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Best NES shmups (and other non-traditional reccomendations)?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hi everyone! What are the best NES shmups? I'm trying to buy up a bunch. I never owned an NES as a child because I was like -3 when it came out and I want to play some old school shmups.

I'm thinking:

1. Life Force
2. R-Type
3. Gradius

What else? omg I'm so excited to have my own NES ^___^

Also any other recommendations you have for games I haven't played a billion times (SMB3) would be appreciated too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Just NES though please, cause I want to explore the genre starting at that point.


Just NES though please, cause I want to explore the genre starting at that point.

If you're exploring the genre, you really should be looking at accurate arcade-based ports rather than the NES stuff; the core of the genre is the arcade, easy. Console-wise, Gradius, Life Force, and R-Type are all far, far closer to the original arcade games on the Playstation and Saturn if you can find a way to play them. Hell, R-Type isn't even on the NES.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Tain said:
If you're exploring the genre, you really should be looking at accurate arcade-based ports rather than the NES stuff; the core of the genre is the arcade, easy. Console-wise, Gradius, Life Force, and R-Type are all far, far closer to the original games on the Playstation and Saturn if you can find a way to play them. Hell, R-Type isn't even on the NES.
I've played a lot of the later stuff. I even have Radiant Silvergun. I didn't own an NES though, and I've tried a few and really enjoyed them. I didn't know R-type wasn't on the nes though :eek:

I think I will get Dragon Spirit too.

TGL is .01 on amazon...amazing prices...



Stuning graphics, perfect controls


Scandalously not THAT famous.


the famicom version (if you're able to play them) of Gradius II is pretty amazing. crisis force is another great konami shmup.


Try Star Soldier. It pretty much sucks, but it's interesting to see where the Star Soldier series (which includes Soldier Blade, one of my all-time favorites) began. It also has totally awesome music.


Gradius II is simply the best.

Other decent ones not on your list:
Burai Fighter
Parodius Da (PAL and JP only)
Section Z
Twinbee 3 (JP only)

Other game suggestions:
Jackal is sort of a shooter, and is awesome

If you can go Japanese:
King Kong 2
Ai Senshai Nicol (Love Soldier Nicol)
Arumana no Kiseki (Miracle of Arumana - simply awesome Indiana Jones themed adventure)

Really, if you want new, awesome NES content, a Famicom and a Famicom Disk System go a long way.


A Twisty Fluken said:
the. guardian. legend.

Only half of this game is a traditional shmup. If you'd prefer to skip the on foot parts, you can put in the password TGL and you'll only play the shmup levels.


believe it or not...Captain Planet and The Planeteers is pretty dope.

it's not 100% shmup though :(

oh yeah and 1943, and thunderbirds which is based off those puppet movies.
I never thought the NES was that great for shumps. But there's a couple of great ones in there.

Your picks are the standouts, although from what I remember (haven't played any of these games for a long time) they're all pretty unforgiving. I remember in Gradius that if you die just once, you pretty much have to restart over again because regaining your powers from scratch in the later levels is ridiculously hard.

Stay clear of some though. 1943's ok, but 1942 is bad. Just...bad.
As others are saying, go with the Compile games: Zanac, The Guardian Legend, and Gun-nac. Recca, made by someone who now works at Cave, is supposedly the very best NES shmup, but it's much harder to play legally.

For a non-shmup recommendation that seems to fit the spirit of this thread, Metal Storm by Irem.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Life Force, Recca: Summer Carnival 92, Gradius II, and Zanac are some of the best... also have a small place in my heart for Abadox and Stinger.
R-Type was on the Master System, not NES (though it was on Game Boy and Game Boy Color). The TG16, PSX, and X360/PS3 versions are better. Irem did release Image Fight on the NES, though, and it's good...

Anyway, NES shmups... there are a lot of them, though many are barely playable by modern standards. Who's up for a 25-level long game with only one powerup (that just doubles your rate of fire, nothing more), three lives, and no continues or saving? Anyone?

(That's Star Force, by the way. Not that there aren't far too many other games like that on the platform. And the game is fun... it's just insane to imagine actually beating it or something unless you're using savestates...)

Oh, Shmups.com has a complete list of shmups for the system, of course: http://shmups.classicgaming.gamespy.com/xenocidefiles/nes.html . It only has review for a few of them, but they're very well worth checking out.

Anyway, my list.

Gradius - Has to be first on my list. Exceptional game, one of the best shmups ever... this game should be a must-own on the NES, even if there are 'better' versions out there. It's infamously difficult, with no continues, design that sends you back to the last checkpoint if you die, a brutal, nearly impossible slog to get your ship powered back up if you die, and a high difficulty level, but even so it truly is one of the best games ever in the genre. Graphics, music, design, gameplay... everything just works nearly perfectly. The Gradius power-up system is iconic and one of the genre's best, as well.

The Guardian Legend - Only half shmup, but all amazing. This is one of the best shooting games on the NES, and is another must-own. The whole game just works so well and is amazingly fun, and it's got (30-character password) saving, too, which is quite nice. Compile made great games, and this is one of their more unique titles... don't miss it!

Life Force - Salamander in Japan. Kind of like Gradius, but shorter, with at-point restarting when you die, continues, two-player simultaneous play, and vertical stages as well as horizontal. Awesome, as you would expect from classic Konami. The easier difficulty level and co-op mode are nice, particularly for people who aren't good at Gradius... note that the arcade and TG16 versions of Salamander, as well as Salamander 2 for arcade and PSX/Saturn (Japan only), have a much simpler powerup system where you just pick up powerups instead of using the Gradius style that NES Life Force/Salamander has. I much prefer the Gradius powerup system, so this is a big plus for this version... I'd rather have this for NES than TG16 for sure, because of that. :)

Gun Nac - Another great Compile shooter... this was their last NES game, and they clearly had learned with time. This one has their best presentation on the system, with better graphics and effects, some great weapons, and more. The US version had a few things cut (such as a couple scenes from the intro... when the background image freezes for an oddly long time, while the story continues below? Yeah, that's because they thought that the scenes there (one of a Shinto priestess casting some spell) were too Japanese to leave in... so they just left it on the previous one for a long time. Oh well. Not one of the easier ones to find, but well worth it...

Other games of note, US releases
Xexyz (Another half-shmup like The Guardian Legend, except with shorter shmup segments, and side-scrolling action-RPG main game segments. From Hudson, and really good, if mostly for the whole game and not just the shmup parts. Has password save, and is definitely recommended!)
Air Fortress (HAL's half-shmup. This one is half shmup, half side-scrolling jetpack action game. Simple graphics and sound, but with good gameplay. I like this one a lot, but it does get pretty hard later on... fortunately it has passwords to save your progress.)
S.C.A.T. (reminds me a bit of Forgotten Worlds, probably because of the flying-guys characters... has 2-player simultaneous, too. A good game for sure.)
Stinger (Actually Twinbee. 3-player in Japan I believe, but just 2 here, likely because it came out before the multitaps. Still good stuff... this is Konami, after all. :))
Image Fight (The Irem game that actually did come out on the NES. Quite good game, as I said. The NES version is of only moderate difficulty and is definitely slow paced, and has some very weird failed attempts at music playing in the background, but I liked it anyway... it may be slow at times, but overall it's fun and beatable, which is nice for a NES shmup. It has 2 player, but alternating only. This one's cheap, pick it up. (It's also on the TG16 in Japan, and in arcades, but this was the one US home release... worst version of the game for sure, but as I said, still good enough to be worth the low price. :))
Recca (though if you want an actual copy, the price is unbelievably high... but it's a stunning demonstration of what the NES can do, for sure! This is on the NES? A manic-style shooter with floods of enemies? Amazing...)

Star Soldier (Hudson's first NES shmup. Simple, frustrating game, more popular in Japan than here. Not bad, but nowhere near the rest of the Star Soldier series...)
Starship Hector (Hudson's other NES shmup. This is a pretty good game, a nice improvement! Has Xevious-style separate ground and air attack buttons.)
Abadox (unique visual theme... insanely hard, though.)
Star Force (negatives listed above...)
Zanac (Great gameplay, but the difficulty level that gets higher as you shoot is just stupid. If you actually shoot a lot, it gets impossibly hard very fast... this makes the game kind of not fun. Many like it anyway, but I'd rather play Compile's later titles...)
1942 and 1943 (1943 is much better, but 1942 is a classic, even if it is far too long and boring...)
Dragon Spirit (better on TG16, but fun here too.)
Fantasy Zone (Tengen's US version is definitely downgraded in graphics and sound compared with the Japanese release, which looks worse than the SMS version, but still it's decent, if you don't have an SMS or way to play the import version, that is... did this use some chips Tengen didn't have access to, explaining the downgrades (like with Rolling Thunder)?)
Legendary Wings (2-player simultaneous. Reasonably fun game, I think. Not as good as the arcade version, though.)
Alpha Mission (okay game from SNK. Kind of fun, if quite hard... has some Xevious elements.)
Xevious (a popular classic, but I've never been interested enough to get very far... oh well.)
Galaga (fine port of the classic, but this is on about fifty platforms...)
Twin Cobra (Tiger-Heli 2, essentially. Better on Genesis and PC Engine, but the NES version's okay, and MUCH easier than the other US release, on Genesis...)

Oh, Tiger-Heli and Sky Shark are decent. Both have the same flaw, though -- no ending. When you beat the last level, it simply loops around to the beginning without saying a word... Tiger-Heli is slow-paced and hard, too. Some people love Toaplan's shmups, but if this is what most of their games are like, I don't know if I like it that much. On NES Toaplan only had this and Twin Cobra, but they did a bunch in the arcades and Genesis. As I said though, I find this very slow and not too much fun, and a bunch of other Toaplan shmups are a lot like this... but their Genesis games are popular, and they inspired a bunch of more recent shmup developers. I don't know how much Tiger-Heli is worth playing, though... maybe a bit, but there are far better shmups on the platform.

Super Spy Hunter is a pretty fun shooter too. It's technically not a shmup because you can control your speed and stop, but other than that, it qualifies for sure. Quite good game, too, if hard as you expect from SunSoft. :)

Gyruss - Another game worth mentioning here. Not a true shmup because of the 'tube' design, but a pretty fun game... this is one of the best home ports of the game, too. Try it and see if you like it... it's not as good as Konami's other shooters, but it is interesting for sure.

Parodius (JP/EU) - Comic Gradius. Good stuff, if better on SNES, TG16, etc.
Crisis Force (JP) (2-player simultaneous. Konami. Some of the system's best graphics. Play this!)
Gradius 2 - Gofer no Yabou (JP) (impressive technical effort, and a fantastic port for the system... the game's better on TGCD of course, but great here too.)
Over Horizon (JP/EU) - This is a really good, relatively little-known game. Get this game, it's one of the system's best shmups for sure! It's really too bad it wasn't released in the US... at least there is that European release, though, so you don't need an adapter to play it on a NES 2 or modded NES. (I have one of those adapters for Japanese games, but still, having more options is always great.)
B-Wings (JP)

etc. There are more.


25-level long game with only one powerup (that just doubles your rate of fire, nothing more), three lives, and no continues or saving? Anyone?

Gyruss fits that description perfectly but I still love it. So I recommend Gyruss
Not a shmup, per se, but it does have shooting elements and it certainly falls into the "non-traditional recommendation" category requested by the OP.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Gradius II is famicom only :(

I'm getting a bunch of games...which Contra is better: 1 or Super C?

I don't mind difficulty unless it's bullet hell since I know I'll never be good at that. Wow Black Falcon, thanks so much!


A Black Falcon said:
Zanac (Great gameplay, but the difficulty level that gets higher as you shoot is just stupid. If you actually shoot a lot, it gets impossibly hard very fast...

Shoot with reckless abandon and hold onto you seat. Turbo changes your strategy. With turbo I choose weapon 3 (great defense plus main weapon is great suped up) Without turbo 7 or 4 for devastation since your main gun is wimpy without rapid-fire. 0 is a good backup in either case, and in its higher form it kills bullets.

Everyone mentions the other Compile games I've sadly never played, namely Gun-nac. Odds of it hitting VC like Zanac did?


Besides the series greats, I love the *Nac stuff. Gun*Nac, specifically, is surprisingly amazing. There are TONS of shoot-'em-up or classic gaming resources about this stuff out there, too, so you shouldn't have a problem picking.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I ordered:

Life Force
Batman by sunsoft
Castlevania III
Dragon Spirit

I want a Contra...maybe add in Ninja Gaiden. That will round out my "traditional" category. All of these games are 1-2 dollars on Amazon, it's amazing. Faxandu is only .01. But shipping is killing me :(
Meatwad said:
Gyruss fits that description perfectly but I still love it. So I recommend Gyruss

At least Gyruss' levels aren't nearly as long as Star Force's... they're on the short side actually, in the classic static-shooter style. Star Force, though, has long, challenging levels that just become murderously hard very quickly... and it has 24 of them!

Kuramu said:
Shoot with reckless abandon and hold onto you seat. Turbo changes your strategy. With turbo I choose weapon 3 (great defense plus main weapon is great suped up) Without turbo 7 or 4 for devastation since your main gun is wimpy without rapid-fire. 0 is a good backup in either case, and in its higher form it kills bullets.

If you're using turbo, don't die then... die and you're stuck with the weak main gun or whatever pickup you can find, but at the crazy difficulty the game gets up to quickly if you're using turbo. Having the difficulty go up as you shoot just was a terrible idea... the game should be fun as for the most part the basics of the design are the same as the rest of Compile's games, but it's just frustrating! Last time I played I gave up a few levels in, I was using turbo (I really like the NES Advantage...) and it'd just gotten impossible...

Everyone mentions the other Compile games I've sadly never played, namely Gun-nac. Odds of it hitting VC like Zanac did?

It'd definitely be nice, along with Compile's other shmups for the SNES, TG16/TGCD, SMS, and NES... and Sega CD, if that ever gets added (their Genesis game is there now of course). Compile definitely made great games.

As for Gun Nac, it's not really original, as far as Compile games go -- the gameplay is pretty standard Compile shooting. It's just very well done and fun, with quite good graphics and sound, plenty of screen-filling weapons in the later Compile style, and lots of fast action. :) Oh, it has a story, as I said, and shops in between levels where you can buy stuff with money you get. It kind of feels like the advances of their 16-bit shmups, but done in 8-bit... great stuff. After this Compile would make three more 8-bit shmups, two on Game Gear and one on SMS (the Europe-only Power Strike II), but this (1990) was their last NES one, and it's every bit as good as any of those.

DaBargainHunta said:
Not a shmup, per se, but it does have shooting elements and it certainly falls into the "non-traditional recommendation" category requested by the OP.

I have Cybernoid. If you enjoy masochistic memorization games with touchy controls and extreme levels of frustration, then sure, get it. If you're like most people and don't like that stuff, stay far away... it's just so ridiculously hard that it is no fun at all.

It's not a shmup for sure, either. It's not auto-scrolling; it uses static screens, and you try to make your way through each one without touching anything. This is very hard. Touch anything and you die in one hit. Die nine and it's game over and you start over from the beginning - no continues or saving here! The challenge is just ridiculous, and definitely not in a good way. Memorizing that whole thing, and then actually executing it in one try (the controls are quite touchy, and you die really easily!), would just be an insane challenge, and not one I plan on trying anytime soon.

Y2Kev said:
I don't mind difficulty unless it's bullet hell since I know I'll never be good at that. Wow Black Falcon, thanks so much!

The NES doesn't really have any bullet hell games, aside from Recca, which isn't in most anyone's affordable price range anyway. That type of shooter really came later... it does have lots of hard shooters, though, for sure. Just usually not that type. I agree, I'm no good at bullet hell either...
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