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Unofficial response from Assassin's Creed dev on 900p drama. Bombcast 10/14/2014

I think this reads like a totally fair response. If their issues are CPU related, they'll exist on both consoles. They can't take advantage of the stronger RAM or GPU of the PS4 without creating a different game for that platform, which isn't worth their time or money when they're pushing as much as they are already. A year into the console cycle, a game that's been being worked on for three-four years spent most of it's time in development with shifting specs. A year into the console cycle, it's okay for a game to be 900p on both consoles.

Even if resolution could have been boosted on PS4, it might not have made it up to 1080p without sacrificing performance, so they decided to settle on an even-ish, well-understood resolution and consistent frame rate rather than leaving it somewhere random.

Full disclosure: I probably wasn't buying this game anyway, but 900p on PS4 doesn't hurt my opinion of it.
Don't string me up but what if the PS4 really couldn't hit 1080p? Maybe it could hit some other strange resolution at an acceptable clip, but they (being Ubisoft and a publisher who churns these things out) decided that 900p was a nice resolution to go ahead and settle at for PS4 instead of other weird one? Perhaps 900p for XB1 really is stretching it for that system while it's a "settling" on the PS4 instead of doing 952p or some other res?

I'm never buying from Ubisoft again (more for their shit PC ports then console crap) but maybe, just maybe, there is a little truth in their fucked up words?
I'd believe it. In which case, the line about doing it 'to avoid debates and stuff' is still just about the worst thing Pontbriand could have said.
BUT...wasn't there a tweet from a dev at Ubi saying how great it looked in 1080p on the PS4?

I assume this has already been linked to at some point in the thread BTYW.
I recall a tweet from a developer about far cry 4 looking great at 1080p in PS4. If there had been such a tweet about AC:U I am sure it wouldn't have gone unnoticed. Maybe you got both games mixed up?
Don't string me up but what if the PS4 really couldn't hit 1080p? Maybe it could hit some other strange resolution at an acceptable clip, but they (being Ubisoft and a publisher who churns these things out) decided that 900p was a nice resolution to go ahead and settle at for PS4 instead of other weird one? Perhaps 900p for XB1 really is stretching it for that system while it's a "settling" on the PS4 instead of doing 952p or some other res?

I'm never buying from Ubisoft again (more for their shit PC ports then console crap) but maybe, just maybe, there is a little truth in their fucked up words?

I wouldn't too be surprised if that was the case....wasn't the X1 gameplay dropping frames?
Then again it's Ubi, so who knows...
It's very likely legit. The GiantBomb guys aren't idiots who just read anything on their podcast.
They once read an email asking if there was a dog who pooped chicken and dumplings, would they eat it? Jeff said, and I quote, 'hook my mouth up to that dog's ass.'

They're not idiots but anyone who's listened regularly knows they don't have a very high standard for what emails they discuss on the show.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Not once you get past 720p....

Once you get to or past 720p, lighting, character models, effects, textures, ect matters much more than additional pixels.

And since just about every game coming out now is 720p+, the resolution isn't really your biggest factor in determining how good a game looks.

An example of this is Ryse Son of Rome (X1) compared to CoD Ghost (PS4). Ghost runs at 1080p, and Ryse at 900p, but I don't think anyone here would argue the fact that Ryse looks much better graphically.
And that is of coarse because Ryse has much better Character models, better lighting, ect. The resolution just isn't as important as some people make it out to be.

What do models and lighting have to do with image quality? (other than that more polygonal detail makes good image quality harder to attain)
Old games that are so undemanding I can run them at 8k or 16k are going to have vastly better IQ on my PC than anything recent.


It's very likely legit. The GiantBomb guys aren't idiots who just read anything on their podcast.
LOL i hope you are joking.

You must not listen to their podcast much. Poopgate lol

The only thing I'm getting from the developer's response is that Ubi apparently doesn't know how to do lighting properly and has to get the CPU to process pre-baked data. How is that even remotely acceptable in 2014?
It could be worse. It could be pulling the data from the "cloud" lol


The only thing I'm getting from the developer's response is that Ubi apparently doesn't know how to do lighting properly and has to get the CPU to process pre-baked data. How is that even remotely acceptable in 2014?


I really hope they don't water down the game just to get to the magical 1080p just because of gamers bitching about resolution. Those devs are doing the right thing by putting their foot down. People will whine about everything. Do what you do, Ubisoft. I can't wait until this masterpiece comes out.


HD towns are hard.

Square Enix said that once and you guys laughed it off...But the power of this statement still persists this gen.


Hint... It's not good

That has a pretty good rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I kind of want to see it.

I don't think I can avoid The Stuff. Ubisoft tried to warn me, but it looks like I'm fucked.

Two Words

Something doesn't add up here. If Ubisoft said the CPU is the console bottleneck because of AI, why would you put so much CPU resources on lighting?

Purest 78

Yup, pretty much what I thought. Playstation fans need to stop thinking the PS4 is a mega powerful.

Who thinks it's mega powerful? It's more powerful than the x1. If any dev says they maxed out the consoles, and the games are the same. The devs are not telling the truth in my opinion.
Has anyone with any programming knowledge commented here? Because on the podcast, Brad Shoemaker said her consulted with a developer who said all of it sounded very plausible. I would like to hear more from knowledgeable people than people stating MS paid them off as a matter of fact without any concrete proof.

Of course it's plausible. I don't think anyone is denying that.

I think the big complaints are that if the game is CPU bound, why not bring the PS4 to 1080p instead of 900p.
That is one bitter PR rep lol.

My suggestion to Ubisoft: Just be honest that MS paid you for parity, or that you / your engine is incompetent and cannot take advantage of the PS4s extra power.
What do models and lighting have to do with image quality? (other than that more polygonal detail makes good image quality harder to attain)
Old games that are so undemanding I can run them at 8k or 16k are going to have vastly better IQ on my PC than anything recent.

Ugghh.. no.


Xbox 360 "guaranteed" 720p at the start of last gen by mandating it as a minimum resolution and MS themselves acknowledged later that it was a mistake. I think it's better to avoid resolution mandates and let studios do their job, unless they're going to send over engineers and foot the bill to optimize.

It shouldn't be mandated, we should be getting the visuals being shown nowadays at 1080p. But hey, I don't want them bleeding money.


Suffering From Success
Does this sound like poor development strategy to anyone else?
"We have tried to outmatch Pixar so we're proud to announce our game runs at spiffing 240p@15fps"
Not once you get past 720p....

Once you get to or past 720p, lighting, character models, effects, textures, ect matters much more than additional pixels.

And since just about every game coming out now is 720p+, the resolution isn't really your biggest factor in determining how good a game looks.

An example of this is Ryse Son of Rome (X1) compared to CoD Ghost (PS4). Ghost runs at 1080p, and Ryse at 900p, but I don't think anyone here would argue the fact that Ryse looks much better graphically.
And that is of coarse because Ryse has much better Character models, better lighting, ect. The resolution just isn't as important as some people make it out to be.
You are comparing Ryse to a cross gen game. Infamous Second Son looks better and is 1080p, as well as open world.


It's probably just me based on the opinions on GAF about Ubisoft's comments, but I am very excited with the AC franchise. I have played all of them chronologically, and am excited for the further developments of the storyline. No matter what Ubisoft says - they can even proclaim that the Earth is flat - I will still be picking up Unity and Rogue.


Not once you get past 720p....

Once you get to or past 720p, lighting, character models, effects, textures, ect matters much more than additional pixels.

And since just about every game coming out now is 720p+, the resolution isn't really your biggest factor in determining how good a game looks.

An example of this is Ryse Son of Rome (X1) compared to CoD Ghost (PS4). Ghost runs at 1080p, and Ryse at 900p, but I don't think anyone here would argue the fact that Ryse looks much better graphically.
And that is of coarse because Ryse has much better Character models, better lighting, ect. The resolution just isn't as important as some people make it out to be.

He said resolution affects IQ more than anything else....not graphical effects.


I get that GiantBomb might be more trustworthy, but if it bothered him (and probably others on the team) why didn't thins leak anywhere else before? Usually those types of letters (from developers/publishers) on GiantBomb do not have this "disclaimer"

I literally don't know what you're talking about. He was willing to provide proof to Giantbomb that he was legit. They're not some hardboiled news source but they still have some standards so they're not just reading industry gossip every week.

Also why didn't it leak anywhere else before? Because things don't leak until they leak. Where do you think they should leak first?


It would look a hell of a lot blurrier, which would make it look a hell of a lot worse.
Native resolution is important.
Come on, it wouldn't look that bad, would it? It's not like it's a switch to sub-HD with some sort of blur filter.

Uh yes it wouldn't. Are we to believe there isn't a different a difference in 1080p and 900p? Native res looks better hands down.
Of course 1080p matters and looks nice, but I think that it's importance is overblown. I know that this is entering the endless debate of effects vs. resolution vs. performance, but I personally am fine with 900p in a game that lets you free roam a beautiful 1:1 scale Paris. Maybe it's because I grew up playing games at much worse resolutions and still appreciate the miracle of HD, idk. I'm just glad it's not 792p or worse.
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