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Grand jury declines to indict police officer in fatal shooting of 12yr old Tamir Rice

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Seriously, I can "understand" the grand jury and prosecutor and everyone involved giving a cop a free pass for such an obvious crime, but fuck the person who actively obfuscated things and claimed that Tamir Rice approached the vehicle, suggesting that he engaged Timothy (can't remember his last name, can't be bothered to check, fuck him) when he was the one who had a vehicle flying towards him, obviously looking to kill because the guy was not a competent cop.
Seriously, I can "understand" the grand jury and prosecutor and everyone involved giving a cop a free pass for such an obvious crime, but fuck the person who actively obfuscated things and claimed that Tamir Rice approached the vehicle, suggesting that he engaged Timothy (can't remember his last name, can't be bothered to check, fuck him) when he was the one who had a vehicle flying towards him, obviously looking to kill because the guy was not a competent cop.
At this point it seems safe to disbelieve every official police report of any shooting that conflicts with eye witness testimony and/or involves a death.


America is the worst fucking country in the world.

Asinine post of the highest order.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You know how conservatives have their whole spiel about "good guys with guns" vs "bad guys with guns"?

People always say in response to that "but how can you tell the good people with guns apart from the bad people with guns?" And while there is never an adequate response to that challenge, it is pretty observable what the unstated answer to that question is for far too many people.

Whoever ends up dying is the "bad guy"

Whoever lives is the "Good guy"


Even if you think all these shootings are justified, can people at least admit that the African American distrust of law enforcement is very well placed?


Ya know...when I was a cop, I got called to something eerily similar...the kid's gun even looked the same.

Know what I did? Parked a bit away, approached casually and not threatening while being cautious, asked to see the gun, saw that it was a toy, and then proceeded to play with the kid for about 10 mins or so...you know why??


Holy shit, this is just beyond belief...guy shouldn't even be carrying a firearm let alone responding to calls like this.

So so so so so sad...poor kid....man....
Yeah, that how it should've went down. But police ignore thier moral compass because they know they have: the police force, police union, prosecutors and judge all on thier side. Also, the tax payer will foot the bill foe any "wrongdoing" found in civil court.

(Dam I need to avoid these threads, it's depressing)
Where do they keep finding these useless grand jury fuckers?

Who the fuck are these people who see a video of a man being strangled to death from behind, who see a car speed up to a kid and gun him down, and think, this is okay. This is how it's supposed to be, how it should be.

Where the fuck do they find them


God, this is appalling.

I remember when I was 9-10 my parents took my brother and I down to the boardwalk for the day. We won this laser pointers from a claw machine. These particular laser pointers happened to be shaped like guns. Later that evening, when it was getting dark out and we were walking to the car to drive home, we pulled out are gun-shaped laser pointers and started playing with them with no thought of, "oh, this kinda looks like we're waving handguns around." A cop on a bicycle pulled up next to us and simply said, "You might wanna be careful waving those around like that. Someone might mistake them for something dangerous."

It actually makes me sick to my stomach thinking back about that now, because if we weren't white there's a reasonable chance we could have both been killed. Worse, our families would never have gotten justice. I'm actually trembling. A bit of melanin is all it takes. Christ.


The system is rigged from jump.

Cops investigate themselves

and these worthless DA's don't want to piss off the cops

combined that with a population that believe black is scary

There is little justice


Paper or plastic?
The system is rigged from jump.

Cops investigate themselves

and these worthless DA's don't want to piss off the cops

combined that with a population that believe black is scary

There is little justice
But hey Black people, stop being so cynical about the American justice system. Your cynicism offends me.
This is injustice and bullshit of the highest order.

As has already been stated, Timothy Loehmann was declared unfit to be a cop by the Independence Police Department. He was allowed to resign instead of being fired like the incompetent that he was. And then when the Cleveland Police Department hired him, they did no background check which might have pulled up a red flag from his previous employer.

The blood is on Timothy Loehmann's hands. And on the Independence Police Department. And the Cleveland Police Department. And on Prosecutor Tim McGinty, who already had fucked up with the Brelo situation.

Please, OhioGAF, if you are in the right district, vote against McGinty when he comes up for re-election. No one else seems to be paying the price for Tamir's murder, so McGinty has to pay the price at the voting booth.
Looks like more people get offended by someone showing frustration against the country that continually allows this to happen.

"Hey all, let's not get too worked up... I'm sure the system will work itself out, it'll happen... we need more protesting, but don't get too angry here!"

-Another shooting happens.

"Hey all, let's not get too worked up... I'm sure the system will work itself out, it'll happen... we need more protesting, but don't get too angry here!"

-Another unarmed man, or child with a bb gun is killed.

"Hey all, let's not get too worked up... I'm sure the system will work itself out, it'll happen... we need more protesting, but don't get too angry here!"


I feel like there is nothing left to say. The injustice is clear to anyone who has their eyes open. Yet we keep repeating the same cycle over and over. The video in this case is particularly appalling to see a cop acting like an action hero shooting and killing a young child.
Yo, to clarify, anyone saying America is the worst country in the world is venting. Telling them they're wrong isn't going to change their opinion because I doubt that their opinion is that America is the worst country in the first place. :p
Is it standard practice for police who believe someone has a gun to zoom right up to the person without warning? If the police were in a "position of great peril" I would argue they willingly put themselves there.

No. But we know why they did that. They didn't think they were dealing with a real gun. I mean, it's either that or these cops are brain dead.

I hope there are demonstrations and as much disruption to the local communities as possible, for as long as possible.

This is fucking ABSURD and it's starting to piss me off in a very profound way.


Heh CNN really flared up with that lady a few moments ago.

Hm man, just the fact that they just went up right to him and hardly gave him a chance rubs in the wrong way really, even if the gun might have look real (I believe it had some orange to it through?).


No. No it's not.

whew...I thought that America was literally the worst place in the world. Then I read multiple posts saying it isn't the case. Thanks for clearing that up. I mean, imagine a world where people would think that. I mean, innocent people might get gunned down daily or something worse..
Yo, to clarify, anyone saying America is the worst country in the world is venting. Telling them they're wrong isn't going to change their opinion because I doubt that their opinion is that America is the worst country in the first place. :p

But they're offended, so offended, that someone would say such a mean thing. Comes across as maybe being more offended at that one sentence than the fact the kid was slain.

I mean, it's not like the police force is symbolic of any long-standing problems the country has had for an entire group of people.
We've at least probably got a lock on the record as far as a country with tremendously bountiful potential so flagrantly pissing it away and undermining the general societal health for the most backwards and idiotic of justifications. While constantly exclaiming we are even greater still than the best of that, the best that ever was and ever will be!

We rarely look at an obvious problem, or obvious trouble brewing, and think to not find a way to somehow make it worse be it via inaction or directly mucking about..

Being profoundly troubled on so many levels despite being on much better footing to deal with natural and manufactured problems great and small than most is the Status Quo here in the US.


The system is rigged from jump.

Cops investigate themselves

and these worthless DA's don't want to piss off the cops

combined that with a population that believe black is scary

There is little justice

That piece of shit Timothy McGinty has done nothing but poison this entire thing for the start. And absolutely nothing will be done.

But hey Black people, stop being so cynical about the American justice system. Your cynicism offends me.
The Justin Holtzclaw thread showed that people cared more about a perceived slight against their whiteness than they do about the mistreatment of black people by the criminal justice system.
Tamir’s 14-year-old sister, Tajai, was in a nearby recreation center when she said she heard a gunshot. She said someone told her that a boy had been shot — her own brother.

She raced to his aid, but as the video shows, one of the officers tackled her, handcuffed her and stuffed her into the back of the police cruiser, just feet away from where her brother was bleeding out onto the snow-dappled ground.

She could not reach him. Her arms could not cradle his body and plead for him to hang on. Her hands could not stroke his cheek, and she could not whisper hopefully, “It’s going to be O.K.” Her eyes could not gaze into his and say what sisters are able to say without saying anything: “I love you.”

Tamir deserved that, but the officers made sure that she could not provide it. Four minutes passed without anyone offering the boy aid or comfort. Four long minutes he lay there, still alive, with the burn of a bullet in his abdomen.

How excruciating must the pain have been? How slowly must the time have passed? How great must his fear and sadness have been? What must Tamir have thought as the officers hovered about, not helping him?

Tamir died from his wound the next day.



I don't normally post in these types of threads, but I have to say this was hart breaking to read. Just sad about the entire situation, and utterly pissed off at the various levels of incompetence the police and those involved have shown. A giant WTF.
I'm sure your heart is in the right place but there is no incompetence here. Everyone in the PD and DA's office did exactly what they wanted to do, and achieved the result they were looking for. The officers on the scene intended to shoot and kill Tamir Rice, the PD intended to protect them, the DA intended to manage the grand jury to lead to a non-indictment. Zero incompetence. This, in my mind, is plain.
Looks like more people get offended by someone showing frustration against the country that continually allows this to happen.

"Hey all, let's not get too worked up... I'm sure the system will work itself out, it'll happen... we need more protesting, but don't get too angry here!"

-Another shooting happens.

"Hey all, let's not get too worked up... I'm sure the system will work itself out, it'll happen... we need more protesting, but don't get too angry here!"

-Another unarmed man, or child with a bb gun is killed.

"Hey all, let's not get too worked up... I'm sure the system will work itself out, it'll happen... we need more protesting, but don't get too angry here!"

It's like fucking Groundhogs Day.

And watch, if there are riots in Cleveland, the media will wag their finger.


Homeland Security Fail



Clothed, sober, cooperative
So ignoring murder for the sake of argument, what other jobs can you have where being incompetent enough to kill a child isn't a sackable offense?


fuck cops who think they're charles bronson when they're clearly an incompetent fuck given a gun and effectively a licence to kill anybody darker than tan.
Fuck that cop and double fucking fuck that Grand Jury. Probably full of old white people who hate black people. I want the names of those Grand Jury people.
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