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Indiana to ban abortion for fetuses with certain birth defects ala down syndrome

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So they are forcing women to carry a child they do not want? Read that again. Forcing women against their will. That's progressive, Indiana. Congratulations.


These laws designed to eat away at abortion rights are fucking sickening.

And they try to do it by each one just inching a little bit by little bit and since people don't fight against them, eventually they'll be all the way back to no abortions effectively


I like how the Democrat opposing him also identifies as pro-life. This is what conservatives have pulled off, they've made it so merely being pro-choice is actually a radical position.

They have all these issues they lurch to the right on and the democrats oppose them from the right rather than the left.

Davey Cakes

Are there long-term developmental programs in place to help with raising these newborns throughout their entire lives? I'd hope Indiana would be willing to put forth the funds if they're forcing people to have children with birth defects.

The ban is reprehensible in any case.


Are there long-term developmental programs in place to help with raising these newborns throughout their entire lives? I'd hope Indiana would be willing to put forth the funds if they're forcing people to have children with birth defects.

The ban is reprehensible in any case.

Can't do that, that's socialist, and socialism is bad.

Just when I think that Republicans can't get any stupider, they do something like this.


Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic


So...they're banning abortions for those reasons...and what is stopping someone from simply saying they don't want a baby instead? This looks entirely political with no practical effect at all, just a waste of everyone's time.

There's a practical effect. Practically speaking, it would be really easy to determine who is electing abortion based on a birth defect, because it will be women who have received negative test results and then attempted to immediately schedule an abortion (and, in most cases, they'd have to move fast, because many of the tests for birth defects are given in the 2nd trimester). I'm not sure how this law is written, but I believe that other similar laws require the physician to refuse to perform the abortion, if they just suspect the reasons are illegal.


Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

Why the hell should people be forced to raise a child they don't want? If people don't think they can handle raising a child with deformities like down syndrome then they should be able to abort them.


Shortly before his deadline to act on the sweeping measure, Pence called the law “a comprehensive pro-life measure that affirms the value of all human life,” according to the Associated Press.

oh, well I assume the next step will be to outlaw the death penalty in Indiana, obviously.


Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

How many severely handicapped children have you raised?
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

It's none of your business nor is it your place to tell someone whether they should or shouldn't have a baby.
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

I support a woman's right to choose regardless of circumstance. I leave it to a woman to decide what is best for her and her body.

but i mean if you want to judge people go ahead, i support your right to call someone selfish and pathetic too even if it's coming from a place of ignorance
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

There's a difference between supporting abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities as if all of them should be put down by the state vs allowing parents to decide for themselves if they want to carry that burden.

As far as claiming it's selfish to not wish such a burden on someone I'm going to go ahead and say you don't have the slightest clue what the fuck you're talking about. Go live it for a few decades then come back and talk to me about it. Until then you're talking out of your ass. The shit is hard man. And it is a huge burden. You don't get a break. You don't get a time-out. And I'll concede right now it's proportional to the amount of function the child grows to have.

How many severely handicapped children have you raised?

This. So much fucking this. You really don't know how it is until you go through it. I went through it from a siblings perspective. It was just too much for my mother. My dad stuck it out for years and years but eventually he became miserable and left. I don't hold it against him.

But yea, dealing with a severely handicapped child/adult is a tremendous undertaking.
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

Why should it matter the reason people get their abortions as long as they're early enough? So it's better to abort a healthy baby than one with a suspected deformity???


I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.
It doesn't even make logical sense...? Like, you can still have an abortion for any other reason or for no stated reason... But if the reason is because the baby has down syndrome, then you can't? Am I missing something?


Super Sleuth
I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

You believe you should. Keep your beliefs personal.
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

This is exactly the ignorant, knee-jerk emotional response the lawmakers want as they further erode any chance a pregnant woman has of making up her own mind. Let's just reduce the heartwrenching decisions they have to make to a pithy statement, straw man it and say 'well I never!' Governor Pence thanks you for your utter lack of empathy.
I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

I believe people who don't know what they are talking about and wallow in their own ignorance shouldn't tell other people what to do with their bodies.
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

If you think Down's is anything but a fucking terrible burden on literally everyone involved, including the person living with it, you are operating from a place of complete fucking ignorance.

I applaud someone who can sublimate their own desires for life and take care of a child with Down's, but it's a sentence to an early death and an oft-miserable life, and no one should be telling people they cannot abort in those instances (or any, IMO).

This is in no way to suggest that a person who is born and living with Down's isn't worthy of being treated right, loved, etc. But to tell people that they must be responsible for the incredible cost, both emotional and financial should they have the bad luck to get a diagnosis before birth benefits no one.
I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.

My wife and I got the down syndrome test done early in the pregnancy. Understand, I don't take offense at what you said. I just think you lack perspective to really talk about it. It's just one of those things you don't understand unless you've seen it up close and personal.
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

I have a feeling you don't actually know what you're talking about when it comes to a situation of having a child with Downs or similar abnormalities.


I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

I'm really curious what this part means


I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.

Ok, well when you've had to administer a series of enemas to a 19-year old man (who has the mental capacity of a 3-month old) so that his colon doesn't rupture, feel free to get back to me.

When you've seen your family dissolve and implode from the overwhelming stress of dealing with the situation, get back to me.

When you've cleaned bed sores and changed feeding tubes, get back to me.
If you think Down's is anything but a fucking terrible burden on literally everyone involved, including the person living with it, you are operating from a place of complete fucking ignorance.


Ok, well when you've had to administer a series of enemas to a 19-year old man (who has the mental capacity of a 3-month old) so that his colon doesn't rupture, feel free to get back to me.

When you've seen your family dissolve and implode from the overwhelming stress of dealing with the situation, get back to me.

When you've cleaned bed sores and changed feeding tubes, get back to me.



I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.
I don't support you speaking on the subject of abortion. We'd all be thankful if you didn't.
I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.

Ok, so if you get pregnant and put into that situation, feel free not to abort.

Not sure what that has to do with someone else determining they can't handle that burden and instead would like a choice to abort or not.


Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.

You are the one picking and choosing what someone does with their body and life.

Davey Cakes

Put me in the "it's no one else's business, let people have full control of their bodies" camp.

I'm such a goddamned liberal sometimes.


The Everyman
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

i support it for deformities, and i support it for women who merely want to get it on a whim. i support the choice in any and all cases up until the fetus becomes a cognitive person which is very late in the cycle.

killing a cow for meat is way closer to murdering a 'person' than aborting a fetus. and i say that as a meat eater.


Junior Member
Wait, people support abortions for suspected/confirmed deformities? Wtf that is absolutely awful and beyond messed up.

"Taking care of Down syndrome kids is so hard, I know so many people whose lives are miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies" that is so selfish and pathetic

If my partner got pregnant, and we found out the baby was screened and found to have Down syndrome, you better believe we would abort. Both of us agree that we simply would not be able to handle the work involved with raising a child in that condition. Is that selfish to you? Maybe it is. Like hell that someone's gonna force us to bring a baby we don't want into this world.


I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.
Do you have any kids of your own? Go watch your healthy, happy little girl playing her heart out. Then imagine that same girl was born with a debilitating defect or disease. Can't do it, makes me want to cry. I support women who decide to abort, it's their business.


I don't support this "pick and choose" type of mentality that is becoming prevalent these days. If you get pregnant and you find out late in the pregnancy that the baby has deformities/abnormalities, I believe that you should deliver the baby unless it puts the mother's life at risk.

Maybe I went a little too far by saying it is selfish, but it is just not right to me.

abortions after 20 weeks are already banned in indiana with exceptions for rape, incest, and the health of the mother

this kind of screening can be done very early


A little background on me too. In 2012 the did that screen for defects, showed our child had a high chance for downs. Wife decided we were going to keep it anyway. Screen was bum anyway because we had the date of conception wrong, which means they tested us too early. The only reliable test is an amniocentesis, and that has a chance of killing the child too.

Shits tough regardless, it's the mothers business only.


I envy anyone who thinks this is a good idea - because it means they didn't have to grow up alongside a severely disabled relative.

At best it's an incredibly stressful burden, at worse it's like living with a waking nightmare which I wouldn't wish on anyone.


Super Sleuth
A little background on me too. In 2012 the did that screen for defects, showed our child had a high chance for downs. Wife decided we were going to keep it anyway. Screen was bum anyway because we had the date of conception wrong, which means they tested us too early. The only reliable test is an amniocentesis, and that has a chance of killing the child too.

Shits tough regardless, it's the mothers business only.

It is the father's business as well. It is simply ultimately the woman's decision.


That's what I mean. Indiana governor elections are aligned with general presidential elections, though. This current governor is up for re-election this November.

Perhaps I should rephrase it. Many people don't care to vote for anyone but presidents during general elections.
It is odd however, given that it would be more convenient in Indiana to choose as opposed to other states.
But then again, North West Indiana and a few cities can't overrule the large rural/suburban Republican population.
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