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Please help me understand the excitement around No Man's Sky


So obviously there has been a lot of excitement about No Man's Sky, but I'm just feeling none of it at the moment. Here's what I understand about the game:

- It's procedurally generated, with countless unique planets to explore and each with their own conditions.
- You travel around to planets to find explore and find resources to upgrade your ship.

So is that it? This seems impressive on a technical level, but beyond that what exactly is the draw of the game? Is there some type of story or point to the game or is the game just based around flying around a huge galaxy and exploring endlessly? I don't quite see anything there at particularly seems to draw my interest beyond "hey maybe I'll explore for a little bit, doing that for an hour then putting my controller down and moving on to the next game. Please help me understand if there is more to it then that.




We're already over the hump. No excitement thread is made without heaps of "This is overhyped" and "where is the gameplay" posts.

I don't see where you are coming from.


I think I'm more curious than excited, but the subject matter is the hook for me. I'm also dying for a space flight game.


We're already over the hump. No excitement thread is made without heaps of "This is overhyped" and "where is the gameplay" posts.

I don't see where you are coming from.

Please feel free to point out where I said this was overhyped, thanks


A very large part of it is overhype.
Another part is excitement over space.
Personally I like a game that doesnt have an exact set limit, and I especially love the fact that a small indie studio is making it.


Going by the latest NeoGaf threads about No Man's Sky, there is NO excitement. Just people who ask what do you do in this game, and people who say that they ready for "I told you the game would suck" to those excited (wherever they are).


Originally, the excitement was "you can do..."

And a lot of people were amazed by that. Good trailers always show you what you can do, and No Man's Sky promised you the ability to go explore a galaxy, see tons of creatures, dogfight in space battles, and stuff like that.
We're already over the hump. No excitement thread is made without heaps of "This is overhyped" and "where is the gameplay" posts.

I don't see where you are coming from.

This doesn't help the OP. At all.

OP - I'm in the same boat as you, and like some posters above, this game (to me) is aimed at the Minecraft crowd, and Minecraft is not fun (again, to me).


At this point I think people are just desperate to see exactly what the game is, even though some people seem to know what the game is and Hello Games seems unable to talk about it despite giving a lot of interviews on the subject.

I don't like Minecraft, so I doubt I'd like the game even if it was great. Oh well.


Not all games have to appeal to everyone.
It's a space exploration game. You explore space because it's out there.
You discover things because they are undiscovered. You journey to the center of the galaxy because the game somehow compels you without MAKING you.
Basically you can do nothing and just fly/walk around looking at stuff, or you can do any number of the other things in the game.

Hope that helps.


We're already over the hump. No excitement thread is made without heaps of "This is overhyped" and "where is the gameplay" posts.

I don't see where you are coming from.

Or why the original post even exists beyond the need for attention. People like some things and don't like some other things. Welcome to the beginning of human life.


Or why the original post even exists beyond the need for attention. People like some things and don't like some other things. Welcome to the beginning of human life.

Occasionally people create these things called "threads" because they have a thing called a "question".

Not all games have to appeal to everyone.
It's a space exploration game. You explore space because it's out there.
You discover things because they are undiscovered. You journey to the center of the galaxy because the game somehow compels you without MAKING you.
Basically you can do nothing and just fly/walk around looking at stuff, or you can do any number of the other things in the game.

Ahh, I see. Ok question answered then.


This doesn't help the OP. At all.

OP - I'm in the same boat as you, and like some posters above, this game (to me) is aimed at the Minecraft crowd, and Minecraft is not fun (again, to me).

It does help the OP to point out that, by and large, his base assumption for the thread is false.

There has not been a lot of excitement for NMS. Not any more than any game out there that gets threads on GAF. I'm not even saying the skepticism is not healthy -- just that it's there in droves for this game in particular, to the point where the conversation always ends up revolving on the two main flavors: Why is it so overhyped, and what do you actually do in the game.


Looks incredibly pretty, but also incredibly boring, a-la Ryse, The Order, Killzone, etc.

I don't get the hype either.

Did you happen to play those titles? I can tell you from experience that the Order and Ryse.. especially Ryse.. is far from boring.
At some point I would assume that if nothing that has been shown so far interests someone, they just realize it's not for them and move on rather than keep expecting the developers to prove to them they have to purchase the game.

As for me, I want to fly around space and look at planets and shoot stuff.


Occasionally people create these things called "threads" because they have a thing called a "question".

The draw to the game is the stuff you listed in the OP. People want to upgrade their ships and fly around exploring planets in a vast procedurally generated galaxy.

You already answered most of your own question. Please don't do this "Yeah but what's the real appeal?"/"If it's so cool, why don't I like it?" business.


I'm sure there are a lot of people saying this same thing, but I haven't been following the threads. Personally, I was excited from the moment you could enter/exit the atmosphere of a planet without hitting a loading screen. It's like Evochron Mercenary, except there's supposedly stuff to do. They bill it as some sort of technical marvel, and the people behind it seem to have a passion for what they're doing. That's something to get behind. Also the way they've talked about it makes it sound like a land run in space, and yes, exploring the unknown and never-before seen. I think there's also an appeal due to the vagueness of the game and what it is. Kind of like Molyneux's Curiosity, except hopefully not crap.

Anyway, I saw this yesterday, and it actually filled me in on a fair bit of what can be expected.

Aside from that, people blow things out of proportion all the time. It seems like the hype is more fun than the actual game to some people.
There's a lot about it conceptually which is intriguing if you enjoy games with no proscribed path from start to finish, but every thread about it recently has a major Molyneux smell about it. The one on the front page now where they say they had to build space probes to explore the game made my eyes roll so far back in my head, my brain fell out my mouth.
It's not going to be a game for everyone.

If you want objective markers and a story and stuff like that I think you'll be disappointed.

It's basically just an indie game that has an insanely large universe to fly around and see stuff in. Very similar to Minecraft in that I expect you will end up "creating" your own stories.

Of course, there IS an endgame goal and stuff like robbing space stations but most of the gameplay is going to be exploration centric.


The draw to the game is the stuff you listed in the OP. People want to upgrade their ships and fly around exploring planets in a vast procedurally generated galaxy.

You already answered most of your own question. Please don't do this "Yeah but what's the real appeal?"/"If it's so cool, why don't I like it?" business.

Well I'd like to know if I'm missing something for one, people can feel free to like what they like. If there is more to the game that I'm missing that may potentially make me interested about the game, I'd like to know considering how excited people were.

What you're saying I'm doing are your words, not mine.



Edit: Where's the massive post that covers everything about NMS that cropped up in one of the previous threads? I think that should pretty much cover what OP is looking for.


Pretty unfair to the developers, no?

Right after it was revealed, they were extremely quick to point out that you could not, in fact, "do anything". They've pointed out the limitations on upgrades, on characters, on ships, on planet design, on interaction with the environment and trade stations.


It's a game that will give you the potential for limitless exploration. For some people, including myself, just that idea alone is enough to get really excited about.

Sure, Minecraft already exists, but it's world is not produced on this kind of level. I have played countless hours of Minecraft during the alpha days, but there were no texture mods that could make that game visually interesting to me. No Man's Sky gives you that absolute openness, backed up with awesome visuals that gives you motivation see more.

Of couse I hope that the gameplay mechanics deliver. Everyone does. I'm being optimistic. It's nice to feel good about a game like this.


At this point we're excited because journalist and industry folks are excited about it...that's about it.

I find it very strange that someone would base their feelings off of someone else, particularly people they don't know. I don't think most people actually do that, but I don't know most people.


Well I'd like to know if I'm missing something for one, people can feel free to like what they like. If there is more to the game that I'm missing that may potentially make me interested about the game, I'd like to know considering how excited people were.

What you're saying I'm doing are your words, not mine.

Nah, your questions seem earnest, I'm just hoping you don't trail off in that direction. Sometimes people start threads like this for the sole purpose of acting like their own preferences are the only ones that exist and hassling others about why they're interested in something.
I'm excited about it because it's a massive game focused on exploration. My favorite thing to do in games? Explore.

Even if it's only half of what it's claimed to be, then it'll still be my perfect game.

I'm really looking forward to flying around to various planets and systems, looking at their flora and fauna (you've seen the in-game dinosaurs, right?!), and scoping out sweet new spaceships to buy.

I'm happy to create my own story, and I don't need to kill things to have fun.

Well I'd like to know if I'm missing something for one, people can feel free to like what they like. If there is more to the game that I'm missing that may potentially make me interested about the game, I'd like to know considering how excited people were.
I think most of the people who are really excited about it are those who really enjoy exploration and "free-form" games. That may not be your cup of tea, and that's perfectly fine.
And I was hoping these threads wouldn't come up anymore... there are a lot of threads like these, OP. Just search neogaf no man's sky in google.

Mr Git

Personally, I was excited from the moment you could enter/exit the atmosphere of a planet without hitting a loading screen.

Yep, this was basically what started my salivating.

The general aesthetic was excellent sci-fi too, when Sean Murray stated that he was heavily inspired by old sci-fi like Asimov I knew it'd be the thing I've always wanted to play. Still as excited about it as when I first saw it.
Pretty unfair to the developers, no?

Right after it was revealed, they were extremely quick to point out that you could not, in fact, "do anything". They've pointed out the limitations on upgrades, on characters, on ships, on planet design, on interaction with the environment and trade stations.
Lol, it's just a tease, I think the game looks fine.

I think most are excited for the sheer openness.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Not sure given there's been no gameplay, just flying around landscapes which is about as exciting as washing the dishes from what i've seen so far. I think it's because it's procedural people are excited but l think it will look samey after a while.
I can't help but wonder if Sony is setting people up for disappointment with this game by making it so prominent in their advertising and conferences.

Seems to me that it's an indie game made by a small team of 10 people and yet consumers have AAA expectations of some complex story and gameplay mechanics.

It's a game about flying around space and shit.
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