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Just Cause 3 has the biggest WORLD in the industry - DEV DIARY

JC3 will have a dozen times more destructibility, yet those people will say JC2 had "better pacing" or some crap.

JC2 had no pacing. You just blew things up from moment one to infinity. I'm sure JC3 will be the same and judging by Mad Max, Avalanche still doesn't have any good mission designers, or seemingly any mission designers at all, so people who loved/hated JC2 will love/hate JC3 in the same way.

But that's okay because if I can get 40-50 hours of "screw around" time out of the game, it's worth it.


I usually dislike the typical idea of an "open world" these days but this is an open world I can get behind because of the insanity/chaos you can unleash and the multitude of travel options.


Junior Member
That's a lot of conditions. If it is the same size as JC2 then games like Fuel and TDU are already bigger. They should make something meaningful with the space instead.

I think Fuel is procedurally generated. Don't know about TDU.

Another condition to think about: Every square foot of JC2 (and probably JC3) is accessible on foot. Fuel is pure vehicular transportation. A lot of open-world games like Skyrim or GTA V have significant portions of their maps covered in inaccessible mountains. In JC2 you can actually climb those mountains.



Can't wait for this game. Looks like a hell of a lot of fun.


The map in JC2 blew my mind at the time so I can't wait to play this. I also thought they did a reasonably good job making the world interesting and filling it with unique spots to discover even though there was still a lot of jungle, desert, and mountain.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I love that they acknowledge some of the mods from JC2, just a few small mods turned that game into a masterpiece.

Yeah, the comment about mod support was nice, especially in this day and age, where it's a relative rarity due to the desire to instead prioritise and push paid DLC.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
I've only messed around with the multiplayer mod. What mods would you recommend?
You can find all the mods here. Download any of the ones that interest you, they're pretty easy to set up.

These are the ones I highly recommend:

Black Market Mod makes the black market easier to use, ads a lot of stuff
Super Sport Car: Turns the Mancini Cavallo into a 200mph tank, hours of fun guaranteed.
Unlimited ammo
1st person
Better grappler
Bolopatch- basically turns you into Spider man, it's the best mod on this list
Any other game this 2nd Avalanche Team (NY Team) developed just for reference?

Since the JC2 Team did Mad Max.

Im sure the game will be excellent either way

It's their first game as a team. They were recruited from the ground up to build JC3. Very senior staff from a bunch of different heavyweight studios including Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Ubisoft Montreal, Criterion, Ninja Theory, Sucker Punch, etc.


It's their first game as a team. They were recruited from the ground up to build JC3. Very senior staff from a bunch of different heavyweight studios including Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Ubisoft Montreal, Criterion, Ninja Theory, Sucker Punch, etc.

Oh ok cool, good stuff
I really hope they have a good fast-travel system, then. As much as I adore Just Cause 2, the world was much too big for the speed at which you could get around it. It's all well and good to just crank up the square mileage, but when the game regularly tasks you with reaching waypoints on the other side of the map and your only options are to just drive on the highway for ten minutes, or call down a black market helicopter and wait for it to arrive and fly in a straight line for a while, or use the extremely slow fast-travel system, you start to wonder what the point is.
You'd be silly to doubt these guys...JC2 was brilliant for it's time, and JC3 will push the open world genre as well.

It might not be as polished as GTA, but who cares? It's a blast.

Lizard with a ladder

learnin' with the blacks!
You can find all the mods here. Download any of the ones that interest you, they're pretty easy to set up.

These are the ones I highly recommend:

Black Market Mod makes the black market easier to use, ads a lot of stuff
Super Sport Car: Turns the Mancini Cavallo into a 200mph tank, hours of fun guaranteed.
Unlimited ammo
1st person
Better grappler
Bolopatch- basically turns you into Spider man, it's the best mod on this list

I looked up some of these mods on youtube. Whoa! That Bolopatch mod looks ridiculously fun. Thanks, man!


I think Avalanche isn't getting enough credit for their graphics tech, JC3 looks great while pushing some demanding tech like volumetric lighting, dynamic shadows, SSR, 3d clouds AND being open worlds with a lot of destructible parts. Easily one of the better looking games to come out of this gen, the art style is really appealing too.
Mad Max wasn't a slouch either, I'm yet to see a bad shot of it in the screenshots thread, most of the time it looks like concept art than a real game.
Does Just Cause 3 has any story? What's the objective of Just Cause?

JC 1 (and I think 2 too? I don't remember) had a story about you having to take down a dictator... Or something like that.

It's mostly just typical action-movie plot that allows you to do all the crazy gameplay.

There are some stuff you end up remembering (like Bolo Santosi =P), but not all for the right reasons lol.

I'd say it's entertaining enough as a gateway for the gameplay though. Don't take it seriously, and if the videos of gameplay are not enough for you to be interested, then definitely don't expect the narrative to draw you in or anything like that.
Does Just Cause 3 has any story? What's the objective of Just Cause?
The objective is literally to cause chaos by destroying symbols of leadership, blowing up enemy arms and equipment, and generally fucking shit up anywhere and everywhere. As chaos mounts, story missions unlock, new gear becomes available, and enemies escalate their response.

That's been the formula so far, and its brilliant in its explosive simplicity.


I hate that having "one of the biggest" open worlds is considered a selling point or something to brag about. Bigger doesn't mean better. I found Arkham City way more enjoyable than Arkham Knight's 5-10x more massive open world. I prefer I nice, intricately crafted and densely packed open world to a barren over stretched open world.

Agreed. If you're going to have an open world it has to have enough landmarks everywhere and enough for the player to do. Endless wilderness is not fun, even in real life.

GTA V gets it quite right in scale, amount of detail and variety.


JC2 was fun to explore at first, but it got boring pretty fast since nothing particularly interesting happens in the world... it's just big


JC2 was fun to explore at first, but it got boring pretty fast since nothing particularly interesting happens in the world... it's just big

Yup, I never got the admiration that some people have for this game. I got bored after a few hours when I realized I would be doing the same shit over and over again. It's another open-world filled with same-y busywork. Even the explosions couldn't mask its formulaic and repetitive game design.

Making the world bigger doesn't improve the game, quite to the contrary.


Gold Member
But is it actually the least bit interesting to explore? Probably not, judging by JC2. But I suppose exploration isn't the focus, rather it's just about having a huge playground in which to fly around and blow shit up. Which is cool, although I personally grew bored with JC2 rather quickly.


Is the world going to be lifeless or have things to discover and interesting things out in the world?


Gold Member

I dont want the biggest world. I want the most detailed, rich, diverse world filled with interesting things to discover. Biggest world lost its appeal to me as a selling point.

That's not gonna be this game. It's just not what the JC games try to accomplish at all. And yeah, I also grow bored of them once the initial novelty wears off.


I played it down at EGX and after taking a Helicopter up high I can confirm its a huge map.

Also after playing two 20 minute sessions I can also say it was a lot of fun. Felt like I'd barely sat down before it was over which is always a good sign!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I have never heard anything about avalance contributing any technology to other SE games.

It was reported last month that Squeenix is toying with the idea of adding airship vehicles to FF15 and working with Avalanche on the matter. I don't think the implication is that FF15 may switch to the Just Cause engine, though, but rather said engine is the most logical choice for moving such a concept beyond the paper phase given the nature of the Just Cause games and Squeenix's pre-existing relationship with the studio.


I'm really excited about this.

I had a ton of fun messing about in Just Cause 2, I hope that gun combat feels a little bit heavier and that driving has more weight to it.

But I can't wait to just jump in that wingsuit and sail for hours.


They're working on getting this tech into Luminous for FFXV right?

They're getting help so that they can get airships working. From everything described FF15 has a problem with level streaming which is restricting how vertical they can go. It is speculated that they are getting help from Avalanche to improve level streaming to the point where is verticality no longer an issue. (Just Cause 2 allowed you to fly planes up to around 20,000 ft)


JC 1 (and I think 2 too? I don't remember) had a story about you having to take down a dictator... Or something like that.

It's mostly just typical action-movie plot that allows you to do all the crazy gameplay.

There are some stuff you end up remembering (like Bolo Santosi =P), but not all for the right reasons lol.

I'd say it's entertaining enough as a gateway for the gameplay though. Don't take it seriously, and if the videos of gameplay are not enough for you to be interested, then definitely don't expect the narrative to draw you in or anything like that.

That bit at then end where
you grapple between nukes in the air
will stay with me forever. I blew 50 hours on that game and every moment was worth it.


While clearing not the biggest in a medium that has games like Elite, Eve and No Mans Sky the large open world in JC games is an example where it works well.

The game genuinely suits open world as designed.

Would still like games that don't fit such a dedign to stop going open world though.

Would love a Stalker game with open world tech of JC games with no loading as a fantasy thought.


The massive world in JC2 absolutely did elevate the eperience.

Sometimes i'd crash a plane in the middle of the jungle and had this feeling of being lost and isolated, it felt great.
And sometimes i'd explore randomly and come across some weird structure, which also felt cool.
Something you couldn't have done in a tiny map.

So yeah, bring on the massive world again, if they can have even more variety? That's even better, of course.
The first thing i thought about Just Cause 3: Bigger World, better graphics and more badass destruction. Why? Just cause.

They dont seem to disappoint.


Hm, I'm plannig to buy JC3, but haven't watched much of the previews.
Are there any new features besides wingsuit, more destructability and better graphics?

JC 2 really needed some badass melee-moves...
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