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Netanyahu wanted to attack Iran but was overruled.

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Why aren't these motherfuckers rooted out of their government? Do people not see that these fucks will end up causing a catastrophe?

I swear, people need to rise up against their government when their people up top seem to be hell bent on war.

Netanyahu's ministers opposed attacking Iran's nuclear facility despite Israel having the operational capability. That doesn't sound like hellbent to me.


Netanyahu's ministers opposed attacking Iran's nuclear facility despite Israel having the operational capability. That doesn't sound like hellbent to me.
He's still pushing pretty hard to get the US involved in another conflict.

Another Republican administration and we'll be back at the UN with another dodgy dossier.


It's a scary type of ironic that the biggest and most murderous warmongering nations are often the ones pushing the most fearmomgering propaganda about other nations. Palestine, Lebanon, and now they're after Iranian blood too? Not surprising given the disgusting people in power.


Bibi is a war criminal and belongs in a jail cell. None of this is surprising.

The prison for that is reserved for other nationalities, Bibi will continue to walk free until the end of his days. Just look at Tony and G, both enjoying their lives after setting the world on fire.


The prison for that is reserved for other nationalities, Bibi will continue to walk free until the end of his days. Just look at Tony and G, both enjoying their lives after setting the world on fire.

Ain't that a fact!

Pretty soon the Republicans will get into power, and will have no choice but to do the bidding of their Jewish overlords. Like someone else said.. It will be the UN and dodgy dossiers.

Then Iran bombed back into the stone age


Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt is a hell of 1-2-3 KO punch for a lot of people when it comes to geopolitics.
And attacking public education spending only makes it easier to maintain a powerful and unsympathetic upper class who can't relate at all to the working poor, let alone foreign "savages".
Ain't that a fact!

Pretty soon the Republicans will get into power, and will have no choice but to do the bidding of their Jewish overlords. Like someone else said.. It will be the UN and dodgy dossiers.

Then Iran bombed back into the stone age

Yeah, their Jewish overlords. Huh.


Unconfirmed Member
Serious question. How would this lead to war? Wouldn't it just lead to the same situation as when Israel bombed Iraq's reactor? Iran's airforce would have to cross Iraqi and Syrian airspace. Iran could shoot missiles I guess but half of them would end up landing on Jordan or the West Bank.
Hezbollah would attack again.
Ain't that a fact!

Pretty soon the Republicans will get into power, and will have no choice but to do the bidding of their Jewish overlords. Like someone else said.. It will be the UN and dodgy dossiers.

Then Iran bombed back into the stone age


Well, I'm surprised that the democrats didn't go along with in all honesty. Perhaps Obama had is election campaigns funded by non-jews?

never thought I'd see this type of stuff on GAF.


never thought I'd see this type of stuff on GAF.
Then you haven't been paying attention.

Incidentally, one of the reasons you "can't" criticize Israel without anti-semitism coming up is that there's always somebody posting questionable shit about "the jews" and how they run the world in these topics
They wanted to strike in 2008 as well but Bush told them to fuck off.

It'll be very interesting to see what Israel does over the next year or two to instigate Iran. The nuclear agreement is a direct threat to the warmonger agenda, and they'll likely do just about anything to upend it. I don't think Israel as a whole is guilty of warmongering - clearly Bibi is running the train.


Then you haven't been paying attention.

Incidentally, one of the reasons you "can't" criticize Israel without anti-semitism coming up is that there's always somebody posting questionable shit about "the jews" and how they run the world in these topics
Yeah, not really. I'd say it sprouts up occasionally. With about the same occurance rate of crazy as we get in any highly polarizing topics. Which is sporadically and often quickly dealt with. Which will probably happen here(seeing as it already is with the deserved piling on)

And by this logic, since there is also occasional occurrences of prejudice toward other cultures/races/groups in threads about Islam, police brutality toward African Americans, Christianity, Palestine, and immigration, should we also default that anyone speaking in a manner that isn't in lock step as prejudiced?
Then you haven't been paying attention.

Incidentally, one of the reasons you "can't" criticize Israel without anti-semitism coming up is that there's always somebody posting questionable shit about "the jews" and how they run the world in these topics

Well I've always seen criticism of Israel, and rightly so. However I've never seen the type of "Jewish overlords" type of stuff, this is a first. Now wether people were simply masking it for the most part is probably true.


Then you haven't been paying attention.

Incidentally, one of the reasons you "can't" criticize Israel without anti-semitism coming up is that there's always somebody posting questionable shit about "the jews" and how they run the world in these topics

Questioning the US's unshakable support of Israel no matter what, or criticising Israel is not anti-semitic. Nor is the notion that the Presidents and senators are lobbied hard by rich and powerful pro-Isreal groups either. And everyone knows they have enormous clout in the US.

But ofcourse, saying that the lobby groups are achieving their objectives because they are pro-Isreali is questionable, difficult to argue against so an anti-semitic card is needed..
Questioning the US's unshakable support of Israel no matter what, or criticising Israel is not anti-semitic. Nor is the notion that the Presidents and senators are lobbied hard by rich and powerful pro-Isreal groups either. And everyone knows they have enormous clout in the US.

But ofcourse, saying that the lobby groups are achieving their objectives because they are pro-Isreali is questionable, difficult to argue against so an anti-semitic card is needed..

the anti-semitic card is needed when people start whipping out terms like "Jewish Overlords"...


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Questioning the US's unshakable support of Israel no matter what, or criticising Israel is not anti-semitic.

I've come to the conclusion that Israel has incredibly damning personal stuff on multiple US presidents. It's the only thing that makes sense.


Don't criticize them or you're an anti-semite, even if you're Jewish according to US GOP.
Try being german and critize Israel or even speak in favour of Palestine. The Central Council of Jews is just waiting to call you a nazi.

Hell, people already lost their shit when Günter Grass wrote a bad poem.


I've come to the conclusion that Israel has incredibly damning personal stuff on multiple US presidents. It's the only thing that makes sense.

no it isn't

it's simple

1. we need allies in the region
2. a substantial portion of the conservative voting base in the US is staunchly pro-Israel, often for religious reasons


Then you haven't been paying attention.

Incidentally, one of the reasons you "can't" criticize Israel without anti-semitism coming up is that there's always somebody posting questionable shit about "the jews" and how they run the world in these topics

It might be hard to differentiate between the opinions of those who believe in Zionist world control conspiracy theories (tinfoil hat shit) versus those questioning the actual, real life influence of AIPAC on US Congressmen.

The latter needs to be talked about as it is leading to some fucked up policies in middle east, leading to shit like ISIS, war and millions of people killed and displaced from their homes. Obama is trying to rectify this by making peace with Iran, but he's having a brutally hard time.
I've come to the conclusion that Israel has incredibly damning personal stuff on multiple US presidents. It's the only thing that makes sense.

Or that a vast majority of Americans view Israel as the last safe haven for Jews and has cross party support for the most part.

If the public opinion became more muddled, I'm sure you would see a change in public policy, more so than you have seen under Obama.

Which is actually happening, that cross party support is basically ending now, democrats don't nearly support Israel like they used to.
Oh look a thread about Israel, quick everyone, post about how those dishonest Jews always play the antisemitism card to deflect criticism of Israel even though nobody has done that.

Oh and do I have to report this Jew-baiting prick or has someone done so already?
Questioning the US's unshakable support of Israel no matter what, or criticising Israel is not anti-semitic. Nor is the notion that the Presidents and senators are lobbied hard by rich and powerful pro-Isreal groups either. And everyone knows they have enormous clout in the US.

But ofcourse, saying that the lobby groups are achieving their objectives because they are pro-Isreali is questionable, difficult to argue against so an anti-semitic card is needed..

You said they are controlled by the Jews though.

I agree we should question the US's unquestioning support for Israel especially when the Jew controlled US government just brokered a deal with Israel's enemy, a deal the Israeli government is opposed to. What are the sneaky Jews up to with this puzzling non-sensical plan?


the anti-semitic card is needed when people start whipping out terms like "Jewish Overlords"...

Please tell me how that qualifies?? When it is said that the foreign policy of many countries are influenced by their overlords..

The separatists in the east of the Ukraine. Is it racist or " anti-russian" to call the the Russians their overlords. The US has enormous influence over the UK. I have seen people call them the UKs overlords or the UK the poodle of the US. That's not racist or cannot in anyway be construed as such.

When I see the race card being pulled, I can't help but feel the person either has an agenda or just nothing to say.


Oh look a thread about Israel, quick everyone, post about how those dishonest Jews always play the antisemitism card to deflect criticism of Israel even though nobody has done that.

Oh and do I have to report this Jew-baiting prick or has someone done so already?

....You are the worst in these threads. Or close to it. People have been addressing him just fine and dealing with him and in you come escalating shit with your awful posts like usual.

Try providing something of value for once and leave the modding to the mods.
I've come to the conclusion that Israel has incredibly damning personal stuff on multiple US presidents. It's the only thing that makes sense.

I think you're being facetious, but in case you're not then there's a lot of better reasons the US to have interest in Israel. They are located on the nearest middle-eastern coast to the US, so it makes sense to want to be buddy-buddy with them for easier ground and naval access. Additionally we have interest in having allies in that region, and Israel has been more accommodating than many others. I do think we should not be sharing or lending our muscle to them, other than in cases of defense, but we also shouldn't totally cut off ties like many people call for.
Please tell me how that qualifies?? When it is said that the foreign policy of many countries are influenced by the overlords..

The separatists in the east of the Ukraine. Is it racist or " anti-russian" to call the the Russians their overlords. The US has enormous influence over the UK. I have seen people call them the UKs overlords or the UK the poodle of the US. That's not racist or cannot in anyway be construed as such.

When I see the race card being pulled, I can't help but fell the person either has an agenda or just nothing to say.

....You are the worst in these threads. Or close to it. People have been addressing him just fine and dealing with him and in you come escalating shit with your awful posts like usual.

Try providing something of value for once and leave the modding to the mods.
Mods don't see every post in every thread, they aren't all seeing overlords, and I'm sure many would agree with me in that I would like to see anyone making those kinds of remarks about whatever ethnic group also face the consequences of breaking gaf rules.


I swear I read somewhere a few months ago that during a heated phone call Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they launched an atack.


Serious question. How would this lead to war? Wouldn't it just lead to the same situation as when Israel bombed Iraq's reactor? Iran's airforce would have to cross Iraqi and Syrian airspace. Iran could shoot missiles I guess but half of them would end up landing on Jordan or the West Bank.

Russia is investing in irans saftey, via a iron dome style missile system. One of the most potent in the world.


So basically if there had been a Republican US government this would've been much closer to being a reality.

No, because American interests in the region are the same no matter who is in office, and the same military advisors and leaders run the show.
Russia is investing in irans saftey, via a iron dome style missile system. One of the most potent in the world.

So it wouldn't lead to war then. Should Netanyahu's ministers agree on the plan in the first place, either the mission to bomb the reactor would fail or Iran would be incapable of responding apart from sending in Palestinian suicide bombers. Unless Iraq and Syria allied with Iran but they are mired in their own quagmire. Seems much ado about nothing to me.
the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a right wing Israli extremist was the turning point IMO

Israel has gone far right neo-con since Likud dominated the Prime Ministership since the late 90s.

Israel needs a cultural shift in their political class


this picture here was probbly the closest ever of getting to peace.

It went sharp downhill after Rabin's death and Israel has gone full Right Wing nutter since the turn of the 21st Century.


Please tell me how that qualifies?? When it is said that the foreign policy of many countries are influenced by the overlords..

The separatists in the east of the Ukraine. Is it racist or " anti-russian" to call the the Russians their overlords. The US has enormous influence over the UK. I have seen people call them the UKs overlords or the UK the poodle of the US. That's not racist or cannot in anyway be construed as such.

When I see the race card being pulled, I can't help but fell the person either has an agenda or just nothing to say.

Just on a technical level it is inaccurate. And the use of "Jewish" as opposed to Israel suggests, if nothing else, a slip of phrasing or ignorance or possible prejudice or conspiracy nonsense. You have to see that right?

Israel, and the more conservative wing in Israel, does have a strong lobbying arm that is influential in American politics and muddies our ability to be an honest broker in the Middle East. Far more then should be acceptable, however, it is important to differentiate between Israeli influence which is mostly the conservative branch and broad Jewish influence. Seeing as most Jews in America and even Israel are in fact mixed on actions of Israel like any culturally diverse people and in America are majority Democrats. The party that has been less influenced by lobbying efforts of Israel, though not immune. As is the nature of politics and money.

When you start conflating all Jews with the rather conservative lobbying wing of Israel you rightfully draw red flags.


I think you're being facetious, but in case you're not then there's a lot of better reasons the US to have interest in Israel. They are located on the nearest middle-eastern coast to the US, so it makes sense to want to be buddy-buddy with them for easier ground and naval access. Additionally we have interest in having allies in that region, and Israel has been more accommodating than many others. I do think we should not be sharing or lending our muscle to them, other than in cases of defense, but we also shouldn't totally cut off ties like many people call for.
And yet in all the recent military conflicts the US was involved in the region, Israel was a hindrance, not an asset.

Now to b clear, I don't buy into blackmail conspiracy theory (and I'm pretty sure the guy wasn't serious anyway) but the US support of Israel is due to political reasons (and I guess "cultural" which is code name for they are kinda white people") not realpoltik calculations.


Then you haven't been paying attention.

Incidentally, one of the reasons you "can't" criticize Israel without anti-semitism coming up is that there's always somebody posting questionable shit about "the jews" and how they run the world in these topics


I've stopped posting in these kind of threads because there are always a few fuckers who'll go full-blown antisemite and then you can't criticize Netanyahu's action or talk about Apac money without sounding like one.

It's sad really.


No, because American interests in the region are the same no matter who is in office, and the same military advisors and leaders run the show.
That's not really true. There is a difference between Obamas cabinet and advisors that he relies on for decision-making and the neo-conservative advisors and cabinet Bush had and Romney was poised to have.

They have different calculations, beliefs and goals. There is certainly broad crossover in terms of shared interests in the region but they aren't identical.

For instance no way the Iran deal happens under a Republican. No way we end up in Iraq under Al Gore.


Just on a technical level it is inaccurate. And the use of "Jewish" as opposed to Israel suggests, if nothing else, a slip of phrasing or ignorance or possible prejudice or conspiracy nonsense. You have to see that right?

Israel, and the more conservative wing in Israel, does have a strong lobbying arm that is influential in American politics and muddies our ability to be an honest broker in the Middle East. Far more then should be acceptable, however, it is important to differentiate between Israeli influence which is mostly the conservative branch and broad Jewish influence. Seeing as most Jews in America and even Israel are in fact mixed on actions of Israel like any culturally diverse people and in America are majority Democrats. The party that has been less influenced by lobbying efforts of Israel, though not immune. As is the nature of politics and money.

When you start conflating all Jews with the rather conservative lobbying wing of Israel you rightfully draw red flags.

I see what you mean and my wording was wrong. As I rarely join these types of discussion, I will remember for next time.


That's not really true. There is a difference between Obamas cabinet and advisors that he relies on for decision-making and the neo-conservative advisors and cabinet Bush had and Romney was poised to have.

They have different calculations, beliefs and goals. There is certainly broad crossover in terms of shared interests in the region but they aren't identical.

For instance no way the Iran deal happens under a Republican. No way we end up in Iraq under Al Gore.

We are talking military advisors here, not political ones. I highly doubt a Republican administration is going to overrule every single military advisor. Not to mention I don't believe a Republican cabinet/white house staff is going to lean that way either since most of America's interests are the same no matter who is in the White House.


Do they need allies so much as to publicly back a regime that's complicit in war crimes.

And America honestly doesn't need any allies... It's military and military spending dwarfs the entire world combined.

USA has 10 aircraft carries, the closest country to have that was the UK that had 3, which are all decommissioned now as they build some new ones.

It's just another con spun to blindly support Israel.
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