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Geoff Keighley hyping this years E3 as the Best One Ever!


lol @ McCaffrey chiming him. You know he's the most credible dude out there.


Anyway. Keighley has always been hyping shit up since forever. Means nothing.

The Lamp

He's been at 22 E3s???? But he looks so young. How old is he?

Anyway yeah this is his job. He hypes E3 like crazy. I remain grounded in my expectations.


Every E3 is the greatest one ever, isn't it? /s

I'm cautiously optimistic, but dont expect any megatons that we haven't heard in last couple of days/weeks.
What I'd love to see - and I'm not kidding myself it won't happen...

UnKarted, by NaughtyDog.

Make me a seamless open world, set in and around a set of tropical islands. Nate's beach side home as a hub where we can customise vehicles etc.

I want jeep races through the jungle, across rocky outcrops, along the beach, up (and through) a volcano... You know the score.

I want boat and jet-ski races on the ocean - hell... give me a hovercraft.

I want Sullys water plane to have aerial races, and I deffo want to be swooping down and through that bloody volcano!

You know what... Give me Diddy Kong Racing with an UnKarted skin. Make me happy ND.
You don't understand dude, this E3 will have No Man's Sky on stage AND a new Destiny expansion!

That makes me wonder which game has been in the most E3 presentations. Assuming they're both shown this year, it'll probably be a tie between No Man's Sky (2014, 2015, 2016) and The Last Guardian (2009, 2015, 2016), right?

Edit: How did I forget FFXV? (2006, 2013, 2015, 2016)
Destiny as well (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)


I think nothing can properly "blow my mind" - but then, who knows? Though if I'd be fully honest, I'd prefer for games in production that I'm already excited about to get a release date instead of CGI trailers for stuff that's still years away.

I can see that. The you probably would best stay away from EA this year.


That makes me wonder which game has been in the most E3 presentations. Assuming they're both shown this year, it'll probably be a tie between No Man's Sky (2014, 2015, 2016) and The Last Guardian (2009, 2015, 2016), right?

I could swear that this will be Destiny's fifth year in a row.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He's a hype man. He's supposed to hype his own show.


Gold Member
I can see that. The you probably would best stay away from EA this year.

Showing Mass Effect Andromeda last year was a mistake. It was on par with a single tweet in terms of what we know about it a year later. I can't believe it's releasing in half a year from now even though we know diddly about it. Either it'll have a huge showing at the EA presser or it'll be delayed.

Or both.


never left the stone age
Can E3 2016 really topple the Year of Dreams?

Jeff at Giantbomb doesn't seem to hot on this year. Then again he's been down on it since 2014.

I wouldn't have it any other way, I love watching their stream just for Jeff's facial expressions at the shit that's announced. Him and Geoff are like polar opposites.
I just wish we could get one year where all the big 3 knocked it out of the park. There has always been one (recently Nintendo and then MS before them) that has had a pretty lame-terrible conference.


I could agree with this.

On my list of games/ console pieces i want its going to be crazy this Q3/Q4

Star Ocean - June
No Mans Sky - August
Deus Ex - August
Destiny Expansion - Sept
NBA2k17 - Sept
Final Fantasy XV - Sept
PSVR - October
Watch Dogs 2 - November
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD - December

And who knows what else could have a launch window for the next 6months. or upcoming in 2017.


It's going to be hard to beat last years MS conference. That BC announcement was a bombshell, noone saw coming. Some will probably say that Shenmue etc. was bigger, but I honestely couldn't care less about those three games.
What is he supposed to say? This years E3 will be okay. More okay than last years but just okay.

I believe him. We're going to hear about NEO.


While Crash would be interesting to see how they'd move the series forward, I still don't understand why people would ever be satisfied with whatever they do with a rudimentary PS1 platformer. It couldn't ever be the same game.

I believe that Geoff is just being his usual hype man self here, and he might have been taken in by some PS4K/XB1.1 hype


Geoff's show was actually quite good last year. I can see him topping it this year as a possibility certainly as there are a lot of things going on with all 3 console makers plus Red Dead and other surprises.

That said I don't see anything topping Sony's 2015 E3 on Hype meter. That show went to 11 out of 10 last year. FFVII Remake, Shenmue 3, Last Guardian, come on, how do you top that.


But surely everyone can appreciate the effect Sony's 2015 E3 conference had overall, right? You don't need to be a fan of football to understand the hype around the World Cup (or Superbowl for Americans). I've tried playing Ocarina of Time several times now, but have never gotten into it. That doesn't stop me from acknowledging that it's one of the most beloved games of all time.

Anyways, Keighley is basically an industry hype man, so him saying this is not surprising.

Edit: Don't take this the wrong way either. You are free to voice your opinion about the show. But you also have to be able to see the forest for the trees.

Fair points,

It just did not resonate with me.


The only thing that could raise this E3 to last years is Half-Life 3 and we all know that isn't happening. I wouldn't doubt Left 4 Dead 3, but no HL.
Is all of this just because he is having Lil Wayne on the show Monday? Was that the big tease?

EDIT: Ok, he still is excited about all the stuff he has planned, his hype isn't exclusive to Lil Wayne lol.
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