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Fortune: Nintendo started talking to 3rd parties at E3 about NX; reception positive


Junior Member
Thanks for the input. I was under the impression that the NX was a home console. If it's a hybrid machine that shares the library then I understand where you guys are coming from.

I actually think that it's a handheld and a console, not a hybrid, that share the same architecture (ARM) with a universal OS. No idea which one will be launched first though...


Not everyone in the US has bought a WiiU. A $99 NX will set it as the perfect second console since they can reuse parts from WiiU while cutting off the gamepad support.

By securing a place in everyone's home, some 3rd party port might come, maybe, maybe not.

NX goal will be to sell Amiibos and to get iOS/Android ports.

who the hell is going to buy a console for iOS/Android ports? If it's somehow $99 it's only going to be used for Nintendo games.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
No offence, but I just had a good laugh at the notion of a $350 console from Nintendo. #Doomed
The PS4 launched at $400 and the XB1 launched at $500, with the Wii U being the cheapest option at $350. Which two are selling at a record pace and which is one of the biggest busts in gaming history? Turns out people want a plethora of good games (not an expensive gimmicky touchscreen) even if they have to spend a little more.

But here's the problem, Nintendo wants a started architecture between console & portable, and x86 isn't exactly portable-friendly. Besides, it's not like they're gonna get third parties back anytime soon (at least beyond Sega, Capcom, Namco, & Atlus).
I'm not going to front as a Computer Science major, but intel has been on the bleeding edge of shrinking processors down. A couple years ago Motorolla had an android phone running on an intel chip and for the most part worked just fine and had decent battery life to boot.


I'm wondering if the third parties they talked to are the likes of SEGA, the likes of Take Two or the likes of Nicalis.

Because if it's current partners who they have a good relationship with? Not bad, but I doubt they would have received it poorly. If it's partners that they have little to no relationship with, that's pretty nice. But if it's just smaller, indie developers who they are calling third party (because they technically are) then that doesn't bode all that great with support.

As for guessing what it is, the more I look at it the more I can't wrap my head around it. They launch too early, they kill their Wii U fans and piss them off to not wanting to buy in again. They launch too late, they kill their profits and leave the company in jeopardy. They've mentioned it's a 3rd pillar like they did the DS, which would hint at an earlier death kill for a console (poor GBA) but also a distinct new way to go about. Basically, there's too many contradictions here and because of that it's impossible to guess what they're doing.


I'm wondering if the third parties they talked to are the likes of SEGA, the likes of Take Two or the likes of Nicalis.

Because if it's current partners who they have a good relationship with? Not bad, but I doubt they would have received it poorly. If it's partners that they have little to no relationship with, that's pretty nice. But if it's just smaller, indie developers who they are calling third party (because they technically are) then that doesn't bode all that great with support.

As for guessing what it is, the more I look at it the more I can't wrap my head around it. They launch too early, they kill their Wii U fans and piss them off to not wanting to buy in again. They launch too late, they kill their profits and leave the company in jeopardy. They've mentioned it's a 3rd pillar like they did the DS, which would hint at an earlier death kill for a console (poor GBA) but also a distinct new way to go about. Basically, there's too many contradictions here and because of that it's impossible to guess what they're doing.

I don't think Sega was at E3. So I'm guessing Activision at the very least, although they've probably talked to them before given the Skylanders deal. Maybe EA...maybe. Should talk to them, though.


I felt that every console after the purple barney box they were going to go back to valuing power in their consoles and every console I'm disappointed. Hope I'm surprised.


Junior Member
The PS4 launched at $400 and the XB1 launched at $500, with the Wii U being the cheapest option at $350. Which two are selling at a record pace and which is one of the biggest busts in gaming history? Turns out people want a plethora of good games (not an expensive gimmicky touchscreen) even if they have to spend a little more.

I'm not going to front as a Computer Science major, but intel has been on the bleeding edge of shrinking processors down. A couple years ago Motorolla had an android phone running on an intel chip and for the most part worked just fine and had decent battery life to boot.
But again, that audience has already settled down with the competition. It'd be foolish for Nintendo to try & attract those gamers this late in the game.
Well they've been shooting down the idea since Day 1. What they're going for is a similar architecture shared between the console & portable. They'll still be separate devices, I.E. not a hybrid.

The only way that works is if the console is the same architecture but is just lower powered in a pretty singular facet. They are not going to build once, port across if the power level is disparate. They can't afford to support two systems with two levels of asset quality. They have that problem right now.

Totally a hybrid.


It is exactly the same machine, just one has a screen and the other plugs into a TV. Then to that end, why not just have a hybrid aside from battery concerns?

In terms of price they could go $199 and match in power or better like a Shield TV.


The only way that works is if the console is the same architecture but is just lower powered in a pretty singular facet. They are not going to build once, port across if the power level is disparate. They can't afford to support two systems with two levels of asset quality. They have that problem right now.

Totally a hybrid.

Or you know vita and vita tv


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
But again, that audience has already settled down with the competition. It'd be foolish for Nintendo to try & attract those gamers this late in the game.

But if they are going to dedicate that much money towards R&D, marketing, and well, making an entirely new console, why wouldn't they go with the option that will let them grab as many multiplat titles as possible and set the groundwork of getting comfortable with x86? It's not like if they make a competing tech wise console they have to abandon amibos or whatever goofy plan they have to have portable titles playable on the NX. The price of the components of whats inside the ps4/xb1 fall every day as they become easier to produce, they can absolutely go with that type of power.


it's like some people just want to see nintendo fail.

Are you new to talking about Nintendo on the internet or something?

Don't think its that crazy considering the wiiu.

You mean their worst-selling console ever? Yeah, "let's do that all over again" sounds like a winning strategy.

With what we know, it should be ARM. ARM is RISC like Power PC, so it greatly simplifies GCN, Wii, and Wii U back compatibility. So much so that there are freaking Dolphin emulators running on phones now. ARM gets you all the benefits of x86 familiarity to devs with much more scalable power draw than x86. The only question now is are they going to stick with AMD. My guess is yes, as that also simplifies back compatibility, and Nintendo has worked with the people at AMD since the N64 years.

If they have been prepping means to move PowerPC code to x86, that negates the necessity to stick with a RISC architecture. And x86 has been making in-roads in scalability and power draw ever since Intel realized that ARM had stolen a huge section of the semi-conductor market in phones and tablets that could have been theirs if they were proactive about it. So I'm still on the fence about the ARM/x86 debate.

Not everyone in the US has bought a WiiU. A $99 NX will set it as the perfect second console since they can reuse parts from WiiU while cutting off the gamepad support.

Just like the Ouya!

.... oh, wait....

But again, that audience has already settled down with the competition. It'd be foolish for Nintendo to try & attract those gamers this late in the game.

By defining NX as an ecosystem instead of hardware, they can be as late to the game as they want, because they can change the rules of that game any time they like. Sony and MS release a new console? Guess what, so do they, and it plays everything the they released in the prior model.
Besides, PS4 and Xbox One are going to be dragged out like last time around, as well, with attempts to extend their life with things like Morpheus and HoloLens and because both Sony and MS REALLY want the money to be made on their current hardware that they haven't really gotten much of in their past 2 generations.

Are the any rumors that will have the same power of the WiiU?

Not a single one.


3rd parties liked what they saw/were told? So what. I don't know if that's suggesting that I should hype about a bunch of mobile software being easily ported, or a bunch of shit ports of years old AAA games that vary in quality from "total shit" to "well I guess they tried."

Oh the excitement.


Nintendo has said time and time again since the Wii that they don't care about the specs. Nothing said by them recently would make me think they've suddenly changed their mind.


Nothing new. Developers were positive towards the Wii U as well and when it came out and didn't sell gangbusters like the original Wii, they left.

I expect a similar fate for the NX unless it's something really interesting.


Ouya doesn't have Nintendo fanbase and Nintendo games. If NX can't sell again, late comers to the WiiU can buy it just to play Nintendo games.

A $99 console with $60 games doesn't sound like a winning combination, either.

TBH, I cannot see how Nintendo markets NX worse than what they did with Wii U from Day 1.


Are you new to talking about Nintendo on the internet or something?

You mean their worst-selling console ever? Yeah, "let's do that all over again" sounds like a winning strategy.
Good grief... irrelevant post. He said that it was crazy to him to see nintendo release a console that's equal or worse to a last gen system... You know something that happened twice already with the wii, and wiiu.


Nintendo has said time and time again since the Wii that they don't care about the specs. Nothing said by them recently would make me think they've suddenly changed their mind.

I think only selling 15 million Wii U's total for this generation will make thing change their mind on something. They have to see that something is broke. the DS will outsell both the 3DS and Wii u combined by two. They can't afford to not learn something. And unlike Sony, they can't just drop their handheld market and put all their coins on the home console. Sony can afford to lose the 70 mill PSP audience, (at least they think they can), Nintendo can't afford to do this bad again.


Nintendo has said time and time again since the Wii that they don't care about the specs. Nothing said by them recently would make me think they've suddenly changed their mind.

Not caring about specs =/= unable to release a powerful console.

It only means that, from a design perspective, it is not the sole primary focus. Most quotes you can pull on that re-iterate that. When they talk about the competition, they talk about them "just" or "only" being interested in a higher spec.

Ouya doesn't have Nintendo fanbase and Nintendo games. If NX can't sell again, late comers to the WiiU can buy it just to play Nintendo games.

The Nintendo fanbase is 10 million people, at most, if a console like this doesn't exponentially shrink that number.

Good grief... irrelevant post. He said that it was crazy to him to see nintendo release a console that's equal or worse to a last gen system... You know something that happened twice already with the wii, and wiiu.

.... and apparently must thus happen ad infinitum, because corporations are incapable of changing their market strategies, even in the face of their worst ever market performance.



I wouldn't get my hopes up with 3rd parties being positive. One thing is to tell Nintendo "sure, we'll look into it" and another saying it at E3 or TGS pf Nintendo's new partnership. The only way if Nintendo gets 3rd parties is buying Namco, Sega, Konami, SE, Tecmo or even From Software to get more "3rd party" games on there systems. I think aome indies could help Nintendo with some game droughts.
Nothing new. Developers were positive towards the Wii U as well and when it came out and didn't sell gangbusters like the original Wii, they left.

I expect a similar fate for the NX unless it's something really interesting.

I think in 2010 when the Wii U Gamepad ideas were being pitched to developers, it really did sound cool since the iPad was just released in 2010 and no one knew how much they would catch on. Turns out Nintendo misjudged the industry and the Gamepad they released for the Wii U doesn't do simple things very well that a normal tablet did since the beginning like fast navigation for example. The whole console is just clunky in that respect.

The NX as Nintendo said will be a whole new concept, so it could go really bad or really good for them.
Power wasn't the only reason, third parties still supported the PS3 & 360 (hell, some still are). There just isn't an audience for third party software on Nintendo systems, & that won't change with the NX since that potential audience already bought either a PS4 or an XB1 (or both).
I really think you are diminishing the role hardware power played in the failure of the Wii U.

What did the Wii U provide that the PS360 didn't? Power? Online features? Wide selection of first and third party games? At Wii U's launch those systems had a collective install base of over 160 million. After 7 long years of the PS360, Nintendo launches a system that is completely oblivious to future hardware trends. And as a consequence of that developers need to invest considerable energy into porting their code to a new architecture that would be completely different from its competitors in a few years. And for what gain? Oh so it can look just a tad bit better than the PS360 version?

Are the any rumors that will have the same power of the WiiU?

I don't think it will be the same as the Wii U. But I don't think it will be much more powerful than the Wii 2. I fully expect the NX to be roughly 1/4 of the power of a PS4.... At best. Why? I can see them emphasizing mobile and portable objectives over home console objectives.


I'm expecting the Zelda U title to be pushed back to the NX launch with simultaneous launch on the Wii U as well, kind of like what Nintendo did with Twilight Princess being on both GCN and Wii.


I really think you are diminishing the role hardware power played in the failure of the Wii U.

What did the Wii U provide that the PS360 didn't? Power? Online features? Wide selection of first and third party games? At Wii U's launch those systems had a collective install base of over 160 million. After 7 long years of the PS360, Nintendo launches a system that is completely oblivious to future hardware trends. And as a consequence of that developers need to invest considerable energy into porting their code to a new architecture that would be completely different from its competitors in a few years. And for what gain? Oh so it can look just a tad bit better than the PS360 version?

The Wii U could've had all the Teraflops in the world and third parties still wouldn't come.

Hardware power isn't instant third party bait.
Well, I remember third-parties being positive initially on Wii U and we know what happened next. Same goes to 3DS, as well. I trully want Nintendo to bring back third-parties to the track, but given their past statements, I can't trust them anymore until conclusive evidence is shown.
The Wii U could've had all the Teraflops in the world and third parties still wouldn't come.

Hardware power isn't instant third party bait.
I wasn't implying that more TF = instant third party support. But it is foolish to think hardware power, or lack thereof, didn't play a significant role in consumers and developers supporting the Wii U.


Professional Schmuck
1. Read this thread and see how little goodwill Nintendo has with gamers. It's breathtaking and sad and totally TOTALLY earned.

2. From the older Miyamoto thread we all mostly kinda agreed that Nintendo is fucked in every way. They can't go expensive and high powered according to their stated philosophy, they can't just release a high quality system with a good controller, they can't go cheap and not match the ps4/XB1 power set ... What do they do? Problem: They can't ever get the non-Nintendo exclusives gamers want until they're also the most beautiful, highest-end system available.

3. I think the only way they get out of this rut is to go for a $400 NX with PS5 power, launching with Zelda and Mario Galaxy 3 comes with some updated classic/pro controller thing. Then they launch the $400 Nintendo Tablet while simultaneously launching a clone of the App Store. All games purchased work on both devices. No hard media, full online service and matchmaking.

4. None of the above will ever happen -- they'll probably try an underpowered VR thing -- but it was glorious to dream about while I was typing it out.


Not caring about specs =/= unable to release a powerful console.

It only means that, from a design perspective, it is not the sole primary focus. Most quotes you can pull on that re-iterate that. When they talk about the competition, they talk about them "just" or "only" being interested in a higher spec.

The Nintendo fanbase is 10 million people, at most, if a console like this doesn't exponentially shrink that number.

.... and apparently must thus happen ad infinitum, because corporations are incapable of changing their market strategies, even in the face of their worst ever market performance.

This guy... 😒Nobody is talking about sales. It's pretty clear you missed the point. Let me simplify it for you. Dude can't fathom nintendo releasing a system equal or worse to a system from previous gen, I showed him it's happened before, twice. I didn't say its going to happen Next time, but that it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case. Oh, and since you keep jumping on sales(which have nothing to do with the post you initially quoted), that same strategy led them to one of the best selling consoles ever, if I'm not mistaken. So again... 😒


It's risky but they need to do something risky. The amount of people willing to drop serious money on a games console just for the brand recognition of stuff like Mario and Zelda is shrinking.

If they have a good idea, sure I agree. But l don't really think Nintendo has a good feel for the market, so I'm skeptical. The Wii kind of fell in their lap with the guy pitching the motion control to Nintendo was first rejected by Microsoft and Sony.

I could argue they could find success if they actually focus on the fundamentals and made an appealing machine with good graphics, online infrastructure, normal media, non-confusing branding, no expensive gimmick that no one likes, etc, and just go back to making core games that are really good to play. Good games can build a market that 3rd parties could cater to.

Of course I can see that failing too. I kind of think they are just fucked and never going to be a major player again. They did the impossible with the Wii, but squandered it and are in a worse position than they were after the Gamecube.


How did people talk about Wii U a year before it's release/reveal again?

We were "positive"... til Nintendo shipped us the WiiU. Was not exactly what they promised us. Lets hope Nintendo actually hears what publishers say and understand why they say it.
Sounds good! I actually expected them to have already started, but it's good to hear they're getting out there. I've said it quite a few times already, but the Wii U was the best thing that could happen to Nintendo, it was a real learning experience.


Junior Member
But if they are going to dedicate that much money towards R&D, marketing, and well, making an entirely new console, why wouldn't they go with the option that will let them grab as many multiplat titles as possible and set the groundwork of getting comfortable with x86? It's not like if they make a competing tech wise console they have to abandon amibos or whatever goofy plan they have to have portable titles playable on the NX. The price of the components of whats inside the ps4/xb1 fall every day as they become easier to produce, they can absolutely go with that type of power.
But again, the architecture has to work with both the console & portable versions. As stated earlier, x86 isn't exactly handheld-friendly.


In my wet dream Nintendo would drop portables and focus only into home console and a bit on smartphones. But in the real world I'd be fine if NX let you play the portable games with a better resolution, with a exclusive library and a PS4 level hardware.
If it's something like vita tv I'm out and I will start practicing black magic in order to make them go third-party. C'mon Nintendo, I want a console Zelda game without outdated graphics.


Junior Member
The only way that works is if the console is the same architecture but is just lower powered in a pretty singular facet. They are not going to build once, port across if the power level is disparate. They can't afford to support two systems with two levels of asset quality. They have that problem right now.

Totally a hybrid.


It is exactly the same machine, just one has a screen and the other plugs into a TV. Then to that end, why not just have a hybrid aside from battery concerns?

In terms of price they could go $199 and match in power or better like a Shield TV.
What they're planning is something along the lines of the iPhone & the iPad. The architecture will be the same across both, but how powerful each system is will vary. They'll mostly share the same games, but there will be some games that only work on one or the other. For example, Pokémon may only work on the portable, while Zelda or Xenoblade only works on the console. They aren't doing a hybrid.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I think the real question is whether Nintendo will build real partnerships. The problem with Nintendo and third parties isn't just getting their approval or a "positive reception", it's creating and maintaining tangible ties with them.


This guy... ��Nobody is talking about sales. It's pretty clear you missed the point. Let me simplify it for you. Dude can't fathom nintendo releasing a system equal or worse to a system from previous gen, I showed him it's happened before, twice. I didn't say its going to happen Next time, but that it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case. Oh, and since you keep jumping on sales(which have nothing to do with the post you initially quoted), that same strategy led them to one of the best selling consoles ever, if I'm not mistaken. So again... ��

When we're talking about the future of Nintendo and what they're going to do, ignoring their market position and the current state of the market itself entirely when discussing it is immediately a fool's errand. If you're not going to factor that into the discussion, there's no bloody point in having one about the future of a corporation. Simple. It really needs to be present in the minds of anyone entering into such a discussion.

It would definitely be surprising for Nintendo to repeat the same mistake when it's one of their biggest mistakes ever, yes. I know I sure would be surprised that they would do that and I definitely know I'm not alone in thinking that.

Yeah, this previous-gen console strategy worked once, but the conditions that such a strategy allowed for success in are no longer there. "Bububububut the WII" doesn't mean much anymore. They already tried playing that card with the Wii U and look what that got them. Without the same market conditions, a Wii-like console being a success is simply no longer an option.


Glad someone's positive.

These are the same sort who used the Wii U as an advertising billboard for their game, swearing up and down it was Wii U exclusive only to punch the release date up by six months and make it multiplat.

Let's face facts here, the NX can be the same lumbering not pc the other two consoles are; filled from mouth to ass with the same encumbrances and praying at the unholy alter of 30 FPS and third parties would still find an excuse to cock it off in favour of the other two.

Because that's how they do.


Glad someone's positive.

These are the same sort who used the Wii U as an advertising billboard for their game, swearing up and down it was Wii U exclusive only to punch the release date up by six months and make it multiplat.

Let's face facts here, the NX can be the same lumbering not pc the other two consoles are; filled from mouth to ass with the same encumbrances and praying at the unholy alter of 30 FPS and third parties would still find an excuse to cock it off in favour of the other two.

Because that's how they do.

What games were announced as WiiU exclusives and made multiplat...?


What games were announced as WiiU exclusives and made multiplat...?

I think he's alluding to Rayman Legends. It was announced at Gamescom 2012 to be Wii U exclusive and to be released November 2012. It was delayed to February when it was about a month away from release, then delayed to September in order to launch it with 360 and PS3 versions. I believe a few developers came out and mentioned how much it upset him since the game was already finished. The CEO of Ubisoft came out and said they made it multiplat due to the disappointing sales of ZombiU, even though that game was released only two weeks earlier than Legends's original release date. It being a timed exclusive was apparently out of the question because reasons. I don't think they did it with any malice, but to this day I'm baffled as to what the hell they were thinking delaying the game that long.

The Wii U got supremely fucked in that regard, since if I recall, it was pretty much the only third party exclusive beyond Zombie U that was worth a damn.
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