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Grand jury declines to indict police officer in fatal shooting of 12yr old Tamir Rice

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If true in the USA, I'm not sure how you can sell toy guns.

That would be the height of irony. Ban toy guns to help prevent gun violence by police.

Not surprised by this shit anymore. The system has failed. Never worked in the first place but anyway.
This one really hurts me, I know us blacks shouldn't have much hope in the justice system but damn, I really thought this was the case where the family of Tamir Rice would get justice; Tamir didn't "run" didn't "resist" didn't mouth off, etc. the usual rhetoric that gets thrown around these events. Here was a kid minding his own business then in second was shot dead; disn't even have time to react.

What hurts even more was the history of the officer; he was basically fired from another precinct because he was UNFIT to be a cop! just how he get hired? Then you have the prosecutor who is suppose to be the voice of Tamir Rice and his family and he basically says "He looked bigger(aka intimidating) for his age...A fucking 12 year old who basically just started puberty.

This just really hurts me man


Woman, 66, arrested after pointing BB gun at cops, yelling 'Boom, boom, boom!' http://nydn.us/1mGz1JD



How is she still alive??????


This one really hurts me, I know us blacks shouldn't have much hope in the justice system but damn, I really thought this was the case where the family of Tamir Rice would get justice; Tamir didn't "run" didn't "resist" didn't mouth off, etc. the usual rhetoric that gets thrown around these events. Here was a kid minding his own business then in second was shot dead; disn't even have time to react.

What hurts even more was the history of the officer; he was basically fired from another precinct because he was UNFIT to be a cop! just how he get hired? Then you have the prosecutor who is suppose to be the voice of Tamir Rice and his family and he basically says "He looked bigger(aka intimidating) for his age...A fucking 12 year old who basically just started puberty.

This just really hurts me man

once the "look at the size of him johnson!" card or the "comin right at me, and look at the size of em!" comes out, the outcome is pretty certain. People believe this shit. Genuinely believe it, and it sickens me. Its half our fucking nation, if not more. I've heard suspect shit from liberals too: "well she shouldn't have disturbed the class..."

We are fucked in this nation, its a pretty brutal reality that these things just verify every hour.


How is she still alive??????

White people waving guns at police, or other people, have a 90% chance of not being killed. Its just how it is.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
@AriMelber 1m1 minute ago
Now: Prosecutor Tim McGinty says he does not believe law requires police to wait and see if a gun is actually real.

Open carry is legal. Does it matter?!

In a series of blistering letters, Ms. Rice's lawyers have accused Mr. McGinty of prosecutorial misconduct and demanded that he step aside. Mr. McGinty has refused. And he has even appeared to publicly accuse Ms. Rice and her lawyers, who are pursuing civil claims against the city, of seeking to profit from her child's death.

“They're very interesting people” who “have their own economic motives,” Mr. McGinty said last month.

If I were Tamir's family, I would be struggling to not physically attack this piece of shit.


I saw the writing on the wall...where it was heading.

It stopped being about protecting and serving...more about politics, ass kicking, and who has the biggest dick...not to mention working among people who were clearly mentally unfit for the job and bloodthirsty didn't help either.

Also, I still have nightmares about shit I saw and dealt with...it was stressing me beyond belief.

I see you have a KC avatar.... You from the area? I'm a officer in the metro area and am seeing "the writing in the wall" as well.

That said, in this situation I don't think I would have done what these officers did. I definitely would have given myself a better tactical approach and given commands. From there it's on him what he does. It's not like this was an active shooter where seconds mattered. I've been in various situations with black people, white people, men and women, real guns and fake guns alike and have not shot anyone.


That ruling hurts.

I've got a twelve year old son myself who is brown. This case, perhaps more than any other recent example of police violence, has really affected me. I don't let my sons play with their airsoft guns in our neighborhood any longer.

White Americans can't (or won't!) understand the fear that these shootings create in the black community. I don't know what it's going to take to stop the violence. Each month, there is some horrible violation of rights by a police officer, and I think "this will be the tipping point", and it never happens. Mainstream America is one part malevolent and four parts apathetic when it comes to black lives, is what I've grown to understand.


White people waving guns at police, or other people, have a 90% chance of not being killed. Its just how it is.

So you are saying the US doesn't has a problem with police brutality with a quick-draw mindset overall, but only a racism problem? K.


I see you have a KC avatar.... You from the area? I'm a officer in the metro area and am seeing "the writing in the wall" as well.

That said, in this situation I don't think I would have done what these officers did. I definitely would have given myself a better tactical approach and given commands. From there it's on him what he does. It's not like this was an active shooter where seconds mattered. I've been in various situations with black people, white people, men and women, real guns and fake guns alike and have not shot anyone.

I live southeast of the city, small town...work up here though.


That ruling hurts.

I've got a twelve year old son myself who is brown. This case, perhaps more than any other recent example of police violence, has really affected me. I don't let my sons play with their airsoft guns in our neighborhood any longer.

White Americans can't (or won't!) understand the fear that these shootings create in the black community. I don't know what it's going to take to stop the violence. Each month, there is some horrible violation of rights by a police officer, and I think "this will be the tipping point", and it never happens. Mainstream America is one part malevolent and four parts apathetic when it comes to black lives, is what I've grown to understand.

I think we do understand the fear even if we don't live it. It is fucking terrifying. I have a 12 year old son too. I know he's safer from the cops than your kid, but it doesn't make it any less horrible. I think we're all 100% apathetic when it comes to change. We just don't know what to do.


Revolution is not the act of an individual

To be really honest, and I have spoken about this during the Trayvon thread, we all still have it TOO good to honestly ever really go towards revolution.

We are all upset now but lets get real...football gonna come on tonight? Lebron gonna be hooping tonight. Kanye/anther rapper going to release a song in a few weeks, and we will all be comfortable once again.

Status quo will be maintained, and there are a lot of factors at work in play here. We are content with this.


Junior Member
When I was a kid, I had an arsenal of toy guns and weapons. We used to play army, cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, etc. Shit, we even had BB guns.

The idea that in 2015 a child can get killed by the COPS for running around with a nerf gun on a PLAYGROUND is terrifying.


I hope this doesn't sound sexist but I'm going to say it anyway.

Is the answer to some of this potentially more women in the police force?

It just seems that women tend to have different motivations for joining law enforcement. I'm sure there are SOME women out there that would prove me wrong, but my suspicion is that there is less ego involved for them. On average, they aren't nearly as trigger happy as men.

Am I being completely ignorant?

Found the answer to my own question. The source is pretty obscure, but looks like others have pondered this very topic and have come up with interesting evidence.

More Female Officers Defuse Violent Policing Style

Women on a police force are less likely than male coworkers to use excessive and deadly force, studies show, relying more on interpersonal skills. If policymakers knew the data, says one advocate, they'd "go on a hiring spree and hire more women."


Here is the report they site in the article . . .


male officers were 8.5 times more likely than their female counterparts to have an excessive assault claim brought against them.


Can I nominate this guy for Cunt of the Year?

A massive cunt.

Timothy J. McGinty, the county prosecutor, who made the announcement at a news conference, said that while “this was a perfect storm of human error,” the evidence considered by a grand jury over two months “did not constitute criminal action by police.” He noted that the law gives the benefit of the doubt to a police officer “who must make a split second decision.”
He said he “appreciated the sincere emotion and concern of all citizens” but asked the community to “respect the process.”
Jumping the curb into the park and rolling up next to the kid wasn't a split second decision. "Benefit of the doubt" in this instance basically means cops can't do anything wrong. Get the fuck out of here about "respecting the process" in a system that's corrupt to the core.



So you are saying the US doesn't has a problem with police brutality with a quick-draw mindset overall, but only a racism problem? K.

Why not all of the fucking above? I'm not arguing a position. Just the reality as a person of color here. I can be gunned down for anything, some questionable pics will come out, hes no angel, and the police will walk. I know white people can walk while being white, without being gunned down. Its both, but racism fuels the acceptance of executing less desired citizens.

Its brown people, any brown will do. From India to the Congo. Then its the mentally ill who also get the same careless treatment. All to be supported by other voting citizens here.

Its a fucked up spot to be in. The straight up truth is that my fellow americans are 100% accepting of these executions because of victim blaming reasons. Really hard to keep up a positive outlook in America.

I was happy that Trump is stirring up the shit-stain pile, to bring all the assholes to the top. But now I fear that the districts these assholes are being stirred up, are going to become even more abusive towards minorities, with a happy voter demographic supporting it.


When I was a kid, I had an arsenal of toy guns and weapons. We used to play army, cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, etc. Shit, we even had BB guns.

The idea that in 2015 a child can get killed by the COPS for running around with a nerf gun on a PLAYGROUND is terrifying.

It wasn't a Nerf gun, it was an Airsoft gun, with the orange tip removed. The situation is plenty fucked up in reality: no need to exaggerate or misrepresent it.
...Not sure where the creative spirit will be applied next to move the goal posts posthumously given the damning deed was RIGHT THERE on video. Jesus Christ this country is, more openly, heading in a terrible direction.

That prosecutor boggles the mind in terms of smug self-satisfaction---I can't even fathom the kinds of subsequent behaviors this is going to embolden.


Perhaps the thread title should be updated a bit to reflect the grand jury decision.

And here's the full statement by McGinty.

Cuyahoga County Office of the Prosecutor: "Statement from County Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty on the decision of the Grand Jury in the Tamir Rice case"

Bullshit and infuriating response.

If we put ourselves in the victim’s shoes, as prosecutors and detectives try to do, it is likely that Tamir — whose size made him look much older and who had been warned that his pellet gun might get him into trouble that day — either intended to hand it to the officers or to show them it wasn’t a real gun.

Victim blaming.

Believing he was about to be shot was a mistaken — yet reasonable— belief given the high-stress circumstances and his police training.

He had reason to fear for his life.

What other factors contributed to his fear? The fact that Tamir Rice was black.
Perhaps the thread title should be updated a bit to reflect the grand jury decision.

And here's the full statement by McGinty.

Cuyahoga County Office of the Prosecutor: "Statement from County Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty on the decision of the Grand Jury in the Tamir Rice case"

That is an infuriating read. Just paragraph after paragraph of "well, sorry, but UP is DOWN. Please understand."

And it's there any in plain writing - he argues that any reasonable police officer in these United States would have executed Tamir all the same. And that the Supreme Court rejects the notion of accountability based on evidence gathered after the incident.

I mean just look at this quote:

As a local judge recently said, if you don’t trust the Grand Jury, you don’t trust your neighbors.

As commideau posted above, no, AA do not trust their neighbors to bring charges against police officers who murder AA. That's the problem. America seems to find any and all reasons to assume that black people deserve to die. Decisions like this are as much a condemnation of the American people as they are of the police force committing these "honest mistakes".


I read that this officer was deemed an emotionally unstable recruit and unfit for duty in his last policeman job. How does he get a second try at it?
To be really honest, and I have spoken about this during the Trayvon thread, we all still have it TOO good to honestly ever really go towards revolution.

We are all upset now but lets get real...football gonna come on tonight? Lebron gonna be hooping tonight. Kanye/anther rapper going to release a song in a few weeks, and we will all be comfortable once again.

Status quo will be maintained, and there are a lot of factors at work in play here. We are content with this.
If you only look at the first world, then maybe. The third world is full of revolutionary potential, and so are many people within developed countries.

Though it's important to remember that the American Revolution was over taxes. Revolution usually comes when things get better and people start to realize their system is shit right when things start heading down the tubes.


I used to play with pellet/cap guns in the street all the time when I was a kid, as I'm sure many others here have as well.

It was never an issue.

A friend of mine had an airsoft gun war with a bunch of friends. About 5 or 6 total. I tagged along but didn't partake (since I don't like getting shot at).

Someone called our police to report a group of armed men in a park. About three police cars showed up with officers on high alert.

... yeah, none of us got hurt. My friends calmly laid down their airsoft rifles, explained the circumstances to the officer, had a good laugh over it, and agreed not to do it in a public place again.

Common sense.

Is that true? WTF.


America, where cops take mass murderers of black people out to get burgers before bringing them to prison, and where an unarmed black child can be gunned down by cops without repercussions.
Sad to see not even some basic form of reparations or compensation, nevermind taking the issue to court.

This incident strikes a weird chord for me, even as a white, British kid, because I dodged this sort of incident when I was younger. I'm somewhat autistic, to keep in mind, but one day I took into secondary school an extremely realistic looking BB handgun, to use in a drama class project about a home invasion. Like, the picture shown earlier in the thread? That was what it looked like. Now, a little excited about it, I decided to show some friends, waved it about in my hands, etc. A teacher saw this, and notified the head that one of the students was waving around what looked like a gun.

The headteacher, who by the way was new to the school at the time, took the assumption that it was likely one of the students of the asperger's resource centre (since that was where I'd taken it out), and more a misunderstanding than a real incident. Got a stern but well meaning talk about how the police could have called out a firearms response unit if notified, my Mum came in, and then she handed the BB gun over to the police station to be dispose of.

So I'm thinking back to that - something I get to joke about and be teased over by my family, my old headteacher, etc - and then seeing that some kid, younger than I was at the time, gets killed because of it... kinda makes my stomach turn. And has me wondering what the hell expectation is in the heads of some officers.


Is that true? WTF.

Sixteen hours after killing nine people inside a Charleston, South Carolina, church, 21-year-old Dylann Roof was treated to a free meal from Burger King by the Shelby, North Carolina, police officers who arrested him. This is according to Shelby Police Chief Jeff Ledford, who told the Charlotte Observer that Roof complained of hunger before officers bought him the burger. Turns out he only had time for a single bag of chips while leading police on a manhunt.

Dude killed a bunch of black parishioners and the police treated him to lunch.
I'm having trouble with this, does the cop that murdered that child still get to be a cop now? Will he be walking around next month on the job and armed? I've tried reading about it but it's making my head hurt.

I apologize for the questions but I just don't get it.


How can open carry be a thing and a child with a toy be a justified shooting?

You know how conservatives have their whole spiel about "good guys with guns" vs "bad guys with guns"?

People always say in response to that "but how can you tell the good people with guns apart from the bad people with guns?" And while there is never an adequate response to that challenge, it is pretty observable what the unstated answer to that question is for far too many people.
This is the level of competence the police are ok with, and a great deal of the civilian populace as well.

In the thread last year when he was initially killed, quite a few posters also defended the killing as justified and claim Tamir deserved it, but of course some of them dried up once the video was released (except for those who refused to watch it but still thought they should comment).

Sad shit
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