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where's my futuristic open world sandbox?


I'm kind of bored of the modern day/apocalyptic/medieval setting in most open world games. When we first got that glimpse of killzone shadow fall and it's breathtaking city, I was like I soo wish I can walk around/ride/ fly over that entire place because all the buildings, structures, futuristic, vehicles, aliens? would be cool as fuck to mess around with. ..but no you can't =/

I just want a sandbox game kinda like gta set in the living breathing future city is all i'm saying ..
I want a sandbox

or is it too much of a undertaking?


Jak 2 is pretty awesome.


Although I guess it classifies more as fantasy than cyberpunk future.


Knows the Score
There's Watch_Dogs. Turns out the future is shit.


Actually, Crackdown is probably the best so far.


I guess only having to take both player-driving controls and AI driving/traffic to the third dimension, and inside a skyscraper-city to boot, is enough of a challenge to scare devs away. And that's only the tip of the iceberg of all the troubles this setting probably causes :p

But I hope someone will undertake the challenge at some point. Maybe someone already is...

Actually, Crackdown is probably the best so far.

Was thinking of Crackdown when I read the title, but then realized that OP wants spaceships to fly in.
Aye, I'm surprised no one's done a legit sandbox game in a dystopia setting yet. I remember playing GTA III when it came out and thinking to myself how cool it would be if someone took that formula and transferred it to a Blade Runner-esque city. Huge neon signs everywhere, rain-soaked streets, strange aircrafts flying overhead.

But it still hasn't happened.
I've been wondering that myself and hoping Cyberpunk 2077 would fill that void as well.

Yeah, I hope it takes a lot from Blade Runner. But I really want a game set in Neo-Tokyo. SEGA needs to get on it and make a Yakuza game set in the future, call it Yakuza Ashita/Tomorrow or something, and then they need to localize it. That's not asking for too much.

Give me some jetpack swordplay with Gravity Rush-esque controls, crazy DBZ blocking and evading, and the possibility for one hit kills. Still not asking for too much.


Aye, I'm surprised no one's done a legit sandbox game in a dystopia setting yet. I remember playing GTA III when it came out and thinking to myself how cool it would be if someone took that formula and transferred it to a Blade Runner-esque city. Huge neon signs everywhere, rain-soaked streets, strange aircrafts flying overhead.

But it still hasn't happened.

Sounds like something a 3rd person action game version of Snatcher would be like.

Cyberpunk futuristic city you can explore trying to solve a murder mystery. Have Kojima use his open world engine that MGS5 is on and maybe it'll work.
Yeah, I hope it takes a lot from Blade Runner. But I really want a game set in Neo-Tokyo. SEGA needs to get on it and make a Yakuza game set in the future, call it Yakuza Ashita/Tomorrow or something, and then they need to localize it, but one step at a time.

Give me some jetpack swordplay with Gravity Rush-esque controls, crazy DBZ blocking and evading, and the possibility for one hit kills.

them making a game like that is more believable than the thought of them localizing another yakuza game


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I'm kind of bored of the modern day/apocalyptic/medieval setting in most open world games. When we first got that glimpse of killzone shadow fall and it's breathtaking city, I was like I soo wish I can walk around/ride/ fly over that entire place because all the buildings, structures, futuristic, vehicles, aliens? would be cool as fuck to mess around with. ..but no you can't =/

I just want a sandbox game kinda like gta set in the living breathing future city is all i'm saying ..
I want a sandbox

or is it too much of a undertaking?

Now I just really want a Futurama game. Another Futurama game

Aye, I'm surprised no one's done a legit sandbox game in a dystopia setting yet. I remember playing GTA III when it came out and thinking to myself how cool it would be if someone took that formula and transferred it to a Blade Runner-esque city. Huge neon signs everywhere, rain-soaked streets, strange aircrafts flying overhead.

But it still hasn't happened.

Infamous SS is the closest your gonna get for now


It's probably a measure of scope.

Take "post-apocalypse" sandbox games, for example. Or even fantasy games. It's all good that they have wide open areas with not a person in sight, because it makes sense to the narrative.

A sprawling science fiction metropolis setting would likely need something on every square inch or it wouldn't feel very real. The only studio I know that can do that successfully is Rockstar. So unless their next game is Grand Theft Spaceship, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Crackdown 3 and No Man's Sky? Destiny, even?

Would be nice to have a GTA+Force Unleashed hybrid that takes place on Coruscant someday.


Gold Member
I've wanted one for years and seeing Vekta City in Shadowfall just made me want it even more.

Hoping that Cyberpunk will quench the thirst.
A cyberpunk or space opera equivalent of the elder scrolls is all I want in gaming.
Deus Ex is the closest I've gotten to scratching that itch so far.
Crossing my fingers for Cyberpink2077


But what would you do in said city?

I'd love to just explore such a world on foot. I'll take world exploration, interaction, and discovery over shooting/generic gameplay any day. To feel like one was actually in a living, breathing sci-fi city would be the stuff of dreams.

It's probably a measure of scope.

Mmm. I wonder if partial auto-generation of areas will help make such worlds going forward.
GTA 25 will be set 100 years from now, isn't that good enough?

I agree, hover car hijacking would be dope! "Not my new hover Hondaaaaaaaaaaaa" *splat*
But what would you do in said city?

Buy a bowl of ramen in the rain from a food hovertruck while staking out the apartment of an illegal pulse weapon dealer, then spot him stepping out of a hover taxi before using the retinal scanner to get into his apartment building and following him inside, pulling out your custom revolver with anti-cyborg-and-android ammo and biometric lock, only for the guy's cyborg eye to spot you through the back of his head using thermal imaging leading into a chase across the rooftops against the backdrop of a sick-ass cyber-ass-punk motherfucking futuristic cityscape, perhaps?


Aftershock LA
I've been begging for this for ages now. I'm sick to death of modern day/apocalyptic/fantasy open worlds at this point.

I'm definitely hoping Cyberpunk is that.
I know you're looking for GTA with hovercraft, but the orginal deus ex still qualifies as the best sci fi sandbox ever made. You can tool around in that game forever.
I'm really hoping Cyberpunk 2077 will scratch that itch.

That said I think a futuristic GTA would be awesome. If not a full game an expansion/standalone a la undead nightmare, or liberty city stories.


But what would you do in said city?

Chase hacked-in-the-brain criminals using cloak-suits with modified weapons. Fight spider-bots, getting cyborg arms, connect to a Matrix-like Internet, catch a rogue-AI (or work for one)... the possibilities are endless.


I've been waiting for this for years.

For a moment a thought Prey2 would be the answer. Now I'm waiting for Cyperpunk 2077.

Luckily I think the future will bring more open world sci-fi games. With the new consoles and games like Mass Effect 4, Cyperpunkt, No Man's Sky, and Star Citizen, I hope more developers will follow.

Imagine a open world game in a Fifht Element-ish city....

Or maybe something like Pete Amachree's paintings.


May I have a cookie?
GTA is intended to be a parody of real life. As such, having a game take place in the distant future isn't very fitting, unfortunately.

Rockstar could still make a separate game with a futuristic sandbox in the vein of RDR
Buy a bowl of ramen in the rain from a food hovertruck while staking out the apartment of an illegal pulse weapon dealer, then spot him stepping out of a hover taxi before using the retinal scanner to get into his apartment building and following him inside, pulling out your custom revolver with anti-cyborg-and-android ammo and biometric lock, only for the guy's cyborg eye to spot you through the back of his head using thermal imaging leading into a chase across the rooftops against the backdrop of a sick-ass cyber-ass-punk motherfucking futuristic cityscape, perhaps?

Well, when you describe it like that I can't help but be giddy. I guess what I was looking for what some sort of direction. As OP describes it, just "GTA in a futuristic setting", didn't appeal or seem like it would work to me.
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