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Trevor Noah is doing an absolutely excellent job with the Daily Show

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He's great. People forget Stewart wasn't amazing season one as well. I think Noah is doing well.

I don't know. I think John Oliver and the proliferation of politics and parody on twitter, reddit and instagram have pretty much taken over what Stewart used to do. No one really knows Trevor Noah nor do they watch the Daily Show like they did when Stewart did it. The times, they have-a changed.


Hugely surprised by the hate in this thread. I try to watch him daily and absolutely love the show. All my CC watching friends feel the same.

I think he is doing fantastic and it blows me away that some think he's worse than fucking Larry Wilmore. The Nightly Show is a trainwreck. Larry can't even get through most of his terrible jokes because he starts breaking character and laughing. He has no professionalism as a host and it seems like he just doesn't even care half the time. The writing is embarrassingly lazy and the segments are god awful.

Trevor has good delivery, good writing, and his serious segments can really pack a punch. He doesn't just hate on Fox and the GOP every show, he calls out both sides for being stupid and does so articulately. And I agree that his correspondents are amazing and usually kill it in their own segments. His interviews are also much easier to get through than most of Stewart's. Stewart could be a really awkward and rough interviewer. Noah keeps things flowing and doesn't let the awkward moments hang for too long.

He's only gotten better and will continue to do so in the coming years. As for Larry Wilmore, he has stayed the same, if not gotten worse, since his rough start over a year ago. I used to watch him everyday but it just got to me after awhile and I could not stand him constantly laughing at his own unfunny jokes, his complete lack of focus on the script and keeping the show moving, and his cringey and unnecessary segments from his hit-or-miss correspondents.

Wilmore trash, Noah 4 lyfe.

EDIT: I also appreciate Noah's African heritage and the different perspectives it brings to the show as a whole. And people give Stewart way too much credit. His monologue's were usually excellent but I honestly don't know what else people liked about that show. He had great call out segments, but the last 7-10 minutes of every episode were borderline unwatchable because of his terrible, terrible interviews.


It's definitely not what it was under Stewart, but it's been watchable and has gotten slightly better. Still, it's easily better than Larry Wilmore's show, which I can't even bring myself to watch any longer.

John Oliver and Samantha Bee are both doing a better job than either of them.
Hugely surprised by the hate in this thread. I try to watch him daily and absolutely love the show. All my CC watching friends feel the same.

I think he is doing fantastic and it blows me away that some think he's worse than fucking Larry Wilmore. The Nightly Show is a trainwreck. Larry can't even get through most of his terrible jokes because he starts breaking character and laughing. He has no professionalism as a host and it seems like he just doesn't even care half the time. The writing is embarrassingly lazy and the segments are god awful.

Trevor has good delivery, good writing, and his serious segments can really pack a punch. He doesn't just hate on Fox and the GOP every show, he calls out both sides for being stupid and does so articulately. And I agree that his correspondents are amazing and usually kill it in their own segments. His interviews are also much easier to get through than most of Stewart's. Stewart could be a really awkward and rough interviewer. Noah keeps things flowing and doesn't let the awkward moments hang for too long.

He's only gotten better and will continue to do so in the coming years. As for Larry Wilmore, he has stayed the same, if not gotten worse, since his rough start over a year ago. I used to watch him everyday but it just got to me after awhile and I could not stand him constantly laughing at his own unfunny jokes, his complete lack of focus on the script and keeping the show moving, and his cringey and unnecessary segments from his hit-or-miss correspondents.

Wilmore trash, Noah 4 lyfe.

EDIT: I also appreciate Noah's African heritage and the different perspectives it brings to the show as a whole. And people give Stewart way too much credit. His monologue's were usually excellent but I honestly don't know what else people liked about that show. He had great call out segments, but the last 7-10 minutes of every episode were borderline unwatchable because of his terrible, terrible interviews.

He's way better than Wilmore, I'll give you that. Trevor is just not good, Larry is painfully terrible.
I like him. If you don't compare him, and look at him as his own thing, I think a lot of people would see him in a different light. He has gotten better over the last year!


I like him. I like a good part of the correspondents. But the writers aren't good enough.
This is nowhere as nervous, funny and on point as Stewart was.
John Oliver and Samantha Bee are both doing a better job than either of them.

And they're both doing it once a week, which is a totally different gig.

I think Trevor is fine. He's a lot better than Jon was about certain stuff, but I feel like the show is still trying to find its own voice. For those who think Trevor is too "detached" or "light-hearted"...I dunno. His frustration with certain issues (race, gun violence, Trump) is pretty evident every time he has to talk about them.

It's hard to pin down exactly where Trevor's problems lie. A little of it is delivery, but I think a lot of it is in the writing. I don't know that Jon could've done that much more with that material.

Anyway, I still think it's much stronger than The Nightly Show, which suffers from TERRIBLE panel segments and almost uniformly unwatchable bits - any skit that involves the staff playing other characters is almost guaranteed to be a trainwreck.

Bill Maher, meanwhile, continues to be an insufferable, smug man-baby.


I think he's "ok." The show's enjoyable, and if it's on I'll watch it (and laugh). But it's not something I will go out of my way for.

John Oliver has taken over as the current king of late night shows for me.

He is better than Trevor and new Colbert.

Also, this. I hope Stewart knocks it out of the park with whatever he's doing on HBO next year.
Good god no. I check TDS out once or twice a month to see if it's improved, but ugh... Thankfully Samantha Bee's show is fantastic


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I agree completely. I dislike his stand-up and was very sceptical about him taking over but I really like his delivery and charisma on the show.


He's been doing a lot better lately. Still has a long way to go, but seems to have evolved from his early fluff days.

I assume most of the hate are people who stopped watching pretty early. Worth it to watch some of the more recent segments that made the rounds.

And keep in mind just because its not hitting the highs of Jon Stewart doesn't mean it's bad.


He's certainly killing it.


The bar was unfairly set on the moon for him to try and reach. He is improving though all the time. He just needs to experience at least two presidential elections and countless depressing setbacks from the American congress to improve the lives of Americans in ways that should be obvious but somehow never goes through.

And burn himself on at least 7 years of watching Fox News.

Mr. F

Haven't been a fan.

Bee >>>>>> Oliver

John Oliver was fine at first but his material is so formulaic ("Topic! It's like the A of B") that it's gotten distracting and hard to find especially funny. Also the yelling a kid's name thing sucks.


John Stewart did more in the few minutes he had on Colbert's Tonight show than Trevor has in the season he's had so far.

Trevor just feels disconnected from it all, like he's just phoning it in.


He's not good but he isn't terrible like others have mentioned, just mediocre at best.

John Oliver on the other hand is phenomenal, though it's hard to compete with British political humor.


I like Trevor, but the new crop of correspondents is so bad I can't bear watching the show anymore.

Also, it's become predictable and boring lately, partly due to Trump. The Trump jokes just seem to write themselves night after night.


I like Trevor, but the new crop of correspondents is so bad I can't bear watching the show anymore.

Also, it's become predictable and boring lately, partly due to Trump. The Trump jokes just seem to write themselves night after night.

I think Jordan Klepper is holding up pretty well as a younger Jason Jones. :p


Part of me feels bad for not watching the daily show anymore

But then I realize that last week tonight is just better
Feel like we watched a different show. I felt the quality and delivery, as a whole, went down. It's not all on Noah but I am just not feeling it like I used to.

John Oliver hits the right tone of abusurdity and earnestness that TDS had.


I used to be a regular viewer but I'd rather watch Oliver, Colbert, or even Maher. We were spoiled with the Stewart/Colbert hour, nothing can compete with that especially for an outsider like Noah in election season


I actually don't mind Noah, he does a solid job. His only real fault is hrs not Jon Stewart which really doesn't count. I think he's doing a fine job and he can only get better as he finds his footing and discovers what works for him.
Honestly, I'd have agreed with you before the last few weeks, but when I saw Jon on Colbert, it just... put things into perspective. Trevor just doesn't have it. The correspondents are good, but they're carrying him on their backs, and that only goes so far.
I haven't watched Trevor Noah so no comment on that part. But people are probably forgetting that Jon Stewart had numerous failed late night shows and way more experience before he truly hit gold on the Daily Show. The two aren't on an even playing field at all.


Honestly I'd watch Hasan Minhaj as the anchor of the daily show over trevor.

You know its only a matter of time till they give him a spin off show.


Honestly I've never found it fair to compare him to Stewart, although that's inevitable. He has a completely different style and approach.

That said, I don't think his style and approach fits the show all that well. Really haven't watched it in forever because, as others have said, it's been supplanted by other shows with higher quality.
I think he's doing pretty well, but i still feel like he's finding his rhythm and voice with it. I should go back and watch some of the show from when John Stewart took over, might be a more fair comparison.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't like him as much as Stewart, but he's doing fine. I don't get the hate.

John Oliver' and his writers are great at writing informative segments and funny skits but John Oliver himself is IMO not funny. Re-watching old episodes of the Colbert Report really made me miss how good "Colbert's" delivery was.
This. John Oliver's comedic bits are awful 90% of the time. His forced pop culture references are trite as hell too, and people bitching about hosts laughing at his own jokes? John Oliver does it far more than Trevor Noah does and in a far more grating way.

I like John Oliver, he's an OK host, but sometimes he's really annoying, and I can't say the same with Trevor.


Can't agree, I really want to, but I can't.

He sparks occasionally, but it's rare. I believe I gave him a fair amount of time, still am to a degree, but I am just not seeing it. I really miss Jon.
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