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Whats your most anticipated movie of 2017?

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
John Wick 2 by a landslide.

Least anticipated: Fast and the Furious 8. It would take at least $500 up front to get me to watch it.


I cant think about it or I get too hyped and then I get depressed

Star Wars for every year until I die...then still Star Wars.
It's a 70mm IMAX film in July, so I can actually drive to the nearest IMAX theatre without being scared of winter long drives.


Thor Ragnarok, because I've got faith in the director and casting.

I haven't been paying attention to what indies are coming out next year so I'm sure my favorite film of the year will be a surprise. Looking forward to the next film like Housebound or Kill List that I watch based on recommendations with no foreknowledge of what's gonna happen and love every second of it.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
John Wick 2 because it's going to be amazing.

Star Wars because it's fucking Star Wars.

Any Marvel movie but especially Spider-Man.

Dunkirk because any big budget WWII movie is something I will always be excited for.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Not sure, maybe:

Fifty Shades Darker
The Dark Tower
Fast 8
Pirates 5
Despicable Me 3
War of the Planet of the Apes

And then I don't know after July.


Ok, I got a question about Blade Runner 2049.

If it's set 30 years after the original and Harrison Ford's in it, craggly old man face & all, doesn't that prove Deckard wasn't a replicant? It takes away a lot from the ending tbh.


Ok, I got a question about Blade Runner 2049.

If it's set 30 years after the original and Harrison Ford's in it, craggly old man face & all, doesn't that prove Deckard wasn't a replicant? It takes away a lot from the ending tbh.
He could just be a replicant who was allowed to live longer. Or the real person Deckard was based on.


Baby Driver for sure. Another Edgar Wright flick, should be special.

Dunkirk is another Nolan, so I'll be there day 1. Blade Runner s probably my most curious.

There are plenty of directors up to work in the foreign and indie markets too I assume.
Edgar Wright's has a new film in post-production called "Baby Driver". It revolves around a mute getaway driver who uses the beat of music to aid his driving skills. Ansel Elgort is the titular driver, but there's also Kevin Spacey as the big bad crime boss, Lily James(Cinderella) is the love interest, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, its a really fun and diverse cast. Bill Pope who did some fantastic work on Wright's Scott Pilgrim and the World's End is back on cinematography, as well as Paul Machliss who did all the inventive editing on those film with Edgar. Wright's 4 for 4 on great movies, he's got such a unique and charismatic voice for genre storytelling that any new film of his jumps right to #1 on my anticipated list.

Other films that come to mind include "Widows" by Steve McQueen(12 Years a Slave), in which four widows of career bank robbers team up to finish the heist job their husbands died on. Its a more commercial sounding prospect for the artist McQueen, but that actually intrigues me more, like how is he adapting his compositions and cinematic eye to a heist drama. Almost as exciting is a new heist film by the "retired" Steven Soderbergh called "Logan Lucky", in which two brothers attempt a heist that takes place during a NASCAR event. Soderbergh almost has another Ocean's Eleven with the cast he's brought along, Tatum, Daniel Craig, Adam Driver, Riley Keough from Fury Road, Sebastian "bucky" Stan, and Hilary Swank coming out of obscurity. Then of course there's Star Wars: Episode 8, if Rian Johnson cant make a great modern Star Wars then nobody can.

Some others...

-John Wick 2, like why the fuck would you mess with this nigga after the first movie? They bout to get shot
-War of the Planet of the Apes, the next movie in the best modern rebooted blockbuster franchise
-Valerian, a Euro comic sci-fi adventure from The Fifth Element director Luc Besson
-Coco, the next original Pixar film happening around the Day of the Dead
-How to Talk to Girls at Parties, a Neil Gaiman adaptation from the great John Cameron Mitchell, if for nothing else then Nicole Kidman in those crazy Sandy Powell outfits
-A new Darren Aronofsky domestic drama with a great cast including Domhnall Gleeson, Javier Bardem, Michaelle Pfeiffer, and Ed Harris(also J law)
-Paul Thomas Anderson is re-teaming with Daniel Day Lewis for a drama set in the fashion world of the 1950s
-Short Term 12 director Destin Cretton is re-teaming with Brie Larson(along with Naomi Watts and Woddy Harrelson) in an adaptaion of the Glass Castle
-Todd Haynes is coming off the great "Carol" with an adaptation of "Wonderstruck", re-teaming with Julianne Moore along with Michelle Williams. The book has two halves, and the half with the deaf girl is actually gonna be shot like a silent film with deaf actress Millicent Simmonds, so I'm all over that.
-Katheryn Bigelow finally has a new film about the Detroit riots of 1967, reteaming with "Zero Dark Thirty" writer Mark Boal. My boys John Boyega and Jack Reynor in this one, along with lots of other people like Anthony Mackie and Jason Mitchell from Straight Outta Compton.
-Steven Spielberg continues his love affairs with Mark Rylance with a new drama, "The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara". Another Star Wars alum Oscar Isaac is here, along with Munich/Lincoln screen writer Tony Kushner.
-John Woo is finally making another action movie in the style that brought him to film, called "Manhunt". There's gon be doves, guns, and oh so much cheesy melodramatic goodness. And probably slow motion.
-Alfonso Cuaron(Gravity, Children of Men) returns to Mexico where he wrote/directed, IMO, his greatest film Y Tu Mamá También. All I know is its set in 1970s Mexico City, chronicling the live of a middle class family. I'm sure Emmanuel Lubezki will be back, too.
-Tomas Alfredson follows up his great Tinker Tailor, Soldier Spy adapation with another British crime drama called The Snowman. "Detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender) investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous-looking snowman." I mean, sure! J.K. Simmons, Val Kilmer, and Rebecca Ferguson from Rogue Nation also star.

and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting, rip
Edgar Wright's has a new film in post-production called "Baby Driver". It revolves around a mute getaway driver who uses the beat of music to aid his driving skills. Ansel Elgort is the titular driver, but there's also Kevin Spacey as the big bad crime boss, Lily James(Cinderella) is the love interest, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, its a really fun and diverse cast. Bill Pope who did some fantastic work on Wright's Scott Pilgrim and the World's End is back on cinematography, as well as Paul Machliss who did all the inventive editing on those film with Edgar. Wright's 4 for 4 on great movies, he's got such a unique and charismatic voice for genre storytelling that any new film of his jumps right to #1 on my anticipated list.

Other films that come to mind include "Widows" by Steve McQueen(12 Years a Slave), in which four widows of career bank robbers team up to finish the heist job their husbands died on. Its a more commercial sounding prospect for the artist McQueen, but that actually intrigues me more, like how is he adapting his compositions and cinematic eye to a heist drama. Almost as exciting is a new heist film by the "retired" Steven Soderbergh called "Logan Lucky", in which two brothers attempt a heist that takes place during a NASCAR event. Soderbergh almost has another Ocean's Eleven with the cast he's brought along, Tatum, Daniel Craig, Adam Driver, Riley Keough from Fury Road, Sebastian "bucky" Stan, and Hilary Swank coming out of obscurity. Then of course there's Star Wars: Episode 8, if Rian Johnson cant make a great modern Star Wars then nobody can.

Some others...

-John Wick 2, like why the fuck would you mess with this nigga after the first movie? They bout to get shot
-War of the Planet of the Apes, the next movie in the best modern rebooted blockbuster franchise
-Valerian, a Euro comic sci-fi adventure from The Fifth Element director Luc Besson
-Coco, the next original Pixar film happening around the Day of the Dead
-How to Talk to Girls at Parties, a Neil Gaiman adaptation from the great John Cameron Mitchell, if for nothing else then Nicole Kidman in those crazy Sandy Powell outfits
-A new Darren Aronofsky domestic drama with a great cast including Domhnall Gleeson, Javier Bardem, Michaelle Pfeiffer, and Ed Harris(also J law)
-Paul Thomas Anderson is re-teaming with Daniel Day Lewis for a drama set in the fashion world of the 1950s
-Short Term 12 director Destin Cretton is re-teaming with Brie Larson(along with Naomi Watts and Woddy Harrelson) in an adaptaion of the Glass Castle
-Todd Haynes is coming off the great "Carol" with an adaptation of "Wonderstruck", re-teaming with Julianne Moore along with Michelle Williams. The book has two halves, and the half with the deaf girl is actually gonna be shot like a silent film with deaf actress Millicent Simmonds, so I'm all over that.
-Katheryn Bigelow finally has a new film about the Detroit riots of 1967, reteaming with "Zero Dark Thirty" writer Mark Boal. My boys John Boyega and Jack Reynor in this one, along with lots of other people like Anthony Mackie and Jason Mitchell from Straight Outta Compton.
-Steven Spielberg continues his love affairs with Mark Rylance with a new drama, "The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara". Another Star Wars alum Oscar Isaac is here, along with Munich/Lincoln screen writer Tony Kushner.
-John Woo is finally making another action movie in the style that brought him to film, called "Manhunt". There's gon be doves, guns, and oh so much cheesy melodramatic goodness. And probably slow motion.
-Alfonso Cuaron(Gravity, Children of Men) returns to Mexico where he wrote/directed, IMO, his greatest film Y Tu Mamá También. All I know is its set in 1970s Mexico City, chronicling the live of a middle class family. I'm sure Emmanuel Lubezki will be back, too.
-Tomas Alfredson follows up his great Tinker Tailor, Soldier Spy adapation with another British crime drama called The Snowman. "Detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender) investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous-looking snowman." I mean, sure! J.K. Simmons, Val Kilmer, and Rebecca Ferguson from Rogue Nation also star.

and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting, rip

And I said DAMN.


I'm not sure what I am anticipating next year. I'm trying to have zero hype for blockbusters. Wes Anderson's animated film will probably be good (though I would much prefer live action). Dunkirk will likely be worth watching. I might have to go with Silence. Technically a 2016 film, but it won't be showing in my city before the wide release in 2017.

JC stole that list from me

We all know that yours would have just been Furious 8 and Transformers 5 repeated about a dozen times.
Star Wars: Episode Viii. TFA was better than I imagined, can't wait to see what Disney has in store for this title.

Runner up: Beauty and the Beast. My favorite disney animation. Hoping for the same greatness that was the jungle book.
Did I post this? I don't remember posting this. Lol but yeah exactly my thoughts. Emma Watson as belle is gonna be awesome. And VII was amazing IMO

For reference, my most anticipated movie this year was Conjuring 2 leading up to it and then Suicide Squad when the year actually hit.


Justice League (Snyder plz)
John Wick 2
3hor: Ragnarok
Star Wars 8
Whatever the hell that Saw reboot is


1. Wonder Woman

These are all tied for 2nd:

Beauty and the Beast
Episode VIII
LEGO Batman
Justice League
Guardians of Galaxy Vol 2


Aside from the obvious choices - Episode VIII, Dunkirk, Blade Runner 2049, Baby Driver, Spider-Man, new PTA/DDL -- my secret dark horse candidate is Alex Garland's Annihilation. Ex Machina caught me way the hell off guard last year; I loved it, and the cast for his next movie is dope af. Really looking forward to how it turns out.
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