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NX will launch in March 2017 globally, won't be at E3 (focusing on Zelda instead)

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Don't forget about the metric fuckton of Indie games nobody actually cares about.

But a good portion of those are also on other systems, aside from maybe a few key exclusive ones that (like you said) nobody ever really talks about. Talking explicitly Nintendo properties/published games, they have a pretty shit lineup this year.


I don't get why everyone's freaked out by them not being at e3. They typically do a direct the. Which is light years better than some awkward stage show.

They're still at E3 like ever, it's just the NX, the one thing people want to know about the most, won't.


Sony revealed in Feb right? And launched in Nov.


It's called being prepared and having a plan.

Nintendo seems to have no plan at this point. If your plan was to reinvigorate interest in your company as a whole they fucking failed miserably.

If they are not going to have anything other than a handful of games to show at E3 and not at least talk about NX in some form. What are they going to do to drum up hype, and awareness?

They going to have a venue in what February or wait till March 2017 and release the console apple style within the week of it's unveiling?

They are so fucking blind, I can't even fathom wtf Nintendo of AMerica employee's are thinking right now.


Woooooow, what a baaaaad move by Nintendo, IMO.

All their E3 will be then is...

Zelda Wii U
Paper Mario Color Splash
Pokemon Sun/Moon
Metroid Prime Federation Force
the Dragon Quest localizations

And... I think that's it? Might be one other 3DS game I'm forgetting but that is a paltry list of games for the year with only Pokemon and Zelda really being the headliners (if the Wii U version is even coming this year???)
Monster Hunter Generations as well.


New console launch and it's going to miss the biggest games show in the world? Ok Nintendo. Keep making awesome business decisions why don't you. Whilst other vendors will have shit loads of games and potential new hardware at theirs, Zelda is apparently important enough to Nintendo for one to cancel out the other.


e3 will only feature Zelda

It's a dream come true for 12 year old me. But it does seem bizarre and makes it glaringly obvious (if it wasn't already) that WiiU was abandoned for NX a while back.

They said Zelda will be the only playable game at E3, not that it will be the only game announced.


So much for the legions that swore it was launching in 2016. I tried to tell you all.

Anyway I guess we go hide under a rock till next March. No use knowing anything about Zelda a year in advance. Maybe will crawl out from under the rock to stretch and get a breath of fresh air during TGS or PAX.

The Boat

Been saying 2017 for ages. March is actually earlier than I thought.

People forgot we heard about the NX way earlier than we normally would have, just because Nintendo wanted to ease fears about the mobile stuff.
Yep, that and they weren't counting on having to release a new console so soon.
it was kind of dumb to expect them to reveal their console there.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but that's some pretty major hindsight bias going on there. If the system is supposed to launch this fiscal year (i.e. 5 - 9 months after the event), it makes sense to reveal it at the world's biggest gaming event. Until now, skipping E3 entirely is something that nobody had even considered entertaining because of what a bad idea it would've been.
I don't get why everyone's freaked out by them not being at e3. They typically do a direct the. Which is light years better than some awkward stage show.

Right now the only thing they've announced for E3 is that the lesser version of a crossgen game that's not even releasing this year will be their main focus.

Like, what the fuck else do they have for the next ten months besides the Pokemon games?


Re: NX not at e3:

Nintendo haven't had a live stage presence at e3 for 2 years now, so it was kind of dumb to expect them to reveal their console there.

They could have a Nintendo Direct literally a week later for all we know. It's hardly the end of the world.

Re: NX not coming til 2017

Makes the above point make even more sense. Plus seems to chime with the possibility of Polaris being used as better chance of hardware being available in enough quantity for a worldwide launch.

Zelda delayed to 2017

It's hardly a surprise, but I'm gutted nevertheless.

e3 will only feature Zelda

It's a dream come true for 12 year old me. But it does seem bizarre and makes it glaringly obvious (if it wasn't already) that WiiU was abandoned for NX a while back.

Supposedly they'll have their own event which discusses specs/features, price, launch line-up and more according to today's Nikkei report and later reconfirmed just hours ago by Mochi_WSJ.



"Remember when you said NX was coming in 2016?"


" 'cause i didnt forget"


Ugh.,and Zelda,which was supposed to come out last year is delayed another year. It would be one thing if it was delayed because it wasn't ready, but this seems like it's just being delayed to launch with nx.

And why are you going to show Zelda at e3 but not nx if they are both coming out the same time? That makes no sense. 'Since nx isn't going to be out until 2017 we aren't going to show it and will instead focus on something else.... That also won't be out until 2017....


Not only is missing out on the Christmas buying season bad for the console sales, think about the message to third parties it sends. Most major releases are done in October-December to hit up that sweet holiday cash. With them skipping out on this release window, why bother releasing your biggest game of the season on a different platform months down the road? Did Mass Effect 3, Batman Arkham City, and Watchdogs do well on the Wii U?

And with them pushing Zelda back to March, it just spells out to me that they're going to have a really, really weak starting year.

Newflash nobody gives a fuck about directs and Digital Events expect Hard cores.

Yup. The directs have done absolutely nothing for getting mainstream coverage.


Re: NX not at e3:

Nintendo haven't had a live stage presence at e3 for 2 years now, so it was kind of dumb to expect them to reveal their console there.

They could have a Nintendo Direct literally a week later for all we know. It's hardly the end of the world.

Re: NX not coming til 2017

Makes the above point make even more sense. Plus seems to chime with the possibility of Polaris being used as better chance of hardware being available in enough quantity for a worldwide launch.

Zelda delayed to 2017

It's hardly a surprise, but I'm gutted nevertheless.

e3 will only feature Zelda

It's a dream come true for 12 year old me. But it does seem bizarre and makes it glaringly obvious (if it wasn't already) that WiiU was abandoned for NX a while back.

Nintendo Direct is not the same as having E3 presence. And having a Nintendo direct will not have the impact sales wise for preorders E3 does.

Unless they do their own televised press event in December or something for this thing, they are fucking dead.

And what's your plan if something happend during production, thus you have to delay the launch, and with this you're not being able to provide demo units for E³ and could only show trailers without anything playable? Is he plan "I'm Batman"?

Wii u was announced and only the gamepad was shown in demo form, and they showed some tech demoes and couple games.

That's all they need to do. Sony didn't even have a finalized fucking console in February 2013 but they put out a presentation talking about the innards, the network, a demo real about developers and showed some games on what they looked like for Next gen.

And it fucking worked.

Every company always has some kind of fall back if there's problems with production lines. Which this seams to fall under, is they caught a snag in development. You don't need to show the console when creating mindshare. Just have the marketing for it done, you show the name, you detail what it is, how it works, show some tech demos, then end with a game running on NX hardware or specs.

That all they have to do. Now unless they do some big Time square press event, they have fucked themselves trying to get mindshare and people outside of internet forums talking about it. they need The Verge, Forbes, CNN and the likes talking about it in the mainstream.

This reeks of "We haven't learned anything in our mistakes".


I get the feeling that the NX launch is going to be very poor. They aren't showing off anything coming out for it, less than a year before it's release.


Def need to see what they say in the QA later, missing the holiday season with NX is crazy.

I thought they would at least put it out in NA this year and rest of the world in 2017.


I'm not talking about a direct. I'm talking about an actual event. Similar to the Space World event(s) they held in the past. I'm talking about the big media event they held for press (gaming websites/mags and actual press) when they fully detailed the Wii U and it's features after E3 that year. Nintendo still holds hands on events for gaming media as well all the time. Nintendo Directs aren't the only things they do. They've never fully relied on them. Just like even with the Direct presentations they're always at E3. The Directs just take place of a stage presentation. The only thing missing is a live audience.

What's important about a blow out of the NX is people around the world seeing it and that the gaming media and actual traditional press see it. You don't need E3 for that. Sony didn't need E3 for the PS4 blow out. Neither then Microsoft for the Xbox One. If you can bring the press to where you want them to be you can do the reveal anywhere and however you like. Large conventions are irrelevant to the process.

All you're doing at E3 is sharing the spotlight. That is why some aren't even bothering this year or haven't bothered in the past. It's not the best outlet to present information that some might think. Don't ever let yourself be fooled into thinking it's more important then it really is.

I do agree with this. I have to think that they'll announce a date for the other event during E3, and that the event in question can be absolutely no later than September or else it will get drowned out (and probably better fit for August).

There are really two possibilities here: first that things have gone badly wrong with NX development and that means there's a strong possibility that it could slide from March 2017, or that this is a fully voluntary plan on Nintendo's part because they want to optimize the spotlight or they want to reveal the whole thing, completely-user-ready, all at once and need a bit more time for the OS or something.

I can't think that it has anything to do with PSVR or PS4k. They'll get attention, but not to overshadow a completely new concept-console from Nintendo (and there's room enough for both anyway as E3 2006 showed).
I get the feeling that the NX launch is going to be very poor. They aren't showing off anything coming out for it, less than a year before it's release.
They confirmed they're going to reveal the NX later this year with specs/price etc. They'll probably do a NX reveal event.


Right now the only thing they've announced for E3 is that the lesser version of a crossgen game that's not even releasing this year will be their main focus.

Like, what the fuck else do they have for the next ten months besides the Pokemon games?

Who knows? They'll unveil stuff during a direct I'm sure. I think everyone's reading this the wrong way


On Wii U? Sticker Star 2.

On 3DS? Lots, but aside from Pokemon they're localizations of games that are already out in Japan.

That's just it! Aside from Pokemon, Zelda, and even Star Fox, everything else coming out this year feels like shovelware.


Jeeze. At least I won't be tempted to take off work for Nintendo's E3 shenanigans. I mean, I love Zelda as much as the next guy, but I want MORE than just Zelda.

If Zelda is really the only playable game, then I'll just check out treehouse videos and stuff later. No need to see it live.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Not with 21 million people viewing it on Twitch it isn't. This is a sentiment I've only seen on GAF and it doesn't match up with the viewing data or with how the rest of the industry sees it. A couple of publishers out of hundreds choosing to do their own separate events doesn't change that.

Again: E3 is a few days in June. That leaves 362 days to utilize other methods, like other electronics shows or digital events. E3 is by no means the be-all-end-all and is nowhere near the only place to announce a console.
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