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Heavily criticized games that you really enjoy


Jade Empire(though it sold well and reviewed ok it was criticized later fairly heavily)

Remember Me-Liked it a great deal.

Crunch King

Neo Member
I love all Dynasty Warriors/Musou games, terrible reviews be damned!

That said, the series seems to be getting a better rep in the press these days, at least from some places.


Dragon Age II for me. I really like the characters, and the reuse of environments and lack of player impact on the contrived plot don't bother me too much. I just like adventuring with Varric, Aveline and co.
Uncharted 3. I like Uncharted 2 more and I think its the superior game, but not an insignificant amount of people on GAF make 3 out to be a terrible game. In reality, Uncharted 3 isn't that far off from Uncharted 2.
I'd give a shout to Ryse, as the most recent one. Played much better than the reviews let on and whilst the combat could have done with more weapon/move variety, it was definitely fun to play.
Recently got around to trying ZombiU finally, and have been pleasantly surprised. All my gamer friends have told me the game was terrible, combat was "awful", etc. I've really enjoyed it so far though, exactly for the reasons people criticized it. I like that the game doesn't focus on combat and actively discourages the player from doing so. I haven't felt this scared by a zombie game in the longest time.

I also really liked Star Fox Assault, and didn't mind the on-foot missions that much. Only one of them really gave me trouble, the Dinosaur Planet one. I had no trouble with the rest. IMO, the game did far more things right than it did wrong. It's really underrated.


Well believe it or not i had a lot of fun with E.T for Atari 2600, well back in the day i loved everything E.T related :3


I guess Borderlands 2 is controversial ... only on neogaf :p

Disaster Report and Raw Danger were some of my favorite PS2 titles. Too bad they're pretty much the only games of that type I've seen.

Absolutely loved Rule of Rose as well.
Rage and Doom 3 are the big ones for me.

I guess I just like the feel of a modern'ish Id game. The shooting is always front and center, and is always mechanically a blast.


Enter The Matrix. The game is janky as hell but the combat was actually really fun. I doubt it holds up today, but I sure enjoyed it back when it was new.
Dragon Age II for me. I really like the characters, and the reuse of environments and lack of player impact on the contrived plot don't bother me too much. I just like adventuring with Varric, Aveline and co.

Ooh I love Dragon Age II...and Final Fantasy XIII as well.

I remember it being really awkward when there was this massive, incredible backlash towards Dragon Age II and I was just sitting there, happily playing it.
Dead island
This game gets endless goodwill from me.
Before it I thought I hated first person melee combat in games and that it was always going to be garbage.
It worked pretty well in dead island and was enjoyable

edit: runescape too back in 2001-2005
full loot pking (wilderness added the risk reward aspect as well as the all important thrill of the hunt that is missing from almost all other mmo pvp)
unrestricted trading
player ran economy
almost everything was player made
real quests similar so singleplayer game ones with new areas, long storylines, meaningful exploration and great danger going into the unknown (losing all your items if you die)

Sure the combat was primitive, as were the graphics, but I always thought this was what future mmos would be (just with better graphics and better combat mechanics)
Instead we got kill 10 boars/pick 10 cabbages (for shame), walled garden economy that is controlled by the developer, heavily restricted trading, no real world pvp, factions, battlegrounds that remove the whole thrill of the hunt/chase aspect and no full loot pk as well as crafting being an aftertought



It got absolutely slated upon its release; years later only a handful of games match up to the fun factor of that game to me. Halo and Counter strike. I would absolutely LOVE a"next gen" version of this game... sadly hell will freeze before my dream is realised.

"I'm bleeding out!"

Red Mage

Dynasty Warriors series and Dragon Age 2. DA2 is partly GAF's fault. With the way all of you talked about it, my expectations were so low I was surprised by it. It's a mediocre game, sure, but you can have a lot of fun in it.


Most Recently: Watch Dogs - very solid game, with great visuals even with all the "downgrades". Best Next-Gen game until Destiny release most certainly.

Also: Diablo 3, BF4, Thief, Rome 2 Total War (ok, after a couple of patches)

Honorable Mention: those 99% of Mass Effect 3 were all awesome (excluding the unforgivable last 10 minutes which DO NOT EXIST!)
Halo 4, didn't have a problem with the art-and mission design, I have no idea where the "cod'ified" angle comes from.

I don't care one bit for Halo MP so I always think that's where the problems lie and people judge the entire game solely based on that.


Most Recently: Watch Dogs - very solid game, with great visuals even with all the "downgrades". Best Next-Gen game until Destiny release most certainly.

Also: Diablo 3, BF4, Thief, Rome 2 Total War (ok, after a couple of patches)

Honorable Mention: those 99% of Mass Effect 3 were all awesome (excluding the unforgivable last 10 minutes which DO NOT EXIST!)
Great game, and I was fine with the blue ending.
Epic Mickey: It was dark and interesting, I don't get the criticism about the supposed "toned down" theme. Artstyle and music were beautiful too. Platforming was okay, nothing worse than Sly 4.
Halo 4, didn't have a problem with the art-and mission design, I have no idea where the "cod'ified" angle comes from.

I don't care one bit for Halo MP so I always think that's where the problems lie and people judge the entire game solely based on that.

The previous Bungie developed Halo games were about controlling important parts of the map and powerful weapons. Halo 4 took away powerful weapons and replaced it with random drops. This in large part also lead to map control being much reduced.

Look at a match from any previous Halo game prior to 4 and you will see a collective effort by the team. Is there a guy with a Sniper camping? Weed him out. Are there three guys guarding a choke point? Neutralize them. Certainly players didn't necessarily have great teamwork simply based around the game design - and there will always be lone wolves - but because the game would inherently become unbalanced without paying attention to power weapons and key locations, it lead to a more structured, strategic play style.

In Halo 4 it's chaos, just like in Call of Duty. You run around trying to spot somebody before they see you. There is no real strategy. It gets repetitive quickly. Previous Halo games weren't repetitive because it was like a game of chess, in that you are constantly reacting to the moves of your opponent or trying to be proactive. Each game had a unique flow to it.

Again, the best way to describe Halo 4 is chaotic. Random.


final fantasy xi

i can't really defend things people dislike about it. the grind was ridiculous, some things had ridiculous/unknown popping conditions (fucking skirmish pephredo), some bosses were literally impossible and gear never dropped.

but it was one of the best games i ever played.

Haha, uh, yeah. Wouldn't call it the best game (unless perhaps I were to isolate its best scenarios mentally), because it has a lot of qualities I consider bad game design and I wouldn't really consider any MMORPG a good game, but it is certainly one of my favorites and probably the one game that influenced me the most. It's tricky because many of its worst qualities lead to its best. Long, brutalizing conditions created meaningful bonds between players and blossomed an interesting community and economy. Its PS2-era oddities, such its controller-based UI design, which would be looked at today (and even then) as outdated, gave it a unique feel, essential when one of the most off-putting feelings is "Oh, I'm playing a MMO with weightless characters and prepackaged generic mechanics".

Phil S.

LittleBigPlanet gets ire from a sector of the community who dislike the physics of the game, which makes total sense to me. However, I still love the series.

I also enjoy Star Fox: Assault, Metroid: Other M, and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate, to name a few more examples.


Max Payne 3, yeah it fucking sucks that you can't skip cut scenes. but the impeccable gunplay easily makes up for it I think.

Of my favorite games and probably favorite shooter along with Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.



Too many casuals who didn't find enough hearts before the final level

Seriously though I loved this game despite the pogo stick issues and unnecessary cutscenes. All the stages felt so fun to explore because of all the backgrounds and features, the gameplay feels really solid (except the previously mentioned pogo issue) and the soundtrack is actually amazing. It's a shame it came out the same year as Metal Gear Rising, because otherwise it would have been my soundtrack of the year last year.
Sonic & The Secret Rings and Sonic Lost World. Best Sonic games of the last decade, nowhere near as horrible as some people say and way better than the overrated Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations


Sonic & The Secret Rings and Sonic Lost World. Best Sonic games of the last decade, nowhere near as horrible as some people say and way better than the overrated Sonic Colours and Sonic Generations

I'm with you that those games aren't as bad as everyone says. I got some enjoyment out of Lost World U and I don't like how Secret Rings is lumped in with all the other shitty Sonic games that came out around that time. It's a perfectly functional game with some really nice visuals for the system it's on. But I wouldn't say either are better than Generations by a long shot.
Don't know if this has been posted yet but to this day I still really love The Godfather on PS2 (never played the next gen version). I thought it did a great job of tying in to the original story whilst focusing on a new character, taking over rackets and intimidating shop owners, robbing banks, climbing the ranks through the mafia, taking out rival families etc were all great mechanics that didn't really apply to other open world games at the time.

The second game was pretty much a piece of shit but can someone explain why the general consensus is that this game is bad? Not antagonising, I just really don't get it.
Blue Dragon because it was before the RPG revival and it was nice having a PS2 style RPG with modern graphics, game mechanics, and sound. The OST is amazing and the English dub is alright. Really it is a light-hearted RPG with great gameplay and brought back the spirit of older RPGs.

Of course, the same developers made Lost Odyssey which people loved. I guess context is how much people will like a game. *shrug*
Lost Planet 2 and Resident Evil 5, best Co-op games i ever played.

Many people disliked MAG and it got horrible reviews, but for me its best online shooter i ever played.
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