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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group


You seem to be in the business of caricatures.. but I'm not mad :p

I hate the alt-right, but I want accuracy. Know thy enemy. If you think the central project of the alt-right is white pride, you will have misdiagnosed the malady, and your solutions to it will be counter-productive.

People on the sidelines won't trust your misdiagnosis when they encounter alt-right material and find it to be devoid of white pride content. And you will lead people to misunderstand the central appeal, which is more about giving the finger to pedantic progressives than in maintaining ethnic supremacy.

Because movments get smarter and not stupidly broadcasting? You ignore the growing anti-immigration, fear mongering over immigrants taking over 'western culture' Trumps supporters, hard right wing parties in Europe. The UKIP copying Nazi imagry in their pro-brexit ads.

What would you call that?

But you keep believing that to be a white supremicist, you have to don the KKK robe and moniker.


I see the topic in OT side has had its thread title changed (now "Oculus' Palmer Luckey is funding an anti-Hilary shitposting org"), I believe this one should be too.


I knew Palmer was a Trump supporter from his twitter. But there's a big difference between 'I hate taxes so I'm voting Trump' or whatever and explicitly supporting alt-right 8chan 'shitposting memes', Milo, etc. That stuff is lowering the level of civility and discourse in our country. But I'm just a beta cuck.


But Oculus is Facebook now. Not Palmer.


By the way, the HTC Vive is readily available and the only movement you support by buying it is more hats. (And hopefully more lighthouses)
I dunno, it seems caricaturizing to me.

Let me put it this way: the alt-right would and have championed minorities who agree with their views. They'd love a black gay pundit who railed against progressives.

Their central project is denying progressive liberalism, not promoting white ethnocentric identity to the exclusion of others.

If the view is that they contribute to racism by denying progressive solutions.... sure, I can agree. I just don't think we need to put a Hitler mask on the likes of Milo Yiannopolis to call him a piece of shit. The alt-right is bad enough on its own merits, so we don't need to sell it to others by calling them KKK grand dragons.
People of color can be racist too. Just because you listen to one doesn't suddenly purge you of racism.For example, if you think listening to the Latinos for Trump founder means you aren't racist, then you are deluding yourself.


Mr. F

We'll see how Facebook PR responds tomorrow.

On one hand, regardless of the candidate, it sets a bad precedent to fire an employee because of whom they support. On the other hand, this is some next-level support of a candidate who seems to contradict a lot of goals of Facebook. As upper-management, he needs to represent the ideals of the company. Is using his money to support Anti-Hilary memes what they want their management to represent in some fashion?

This is real nasty timing for Oculus/Facebook with Oculus Connect 3 conference coming up in less than 2 weeks. Their Touch launch needs to go well or they're going to be swimming up shit creek real fast. This news is certainly not going to help their image right now. If Oculus dumped him (which who knows how his contract is written), they could save the face of the brand a bit and get all of this behind them and focus purely on Touch. If Oculus/Facebook do nothing, it's going to be the real nasty elephant in the room at the conference. If he doesn't get canned, it will be interesting if they let Palmer speak for the company with all of this going on.

The shitty thing is that this is going to be one of those pieces of information added to any Oculus story for a while on major news sites. You know, the ones which give you a little bit of background information on the company and related news.

While I realize Oculus is now more than one person, I really fucking hope they toss him to the side. He got VR started. He got rich. Let him be a rich asshole on his own now like notch. He should not be the face of Oculus anymore.

Exactly how I feel. Oculus/Facebook as a company need to decide how to move forward with this. It will be very telling both ethically and morally how they handle this. I want to get a Touch, but at this point, I'm just not so sure I would want to support this company anymore. They need to handle this situation and give me the fucking strong sell at their OC3 event. If they ignore this like nothing happened, and Palmer is up there being the face of it all, I'm so tempted to just say fuck it and get a Vive.

There's no way on earth they allow him to speak for or be the face of the company anymore, or at least for the foreseeable future. He'd already alluded at them PR wrangling him over previous Reddit stuff, this is likely very firmly in last straw territory.


Because moments get smarter and not stupidly broadcasting? You ignore the growing anti-immigration, fear mongering over immigrants taking over 'western culture' Trumps supporters, hard right wing parties in Europe. The UKIP copying Nazi imagry in their pro-brexit ads.

What would you call that?

But you keep believing that to be a white supremicist, you have to don the KKK robe and moniker.
Humorously, I've seen at least one person argue the current KKK is not a white supremacist movement on GAF.


The most damning part of the whole thing is at the very bottom of the article. That relevant posts across the channel are being deleted after the article went up.

You can't do that. Only makes things worse.

- J - D -

Won't someone think of the unfairly villified white nationalists being mistaken for white supremacists. They are definitely not modern supremacists dressed up in business casual cleverly avoiding the word "supremacy" because it sends the wrong (but actually accurate, just less obfuscated ) message.


As if the internet hasn't enough stupid assholes who shitposting on everything. Screw this guy. Take Zuckerberg or Gates as positive examples and do something good with your money for once you shithead.


Because movments get smarter and not stupidly broadcasting? You ignore the growing anti-immigration, fear mongering over immigrants taking over 'western culture' Trumps supporters, hard right wing parties in Europe. The UKIP copying Nazi imagry in their pro-brexit ads.

What would you call that?

But you keep believing that to be a white supremicist, you have to don the KKK robe and moniker.

Yeh I feel like people don't really understand how white supremacist movements get going. It's not like the Klan went around recruiting people by going "man we he really fucking hate black people, do you too?". They went around preaching about the "preservation of anglo-saxon culture" and how the immigration of catholics and jews was going to take over America. Doesn't sounds too different from the alt-right for a reason.
Well done Palmer, all that "hard work" to become a rich asshole that supports a piece of shit, you're living the American Dream!!1 If only everybody could be like you, the world would be a better place.


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The sooner Facebook and Oculus distance themselves from Palmer the better.

I expects some announcements today.
If this is true he can get fucked... but, there is something I don't understand.

Why hide this activity behind a second Reddit username, if after that he is going to tell a news site that that was him, that was his username:
he 24-year-old told The Daily Beast that he had used the pseudonym “NimbleRichMan” on Reddit with a password given him to by the organization’s founders.
What's the point of using an alias if you discover yourself later?

So apart from being a racist, he is incredibly stupid?

So maybe something here doesn't make sense.


The Birthday Skeleton
I see the topic in OT side has had its thread title changed (now "Oculus' Palmer Luckey is funding an anti-Hilary shitposting org"), I believe this one should be too.

Will anybody think about the feelings of this poor racist organisation, please?


Well, shit. I own a rift.



Who runs the Vive Twitter account, get in there with a catty tweet already

Better motion tracking ✅
Better controller ✅
Company not founded by a racist shithead ✅
If this is true he can get fucked... but, there is something I don't understand.

Why hide this activity behind a second Reddit username, if after that he is going to tell a news site that that was him, that was his username:

What's the point of using an alias if you discover yourself later?

So apart from being a racist, he is incredibly stupid?

So maybe something here doesn't make sense.

That part seems iffy. He doesn't seem like he would tell the Daily beast that.

But..it's possible that the info was leaked to the Daily Beast. Some quotes using reddit posts from the NimbleAmerica tag. Palmer is a coward, so him coming out is a bit farfetched...

...but throwing down a grenade to smoke him out? That's possible.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Because moments get smarter and not stupidly broadcasting? You ignore the growing anti-immigration, fear mongering over immigrants taking over 'western culture' Trumps supporters, hard right wing parties in Europe. The UKIP copying Nazi imagry in their pro-brexit ads.

What would you call that?

But you keep believing to be a white supremicist, you have to don the KKK robe and moniker.

The topic of mass immigration, Islam and it's integration in the west, and terrorism, are open questions we all have. Let's not act like there aren't liberals worrying about these questions right now.

The alt-right would of course give a flippant and culturally supremacist response to these questions. This can sometimes be fuelled by simple xenophobia, but I wouldn't describe this as ethnically supremacist thinking without looking carefully at the individual speaking.

It's often far more about cultural ideology than crude xenophobia. They'd raise a stink about cultures that they'd say erode or attack western values, but they'd be fine with brown people who work hard and convert to capitalism and become nice little Dinesh D'souzas.

Again, they're shit. But what kind of shit? I'm interested in speaking about them in a way that accurately describes their motivations, rather then living in a world where I'm self-satisfied with my own dismissal of them as being crude racists. They're crude anti-progressives, if anything.


the actual fuck is this doing in Gaming???

I'm sorry that you and some other posters are so seemingly threatened by any amount of political discourse, but Palmer is an executive and personality in the industry. If he can go to conventions and hawk his wares and hob nob with media outlets on their streams and podcasts, we can damn well discuss his political fuck-ups on GAF, on gaming side.

If gaming is purely an escape for you, fine. Escape to a different thread.


For you.
The topic of mass immigration, Islam and it's integration in the west, and terrorism, are open questions we all have. Let's not act like there aren't liberals worrying about these questions right now.

The alt-right would of course give a flippant and culturally supremacist response to these questions. This can sometimes be fuelled by simple xenophobia, but I wouldn't describe this as ethnically supremacist thinking without looking carefully at the individual speaking.

It's often far more about cultural ideology than crude xenophobia. They'd raise a stink about cultures that they'd say erode or attack western values, but they'd be fine with brown people who work hard and convert to capitalism and become nice little Dinesh D'souzas.

Again, they're shit. But what kind of shit? I'm interested in speaking about them in a way that accurately describes their motivations, rather then living in a world where I'm self-satisfied with my own dismissal of them as being crude racists. They're crude anti-progressives, if anything.
KKK and other supremacists would also be fine with minorities as long as the minorities "learned their place" and recognized themselves as "inferior". How the fuck is "being okay with minorities under specific extremist conditions" exactly something going against the core of white supremacism?


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I've got no problem folks shitting on Hillary but how is he funding a white supremacy group?

Or in other words. Has Nimble America been proven a white supremacy group?


what is this "white supremacy group" doing?
e: so the nimble site looks like any other site that would campaign for trump, nothing inherently outrageous at that, unless I'm missing concrete examples.
looks more like the outrage is because he supports trump?


the actual fuck is this doing in Gaming???
Oculus is a massive name in VR, a new technology slowly encroaching into gaming. This is going to have serious repercussions for the company, developers programming for the Rift, and peoples' choice on what VR avenue they adopt (if any). Luckey, the company's head, has now been found to be supporting white supremacists.

It has plenty to do with gaming.
Disgusting. I hope Facebook will remove this guy from any position he might have in this company. Stuff like this, and also the "PC Master Race" crap, really hurts the image of PC gaming.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
KKK and other supremacists would also be fine with minorities as long as the minorities "learned their place" and recognized themselves as "inferior". How the fuck is "being okay with minorities under specific extremist conditions" exactly something going against the core of white supremacism?

I know you're trying to describe the KKK and the alt-right with the same words, but I don't think it works. Assimilating into the culture properly, as per the right-wing ideal, isn't "learning your place" or being "inferior".

It's more of a willful colour-blind thing than a racist thing, actually. Liberals are willing to look at the reality of race and its inequalities, and propose solutions to it. Alt-righters just sweep the whole concept of racial inequality under the rug and say "just be an American and work hard. All your problems are because you made your bed and slept in it".


Wow, reddit post in OP is gross and seems almost like a parody in how bad it is.

I don't have a Rift and I wasn't going to get one anytime soon but now I know I won't. Was tempted by Gear VR to dabble in the tech, but that's tied into Oculus too isn't it? Ugh.


The topic of mass immigration, Islam and it's integration in the west, and terrorism, are open questions we all have. Let's not act like there aren't liberals worrying about these questions right now.

The alt-right would of course give a flippant and culturally supremacist response to these questions. This can sometimes be fuelled by simple xenophobia, but I wouldn't describe this as ethnically supremacist thinking without looking carefully at the individual speaking.

It's often far more about cultural ideology than crude xenophobia. They'd raise a stink about cultures that they'd say erode or attack western values, but they'd be fine with brown people who work hard and convert to capitalism and become nice little Dinesh D'souzas.

Again, they're shit. But what kind of shit? I'm interested in speaking about them in a way that accurately describes their motivations, rather then living in a world where I'm self-satisfied with my own dismissal of them as being crude racists. They're crude anti-progressives, if anything.
A white supremacist movement focusing on reactionary moral politics and mass immigration? That's... Exactly what happened with the Ku Klux Klan in the early 1900s. Huh.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Lets keep the momentum going guys/gals. Tweet at all the journalists to spread the news so this could get the morning circuit
I too am confused why a story about one of the founders of the most disruptive recent technology in video games is being discussed on a video game forum.
If you don't think this story will affect Oculus then you are kidding yourself. This is every bit as important as financial stories that we talk about that also intersect with gaming.


Honestly can't wait to see the official response to this. I never liked Palmer Luckey. He always came off as a cocky asshole. But not like the somewhat admirable cocky asshole, but the kind you want to punch.


Or because 4 more years of a democrat pouring funds into the welfare state might literally bankrupt this country? There are different reasons for different people. Economy being a huge one.

A country that can issue currency will never go literally bankrupt.

A country that issues debt denominated in its own currency will never go bankrupt.

A country that issues debt denominated in its own currency, which is the safest reserve currency in the world right now, will not even face hyperinflation.

Besides, dismantling the "welfare state" would be terrible for the economy. What good outcome for the economy would be achieved by tossing millions of elderly into poverty?

As for increasing the national debt, I think you are confused about who'll be "pouring" money. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/09/22/trum...ore-than-hillary-clinton-crfb-study-says.html
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