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Uncharted 4 Gameplay Demo [Up: Sony - Was running at 30 fps]


Welp, since some people are honestly thinking this demo doesn't show that big of a leap over other contemporary games like MGSV or ACU in the graphics/animations/presentation, then this really is diminishing returns making it self present for some folks, some people are really having a hard time seeing this big improvments, while for other people they are quite obvious.
Those people don't see that, they are just trolling. Same as those saying Uncharted 4 looks like a PS3 game.

This thread has basically gone to crap because there are too many people that are either overhyping UC4 or overly downplaying it. We have people absurdly trying to downplay UC4, but then we also have a bunch of people absurdly overhyping it and trying to downplay any of the other top graphical contenders. The gaming community is so tiresome much of the time.

I think a lot of it is the language people use. Somebody is passionate about something and they tend to manifest that in colourful language which blows differences out of proportion. I recognise I am guilty of that here as well. I think the U4 faces look noticibly better, obviously better, but that doesn't somehow denegrate how impressive the Unity models are. They are very impressive, especially in light of their previous efforts.


Jeez. Some of you are jumping to conclusions based on completely different lighting conditions. Which ironically is exactly what some of you are complaining about others doing when comparing the UC4 E3 trailer and the new gameplay trailer.

I've played through Unity and the character models and animations are amazing. When I downloaded and watched the gamersyde UC4 footage I didn't think "wow, those character models blow away those in Unity". In fact, I thought they looked fairly comparable overall.




(These screenshots really aren't even close to the best I've seen in ACU. They are fairly low res and have compression artifacts, but I can't be bothered with uploading my own screenshots right now.)

Now, I'm pretty sure that once I see more of Uncharted 4's characters in more situations they will have the edge over ACU's overall. But right now anyone that says that either game's character models are "vastly better" than the other is just being hyperbolic.

Unity's models are great. I think the big 'diffence' is that Uncharted is a bit more stylised; and from what I've seen, has better animation. Didn't ND keyframe everything? Anyway, somehow ND's work looks more cohesive, while Unity ends up a bit more in the 'uncanny valley' .


Disagree. The Order 1886 will be better. And to be quite honest, I don't expect any major leaps from 1886 throughout the generation. Very tiny, gradual improvements perhaps. But nothing like we've seen in previous generations.

That's the Thing. If we only look at technical aspects, you might be right. But looks are more than that. For me, TLOU was one of the best looking Games last Year, although it had low Res and some bad textures in it.

I've played through Unity and the character models and animations are amazing. When I downloaded and watched the gamersyde UC4 footage I didn't think "wow, those character models blow away those in Unity". In fact, I thought they looked fairly comparable overall.

Aaaaaand here we go again.
It looks nice but obviously no where near what the original trailer promised.

I seem to remember many skeptics getting attacked for even harboring the thought that the original presentation wasn't a realistic interpretation of the actual game.

Nice to see that the crow has been served.


Not the best comparison but different time of day. Moon shining down on Drake and his clothes are wet, plus he's all cut up on his forehead. And these cutscenes will transition right into gameplay as you saw in the beginning of the video. Also, one is 60fp and the other is 30fp.
Wtf is with all these trolls in hear so anxious I us to make fools of themselves. Game is in pre alpha, a year out, AND judging by twitch and YouTube. can someone please update on with gamersdye video link. Jesus.

Tombraider looking better than this? Assassins creed? Have ya'll gone insane? Darn so much butthurt. I'm out. Have the crows ready when this game releases. For pre Alpha it looks insane. Get your eyes checked.


Graphics aside, why is no-one talking about the AI? It seemed very good (Could be staged) but seeing enemies be quite agile and jumping to other areas was nice. Did they do similar stuff in Uncharted 2 and 3?


The very existence of many people that are comparing UC4 to AC: Unity and MGS5 means Naughty Dog did not deliver what we (myself included) were used to see from them in the past.

UC4 is not standing high and above AC:U and MGS5. Sure it does some things better, some things worse but generally it is in the same ballpark. This was not happening last gen with UC2 and UC3. They were above everything else.

Remember those PC gaming Crysis threads? What game from the consoles was constantly being thrown there to fight with Crysis? Uncharted. Not Killzone, not God of War 3. It was always the Uncharted series as those games were the peak of what was possible on the PS3. I know that because I've played and finished them all (KZ, GOW3, UC123).

They really don goofed up releasing that teaser back during E3. It set the expectations insanely high (deformable sand, cloth, super realistic water, skin and details). That trailer WAS above anything else I have seen including AC:U, The Witcher 3 and MGS5.

It sucks so much that you either have to turn down some of the graphics in order to be playable (The Witcher 3, Watch Dogs, UC4) or - in case you stick to your guns - you release a broken, unplayable mess of a game (AC:U).

Here's hoping UC4 hits 60 fps. It would be phenomenal.

It seems like you yourself put ND on a pedestal where they will somehow continue to coast heads above every other studio just because they're ND. Plenty of people in Gaf have said they think God of War 3 and Ascension's visuals trump Uncharted and TLOU, and I think it's a valid opinion because it's not as clear as you just claimed it was. Not everyone acknowledges or agrees that ND is the end-all be-all of console graphics, even from last gen.

It takes time to polish up a cutscene, and it takes even more time to polish up a playable sequence. You're talking about realistic water, deformable sand and dynamic cloth, all which exists in this demo. The only difference is that the teaser was a perfected cutscene where they had full control of everything you saw, tweaking everything to be pristine and exact, right down to every grain of sand and bead of sweat that sticks to Nathan's face.

People here are comparing high end PC screencaps of AC:U and Crysis 3 to Uncharted 4. As it is now, UC4 is the best looking console game I can look forward to, even as a prettied up pre-alpha demo level, and there's no contest IMO aside from perhaps The Order, a game that has about 5 minutes of gameplay footage to see total (and looks like it has vaseline smeared all over it). AC:U on PS4 and XB1 runs at 900p to start, with pretty big quality and sub 30 frame rate issues. Claims of current MGSV clips having higher fidelity graphics is legit silly.

Welp, since some people are honestly thinking this demo doesn't show that big of a leap over other contemporary games like MGSV or ACU in the graphics/animations/presentation, then this really is diminishing returns making it self present for some folks, some people are really having a hard time seeing this big improvments, while for other people they are quite obvious.

It's either diminishing returns, or players have to readjust to what they're looking at. There's plenty in the Uncharted 4 demo that is mind-boggling to me technically. It's doing things that other games simply aren't on a visual level. To this day we still have people saying they can't really see the difference of 60 fps vs 30, or 720 vs 1080, and those were "subtle" issue people were talking about for most of the previous generation. Stuff like that might always be like that. But I think once this generation is in full swing, players will have a much better idea of differing visual quality between games than now.


Graphics aside, why is no-one talking about the AI? It seemed very good (Could be staged) but seeing enemies be quite agile and jumping to other areas was nice. Did they do similar stuff in Uncharted 2 and 3?

In UC2 and 3 once enemies saw you, they would advance on you until you killed them all. UC4 is taking the TLOU enemy approach where you can easily break line of sight and have enemies actually look for you. None of the AI looked too advanced to be staged.


Graphics aside, why is no-one talking about the AI? It seemed very good (Could be staged) but seeing enemies be quite agile and jumping to other areas was nice. Did they do similar stuff in Uncharted 2 and 3?
Yeah it's nice, it the next iteration of TLoU AI it seems like.


Wtf is with all these trolls in hear so anxious I us to make fools of themselves. Game is in pre alpha, a year out, AND judging by twitch and YouTube. can someone please update on with gamersdye video link. Jesus.

Tombraider looking better than this? Assassins creed? Have ya'll gone insane? Darn so much butthurt. I'm out. Have the crows ready when this game releases. For pre Alpha it looks insane. Get your eyes checked.

Yep theyre comparing the PRE-ALPHA build to games that have already been published but when UC4 eventually comes out and you compare it with Unity or Tomb Raider to prove them wrong they will cry foul play because then theyll say youre comparing a new UC4 game against older Unity & Tomb Raider games ¬_¬


Unity's models are great. I think the big 'diffence' is that Uncharted is a bit more stylised; and from what I've seen, has better animation. Didn't ND keyframe everything? Anyway, somehow ND's work looks more cohesive, while Unity ends up a bit more in the 'uncanny valley' .

Are you seriously compare a pre alpha gameplay with cinematics from a 20-25fps game ?

Stop with acu please. If u want to claim that acu is beautiful it's your right , but use the right threat for it.
Imo uc4 blow My mind. And the e3 présentation will be much better.

Acu fans, see you in 6 months.


Are we comparing released products to ones a year off now?

Are we comparing games that are already out (in some cases for years) with a game that comes out late next year? Be real now, which games are at a greater disadvantage? UC4 will likely see some polish and improvements, but it will look pretty much like what we are seeing now. Those games people are comparing hold up amazingly well considering how much earlier they released.

Graphics tech is always evolving and advancing. What about all the other games that will come out around the same time? The next Assassin's Creed? The Division? Star Wars Battlefront?



Honestly, that early Battlefront footage looks better to me than the Uncharted 4 footage. Will Dice pull it off? We'll see.


Wtf is with all these trolls in hear so anxious I us to make fools of themselves. Game is in pre alpha, a year out, AND judging by twitch and YouTube. can someone please update on with gamersdye video link. Jesus.

Tombraider looking better than this? Assassins creed? Have ya'll gone insane? Darn so much butthurt. I'm out. Have the crows ready when this game releases. For pre Alpha it looks insane. Get your eyes checked.

Lol calm down mate, While I agree that TR does not look as good as this ACU is pretty comparable (only on PC though). Also graphics won't change much between this and release. Assuming the game is going to be released around Oct 2015 that means there's around 10 months of dev time left so the game should be approaching alpha stage. This denotes the point where the programmers will be finishing off implementing all key functionality, no additional functionality should be made past this point instead they'll be focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements. At most expect simple things controlled by cvars to be improved (AA, texture filtering etc), but I suspect ND will be trying to improve performance so that there's an unlocked 60fps option available to users.


Are you seriously compare a pre alpha gameplay with cinematics from a 20-25fps game ?

Stop with acu please. If u want to claim that acu is beautiful it's your right , but use the right threat for it.
Imo uc4 blow My mind. And the e3 présentation will be much better.

Acu fans, see you in 6 months.

Ehm, I'm actually saying that U4 looks 'better' to me, without pissing too much on AC:U like many people tend to do ;)


I believe comparisons are never made with proper context here seriously...

This whole ACU vs U4 character model comparison is very static... correct me if I am wrong but the attention to detail in U4 drake's model is outstanding...

I dont remember any ACU character having neck muscles that react when the character turns his head, or the adam's apple moving when talking.

Why are details such as these neglected really???


Also graphics won't change much between this and release. Assuming the game is going to be released around Oct 2015 that means there's around 10 months of dev time left so the game should be approaching alpha stage. This denotes the point where the programmers will be finishing off implementing all key functionality, no additional functionality should be made past this point instead they'll be focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements. At most expect simple things controlled by cvars to be improved (AA, texture filtering etc), but I suspect ND will be trying to improve performance so that there's an unlocked 60fps option available to users.

Oh god. Just remember gow demo.
I'm sure in 11 months we will see some majors improuvments for uc4.
ND usually uses a lot of effects not implemented in this gameplay.
Unless you're really think that a game 1 year before it's release is the same in gold version. In this case i can't do anything for you.

When i read some comments i really think that ND should wait to share gameplay.
Don't be silly. Vastly superior? That's just hyperbole. The lighting conditions are completely different. It's similar to how the lighting is flatter in the new Uncharted 4 gameplay video compared to the E3 trailer. Not to mention that Elise is a young woman with clear, smooth skin, not some older dude with lots of wrinkles.

Yes, vastly superior. Did I stutter? Lol.

And no, that's not what smooth skin looks like. That looks like she's mixed vaseline in with her makeup before applying it to her face.


It looks nice but obviously no where near what the original trailer promised.

I seem to remember many skeptics getting attacked for even harboring the thought that the original presentation wasn't a realistic interpretation of the actual game.

Nice to see that the crow has been served.

I take it you've downloaded and pored over the 3gb gamma-corrected video on Gamersyde to come to this opinion?

Because - IMO - during the opening & closing sequences it's there. The in-game is phenomenal as well - so many little touches. Watching said vid on my TV and I'm all 'Next year I will be playing this!'.


Oh god. Just remember gow demo.
I'm sure in 11 months we will see some majors improuvments for uc4.
ND usually uses a lot of effects not implemented in this gameplay.
Unless you're really think that a game 1 year before it's release is the same in gold version. In this case i can't do anything for you.

When i read some comments i really think that ND should wait to share gameplay.

Link me to the GOW demo you're talking about?
Are we comparing games that are already out (in some cases for years) with a game that comes out late next year? Be real now, which games are at a greater disadvantage? UC4 will likely see some polish and improvements, but it will look pretty much like what we are seeing now. Those games people are comparing hold up amazingly well considering how much earlier they released.

Graphics tech is always evolving and advancing. What about all the other games that will come out around the same time? The next Assassin's Creed? The Division? Star Wars

They will look better on PC which is to be expected because of hardware .


Are we comparing games that are already out (in some cases for years) with a game that comes out late next year? Be real now, which games are at a greater disadvantage? UC4 will likely see some polish and improvements, but it will look pretty much like what we are seeing now. Those games people are comparing hold up amazingly well considering how much earlier they released.

Graphics tech is always evolving and advancing. What about all the other games that will come out around the same time? The next Assassin's Creed? The Division? Star Wars Battlefront?



Honestly, that early Battlefront footage looks better to me than the Uncharted 4 footage. Will Dice pull it off? We'll see.

holy shit, where did that come from?
Jeez. Some of you are jumping to conclusions based on completely different lighting conditions. Which ironically is exactly what some of you are complaining about others doing when comparing the UC4 E3 trailer and the new gameplay trailer.

I've played through Unity and the character models and animations are amazing. When I downloaded and watched the gamersyde UC4 footage I didn't think "wow, those character models blow away those in Unity". In fact, I thought they looked fairly comparable overall.




(These screenshots really aren't even close to the best I've seen in ACU. They are fairly low res and have compression artifacts, but I can't be bothered with uploading my own screenshots right now.)

Now, I'm pretty sure that once I see more of Uncharted 4's characters in more situations they will have the edge over ACU's overall. But right now anyone that says that either game's character models are "vastly better" than the other is just being hyperbolic.

But isn't that Drake's in-game model being compared to cutscene models there? You should post Sam Drake's cutscene model, that one is vastly superior to any ACU model I've seen so far.

Apart from dat hair, though. ACU has some damn nice hair.


The weirdest part of this whole thing is people walking in here and comparing high end PC screenshots to a unfinished game. Taking screenshots of games at more than 1080p resolution or supersampled, and sticking them right next to a console game as a 1:1 comparison. How's that not total lunacy? Stick a 900p AC:U gameplay screen next to 1080p UC4 gameplay screen. Hell, here are some direct PS4 screens from to compare with:

The very existence of many people that are comparing UC4 to AC: Unity and MGS5 means Naughty Dog did not deliver what we (myself included) were used to see from them in the past.

It makes this kind of statement even more silly.
Are we comparing games that are already out (in some cases for years) with a game that comes out late next year? Be real now, which games are at a greater disadvantage? UC4 will likely see some polish and improvements, but it will look pretty much like what we are seeing now. Those games people are comparing hold up amazingly well considering how much earlier they released.

Graphics tech is always evolving and advancing. What about all the other games that will come out around the same time? The next Assassin's Creed? The Division? Star Wars Battlefront?



Honestly, that early Battlefront footage looks better to me than the Uncharted 4 footage. Will Dice pull it off? We'll see.

Wow! Incredible! First time I've seen that. Perhaps it's the cynic in me but if that makes it to release still looking that good I'll eat my boots.


From what i have seen graphically it does look good. Don't know if it was just me but when he climbs or jump it looks like he is doing it in slow mo or floating.


The weirdest part of this whole thing is people walking in here and comparing high end PC screenshots to a unfinished game. Taking screenshots of games at more than 1080p resolution or supersampled, and sticking them right next to a console game as a 1:1 comparison. It's total lunacy? Stick a 900p AC:U gameplay screen next to 1080p UC4 gameplay screen. Hell, here are some direct PS4 screens from to compare with:

Amen.... this supersampled bullshit should stop...

I was looking at some alleged PC screenshots of Assasins Creed Unity in the other thread, then went to a friend who had quite a beastly PC, and saw the game running at ultra settings in 1080p and sorry but that shit didnt look anywhere near like the supersampled BS screenshots we had here.
Are we comparing games that are already out (in some cases for years) with a game that comes out late next year? Be real now, which games are at a greater disadvantage? UC4 will likely see some polish and improvements, but it will look pretty much like what we are seeing now. Those games people are comparing hold up amazingly well considering how much earlier they released.

Graphics tech is always evolving and advancing. What about all the other games that will come out around the same time? The next Assassin's Creed? The Division? Star Wars Battlefront?



Honestly, that early Battlefront footage looks better to me than the Uncharted 4 footage. Will Dice pull it off? We'll see.

I'll bet my life that the game ends up looking nothing like these screens.
Hopefully devs stop false advertising.

In this case however, there are some things to mention.
The trailer at E3 showed what they could do inengine. And that was insane.
My reaction was: "wow, insane. But i doubt it will look like that ingame".

The truth is, that is even closer than i imagined. The hairs are not as good. That's for sure.
But in the new gameplaydemo Nathan does show a insane amount of detail in skin, muscle animation, etc, close up. And that IS the ingame model.

Another thing: the game isn't finished yet. So it's too early to really judge.

Do i expect the game to be 60fps in the end with THIS level of detail and in this calrity? i would be highly highly surprised. But they're aiming for it.

Naughty Dog is not Ubisoft.

No matter what you believe, this demo was very impressive for a PS4 game.
Not "nice". It's very impressive.

Just a small question: do you have a PS4?


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Just watched the footage again, Goddamn. That's what I would call getting close to that CG look, dat lighting and them explosions mmmmm mmmmmm. This and The Order look way better to my eyes than the -current- Uncharted 4.

Watching Uncharted's footage again and again, I think my biggest issue with it is the lighting, it just looks flat and unrealistic to me, but maybe that's what they're aiming for? For a more stylised look? I don't know.
holy shit, where did that come from?
http://youtu.be/2yKv45X_OIo (1:40)


Are we comparing games that are already out (in some cases for years) with a game that comes out late next year? Be real now, which games are at a greater disadvantage? UC4 will likely see some polish and improvements, but it will look pretty much like what we are seeing now. Those games people are comparing hold up amazingly well considering how much earlier they released.

Graphics tech is always evolving and advancing. What about all the other games that will come out around the same time? The next Assassin's Creed? The Division? Star Wars Battlefront?
Honestly, that early Battlefront footage looks better to me than the Uncharted 4 footage. Will Dice pull it off? We'll see.

It was almost certainly running on a supercharged PC though.
Just watched the footage again, Goddamn. That's what I would call getting close to that CG look, dat lighting and them explosions mmmmm mmmmmm. This and The Order look way better to my eyes than the -current- Uncharted 4.

Watching Uncharted's footage again and again, I think my biggest issue with it is the lighting, it just looks flat and unrealistic to me, but maybe that's what they're aiming for? For a more stylised look? I don't know.

http://youtu.be/2yKv45X_OIo (1:40)

Damn.. i'd like a Starwars game that looks like this..


You are moving the goal posts now. You are the one that highlighted my "changing materials" comment.

Oh well, here you go: how do you add physics (by tagging geometry) without changing AI code or animation to react to it? To be more specific, say I blew up a tree and currently my NPC that's near the tree plays an animation of him falling and dying. But now I want to break up the tree into fragments and have the pieces hit the NPC and have the NPC react to that. What do I need to change specifically?

Oh my!! I have just waded through the tail end of this thread and this is not the first time I have seen your "random" posts.

I think go elsewhere and chill, you are talking yourself in circles with no clue on what you are zig zagging back and forth on, from your posts just here we can see that you love PC, you love AC:unity but do not have any real knowledge first hand or otherwise on aspects you are quoting or trying to stress are true when infact they are far from that.


Nope, you didn't, you're just being silly. Much like those that claim UC4 looks like a PS3 game.

Can I ask you something, are you actually considering details such as neck muscles moving realistically when someone turns his head, adam's apple moving when speaking, as part of the work behind a character model? Or are such details being neglected?

Because all I hear about this ACU comparison, seems pretty shallow to be honest.


I think it looks really good especially considering all the foliage and the scope of the level. Lighting is natural and animations are top notch imho. The only thing bugging me is the plastic look of everything. The rocks' geometry also makes it look more like a comic after the more gritty looking E3 teaser.


Ohh woke up and we are still debating Graphics of an early Alpha Build, that looked stunning and very detailed with complete 30fps lock.

Well Gaf will always be Gaf I guess -.-
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