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Heavily criticized games that you really enjoy

Remember Me. Ummmm the art direction is just jaw dropping and I loved the main character Nihlin. Going by that recent GAF Remember Me thread, it seemed like most people loved the look but not the controls nor the gameplay. I had no problems with any of it. I would buy a next gen port in a heart beat, although now that the studio is gone there's very little chance of that. A real underrated gem IMO.

And sequel that could further improve those parts now that the rest is so well established would be very welcome. :)

Fortunately I don't think Dontnod actually closed. Aren't they working with Square-Enix on something as of June?

Yeah here we go: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/06...er-dontnod-creating-new-game-with-square-enix

That's practically every game now-a-days.

LOL yeah.

Seeing a lot of Alpha Protocol, I should probably buy it one of these days. I remember at one time had been interested due to the citing of spy stuff, Bond, 24, etc inspiration.


Some people are putting well or very well-reviewed games in here.

Resident Evil 5 was a big success, folks. Sure, it took an action route, but that didn't stop it from a very positive response by the vast majority.


Space Giraffe


Almost universally panned upon its release, this game is one of my favorite and most rewarding gaming experiences. A Jeff Minter developed arcade shooter at heart based on the classic Tempest, its the type of game that you either love or hate. Most people see it as a mess of colors and lights on the screen and it intentionally is because the gameplay depends on both what you see and most importantly audio cues. It may take a while to get it, but when it clicks with you, you can see through the noise. While some find TxK for the PS Vita to be a better recent realization of the arcade classic than Space Giraffe, I find the challenge in Space Giraffe to be much more rewarding to conquer.
Too Human. The story was poorly presented and there are a number of technical and design quirks, but the gameplay just clicked with me. Also helped that it appealed to my inner loot whore.


Gold Member
Quest 64.

It was blazing new ground and damn near the only RPG on the system, with a combat system never before seen. Yes, balance was wack as hell, but the elements and attacks were so cool, and it felt so different since you were really casting and aiming the spells in 3D space, not just causing a sprite to overlay the screen and cause damage.

Speaking personally, my only major problems with the game were the high encounter rate and the fact that water and earth are really the only proper choices of elements. Water has healing (extremely vital) and earth just plain does the most damage, so while there's some cool Wind abilities, there's little reason to level fire or wind. But it still had lots of great ideas, even if not executed so well. Didn't mind the story. I think people over-criticize RPGs that don't try to be Final Fantasy with massive stories.
Loved that game too.

I wouldn't necessarily say it was heavily criticized but it was way underrated and IGN and Gamespot dropped the ball on their reviews of it.

It unfairly received some harsh reviews. I took a chance and bought it at release anyway and it was the most fun I had with a game in 2012

Unlike most games it made me actually feel tension and you had to smartly and slowly work your way through it while worrying what was around every corner. Some critics didn't get it and expected to go through it guns blazing like COD


These are all overwhelmingly successful. I'm not sure the OP was looking for vocal minority critiques.

Well, my example was a vocal minority critique, but I also talked about the content of that critique and whether or not it had any bearing on my liking the game.

So yes, feel free to list popular games if you're willing to explain where the perceived negativity comes from and how you feel about it.
Call of Duty series
Assassin's Creed series
Devil May Cry 2
Watch Dogs
Dead Space 3
LA Noire
Tomb Raider
Halo 4

Really enjoyed all of these. Looked good, played good. They're not perfect, no game is, but I didn't have anywhere near the amount of criticisms of them as many here do.


Gold Member
Blue Dragon is one of the best RPGs, from any region, I've ever played and yet on this forum whenever its comes up, most people usually don't have nice things to say about it. IIRC the reviews also gave it pretty average scores.




Dragon's Dogma.

I know the storytelling sucks, the difficulty is really lopsided, and monsters are basically HP sponges.

But that sense of heading out into the countryside looking for adventure, no other game has quite captured that feeling for me.


Seeing a lot of Alpha Protocol, I should probably buy it one of these days. I remember at one time had been interested due to the citing of spy stuff, Bond, 24, etc inspiration.

If you get the chance, do it. Despite being rather broken in some ways, I couldn't help but absolutely enjoy Alpha Protocol due to it's story and choice system (tbh, I didn't think the gameplay was that bad either).

Also, I don't really like Borderlands 1-2 that much but I've never heard that much criticism for it. The thread title says "heavily criticized", not criticized by a vocal minority.


Devil May Cry 4. Yes, backtracking sections were sooo '90s, but overall it was an excellent sequel of the (original) series. Story was decent, graphics are still gorgeous (720p@60), gameplay was godlike, and Dante's on-the-fly style switching was probably the biggest improvement over DMC3.
Resident Evil 6. The patches that allowed changing of the camera position and auto-QTE (eliminating some of the stupidly frustrating instant deaths) made the game infinitely more playable. Once you got the hang of the controls and stamina mechanics, it became a tight balance of trying to melee/counter enemies, and shooting specific spots to allow coup de graces. Also, I thought it was neat that stamina recovered faster when you were lying down or just standing still.

DMC: Devil May Cry. It's a fine and enjoyable game. It's nowhere near as awesome as DMC3:SE or DMC4, both superior games, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it for what it was. I wouldn't mind seeing a DMC: Devil May Cry 2... but maybe after a DMC5.

Mass Effect 3. The single player wasn't as good as Mass Effect 2, in terms of just about everything. On the bright side, the third person shooting of ME3 was the best in the series. It even had an addictive multiplayer. While randomized equipment could be pretty annoying, shooting hordes of baddies with 3 other players was a joy.


Call of Duty. Some of the titles in the series are exceptionally fun and solid competitive games. I really do feel that the hatred for this series is misguided; in many cases, it's just childish. Shame.
Sad to see it took 6 pages for even the most passing mention of Bionic Commando 2009. A pretty fun B game that was marred by some unfortunate design choices and dumb story. When you got an open arena (such as the helicopter battle at the top of a skyscraper under construction), it was pretty rad.
Metroid Other M
Starfox Adventures
Bioshock Infinite
DmC Devil May Cry
Bioshock 2
Super Paper Mario

I really can't understand why so many people on GAF hate these games.
They are awesome.
I think too many people just go with the flow most if the time. If they hear about the game being bad before they played it they will have the same opinion about it.
Just as often of course people just like to go on the internet and complain about games they never played.


In terms of GAF, I'm not sure, but in terms of critical reception, I think Nier is all time top ten material, and was very poorly received by the press.


I have posted this before, but I give a BIG vote to Two Worlds. People hate that game, and it got horrible reviews. I hated it at first, but found myself falling in love with it the more I played. I loved the combat later in the game, and felt in a lot of ways it was superior to Oblivion.


Devil May Cry 4. Yes, backtracking sections were sooo '90s, but overall it was an excellent sequel of the (original) series. Story was decent, graphics are still gorgeous (720p@60), gameplay was godlike, and Dante's on-the-fly style switching was probably the biggest improvement over DMC3.

I hate this way of thinking. Backtracking is awesome and gives players time to make a connection with the setting. Most games with very memorable places are because you go through them multiple times. I would say my most hated aspect of RE4 was the lack of backtracking and exploration( the old games had tons) Afterwards, I couldn't think of any areas I found particularly interesting or memorable. I miss the old ways of looking for a key all over the place.

Sorry a little off topic. I need to get DMC 4. I liked DmC.


I really liked Resident Evil 6

This. I played through the entire thing co-op with a friend, though, so that could have boosted my opinion of the game. I still agree that 4 is the better game.

I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy Duke Nukem Forever.
I feel like between there is some variation of this thread that pops up often; one could, for example, think of this as a specialization of the "Flame Shield" thread.

Anyway, as for me, for the Nth time (where N is a really large number), I 100% back the following:


As anyone can see from many threads, this game is a target of ridicule around these parts. I've seen some threads that may be related to a completely different UbiSoft IP, but yet somehow that doesn't stop the crusaders from crapping all over this game.

I am a big [unapologetic] fan of the Assassin's Creed series, and let me tell you, this game is much, much better than the "darling" of the series (Assassin's Creed II). Some of the criticism is fair, though. Yes, Connor is really not that appealing of a protagonist. Yes, colonial New York and colonial Boston make for less appealing environments than Renaissance Italy. But the graphics, the combat, the diversity of side quests, etc, truly blow AC2 out of the water. Also, some of the "blandness" of the colonial towns as compared with AC2/Bro's renaissance setting is kind of explainable; at this point in historical time, the North American New World was still... kind of new. .

I can write a dissertation titled "In Defense of Assassin's Creed III", but it would be wasted effort, as the game would still probably get pooped on :p


Playstation All-Stars
Too Human
Dragon Age II (Not even I could swallow ME3 though)
Asura's Wrath
Hyperdimension Neptunia Series
Most Superhero Games
I recognize that the game is super buggy, incredibly repetitive, and filled with juvenile humor. Still had a lot of fun with it.
I just got this shipped to me from gamefly today. It has a 7.5 rating. What the hell. I can't tell if people are exaggerating how bad it is or are letting their low expectations overrate the game. Even your own mini summary is confusing as shit. I have no idea whether or not I should be excited to play. I don't really care for deadpool and I'm sure the humor will come off as forced. God...what have I done?


Neo Member
I really enjoyed the Mega Man Battle Network and Star Force games. I know that they didn't change anything in any of the six sequels, and they're unbelievably repetitive, but I thought they were fun.
DmC, people really hated on that game before and after it was released but I thought it was awesome. Would really like to see a sequel but I'm not holding my breath.


LA Noire

Athmosphere and gameplay felt so fresh and interesting, loved to play it through. And those facial animations were damn realistic. Easily one the best games of the last gen.


Seems to get tons of hate, mainly because "manufactured hype" and lack of content. I just started to really play it last month, trying to master every weapon and gamemode, and it really started to shine even more. So great, allows versatile gameplay, and oh boy is Last titan standing harhs for newbs.

Call of Duty series.

Most modern Call of duties are so hated for so many reasons, but I still played hell out of them. Gameplay is solid, fun singleplayers, which are also very well done, not just some last minute additions. MP is solid too and I have enjoyde most of them.



Yeah God's Shotgun got nerfed, as well as a few effects, but I liked it for what it was, and the mech sections are actually pretty good. Yeah I said it.


Unconfirmed Member
I just beat Papo & Yo today. One of my favorite games of the year.

I don't understand the negative reviews at all. The game executes so well on what it sets out to do, and it's so fun to play.


Neo Member
Going back a ways, Final Fantasy VIII and Chrono Cross were a couple of Square games that people's ire up [and still do, based on threads that pop up periodically] that I loved at the time and still do.

More recently, I enjoyed DmC and Max Payne 3 a lot, and they certainly inspired a lot of rants.
Stuntman for the ps1(ps2?) People shat on this game for its harshness and difficulty, but i loved it as a unique puzzle game with a cool twist


Heavenly Sword
Alpha Protocol
Remember Me

...and probably many more that I can't think of at the moment.


Seeing a lot of Alpha Protocol, I should probably buy it one of these days. I remember at one time had been interested due to the citing of spy stuff, Bond, 24, etc inspiration.

You can probably pick it up for a whoping 5 bucks used. Yeah, there are a ton of things wrong with it, but story telling and choice...they nailed. Just know that there are still dice rolls going on in the back ground of the shooting, so do some research online and put skill points in accordingly.

I enjoyed my time with the game and would love to see another one with the right gameplay in it. (Never going to happen). The spy/story-telling RPG thing is greatly under-utilized.

The death animations will give you some great unintentional comedy.

Neir was woefully misunderstood by critics.



I went in with, like, no expectations. Game was damn solid around. I don't know what the fuck people were expecting.
I was expecting pretty much what Wolfenstein: The New Order ended up being.

While Raged paced out its fantastic shooting with boring-ass filler like racing and empty, lifeless semi-open world exploration, Wolfenstein paced it out with expertly directed cutscenes and interesting characters with more depth than common for the genre.

Both have excellent gunplay, Wolf just does "everything else" so much better than Rage did.
If you get the chance, do it. Despite being rather broken in some ways, I couldn't help but absolutely enjoy Alpha Protocol due to it's story and choice system (tbh, I didn't think the gameplay was that bad either).

Also, I don't really like Borderlands 1-2 that much but I've never heard that much criticism for it. The thread title says "heavily criticized", not criticized by a vocal minority.

You can probably pick it up for a whoping 5 bucks used. Yeah, there are a ton of things wrong with it, but story telling and choice...they nailed. Just know that there are still dice rolls going on in the back ground of the shooting, so do some research online and put skill points in accordingly.

I enjoyed my time with the game and would love to see another one with the right gameplay in it. (Never going to happen). The spy/story-telling RPG thing is greatly under-utilized.

The death animations will give you some great unintentional comedy.

Neir was woefully misunderstood by critics.


Nier's another good one.
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