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F1 2015 is looking FANTASTIC


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Does the day one patch make McLaren shittier?

Sounds more like McLaren will get less shittier. Originally, they based their performance only on the tests and the first three races.

But they'll get that shitty new livery, so in that respect yes. I don't like the new livery. I wonder if they'll patch in that shitty new nose too.

I skipped the last entries of the franchise. Did any of their previous games feature multiple car models to reflect the most obvious modifications over the season?

Fox Mulder

Looking forward to F1 this year, didn't buy it last year but i need my F1 fix.

Me too. Boxed up my 360 when I got a xb1 and couldn't play 2014.

Been playing Pcars, but it can be annoying. Jumped on it today and wasted a half hour race because the engineer told me to pit while leading and no one else did the whole race.


Why does the Williams livery have none of the red stripes? Are they not allowed to use Martini or something?


Formerly Gizmowned
Why does the Williams livery have none of the red stripes? Are they not allowed to use Martini or something?

I think its something to do with it being an alcoholic drink and the game is age rated for 3 and over. Dunno why they couldn't still use the red without the logo.


Otherwise known as the land of "Who the fuck is Nico Rosberg? Are you trying to say Michael Schumacher, or perhaps Sebastian Vettel?"

LOL. "Nick Heidfeld? Didn't he race back in the 60's?"

Btw VE3TRO, those screens look fantastic. Waiting for mine to unlock atm.


This game is a grower, I'm starting to really enjoy it, just such a shame it's so stripped back of features, no public custom lobbies is not good enough when even f12010 had them. The online is just very lame in general with it's hopper sessions that have awfull pre set settings.


This game is a grower, I'm starting to really enjoy it, just such a shame it's so stripped back of features, no public custom lobbies is not good enough when even f12010 had them. The online is just very lame in general with it's hopper sessions that have awfull pre set settings.

Don't do this to me!!!

Ok, say I'm not arsed about the online side, say I just want to play a season as Lewis, am I covered? Or am I covered in shit?
The game has really clicked for me now after a couple of days getting used to the physics. Just completed Bahrain and my race laps were consistently within .300 seconds of each other (apart from start and in/out laps). I really enjoyed myself and was quite gutted when i finished. Will have to up the difficulty as Hard AI were 3 seconds a lap slower in the race.
Here's a copy paste of my impressions from the PC version I posted for a sim racing community I'm a member of:

The Good:

- The driving model. You can tell a lot of focus has gone into this in development. The end result is probably the best driving model of any game they've released. A disclaimer: this game is not a sim, was never intended to be a sim and will never be a sim. The cars are still generally easy to drive, especially at high speeds, and the suspension model is very simple compared to sims, with very little change in feel when the springs are loaded going over kerbs. That being said, the cars feel good, with a sense of weight that the previous games never got right. Mastering these cars will still take some time as well. They have natural inclination to understeer at high speed, similar in a way to F1 2012 but nowhere near as overbearing, but also exhibit wheelspin and somewhat correctable oversteer when accelerating out of slow speed corners. Wheelspin doesn't feel overblown like it was in F1 2014 either, as correct throttle application is generally rewarded this time around. Braking is very difficult to get right, with lockups aplenty to simulate just how finicky brake by wire systems are in these cars. It is a fun driving model that is accurate enough to feel rewarding when you put a lap together.

- The AI. They are honest to god surprisingly good this year, which is something I never expected to say. They are challenging at higher difficulty levels, and they importantly know how to race wheel to wheel. They can be slightly too aggressive at times and are probably still a tad too cautious at race starts, but their defensive abilities are much improved compared to previous games and they actually battle each other even when you are no where near the action. It's come to a point where watching replays of AI battles can be just as entertaining as battling them yourself. And yes, they do occasionally crash into each other as well. They're better than pCARS' AI in open wheelers by far.

-The tyres. They finally seem to have nailed the core basics with it this year. Temperatures properly react to the way you drive for the first time in any of these games, and tyres wear according to these temperatures rather than being on a timer like in previous games.

- Replays. Broadcast cams are finally in this year, and they look fantastic. Ability to spectate other drivers, both AI and online, from inside the garage is also a welcome feature.

- Visuals in night races and wet races: Noticeable step up from the previous games, and seemingly not too heavy on hardware from what I can tell compared to pCARS in similar situations. Night time at Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Singapore look great, and wet weather basically makes any track look good.

The Bad:

-Corner cutting. It is plain and simply broken so far. Corner cuts in general are too lenient and currently lap times in quali sessions aren't invalidated when are warned for corner cutting. Online races are gonna be joke until it's patched.

-Online multiplayer. Right now, it's basically useless to play online. All manner of bugs are popping up here, the netcode is all over the place even in local lobbies with few players and cars ghosting for no reason occur very often. There are also no more public custom lobbies online, only private ones for friends exist. All public races must be done in hopper lobby playlist with set settings and track rotations. The hopper system is nice as it allows you to play other single player game modes while it searches for a lobby, but the core of the experience online is currently in a dire state and needs patching asap.

The Ugly:

-Content. The game is very barebones. Quick races, doing a championship as a current F1 season driver, time trials and multiplayer, that's it. No multiple season career modes, no season challenge/time attack/champions mode gimmicky game modes, no safety car or anything else to see here. Focus has gone on doing the basics well, and outside of MP this has mainly been achieved I guess. Hopefully a solid foundation for future years, but people will still be disappointed about this I'm sure.

-Force feedback. At default settings on Logitech wheels, there is basically no FFB whatsoever. Increasing the ingame settings higher give the game some feel, and generally speaking this FFB does feel better than the prior games when it works. Less super heavy feel, and more gradual and communicative this time around. I've currently settled for 100%, 50% and 85% respectively for the in-game settings with default profiler settings on the G27, with more tweaking definitely needed. This game also happens to not tweak anything in regards to the large centre axis FFB deadzone Logitech wheels have, which makes the wheel feel weird when driving in straights. This shouldn't be an issue for those with Thrustmaster and Fanatec wheels though. No automatic soft lock for this game, so set your wheels to 360 degrees of rotation for 1:1 movement (this is a 90 degree increase on rotation from previous F1 games, and more closely aligns with the rotation of the real cars, so this is an improvement I guess).

-Damage model: This area is pretty disappointing overall. The only things that seem to acquire damage are front wings and the tyres, and as in previous F1 games they're very forgiving with how damage is applied. Hitting other cars hardly damages your car unless you hit them extremely hard, and it's a similar story when hitting track barriers. Damage still has a huge effect on the car as even minor front wing damage cause mass understeer, but it still feels very lacking compared to Codies' efforts in their other games. Think a portion of the blame has to go to FOM's license restrictions as well.

-Graphics of races in the dry during the day. This year's artistic direction has lent towards a chalky, hazy sort of style, but in the daylight it makes the game look horribly oversaturated. There is also noticeable blur everywhere, as if the game displaying minor depth of field effects all the time. Disabling motion blur and DOF effects via the config files improves this a little but not enough. Some people like these sorts of effects, but for someone like me who is more used to racing games aiming for a clean look with few overbearing post processing effects applied, it looks rubbish. Oh and the cutscenes are forced to 30 fps when running Vsync as well, and forcing Vsync from things like the Nvidia profiler to lock the framerate to a constant 60 everywhere in the game kicks you from online races, ugh.

-Miscellaneous control issues: Game only displays Xbox button prompts on menus, which is awkward for everyone using devices not using the button layout of the Xbox. The engineer voice prompt menu doesn't work at all (voice activation might be coming on PC at a later point, but even the menu controlled system for it doesn't work). At least there is what seems to be a PC exclusive UI info window like in previous game to give you info you would otherwise request from the engineer, but that won't help you in the no HUD pro season mode.


Don't do this to me!!!

Ok, say I'm not arsed about the online side, say I just want to play a season as Lewis, am I covered? Or am I covered in shit?

If that's all you want it for then I'd say buy it mate, the core is there, driving model is good, graphics ok nothing amazing, hopefully the basic problems like pits etc will get fixed soon.

On a side not if you want to do any kind proper qualification say at Least 15 mins in championship then your forced to do 50% race. If you want the full 3 stage qualification, your forced to do 100% races, these are the options that have really annoyed myself, on old games you could tailor it to your preference, like no practice 3 stage qualification 25% race.


If that's all you want it for then I'd say buy it mate, the core is there, driving model is good, graphics ok nothing amazing, hopefully the basic problems like pits etc will get fixed soon.

On a side not if you want to do any kind proper qualification say at Least 15 mins in championship then your forced to do 50% race. If you want the full 3 stage qualification, your forced to do 100% races, these are the options that have really annoyed myself, on old games you could tailor it to your preference, like no practice 3 stage qualification 25% race.

I'd be surprised if more options are not patched in at some point...By all accounts its pretty much bug free, save the things you mentioned. So might be worth just holding on for a few weeks.

It does seem that F12016 will be the ...full on F1 game i think we are all wanting.


-Corner cutting. It is plain and simply broken so far. Corner cuts in general are too lenient and currently lap times in quali sessions aren't invalidated when are warned for corner cutting. Online races are gonna be joke until it's patched.

-Online multiplayer. Right now, it's basically useless to play online. All manner of bugs are popping up here, the netcode is all over the place even in local lobbies with few players and cars ghosting for no reason occur very often. There are also no more public custom lobbies online, only private ones for friends exist. All public races must be done in hopper lobby playlist with set settings and track rotations. The hopper system is nice as it allows you to play other single player game modes while it searches for a lobby, but the core of the experience online is currently in a dire state and needs patching asap.

Aaaaannnd... no buy !
Thanks Bernie !

Fox Mulder

If that's all you want it for then I'd say buy it mate, the core is there, driving model is good, graphics ok nothing amazing, hopefully the basic problems like pits etc will get fixed soon.

On a side not if you want to do any kind proper qualification say at Least 15 mins in championship then your forced to do 50% race. If you want the full 3 stage qualification, your forced to do 100% races, these are the options that have really annoyed myself, on old games you could tailor it to your preference, like no practice 3 stage qualification 25% race.

I'd imagine that's something that should be able to be patched in, unlike a career mode or maybe even safety cars.

I preferred to run like 50% races with full quail and one FP session myself in prior games.

Daffy Duck

So on typical CM style, this the starting blocks of something that three-four iterations might be worth picking up.

Doesn't sound like a good F1 experience to me.


If that's all you want it for then I'd say buy it mate, the core is there, driving model is good, graphics ok nothing amazing, hopefully the basic problems like pits etc will get fixed soon.

On a side not if you want to do any kind proper qualification say at Least 15 mins in championship then your forced to do 50% race. If you want the full 3 stage qualification, your forced to do 100% races, these are the options that have really annoyed myself, on old games you could tailor it to your preference, like no practice 3 stage qualification 25% race.

Small tip. What you can do instead, kind of a hidden feature.

Go to Quick Race and create your own Season. There you can choose up to 19 tracks, what order they should appear.
Also, practice, qualifying and race length is unlocked and avalible to set how ever you like.

Frankly I don't know what is diffrent from creating your own season like this, or pick the default 2014 or 2015 season from the main menu?


-Content. The game is very barebones. Quick races, doing a championship as a current F1 season driver, time trials and multiplayer, that's it. No multiple season career modes, no season challenge/time attack/champions mode gimmicky game modes, no safety car or anything else to see here. Focus has gone on doing the basics well, and outside of MP this has mainly been achieved I guess. Hopefully a solid foundation for future years, but people will still be disappointed about this I'm sure.

Well maybe in two years we get a full game one would expect for this sport.


The missing career mode is the biggest bummer for me , I was so hyped for this game but now I will rent it for a day or two
I'm bewildered as to what the meat of the game is without the career here? You're just meant to go through one 2015 season as whoever then it's game over? Are there any unlockables? Any incentive at all for another play through? I appreciate the feel of the game seems to have a few positives so if you're really into the sport it should hold your attention a bit better, but jesus, come on.


Is the career mode really such a big miss? Yes you could create your own driver, but looking at e-mails and going to the paddock weren't anything exciting.

The main thing is the racing itself looks pretty decent and enjoyable.

If they do bring career mode back for 2016 I'd like it to be a lot more interesting than it has been the last few years.
If that's all you want it for then I'd say buy it mate, the core is there, driving model is good, graphics ok nothing amazing, hopefully the basic problems like pits etc will get fixed soon.

On a side not if you want to do any kind proper qualification say at Least 15 mins in championship then your forced to do 50% race. If you want the full 3 stage qualification, your forced to do 100% races, these are the options that have really annoyed myself, on old games you could tailor it to your preference, like no practice 3 stage qualification 25% race.
That sucks - you really would think that the freedom of options like those are quite straight-forward to implement into a game.

Sounds like the standard one step forward, two steps back that this series has enjoyed over the last few years.


Is the career mode really such a big miss? Yes you could create your own driver, but looking at e-mails and going to the paddock weren't anything exciting.

The main thing is the racing itself looks pretty decent and enjoyable.

If they do bring career mode back for 2016 I'd like it to be a lot more interesting than it has been the last few years.

Yup, it was the main draw for me. I did end up tweaking and modding it so that cars improved/got worse as the years went on, and winning the championship under my name was pretty cool.

So for me it was a big miss, and if I didn't get the game for 25 bucks due to a friend I wouldn't own it now. Not a lot of content at all in this game.
True there, but I wish they'd have invested some more time in making the handling a bit harder and more believable than in making the game look all shiny.
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