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Another fan art:


Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51069996

Wish I had any idea what that said. =|


I wouldn't worry too much about the character model guys. They have 2+ years to get a new one out. Really, even w/ Shenhua's model I wasn't happy.


Why are people always like $10 mill for Open-World? I think Shenmue 1's Scale is enough...

...it's $10 mill for Shenmue 1 scale!


Yep, people in the Thread are confused.

They think for $10 mill, we'll get a world which is bigger than 2, so we don't need $10 mill as the world will be too big...

The only thing that kind of sucks is that the size of the game's world isn't clear (unless I've missed something). I wish it was clear like:

$2 million for Shenmue 1 size

$5 million for Shenmue 2 size

$10 million for a world bigger than the other two games.

I think this game should at least be the size of Shenmue 1. I don't think Yu would be trying to implement a brand new gameplay feature at 5 mil if the world would be smaller than the first two games.

Stoked the game is being made though! Donated as soon as the Kickstarter got posted. Hoping he introduces more tiers.


Kinda confusing why the 60$ physical edition doesn't include a digital copy of the PC release as well. Even the 100$ tier doesn't include both. I would've gone with the 60$ tier if they allowed me to activate it on steam.
Yep, people in the Thread are confused.

They think for $10 mill, we'll get a world which is bigger than 2, so we don't need $10 mill as the world will be too big...

I wasn't saying that I thought that would be the case. Those numbers were just me giving an example.

What isn't clear to me is Yu's definition of an "open world." I bet there's a quote out there from him somewhere.


Yep, people in the Thread are confused.

They think for $10 mill, we'll get a world which is bigger than 2, so we don't need $10 mill as the world will be too big...

This is worrysome. People don't read the details of the kickstarter or are unaware of the AMA...

Yu-san stated that he doesn't want to make Shenmue 3 a bigger world than Shenmue 2. If anything, it might be smaller. What he wants to do is make it deeper and more intimate. Basically have less characters than in Shenmue 2, but have them be more fleshed out, with more meaningful interactions with them.

Ideally, I would be fine if the game was between Shenmue 1 and 2 in size. But if it's the size of Shenmue 1, but with even deeper features and characters, I'm totally fine with it as well.

I... just want Shenmue 3.


This is worrysome. People don't read the details of the kickstarter or are unaware of the AMA...

Yu-san stated that he doesn't want to make Shenmue 3 a bigger world than Shenmue 2. If anything, it might be smaller. What he wants to do is make it deeper and more intimate. Basically have less characters than in Shenmue 2, but have them be more fleshed out, with more meaningful interactions with them.

Please find the quote saying that for future use. It may clear some things up.

Everyone is confused here.
I want to say he mentioned it in the AMA. Basically, if Shenmue 3 is bigger than 2 in any respect it will be depth of the interactions, not in volume.

I think he's aiming for a tighter focus, in part to deal with the budgetary constraints. That's part of why I'm not worried that we'll get a quality result, even if the kickstarter "only" raises $5m.
Is there a campaign planned for the 3rd of raising your pledge by $3, $33 etc? If not then there should be. Thunderclap that or some shit. #Shenmue3rd

I'm gonna do it anyway. At $310 I might as well make it an odd $333.
Is there a campaign planned for the 3rd of raising your pledge by $3, $33 etc? If not then there should be. Thunderclap that or some shit. #Shenmue3rd

I'm gonna do it anyway. At $310 I might as well make it an odd $333.

This is a good idea. I'm debating upping mine to 500 but if I haven't decided by then I'll definitely go to 333.
only around 45,000 backers still? this is criminal...wish i could afford to up my pledge, but i'm already pushing it at $250 lol. I'm just happy it's coming at all, but of course I want Yu to make the best game possible.


Just a question.
If I have an Australian Dreamcast, will I be able to play Dreamcast games from the UK?
I'm assuming they're both PAL regions so they should be okay.
I would like to purchase a Dreamcast to play Shenmue 1 and 2.


The only potentially new thing Suzuki said in the update was that Sony is giving "some publishing support". And even that could be construed to mean he's referring to publishing the digital version.

On the other hand, it's nice to have all these statements in one place rather than needing to present five different sources to make the same argument.
Really hope we get so see Shenhua in some of the clothes we've seen her wearing in Shenmue art since before the first game. There are so many and it's all awesome.



Please find the quote saying that for future use. It may clear some things up.

Everyone is confused here.

It is mentioned in the AMA on reddit, but not as clearly as during his last interview with Famitsu.

Taken from the interview he did for Famitsu:

Famitsu: In Shenmue 2, it was possible to walk through many towns over a wide area of Hong Kong, wasn’t it.

Yu Suzuki: Actually, at that time, I had decided that for Shenmue 3 I would delve in more deeply.

Famitsu: More deeply?

Yu Suzuki: Yes. People might expect that the open world would be made even broader, but in contrast to that, I will focus on depth. For example, for the case of 100 characters, splitting the development budget among them would limit the elements that could be incorporated into each character.

Famitsu: That’s true, it would make it harder to create each with detail.

Yu Suzuki: However, if we reduce the number to 10 characters, a lot of possibilities are opened up. The amount of conversation could be increased 10 times, or detailed A.I. provided for each character. As a result, conversations could be much richer. As an example, in Shenmue 3 the person that Ryo will speak with most is Shen Hua, so I want to portray her with depth. I envisage an approach where, by settings parameters for Shen Hua, on-going conversations with her will influence events such as changing her attitude, or changing the way that quests relating to her unfold.

Famitsu: I see. I think a lot of support for Shenmue comes not from just the realistic towns, but from the realism of the people inhabiting it. From what you have described, this realism will be further increased, and the world will feel even more “human”.

Yu Suzuki: Yes. In Shenmue this time I will be focusing particularly on digging down further on such internal aspects.

Famitsu: This is your vision for the new Shenmue, isn’t it.

Yu Suzuki: Of course, that’s not to say it will not be open world. Stretch goals will allow the town(s) to be expanded. However, what I would like to try first is to develop something that everyone has not anticipated; a deep Shenmue world.


I strongly encourage everyone here to read the rest of the interview. There's a lot of info and insight in it, and it gives a clearer idea as to what to expect from the game, the kickstarter and its stretch goals.

Special nod and thanks to ShenmueDojo, and to Axm and Switch in particular, for translating this from japanese.
Awwwww yisssss! Backer number 45,295 baby! I donated $300 today. After the conversion from US dollars it’s going to come to something like $400 Australian dollars! o_O

Oh well, it’s worth it. This is Shenmue after all. The GOAT. And I couldn’t say no to an illustration signed by Yu Suzuki. Gonna get that framed and stick it on my wall proudly.


Awwwww yisssss! Backer number 45,295 baby! I donated $300 today. After the conversion from US dollars it’s going to come to something like $400 Australian dollars! o_O

Oh well, it’s worth it. This is Shenmue after all. The GOAT. And I couldn’t say no to an illustration signed by Yu Suzuki. Gonna get that framed and stick it on my wall proudly.
Good for you. You are part of Shenmue history. :)

J2 Cool

Really hope we get so see Shenhua in some of the clothes we've seen her wearing in Shenmue art since before the first game. There are so many and it's all awesome.


These are so cool. The art of Shenmue's always got me to imagine further the story.

This interview's amazing. Yu Suzuki always sounds so gracious, humbled and ambitious. And his design ideas are really sensible and interesting. I really hope he gets to make his Shenmue.


Do we really need GTA Vice City sized Shenmue? Give me a moderately large sandbox with enough stuff to do that things never end. Make the world seem alive more than just being huge for scale.


Do we really need GTA Vice City sized Shenmue? Give me a moderately large sandbox with enough stuff to do that things never end. Make the world seem alive more than just being huge for scale.

This is exactly what he says he's doing. The line before the bolded one will depend on how much money they raise.


This is exactly what he says he's doing.
Basically here's what I'm getting from what Yu is saying:

-He wants to provide a deep experience with the principal characters, with a sophisticated and deep group of NPC's that make up the main characters of the game. He will do this at whatever budget he brings in.
-If he gets more budget he will ALSO have many more NPCs to fill out the world and open up the scope of the game. This will allow for more of the kind of fun minor interactions that were found in previous games.


The only potentially new thing Suzuki said in the update was that Sony is giving "some publishing support". And even that could be construed to mean he's referring to publishing the digital version.

On the other hand, it's nice to have all these statements in one place rather than needing to present five different sources to make the same argument.
After a certain point its silly.


Shenmue 2 bombed on Dreamcast in the markets it was released on as well though. So yeah, the xbox version ended up being a mistake but I don't think it would have ended up wildly different with a US Dreamcast release
What could have made a difference was being on PS2, but I suspect it was easier to port to Xbox since I THINK that was more or less a straight step up, versus the PS2 having some cons compared to the DC that could make porting a bit messy even if the game was on average better (which it probably wouldn't have been since that's better done rebuilt from the ground up.)

Maybe being on GC as well would've also helped, but probably only barely.


First official Shenmue III art on Yu Suzuki’s twitter:


Ryo in green? Does that mean he'll ditch the jacket? :eek:
Cool outfit. It would be nice to see Ryo occasionally switch it up and dress in something else. I mean, the Yokosuka jacket is cool, but not appropriate for every situation.

Here's another big question: will there by Motorcycle driving? I hope so! Imagine blazing through rural China on that thing. It'd be awesome if Yu added a racing mini-game that was in the style of his classic arcade racers, but with epic modern graphics.

That'd be a fantastic stretch goal.


Here's another big question: will there by Motorcycle driving? I hope so! Imagine blazing through rural China on that thing. It'd be awesome if Yu added a racing mini-game that was in the style of his classic arcade racers, but with epic modern graphics.

That was an AMA question. Here's Suzuki's response:

There is a 60 horsepower bike in Shenmue 1. For Shenmue, 3 I was thinking about something with 1 horsepower.

For the remedial students, that means a horse.
Upped my pledge to $100. The constant concern trolling surrounding this Kickstarter's really pissing me off tho… :(

The industy brought this upon ourselves and no one else. The blogger, the gamers, the backers, the non-backers, the PS4 owners, the Xbox owners, everyone spreading FUD and ruining this.

Everyone is so tainted by the bullshit that everyone else in the industry feeds us, that when a humble man finally came to ask for genuine help, people are spreading FUD.

I wish I had the money to finance all this myself. I wish his team had the money to finance this all themselves.

If you'd ask me pre-E3 "Shenmue 3 is coming to Kickstarter. Will there be any backlash?", I would've said no. I would've considered the gamers and the press collectively cherishing this month. I would've considered the parade to be so big that I'd be watching this from the sidelines. Its very easy to ignore the naysayers and patiently anticipate a birth of something beautiful, but you're absolutely right. The constant trolling is pissing me off, and I'm not even a Shenmue fan or have ever played Shenmue.

You guys screamed SHENMUE 3 and DREAMCAST 2, 9/9/99 for decades. It's implanted in my brain the amount of love you all showed this series, and it seems like everyone is just pissing on the parade because it's not how they wanted it to be done, or its not where they wanted it to be. So many folks new to the series or new to Kickstarter are losing their collective shit.

Fuck you, Sega. Can we blame Sega? I'm blaming Sega. Fuck you, Sega.

They should'be just given him a CGI trailer, dual-welding guns and some sponge-bullets to complete the picture. That'll surely keep everyone talking positively. Add a $69.99 price tag with a "PREORDER NOW TO GET THE LEATHER JACKET! ONLY AT BEST BUY!", and some "PREORDER NOW TO GET 4 NEW MINI-GAME CHALLENGE MAPS, ONLY AT EB GAMES!". That'll make everyone happy...


You know thinking about the game I was thinking about last night. I think a puled Rickshaw minigame playing as loose clone to crazy taxi would be really cool as a part time job.
I have no goddamn idea about this series at all but I backed it for 29$.
However, seeing the enthusiasm of you guys really moved me.

Will probably move my pledge up near the end of the run.


the next step is to clarify the new gameplay mechanics and what yu meant in the 10 million statement in as plain english as possible on he kickstarter.

doesn't seem like anything else will put the faux concern to bed for good.
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