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24 Questions Black People Have For White People

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Mass One

Is this mainly a US thing? I mean do people really do some of that stuff to black people? Like touching them etc?

I'm totally bemused that people can/do act like that...All of those things are something that has never even entered my mind.

That's touching stuff happens alot. To be fair Europe had Human Zoos up until the 1960's so Black people as spectacles is not new.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
It's irksome to black people when we fight to get laws changed and to have or lives be seen with value we are told to shut up but then a lion gets killed and now people want to get laws changed.

People want to get laws changed in both cases. That's what he's saying. What you're implying is that no one cares when black people fight for things. Which simply isn't true.


Neo Member
The video isn't perfect but none of us here are either.

People want to get laws changed in both cases. That's what he's saying. What you're implying is that no one cares when black people fight for things. Which simply isn't true.
There isn't any resistance when it comes to Cecil but there is alot of resistance when it comes to black lives matter movement.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
There isn't any resistance when it comes to Cecil but there is alot of resistance when it comes to black lives matter movement.

That's because the laws that need changed aren't as simple as "Don't kill this lion in this area" They are extremely complex, and which ones that need changed, as well as which new laws need to be instated, are up for debate. As well as other reasons.

His point still stands, and I agree with it. People care about both.


White people "catching feelings" about this vid is the yin to black people "catching feelings" 50 cent said Em is best rapper's yang.


Question to white people from mexicans:

Why do yall have so many fridges

How is it a party if you don't dance

Why are yalls stomach so weak

Why do you put such big tires on trucks. You cant haul trailers and weight with big tires

Why are your sports announcers so boring

lol, perfect

I would add: how the hell do you get by taking so few showers, and would it kill you to mop your floor sometimes?

(brazilian here, tho)


People want to get laws changed in both cases. That's what he's saying. What you're implying is that no one cares when black people fight for things. Which simply isn't true.
If it didn't apply to you why make it about you?

White people "catching feelings" about this vid is the yin to black people "catching feelings" 50 cent said Em is best rapper's yang.

No one caught feelings over that. Everyone knows 50 cents is a troll and mostly everyone who cares about rap knows Eminem isn't the best rapper

John Dunbar

correct about everything
is that touching a black person's hair without permission thing really so common? i see it mention often but it just sounds crazy. are there any candid camera experiments on this?


The lion thing isn't about people caring, but it was about the speed, furor, and raw tidal wave of it going down. Lion gets killed, folks knew the dude's work place, social security and shit the next day. Had protests of hundreds outside his office the next day, politicians were calling for investigations and trying to push through laws the next day, they were going to force the dude to testify in front congress that that week.

But has been damn near a year since Tamir Rice died and we still don't know shit.

But BLM is met with Alllivesmatters.

The optics can make you feel a little down on your perceived spot in society.
That's because the laws that need changed aren't as simple as "Don't kill this lion in this area" They are extremely complex, and which ones that need changed, as well as which new laws need to be instated, are up for debate. As well as other reasons.

His point still stands, and I agree with it. People care about both.

I never said that people didn't care about both. What does the complexity of the law have to do with being shamed and killed for being black?

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
If it didn't apply to you why make it about you?

Because his point was general, and ignorant. I wanted to enlighten his close-minded point of view.

I never said that people didn't care about both.

I didn't say you did. I said you implied it. Which you did.

What does the complexity of the law have to do with being shamed and killed for being black?

What law would you say needs to be instated to do away with being shamed and killed for being black?

It's a very complex subject.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The lion thing is irksome to me, because it's possible to care about both, and because there are only a few tens of thousands of lions on Earth, so killing even one is very impactful to the overall population.

rofl so black people dying is less important because there's less of an impact to the overall population of black people?


If it didn't apply to you why make it about you?
That's how language works. That's kinda the root of all this stuff. Go and tell a bunch of women that women can't drive for shit and then see if they all calm down when you point out they're making it about themselves and you were talking about other women. Then you can go and tell short men that they're angry all the fucking time, but point out after that you meant those other short men so there was no need for stumpy and his mates to 'catch feelings'.

If you refer to 'white people', there is every chance that white people will think you're referring to them. They're not necessarily 'catching feelings', they're responding to being directly addressed.

Edit: Woah, by posting this reply I've both made something about me that ain't about me, and probably 'caught feelings' too. This is one wild ride!


The lion thing is irksome to me, because it's possible to care about both, and because there are only a few tens of thousands of lions on Earth, so killing even one is very impactful to the overall population.

Im not sure since im not part of the black monolith, but I think the conversation online became about apathy towards transformative movements was become some douchebag co-opted the #BlackLivesMatter into an excuse to harrass some asshole's house. I dont think there is ill intent on that person's part, but it was a quintessential example of diminishing a message by using it in a relatively unimportant context. The quickly propposed laws, the instant outrage, comments by many goverment officials added insult to injury.


I feel when you have videos that say "don't generalize us based on my skin color", having everyone in the video generalize behaviors based on skin color is tragically missing the point.

No one is some monolithic stand-in for their race, and it's as much of a straw-man argument here as it is when Fox News gets some guy to explain the issue with the black youth.

is that touching a black person's hair without permission thing really so common? i see it mention often but it just sounds crazy. are there any candid camera experiments on this?

My wife has very curly hair and she sometimes gets that behavior (especially among kids), so I think it's safe to say that it occurs with some regularity. "How common" is of course up in the air, and entirely prone to experiential bias.

The lion thing isn't about people caring, but it was about the speed, furor, and raw tidal wave of it going down. Lion gets killed, folks knew the dude's work place, social security and shit the next day. Had protests of hundreds outside his office the next day, politicians were calling for investigations and trying to push through laws the next day, they were going to force the dude to testify in front congress that that week.

But has been damn near a year since Tamir Rice died and we still don't know shit.

But BLM is met with Alllivesmatters.

The optics can make you feel a little down on your perceived spot in society.

If I get killed tomorrow in some tragic way, people would still care more about the video of an adorable kitten who's saved from drowning by a puppy or something.

Not to say that black lives can't be or aren't diminished by news coverage, but essentially the easiest thing in this country for others to rally around is animals. People will regularly feel worse about something bad happening to something with fur than they will for another human being, and I don't think that's a racial issue at all.


That video was sort of frustrating to watch simply because I expected questions with more substance to them. Instead, it was 80% "GOT EM!" questions that don't really deserve an answer.

"Why is a big butt and lips attractive on a white woman but not a black woman?"

-I love big asses regardless of color. Lips vary by face.

"My hair has always been like this, its not trendy!"

-Ive literally never heard a white woman talk about how black hair is "so trendy right now!" My wife is 1/2 white 1/2 mexican and she adores bigger frizzier hairstyles simply because its a style she'll never be able to have.

"Why are you so uncomfortable talking about race?"

-I'm not. I believe its a discussion that needs to be embraced, especially considering our current social climate here in the U.S.

So yeah, I feel like these are mostly bullshit questions. It like the kind of thing where after they ask, I half expected to see "REKT" flash up on the screen in huge font, Materialismo style.


Oh Lord why are people still trying to break down the questions like it was some post made by some console fan on the NPD threads?
Almost all questions had me thinking "Wtf, I don't do that, I don't give a shit about your hair or that fucking lion".

But it is true, I do experience privilege, just this weekend, an officer drove pass me while I was peeing in public, he didn't give a shit.

EDIT. Oh, I didn't get the experiment of stereotyping the entire white community. Clever motherfuckers.


I'm assuming this video is making a broader point of stereotyping another race and what it makes them feel like. Otherwise, it seems kind of pointless and nonsensical.


Gotta give the side eye about the ''trendy hair'' has most black women are wearing weaves to ressemble white women themselves.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Almost all questions had me thinking "Wtf, I don't do that, I don't give a shit about your hair or that fucking lion".

But it is true, I do experience privilege, just this weekend, an officer drove pass me while I was peeing in public, he didn't give a shit.

You're lucky then. My buddy got a fairly large ticket for urinating in public and he's lily white with blond hair and blue eyes. I would've too if the cop would've drove past a couple minutes earlier.

I agree with your overall point, that white people have an unfair beneficial bias towards them from police. The anecdotal example is what I disagree with.

I'm assuming this video is making a broader point of stereotyping another race and what it makes them feel like. Otherwise, it seems kind of pointless and nonsensical.

If that's what they were going for, which I'm not 100% convinced of, I think it serves it's purpose well.
rofl so black people dying is less important because there's less of an impact to the overall population of black people?

No, but a lion getting killed isn't not important. It's attention was disproportionate to the tragedy, but it still deserved attention. Media coverage may be a zero-sum game, and in black lives V lion, black lives certainly took a back seat for a week or so. But human sympathy isn't zero-sum. There's plenty of fucks to give to both.


Oh Lord why are people still trying to break down the questions like it was some post made by some console fan on the NPD threads?

How dare people actually debate points in a video instead of uncritically accepting what Buzzfeed tells them is true?


Oh Lord why are people still trying to break down the questions like it was some post made by some console fan on the NPD threads?
I dunno man, I just don't get it. Why on earth are people discussing the content of the video in the OP? Why are they answering questions that are being asked of them?

I tell you, it's mad.


Why does this always happen?? Can we get a moratorium on white feelings on all matters of race, please? We can't handle the privilege. Let's try again in 3 or 4 generations


thanks for the laugh
case in point: africa has lions and black people.

if they can live together, so can we all.


You guys know we can all see the black culture community thread. Right? That it's not some hidden thread where you can go and talk shit about people without anyone knowing or seeing? Do you actually want to participate in this thread in earnest or do you just want to land a few zingers so you can run back to that thread to pat yourselves on the back?

This thread is a disaster, but not for the reasons you think.

BCT on blast.
Its tough. Growing up in school, theres always this notion of sharing our cultures, clothing, ideas, etc. Its supposed to be accepted from a young age that it is ok to share in anothers culture, whether its learning how to cook anothers food, what clothing another wears, emulating this in stupid dress ups with paper mache dresses or whatever.

Its ingrained into us from a young age. Like, to me Im fine with sharing and emulating another culture or race or ideas. But thats simply because I accept Im a product of the system. I remember being young having a "Mexican" day at my class, I live in socal so it was about 40% white/40% hispanic/20%other. To us it was play. Im grown now. I know what appropriation is. I can see unconscious examples of it in a way people act or carry themselves. I try to catch myself when I do it, but Im more of an...but I grew up seeing things from other cultures and adding it to my own repertoire so to speak. I saw how others dressed and would take the parts I like.

I can see why these black folk have these questions. About their hair, appropriation. Ignorance is a part of it, another is that white people are ingrained in it. Alot of kids are, growing up. Not once did a teacher say the word appropriation at my school. It was always multiculturalism, it was always a melting pot of races and cultures. We always shared in anothers culture. It was never taught that we were taking it for ourselves and appropriating it.

Its why something like #BlackLivesMatter is offensive to some people. Because to those people they were never taught that not everyone is equal. That we arent in this together, its simply us appropriating the best part of anothers culture. "All lives Matter! Not just black peoples! We've been sharing our cultures for generations now, you're just as equal as we are because of the melting pot!".

Race is simply oil and water. Nothing mixes, only one rises to the top and the other sinks. The Melting Pot theory is the greatest lie taught. No, we arent a successful, diverse nation. We are not enlightened enough to share our cultures yet as long as it creates these borsers, as long as it gives an illusion that we understand one anothers sensibilities.

...boy that was a bit of a rant. I apologoze.
I didn't know touching hair was a thing lol. The only one I can relate to is swearing at my parents (what's wrong with that?)

There's a lot of generalising (or if not generalising then they're strawmen)
Do they really think that a lot (if not most) white people don't sympathise with the whole black lives matter movement? Or think that a black person's life matters less? The average white dude does in fact also have the ability to empathise, it's just racists and xenophobes who can't.

I get that with cops murdering black people left and right in the US without consequences that they feel (and are) heavily discriminated against.
I feel the rage whenever I see another news article about some black guy being shot in the back or hear another racist piece of shit talk about brown people or immigrants like they're 'others' in my own country, and I'm not even the one being discriminated against. So I can certainly sympathise with the anger.
But there is absolutely no point in creating this us vs them thing (whites vs blacks and vice versa).

This video is (aside from some really good questions here and there) mostly 'stop generalising against us I'll generalise back at you that'll really show you!'. It's really counter productive.

Not that I care I guess, like louis ck said "You can't hurt my feelings, What are you going to do, call me a cracker? :p"

People getting more divided makes me sad, the world is already a shitty enough place as it is.People already hate eachother too much for no reason.

edit: opiate's take on cultural appropriation below was interesting. I always rolled my eyes that anyone could get mad at someone not black for copying their culture, but it makes sense the way you describe it.

edit 2: To clarify: I'm not here to stand up for the white man. I'm here to say that a lot more people than you think actually do sympathise with you and will treat you like a person instead of an 'other' if you're black or brown.
The constant 'I'm not racist because I have a black friend' trolling by racists or disingenuous misinterpretation of black lives matter by the retards who say 'all lives matter' in response to it just to get a rise out black people may make it seem otherwise. But most people are in fact not shitheads.
The people who say 'all lives matter' are not stupid, they don't 'not get it', they are just racists assholes who enjoy shitting on your efforts. There's no point explaining it.

But hey even if only 20 percent are racist discriminating shits and 80 percent of those happen to be people in power who have a vested interest in keeping non whites down that is still plenty to make life unfair for black or brown people, especially if the other 80 percent (non shitheads) have no context and little clue of how bad the discrimination is, meaning nothing gets done to fix it. (which is why movements like black lives matter and in general informing people of how things really are is really productive)
Which brings me back to my point:
This video in OP isn't useful though, except for a few questions I just see the people in the video falling for the racist trolls' bait hook line and sinker and then adressing regular people with it.
Meanwhile actual racists must fucking LOVE these kinds of videos as they show how easily they can drive a wedge between people.

You should not think that the whole world is against you (or a whole race of people is against you); And people who try to tell you they are on your side (genuine people, not the fucking trolls who say 'all lives mater' to piss off black lives matter etc) may in fact just want to be supportive. (and I see a lot of assuming that it's always just people trying to distance themselves from racism for their own image, what with it being unpopular to call yourself a racist these days)

Again, you can shoot these attempts down, retaliate with an us vs them "you're all the same " hatred, and you are right that any disdain or discrimination or 'no u' attitude you point at white people is insignificant and without any real effect on those people's lives (I'll never have to be afraid of a cop shooting me because I'm white or worry about not getting hired for my skin color) but in the end you're often just going to be shooting down good intentions and solidarity. (again, the all lives matters and other diet racist trolls aside, there are plenty of those to vent your anger at if you wish to vent or retaliate or feel hatred)

edit 3: and before anyone starts, this is definitely NOT an 'not all white people' post, you inform people and the good ones WILL empathise and will try to change things for the better and will seek justice and change for black people in the US for example.
That is the only way anything is going to change anyhow... to get the public opinion behind you (since you're a minority and can't do it without wide support)
And unlike 'not all cops' there is no blue wall among white people, there is no peer pressure and culture that says white people have to turn their back on blacks and protect the shithead racists that wrong and hurt you.


Cultural appropriation is an interesting one, because at first blanch to me there should be nothing wrong with it.

A huge portion of modern society was built or invented by white people; everything from fast food (as a concept, let alone all the specific variations of it) to refrigeration to electricity were created by white people, and non-white people use these things all the time. And that's great. Why would I complain? Sometimes white people come up with good ideas, and I'm happy that non-white people get to use them.

So -- at least to me -- the issue is not "white people are enjoying and using things that black people created!!!!!" If you have a problem with that, you fundamentally disagree with cultures influencing each other, which is a pretty odd thing to disagree with. Imagine if nobody but Chinese people were allowed to use paper because using paper constitutes inappropriate cultural appropriation. Instead, I think the problem is that ideas or styles don't become successful or cool until white people do them.

Imagine if a bunch of white people tried to start the first fast food chains, and everyone thought they were stupid and dumb. Then black people started restaurants that were almost exactly the same, and suddenly everyone thought that fast food chains were amazing. That, I think, is the core problem with "cultural appropriation."
Question: If by "white people" the video is referring to "white people these questions apply to" and not "white people", and none of the questions seemingly apply to any of the white people in this thread, is there really anything to talk about?
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