's digital event is a meeting of Nintendo staff who confer information about their games to the home audience. It's not traditional in that the staff isn't meeting live with each other or the audience, but the end result is the same.


I am going to sell my Wii U, they won't be there because they don't have anything to show outside of Smash.

Even if they show off a Zelda that looks like this?

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