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Doom Game Informer Details

I will say to anybody who's afraid that this game will still have the same issues that id Tech 5 had (texture pop-in) that, when I played the Alpha on PC, pop-in was minimal at worst (you could see it when the level first loaded up and sometimes when you respawned but that was it). Not sure about consoles, but considering that both the PS4 and Xbox One both support Tiled Resources by hardware (I.E. on the GPU) that it should be the same on consoles.
I think iD is just bullshitting us regarding mods. They want the whole community using SnapMap for a while, so that console users are 100% included. But a year or two after release, I bet full PC modding will be a thing.

Assuming this is their plan, and it could be given their history with the Rage toolset, it would be wise to release it a few months after launch at worst. The Rage editor was DOA because of multiple factors: too late, too high leaning curve, too high system reqs, and of course the thing where nobody gave a shit about the game anymore. If DOOM is a hit and has a gameplay sandbox worthy of tons of levels to keep it fresh, a lot of those problems won't matter anymore. A nice feature could be letting players use idstudio to extend SnapMap, adding more rooms and more configurations, that would probably be difficult to make happen though if a completely different studio is handling SM development...

Anywho, you guys should check out the first 15 minutes of the new Game Informer podcast. The dude who visited iD really raves about DOOM, and he said some interesting things:

  • Everyone at iD plays DOOM with a controller
  • The story is told as you're playing, and he used Dead Space as a comparison
  • The glory kills work well because they give the player brief reprieves amid large, chaotic battles
  • Blue/yellow/red keycards and doors are used throughout the levels, but they're more spaced out than the original games. The game is not a "keycard simulator" like the original games, but they're definitly used to either progress to the next area or backtrack and find secrets

Some good info in there, will add to the OP.


Assuming this is their plan, and it could be given their history with the Rage toolset, it would be wise to release it a few months after launch at worst. The Rage editor was DOA because of multiple factors: too late, too high leaning curve, too high system reqs, and of course the thing where nobody gave a shit about the game anymore. If DOOM is a hit and has a gameplay sandbox worthy of tons of levels to keep it fresh, a lot of those problems won't matter anymore. A nice feature could be letting players use idstudio to extend SnapMap, adding more rooms and more configurations, that would probably be difficult to make happen though if a completely different studio is handling SM development...

Some good info in there, will add to the OP.

Everyone at iD plays DOOM with a controller

Why? After playing the X1 beta i hated using the controller. I want fast accurate movement, something a controller don't (at least for me).
Everyone at iD plays DOOM with a controller

Why? After playing the X1 beta i hated using the controller. I want fast accurate movement, something a controller don't (at least for me).

I want to say it's to make sure the game always plays OK with the least precise option, but the cynic in me says its that folks over there genuinely prefer using a controller now even for a relatively fast paced shooter. Fucked up


Lots of bad news in there.

If you're making a throw-back shooter, go all the way. Don't haphazardly throw in upgrades and modern accessibility non-sense.

Once again, not looking good for Doom.
Lots of bad news in there.

If you're making a throw-back shooter, go all the way. Don't haphazardly throw in upgrades and modern accessibility non-sense.

Once again, not looking good for Doom.

Mix of old and new can definitely work. Wolfenstein was exactly that. It can fuck up too, it just depends on execution.


If it's comparable to any existing thing, it's like the map editor from Timesplitters with an admittedly great looking node-based visual scripting tool. So while you can probably do some crazy stuff with it it'll all take place in the rooms that ship with the editor. No custom geometry editor in sight.
So people can try to build old Doom games in the editor?
Can they be shares via the web?


Heh. Come for the game, stay for the salt.

Pretty excited for the game. Cant see myself playing MP, but SP looks solid.


between that and the SnapMap non-mod support thing, its pretty obvious this is made with consoles in mind.

Yeah...I mean I played the alpha on PS4 and loved it, but after I finished I said "man, imagine how badass this will be on my PC." Seeing as how I didn't get into the PC alpha. Now I'm hesitant to get it on what I figured would have been the best platform.

Anyone get into the alpha on PC? Thoughts?
Leveling up in a DOOM game? Perks in a DOOM game? No mods in a DOOM game? For the love of god, what are they thinking?
That's kinda a stupid question now that I think about it, they're thinking "Lowest common denominator, dumb it down, highest profits"
The fact that they apparently use a controller almost exclusively makes me sick to my stomach.

I love my Halo, but a fast paced shooter needs a mouse for unlocked potential. This almost certainly means that it's being designed with a controller in the forefront of their minds. This means that it won't play like classic doom.

I hope I'm wrong.
So people can try to build old Doom games in the editor?
Can they be shares via the web?

Yes and yes. Keyword is "try" in that first one, it probably won't be able to even halfway recreate a single map from the originals with it. There's some footage here, the actual level geometry is all snapped together pre-made rooms with some slight variations you can switch between.

The fact that they apparently use a controller almost exclusively makes me sick to my stomach.

I love my Halo, but a fast paced shooter needs a mouse for unlocked potential. This almost certainly means that it's being designed with a controller in the forefront of their minds. This means that it won't play like classic doom.

I hope I'm wrong.

Well, it's pretty clear it doesn't play anything like classic Doom based on the footage shown. The marketing bullet points for it constantly repeating that it does is absurd, but understandable if they want the millions of people who played Doom in the 90s and don't care anymore to pay attention to this one.


Yes and yes. Keyword is "try" in that first one, it probably won't be able to even halfway recreate a single map from the originals with it. There's some footage here, the actual level geometry is all snapped together pre-made rooms with some slight variations you can switch between.
Sweet. I hope this works as good on consoles.
So people can try to build old Doom games in the editor?
Can they be shares via the web?

1) Yes, but judging by Marty Stratton's reaction to a certain question, it seels like there'll be Wolfenstein-style secrets where you can play classic levels from the original games.

2) All SnapMap content can be shared over the interwebs; that was the whole point of it.


Mix of old and new can definitely work. Wolfenstein was exactly that. It can fuck up too, it just depends on execution.

Wolfenstein had more going for it, though. Ads focused mainly on the narrative and tone alongside the call-back gameplay. Wolfenstein also didn't go as far as Doom, didn't play up the throwback angle to such a degree.

So design like this can work, sure, but only when you've got something else going on. If Doom 4 wants to trade exclusively on "hey remember Doom?" then its got to really commit.


Anywho, you guys should check out the first 15 minutes of the new Game Informer podcast. The dude who visited iD really raves about DOOM, and he said some interesting things:

Everyone at iD plays DOOM with a controller

The story is told as you're playing, and he used Dead Space as a comparison
The glory kills work well because they give the player brief reprieves amid large, chaotic battles
Blue/yellow/red keycards and doors are used throughout the levels, but they're more spaced out than the original games. The game is not a "keycard simulator" like the original games, but they're definitly used to either progress to the next area or backtrack and find secrets.

WTF? I can understand some guys using a controller but I don't get why all of them would be. That seems to be a bad omen.

The original games were not keycard simulators at all. I have no idea what the fuck that guy is talking about.


"Keycard simulator" is more of a Metal Gear thing than a Doom thing... Doom 1 had a few levels where it was kind of hard to find the key to get out but Doom 2 didn't really have that problem.

That's just such a bizarre statement to make.


I will say to anybody who's afraid that this game will still have the same issues that id Tech 5 had (texture pop-in) that, when I played the Alpha on PC, pop-in was minimal at worst (you could see it when the level first loaded up and sometimes when you respawned but that was it). Not sure about consoles, but considering that both the PS4 and Xbox One both support Tiled Resources by hardware (I.E. on the GPU) that it should be the same on consoles.
Pop-in is minimal in all Tech5 games on modern h/w.


Pertinent question, does Doom 4 play like Brutal Doom?

Because Brutal Doom is amazing. Doom news got me hyped so I am trying to play Plutonia... its pretty pretty tough.

Kinda looks like it does!


Pertinent question, does Doom 4 play like Brutal Doom?

Because Brutal Doom is amazing. Doom news got me hyped so I am trying to play Plutonia... its pretty pretty tough.

Kinda looks like it does!

New Doom wants to emulate original games, not popular Doom mods. Sure, it may feel like Brutal Doom, but that is not the full intent of the devs.
Good. I hope you're disappointed. REmake is available if you want survival horror.
Damn, you couldn't have let me down any more gently, could you :p

And I actually haven't played REmake, even though I LOVE the original Resi (even though it's nowhere near spoopy).

Sorry, friend. We just want different things in Diablo 4, and that's okay!
It's cool that they are keeping in mind lots of stuff from the originals. Still, it worries me that they don't get to handle well the monster encounters. I really hope this doesn't get to be a horde kind of game, just like the last Shadow Warrior. Doom is all about smart monster placement, taking cover or running when necessary and dealing with difficult and planned LD-wise situations.


I've never played doom, really intrested in jumping into the series with this. Seems like a really solid mix of old and new fps elements and I love the visuals.


If they can pull it of a la Wolfenstein I'm buying it.

I hope they keep the weird door sounds from the originals. That sound brings be back.


So far im really impressed by how well they have captured the original Doom's feel. People are giving ID way too much shit over this game and probably dont remember what made the original games so great. Just from the videos ive seen it really seems like they were able to nail that feeling that made those games so much fun. Other than the stupid glowing body parts im liking everything theyve been able to accomplish.

Doom is about never standing the same place too long/ constantly moving while dodging incoming fire. Circle strafing and juking rockets while blowing shit up! I wonder if the Wolfenstien guys are helping out at all.
Pop-in is minimal in all Tech5 games on modern h/w.

Eh.... I think the cost of 64 or 128 page updates is rather absurd in something like WOlfenstein. It destroys most pcs. Likewise, uncompressing textures also takes away quite a bit of performance.


Gold Member
modding weapons and upgrades is kind of strange.

i am more concerned about:

Hell is more vertical than the UAC facility

DOOMs gameplay wasnt necessarily strong for vertical battles, mainly because before you couldnt look up, so this will definitely change up the original dynamic quite a bit. The swarm/wave approach being head on really elevated the games use of maneuvering because you had to strafe/shoot and run.

ultimately it is probably for the better, but i'd rather it be more plateau like, and less claustrophobic/vertical in design. I'll be picking it up either way.

Image of the Baron Of Hell posted in an article. Haven't seen this mentioned here yet I think?
If you liked the new wolf. You will probably like this...if you hated the new wolf, you probably wont. It will feel like doom but it wont be your nostalgia glasses 90s doom. It 2016, for them to be a mix of old and new is a good thing so many negative people in this thread.


If you liked the new wolf. You will probably like this...if you hated the new wolf, you probably wont. It will feel like doom but it wont be your nostalgia glasses 90s doom. It 2016, for them to be a mix of old and new is a good thing so many negative people in this thread.

The ideal mix of new and old for me is Brutal Doom. Not so much the presentation but rather the gameplay changes both overt and subtle. The gunplay is miles ahead of any modern commercial FPS I've played, and it adds a lot of modern conveniences without ever really compromising the original formula (it only gets noticable in the more extreme usermade slaughterhouse maps that were surgically balanced with the original gameplay in mind).
The ideal mix of new and old for me is Brutal Doom. Not so much the presentation but rather the gameplay changes both overt and subtle. The gunplay is miles ahead of any modern commercial FPS I've played, and it adds a lot of modern conveniences without ever really compromising the original formula (it only gets noticable in the more extreme usermade slaughterhouse maps that were surgically balanced with the original gameplay in mind).

I still haven't played Brutal Doom, need to rectify this stat by the sound of everyone's comments here. What do I need if you wouldn't mind giving a quick breakdown for a PC dummy? Doom WADs and the Brutal Doom website I imagine and that's about it?
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