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IGN: Splatoon's lack of voice chat is "cheap and lazy"


Gross, voice chat in public games is always strings of profanity laced with racism and sexual indiscretion.
Why do ignorant people like you keep popping up? Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean that that is what always happens to everyone else.
Gross, voice chat in public games is always strings of profanity laced with racism and sexual indiscretion.

No, it's not.

no no no no no no no no no.

I feel like a broken record up in here, holy shit. Not many of you play online games outside of MOBAs and console BattleDuties, huh?


I don't think it's lazy as much as it's just a dumb decision -- a knee jerk reaction to the fact that some choose to curse on the internet.

Omitting voice chat isn't going to stop anyone from painting a bunch of dicks on walls, though.
I assumed as much because l felt your points had already been addressed by posts others had made here. I understand not feeling voice chat as a universal option but I can't remember the last time I played a game with voice chat that didn't give the option to disable all voice chat, or at the very least a universal volume slider for incoming voice chat which could be used 1 time in the same manner. Whereas there is no in-game alternative on the Wii U for those who want to use voice chat in its absence. While a total lack of voice might suit you particularly, don't you think it'd be preferable to include an option, oft-repeated in this thread, which would suit almost everyone? That being friend chat, of course - being able to voice chat with friends in-game down the line, at the very least, a basic functionality for which there are very good reasons to have been included in damn near every OS and video game claiming even a semblance of social interactivity and connectivity over the last decade.

I'll concede that random voice chat is something totally unimportant to me in the context of this particular game (although I couldn't live without it where PC shooters with strong communities are concerned... ARMA 3 would be an empty shell without voice chat :p), but being able to chat/banter/team with the friends you play with at the very least? There's no reason for that not to be an ingame feature for a team-based game when the OS doesn't support it itself, and not quite solely for teamwork and coordination purposes.

Yeah, fair enough. Like I've said I'd be fine with it if they included some kind of ' mute everyone always' button in the options menu.
I don't remember any games that have had that option but I suppose it's been a while since I've played anything with voice chat online so my memory could be off.
I should have tried to explain my stance more accuratly in my original post so I apologize.


Gross, voice chat in public games is always strings of profanity laced with racism and sexual indiscretion.

I've probably had two or three encounters like the one you mentioned since I started playing online on the original Xbox.
I dont know about cheap but it definitely feels lazy. If they really wanted to they could have implemented any one of the VC initiatives countless gaffers came up in within minutes.

- have voice chat be default muted.
- have voice chat only for friends.
- parental control on voice chat be a startup for the game.

if they patch it in later. Great.
but i really doubt they will.

How much are you guys going to bend over for nintendo just cause you yourself dont use voice chat? How many people actually use VC to come up with strategies? Its more for the banter especially with freinds. A bad game can be fun with just a group of freinds and a mic.
imagine how much fun a good game would be?


It's going to get more bad press by not including it than including it. This article is a case in point.
Games press will cover leaving it out, national press will cover when little Timmy is being called names on his kid-friendly Nintendo console. They aren't equal in terms of their reach.


What's the point of hearing? People could say something bad at any time. Wouldn't it be better if we're all deaf? Seriously, none of you are making a good argument for the ability to hear.

And don't even get me started on seeing.


I've got like six real life friends on my Steam List and the other 30 or so are people I've met playing Counter-Strike, Arma 3, Civilization V, Chivalry, DayZ, and Battlefield.

Unless I'm playing in a team, VC is a distraction
Dota 2 matches can be won easily without any need for communication in the 4k tier
CS-GO everyone is muted since I need to focus on the footsteps.

When you play in a team with friends - that's the only time when communication is needed and most of the time we are talking about things not related to the game.


So all future Nintendo games should't contain voice chat becauuse we have to think about the children?

Give me a break.


I haven't seen a single valid argument against voice chat in this thread because what people are arguing is that Nintendo could've given us the option. Sure there's a lot of homophobes and racists voice chatting in COD, but that's not an argument against voice chat in Splatoon because you can just turn that shit off if you don't want to use it. There, problem solved. It's crazy to me to not even have that option in a game like that. But then again, it's Nintendo.

Games press will cover leaving it out, national press will cover when little Timmy is being called names on his kid-friendly Nintendo console. They aren't equal in terms of their reach.

Will national press cover that? When was the last time national press covered something like that in another game?


It doesn't matter to me. I have everyone set to mute in TF2 and use Skype if I'm playing with friends. I'm not going to sit here and tell other people that would use it that the feature is bad though. If we're worried about kids, lock it behind parental controls and default it to off for the rest of us.

I'll be super disappointed if they don't roll out some form of voice with the friend update in August though. No excuses there.


Unless I'm playing in a team, VC is a distraction
Dota 2 matches can be won easily without any need for communication in the 4k tier
CS-GO everyone is muted since I need to focus on the footsteps.

When you play in a team with friends - that's the only time when communication is needed and most of the time we are talking about things not related to the game.
To be fair, you can ping and warn people about stuff that's happening somewhere else on the map without VC in Dota.
Unless I'm playing in a team, VC is a distraction
Dota 2 matches can be won easily without any need for communication in the 4k tier
CS-GO everyone is muted since I need to focus on the footsteps.

When you play in a team with friends - that's the only time when communication is needed and most of the time we are talking about things not related to the game.

Valid points all around. I used to do that with CS GO but now I just put Teamspeak on my monitor speakers and have the game sound come out of my sound system because callouts can be important.

you're right on that last part. That's really the main situation in which chat is integral to an online experience - when you're playing it with friends on a team - and it's the main reason why I don't like that Splatoon lacks it, even if in the end I'd use it far more for goofing off with buddies than I would for coordination. It's the same in every online game I play with them but when push comes to shove and shit starts hitting the fan, we kill the chatter and get serious. It's super useful to get bearings on an enemy from a friend, or get early warning of an incoming threat, in Arma or Battlefield for example.


So all future Nintendo games should't contain voice chat becauuse we have to think about the children?

Give me a break.

hey, remember Friend Codes?

this is kind of their thing. Nintendo just abdicates and side steps any perceived issue. "they weren't swearing at each other in OUR network." they seem frightened of the greater internet frankly. have for awhile.

and now you will have Splatoon teams coordinating via Skype, but no opponents will know for sure in game, and thus will have an unfair advantage.
Games press will cover leaving it out, national press will cover when little Timmy is being called names on his kid-friendly Nintendo console. They aren't equal in terms of their reach.

Yeah, no, this wouldn't happen. Pokemon has had voice chat for years. And that game IS targeted at children, and on a handheld no less. Where are the stories of little Timmy being called names on his kid-friendly Nintendo handheld, because no doubt it happens.

The media don't care. Unless its something like what happened on Destiny with that kids characters being deleted, or a kid maxing out their parent's credit cards on the e-shop, then it's non-news. If you think national media are going to make a story out of a kid being called an idiot on Splatoon then you're over-exaggerating massively.

EDIT: Please give me recent examples of when the national media has run stories about children being called names in a specific game.


The damage would be done by the time you decide to mute someone.

Everyone starting muted would be favourable, but that would still be problematic.

"My child was called a cunt by Splatoon. It's rated for 7 year olds!"

Nintendo could see this coming a mile away. I do think allowing players to communicate solely with people on a friends list would alleviate this if the option is restricted by default and changeable by parents/adults, but even that will inevitably lead to a lawsuit.

Start with everyone muted then.

Or even better have a popup at the very start asking if you want to have everyone muted from the start. There are so much better solutions than just removing the feature completely. Honestly I agree with the lazy sentiment.


To be fair, you can ping and warn people about stuff that's happening somewhere else on the sceen without VC in Dota. It's all eyesight in Splatoon.

To be fair you can do the exact same thing Splatoon with preset commands on the Control Pad. When you use these preset commands they show up on the Gamepad Map.

Like I said I think Nintendo needs to do Voice Chat when playing with friends/teams

Valid points all around. I used to do that with CS GO but now I just put Teamspeak on my monitor speakers and have the game sound come out of my sound system because callouts can be important.

you're right on that last part. That's really the main situation in which chat is integral to an online experience - when you're playing it with friends on a team - and it's the main reason why I don't like that Splatoon lacks it, even if in the end I'd use it far more for goofing off with buddies than I would for coordination. It's the same in every online game I play with them but when push comes to shove and shit starts hitting the fan, we kill the chatter and get serious. It's super useful to get bearings on an enemy from a friend, or get early warning of an incoming threat, in Arma or Battlefield for example.

That's my entire point - we need Friend/Team Chat.
Does the WiiU have some kind of system level party chat so you can at least talk to friends?

I mean, you can back out to the OS, exiting your game, to activate Wii U chat, at which point you literally might as well use your damn phone

To be fair you can do the exact same thing Splatoon with preset commands on the Control Pad. When you use these preset commands they show up on the Gamepad Map.

I've played Nintendo games with 'preset commands' before. Have you? They don't inspire confidence, hahaha. This is how I'd imagine the typical Splatoon 'chat log'


"Sweet job!"

"Go there!"

"Go there!"

"Come here!"




And people who want that "TEAMWORK!" don't use that because it's not using your voice.

Pressing Up/Down on the D-Pad is harder than pressing the - Button to Push to Talk, didn't you know?
I follow ya, but don't be deliberately disingenuous... canned messages and actual voice chat among friends aren't quite the same, and you can't always accomplish the same things with them. One has obvious inherent limitations over the other... Plus, like I said, past iterations on the idea haven't inspired confidence in me for good reason.

If you could edit them then I guess I could deal with it. Lets hope they've got a comprehensive word and symbol filter in that event, lol. That's one area where I've seen dumb kids get suuuuper creative.


Do people really have useful voice communication in multiplayer games these days? I just mute everyone but friends at the start every time. Voice communication is pretty much always filled with bullshit.

Party chat with friends is one thing, but in-game chat is almost universally awful.


To be fair you can do the exact same thing Splatoon with preset commands on the Control Pad. When you use these preset commands they show up on the Gamepad Map.

Like I said I think Nintendo needs to do Voice Chat when playing with friends/teams
Huh, didn't know that. Can those presets be edited? Would be nice if they could.


What's the point of hearing? People could say something bad at any time. Wouldn't it be better if we're all deaf? Seriously, none of you are making a good argument for the ability to hear.

And don't even get me started on seeing.

Well now you’re just acting transcendent.
I mean, you can back out to the OS, exiting your game, to activate Wii U chat, at which point you literally might as well use your damn phone

so intuitive. nintendo clearly has everything figured out lol. this thread has essentially shown me why any future home console by nintendo will end up like the wii u with how out of touch the company is when it comes to OS and Online features.


Yeah, no, this wouldn't happen. Pokemon has had voice chat for years. And that game IS targeted at children, and on a handheld no less. Where are the stories of little Timmy being called names on his kid-friendly Nintendo handheld, because no doubt it happens.

The media don't care. Unless its something like what happened on Destiny with that kids characters being deleted, or a kid maxing out their parent's credit cards on the e-shop, then it's non-news. If you think national media are going to make a story out of a kid being called an idiot on Splatoon then you're over-exaggerating massively.

EDIT: Please give me recent examples of when the national media has run stories about children being called names in a specific game.

"This just in! Local kid was called an assmuncher on his Nintendo Wii system while playing a paintball shooter game online "

Slow news day


To be fair you can do the exact same thing Splatoon with preset commands on the Control Pad. When you use these preset commands they show up on the Gamepad Map.

And people who want that "TEAMWORK!" don't use that because it's not using your voice.

Pressing Up/Down on the D-Pad is harder than pressing the - Button to Push to Talk, didn't you know?
and now you will have Splatoon teams coordinating via Skype, but no opponents will know for sure in game, and thus will have an unfair advantage.
Actually as launched this cannot happen, teams are shuffled every 3 minutes so you can't get a coordinated team on voice chat and steamroll pubs, you may just as well end up on the opposing team facing off against your skype buddies.

Arranged team matchmaking is coming in the August update.


Unless I'm playing in a team, VC is a distraction
Dota 2 matches can be won easily without any need for communication in the 4k tier
CS-GO everyone is muted since I need to focus on the footsteps.

When you play in a team with friends - that's the only time when communication is needed and most of the time we are talking about things not related to the game.

Even if I won't use it, I kind of hope that when Nintendo releases the matchmaking lobby update, that it will include voice chat between your friends. It seems like it'd make a lot more sense.

I can understand why some of the most toxic elements of the online gaming community would make Nintendo averse to including it in randoms, but Mario Kart and even Smash had voice chat, although that was restricted purely to lobbies with friends.

With Splatoon it makes some sense to exclude it from randoms, even if your friend is involved in that kind of game. But when the friends-only lobbies start showing up, it seems like it'd be a good idea to enable it between your team since you're playing on your own terms and with equal amounts of co-ordination. They mentioned that the lobbies allow for more customization for one thing and I hope that the feedback will make Nintendo consider it



The Caption to this: "Celebrate in Silence"

Uh....i'd use the "Nice!" on the D-Pad shown here. o_O


Actually as launched this cannot happen, teams are shuffled every 3 minutes so you can't get a coordinated team on voice chat and steamroll pubs, you may just as well end up on the opposing team facing off against your skype buddies.

Arranged team matchmaking is coming in the August update.

Wait... so you're not even able to play with friends?

Fucking lol, Nintendo.


Do we know exactly how we can "customize" the d-pad messages?

If it's just from a list of commands like, "C'mon!", "Booyah!" and "I'm using motion controls!" then that's gonna be pretty useless.

As a community, we should all use "Booyah!" to mean "I've got this area covered." "I'm using motion controls!" will mean, "I'm going left," and "C'mon" is "I'm going right."


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Given that Nintendo removed the 3DS messaging system due to paedophiles, is anyone really surprised?


Yeah, no, this wouldn't happen. Pokemon has had voice chat for years. And that game IS targeted at children, and on a handheld no less. Where are the stories of little Timmy being called names on his kid-friendly Nintendo handheld, because no doubt it happens.

The media don't care. Unless its something like what happened on Destiny with that kids characters being deleted, or a kid maxing out their parent's credit cards on the e-shop, then it's non-news. If you think national media are going to make a story out of a kid being called an idiot on Splatoon then you're over-exaggerating massively.

EDIT: Please give me recent examples of when the national media has run stories about children being called names in a specific game.

I wasn't talking about a single child being specifically called an idiot in splatoon, sure, nobody cares. But what about racist abuse becoming widespread when everyone is playing together worldwide, that kind of thing? I don't know about the press where you are but the Daily Mail doesn't need an excuse not to spin something like that up into a scandal here. If you think it isn't a juicier story if it happened in a Nintendo game where young children are playing together, rather than a game with an 18 certificate, think of what happened when people were sharing dodgy pics in miiverse- the press picked it up and Nintendo changed their policy on it really quickly.

If you think national press won't make a story out of racist abuse on the-widely-regarded-as-kid-friendly WiiU, which they still think is the same as the Wii, then you perhaps aren't quite as worried about the potential for bad PR than Nintendo is. The media do care more and more about computer games, or at least they certainly do here, with both good and bad coverage on a semi-regular basis, probably because journos have now grown up with it.

All I'm saying is that they probably think the risks outweigh the benefits.


Yeah, you can play in the same game as friends, but not exclusively on their team. So if you don't like the idea of splatting your friends it's not good for you.

There's a seperate playlist for playing with friends, isn't there.

That should also be a playlist with chat enabled.


Isn't it pretty much given that the reason it's not included is because of the fact that people enjoy spouting hurtful comments online? I mean at this point all the kids on non-Nintendo platforms are immune to giving a damn or take part in it themselves.

It is what it is. Nintendo has an image they want to keep so no voice chat.


There's a seperate playlist for playing with friends, isn't there.

That should also be a playlist with chat enabled.

We'll find out in August!

I think Nintendo will release the game in May, but push the game heavily at Xmas aswell when the game has more maps and features.

The game has legs and while it sucks it's being launched early, we know Nintendo won't release Splatoon 2 next year.


It's going to get more bad press by not including it than including it. This article is a case in point.

This article will never reach the ears of the casual audience ninty is attempting to attract you the game that would be driven off by word of mouth of, gasp, swearing
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