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_______ while Black

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Did whites traffic drugs and guns in non black communities? Did whites assassinate civil rights leaders in non black communities? What about burning down rich non black communities and bombing them with airplanes when the try to uplift themselves economically? What other races outside of Black's are banks targeting for predatory loans? What other races outside of Black's that are discriminated against on a Federal level?

I can't speak for the Native Americans, but I think they'd have some answers for your questions.


Yeah, I thought I would get responses like this with no substance, so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave this thread. Thanks for all the insight guys...

I really do apologize advance, but is this a joke thread? Because I can't see how the mods okay with a thread on how the white man hates black people?

I'm not white, and I'm not black, but I have experienced some racism. From what I have seen, in America, some people in the African American community just like to believe that everyone is against them. I'm not sure why, but this seems prevalent. I'm not saying everyone is like this, but I have African American friends who live perfectly normal lives, probably due to the fact that they don't think everyone is against them.

In my opinion, there is nothing you can't do while black that you can do while white. I just wish more people would stop labelling themselves

Again, not trying to post inflammatory shit, just really my opinion, although probably an unpopular one.

Forget any statistics or studies on the matter, do people like this really believe two hundred years of systemic discrimination in the form of slavery and Jim Crow have zero residual effects in the modern day? Because of a few decades of on-paper equality?
You could try talking to them about it instead of telling us that black people are complainers just because you think so.


"Some people in the African American community just like to believe that everyone is against them. I'm not sure why." lol
and then he uses his black friends to deny all the evidence and statistics

jesus fuck
It's not shit posting if you're right. I like to call it "making people who don't have to worry about race uncomfortable by using what they were going to type in ironically in a sarcastic manner."


Extremely short version:

European whites got the gunpowder and long range sailing ships first. Colonialism followed, attitudes of cultural superiority, and so on, all the usual effects when one of our species' tribes gets an advantage over another.

Then in this country, we took the already well established institution of slavery, and added a new wrinkle: all slaves would come from a specific region, where the people had an obviously visible characteristic that distinguished them from the white settlers. Cue even more intense tribalistic otherizing, even to the point where this situation was proclaimed to be "ordained by God". It was considered a Law of Nature that the black be subservient to the white.

Fast forward through a century of economic development driven by this engine of stolen labor, an engine so vital that the enslaved human beings that comprised it were more valuable than the rest of the country's infrastructure combined. All throughout this those attitudes about the place of black people continued to be reinforced and justified by the country's economic growth and success. Slavery was a boon to all white men, freeing even the poorest of whites from the lowest forms of labor. It was right.

Then when the Civil War put paid to slavery, we were left with a nation full of white people who had been convinced that black people were animals, no more than beasts of burden, who were now free and living amongst them as supposed equals.

They were not happy, to say the least.

So we ended up with Reconstruction being stymied, and endless oppression and terrorism against black people throughout the Jim Crow era. Black people might have become citizens, but the whites who had been above them during slavery made damn sure that they stayed just as far above them.

Finally, the Civil Rights Act was passed, enforcing rights that had been abridged all this time by institutionalized white supremacy. Naturally, the racist whites still didn't like the idea, and they've been voting against their own economic interests ever since just to hurt black people more.

And like Louis C.K. said, the time between now and the end of slavery, is just two 70 year old ladies living and dying back to back. My wife's mother grew up in Jim Crow Mississippi and marched in the Civil Rights Movement. The grandmother who raised her was born just a generation after the Civil War ended. This is very recent history.

There has simply not been enough time to erode the calcified attitudes that have built up over centuries of institutionalized slavery that precisely targeted people who clearly looked different from the slavers. That attitude that there is an innate difference, a fundamental gap in culture, in ability, in humanity between white people and black people was taken as an article of faith, a bedrock dogma of our system.

And those attitudes continue to refresh themselves, in culture, in media, in economic activity. Parents influence their kids. Segregation makes sure many of those kids never learn differently. For all our technical advancements, we're still the children of parents whose parents lived in a world where black people were lynched on a regular basis, and their grandparents in turn lived in a world where black people were slaves. Two old ladies, back to back.

We're simply not that far removed from the horror. We're still in it.

Damn enlightening post. I definitely never looked at it like that but it puts a whole new spin on things. Makes a lot of sense really. ;(
Extremely short version:

European whites got the gunpowder and long range sailing ships first. Colonialism followed, attitudes of cultural superiority, and so on, all the usual effects when one of our species' tribes gets an advantage over another.

Then in this country, we took the already well established institution of slavery, and added a new wrinkle: all slaves would come from a specific region, where the people had an obviously visible characteristic that distinguished them from the white settlers. Cue even more intense tribalistic otherizing, even to the point where this situation was proclaimed to be "ordained by God". It was considered a Law of Nature that the black be subservient to the white.

Fast forward through a century of economic development driven by this engine of stolen labor, an engine so vital that the enslaved human beings that comprised it were more valuable than the rest of the country's infrastructure combined. All throughout this those attitudes about the place of black people continued to be reinforced and justified by the country's economic growth and success. Slavery was a boon to all white men, freeing even the poorest of whites from the lowest forms of labor. It was right.

Then when the Civil War put paid to slavery, we were left with a nation full of white people who had been convinced that black people were animals, no more than beasts of burden, who were now free and living amongst them as supposed equals.

They were not happy, to say the least.

So we ended up with Reconstruction being stymied, and endless oppression and terrorism against black people throughout the Jim Crow era. Black people might have become citizens, but the whites who had been above them during slavery made damn sure that they stayed just as far above them.

Finally, the Civil Rights Act was passed, enforcing rights that had been abridged all this time by institutionalized white supremacy. Naturally, the racist whites still didn't like the idea, and they've been voting against their own economic interests ever since just to hurt black people more.

And like Louis C.K. said, the time between now and the end of slavery, is just two 70 year old ladies living and dying back to back. My wife's mother grew up in Jim Crow Mississippi and marched in the Civil Rights Movement. The grandmother who raised her was born just a generation after the Civil War ended. This is very recent history.

There has simply not been enough time to erode the calcified attitudes that have built up over centuries of institutionalized slavery that precisely targeted people who clearly looked different from the slavers. That attitude that there is an innate difference, a fundamental gap in culture, in ability, in humanity between white people and black people was taken as an article of faith, a bedrock dogma of our system.

And those attitudes continue to refresh themselves, in culture, in media, in economic activity. Parents influence their kids. Segregation makes sure many of those kids never learn differently. For all our technical advancements, we're still the children of parents whose parents lived in a world where black people were lynched on a regular basis, and their grandparents in turn lived in a world where black people were slaves. Two old ladies, back to back.

We're simply not that far removed from the horror. We're still in it.

Bars. I need this shit put into textbooks all over America. I don't even care what the subject is!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Guess we can finally get back on topic.

I'm surprised I haven't seen the "making clocks while black" example yet. Even though it was probably more of a "while Muslim" example, I'm sure the kid's race had something to do with it too (a white Bosnian Muslim wouldn't have had that kind of shit, I bet).


"Oh man, I hate Calculus. *opens textbook* ....uh what is this"

step one print this out, step two, jandro and someone else break into the texas book repository and paste it inside of the front cover of all the books. And inside the front and back of all the history books.
Could swear this thread was on the 5th page already...Anyways as a black man whenever I am in America I try to appear as docile as possible due to how ridiculous the system there is

User 406

step one print this out, step two, jandro and someone else break into the texas book repository and paste it inside of the front cover of all the books. And inside the front and back of all the history books.

Texas? In that case...

Really extremely very shorterer version:

The Triangle Trade™ brought over lots of immigrants who were lazy, shiftless union workers. But they were enlightened and uplifted by Ronald Reagan when he gave them Right-to-Work. And then Al Sharpton invented racism. That's why Barack Hussein Obama's SJWs still accuse hardworking American families of it to this very day.
This thread is fucking unbelievable. Guess what, some black people can lead lives and never be called a slur even once. The majority of them won't. Good God at black people love to complain.
This thread is fucking unbelievable. Guess what, some black people can lead lives and never be called a slur even once. The majority of them won't. Good God at black people love to complain.
Taking an advanced sociology class can really open up your eyes and see why people "complain."



Crush isn't being serious folks. Though considering all the Poe's Law at work today, you might want to be a little careful man.


I am Wayne Brady.
Yeah, I thought I would get responses like this with no substance, so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave this thread. Thanks for all the insight guys...

I hate to dog pile on ya, but that was just a terrible performance. I feel bad for you.
Seriously. Some of you are fucking bullies, nothing better than basic fucking bullies. You're the type that don't get it. Someone creates a tongue in cheek thread about something that is very real and to make a point about this shit, and some of you jump to "Stop complaining", "It's a pity party in here". If you don't want to talk about the topic, then feel free to just not. But to try and shame people, talk down people or reduce their often from life experiences to "Well I know this person who it's never happened to" or to straight up just say that we're whining for the sake of whining and want to be victims is fucking insulting. Do you go into a thread about gay people talking about their experiences being gay and say "I know this gay person who's never got shit for being gay, so you're all complaining", do you go into threads about sexual assault and say "My best friends a girl and she's never been raped, you all should stop complaining"? No? Then what makes this okay? Some of you have absolutely no shame whatsoever and are so blind, that you can't even see that the very thing we're talking about, is what you're doing. This is where "welfare queens" come into play, this is where "black men can't be fathers" comes into play, this is where "handouts and free stuff" comes into play. Because we're just complaining, that's it. So obviously we don't have any hobbies, we don't have any jobs, any academic pursuits, dreams or ambitions like "the good ones" clearly do, we just want free stuff and talking about it on an internet forum will get that for us. Because we don't have jobs where we question statements or behaviours of our peers, jobs that let us pay for the fucking phones we're typing in this thread on, or the internet bill for the PC's we're on. And we're just "complaining". We don't go to schools or colleges whereby our peers say and do questionable shit or outright blatant shit that we come here to talk about. We don't go out in public and get random shit or ignorant actions directed at us. No, we're just complaining with our free Obama phones(In Canada), free homes, free clothes, free computers, free food, free education, free fucking air. We're just complaining and wanting to be victims. Yup! No way do we want to just go about our days without ignorant statements directed at us, or wary eyes, clutched purses, dumb questions or outright racist stupidity. Because then if we don't have that, what else can we do with out lives?

I don't care if I get banned. Fuck any of you who wrote such bullshit and fuck anyone who read it and agreed. You can deny people a lot of shit, you can say it's just "politics", "policies", "preferences", whatever. I've heard everything under the sun to deny racism and racist attitudes. But you cannot, and you will not deny people their own damn voices. You assholes and your "PC" bullshit. You know why it bothers you? Because for so long you could just tune out, for so long you could just ignore, because we're a "minority". But now we can come on your precious video game forum and talk about things that make you upset, that without even attacking white people, but simply saying "You know how our parents or society always says be extra careful when doing this or that. Here are some examples of why they say that." And the butt hurt commences. We got the "I have black friends", the "It never happened to me, so just be a good person and good will follow" and the "Look, here comes the complaining for more free stuff". FUCK YOU. Bullies behave that way! Bullies pick on people and when people speak up about it, the bullies try to silence them by saying they're "soft", "pussies", "tattletales" and WHINERS.

Some of you ain't shit. Weren't born shit. And will never, ever be shit. Kick rocks for all I care.


GawdDAYUM Crush

What in the holy fuck is this? How can they be so casually racist, and so many of them as well?

Sadly with a lot of people especially on social media it's just under the surface. No doubt many of those people would say they were just being 'edgy' but it's funny how that usually means casually racist.


Sadly with a lot of people especially on social media it's just under the surface. No doubt many of those people would say they were just being 'edgy' but it's funny how that usually means casually racist.

The picture is cropped so I could be wrong but it's mindblowing that no one's there just saying "Uh guys, the fuck".
I really do apologize advance, but is this a joke thread? Because I can't see how the mods okay with a thread on how the white man hates black people?

I'm not white, and I'm not black, but I have experienced some racism. From what I have seen, in America, some people in the African American community just like to believe that everyone is against them. I'm not sure why, but this seems prevalent. I'm not saying everyone is like this, but I have African American friends who live perfectly normal lives, probably due to the fact that they don't think everyone is against them.

In my opinion, there is nothing you can't do while black that you can do while white. I just wish more people would stop labelling themselves

Again, not trying to post inflammatory shit, just really my opinion, although probably an unpopular one.
Comn' son. I am a living example of white privilege. And I'm Hispanic.


In my opinion, there is nothing you can't do while black that you can do while white. I just wish more people would stop labelling themselves

I don't think this is necessarily wrong but the percentage of people who have the ability to do ___________ while white and be ok vs people who can do ___________ while black and be ok greatly favors white folks and that's more the point rather than black people can never do _________. It's not about a complete inability for one race to do something but how much more likely you are to get into trouble as a black person.

That's basically the definition of privilege. You feel like you can do something/get away with something because the odds are ever in your favor.

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