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Behold Nintendo Switch (March 2017, Hybrid w/ Dock, Detachable Controllers, Nvidia)

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This game definitely needs an upgraded, expanded HD version or follow-up on Switch.


Hell yes, that was one of the cooler FPSs around. Morse Code for Voice Chat was awesome and added to the skill ceiling.


Junior Member
Please send me a link for such marvelous feat of engineering going for that price that can run Skyrim well. I'd buy 5.

When I say "run Skyrim." I don't mean run it maxed out or even at console settings. I mean "runs Skyrim in an acceptable state," which is probably like medium settings at 30fps -- probably not far off from Xbox 360 performance. Integrated graphics have reached a point where Surface tablets can do that for PC games released concurrently with last-gen console games.

I was just making a point about how old Skyrim is and now it's not a test for a system's ability to run modern games.


Assuming the Switch doesn't have IR or gyro by default, I can imagine a special version of the Joycon where it has both IR and gyro (with a sensor bar as well, I suppose). This would be a great option for Splatoon.

A GCN Joycon would be great, too. Gimme dat octo-gate for easy tilts in Smash.

Splatoon doesn't use IR.

Splatoon is pure gyro.


When I say "run Skyrim." I don't mean run it maxed out or even at console settings. I mean "runs Skyrim in an acceptable state," which is probably like medium settings at 30fps -- probably not far off from Xbox 360 performance. Integrated graphics have reached a point where Surface tablets can do that for PC games released concurrently with last-gen console games.

I was just making a point about how old Skyrim is and now it's not a test for a system's ability to run modern games.

Still, a device able to run it like that for less than $100 simply does not exist.


Wrote down my thoughts on the Switch in my blog if anyone is interested.

Final thoughts from the write up are -

Though the reveal itself was exciting, somewhat cool, Nintendo has raised a great number of questions with the Switch, its task now is to convince gamers that the system translates to great games. And not only great games, but one that people want to buy a system for. The Wii U already had great games that no one bought. Nintendo need to show why people need to buy the system. I’m not sure if the reveal makes it a must have for now.

I'm a little more optimistic now than I was immediately after the reveal. One thing that has always bugged me was the size of the Wii U tablet controller. Urgh... a 6.2" screen was fine, but it was housed in something as bulky as the Wii U console itself. My 3 year old daughter found it impossible to use it.

Even though its looking like a 6.5" screen on the Switch, it looks like its a lot slimmer than the Wii U tablet which would be great news. Would have been nice if they got rid of the black bezel around the screen, but I suppose we can't have everything on the first try.

Btw, anyone notice it was weird in the trailer when they had the woman from her apartment wave to her friends on the rooftop. She was playing a 3D Mario which she then proceeded to pull out from the dock and take it to her friends. Then she gave her friend a controller to play multiplayer, but they never cut back to the game because 3D Mario doesn't have multiplayer.
Wow, the only thing missing from those Joycons are a second analog stick. That's seriously impressive.

It as only just occurred to me that when in multiplayer mode you will only have one analogue stick. Which makes any games with a movable camera defunct in that mode of multiplayer?

Saying that the 3DS only had one analogue stick, i can't remember how mario kart worked, and games like Fifa are side to side anyway.


You know GAF, this will my first console I'll buy at launch, since the SNES era. I've been hesitant to get consoles at launch, because of glitches, bugs and being ambassadors to a shit product (eg. PS3 overheating issues at launch, or Xbox 360 RROD). Nintendo seems to make a durable product with no issues. I honestly think this will catch the casuals on fire and the second coming of the Wii era, is again on Nintendo. i'm betting by E3 2017, MS and Sony will have Switch copycats at least in dev kits.


It as only just occurred to me that when in multiplayer mode you will only have one analogue stick. Which makes any games with a movable camera defunct in that mode of multiplayer?

Saying that the 3DS only had one analogue stick, i can't remember how mario kart worked, and games like Fifa are side to side anyway.

Many multiplayer games don't need a second 'camera' stick, especially if you're sharing the screen.

Split screen would be a different story though. You could get away with using the face buttons as the camera. I think it would be difficult to play something like Doom multiplayer on a screen that small. If a camera stick is required you could always just use the pro controller.


I'll repost my comment from the old Eurogamer hybrid rumor thread on why the entire Switch concept makes sense to me and makes sense to Nintendo:

Thinking on it more (and I'm sure this has been brought up), using the detachable controllers to achieve local multiplayer on one device is such a Nintendo idea. Hell, look at the original Famicom:

I'm sure they'll reference this design when NX is finally revealed. More than that though, this sort of self-contained local multiplayer handheld design is a thoughtful acknowledgement of the fact that not everyone (at least outside of Japan) has a dedicated gaming handheld on them at all times. It also helps to eliminate the image of a lone person completely absorbed in their mobile gaming device, not interacting with anyone else. It's a very Nintendo design philosophy and I think it makes way more sense than whatever the hell they thought Wii U was accomplishing.


Guys just imagine a fucking Animal Crossing HD on the Switch.

Holy fuck my life is done.

This is probably one of the things I will be happy about for Switch. I get to play the good handheld games on the big TV. I HATE portable gaming but would love to play AC or Pokemon.
Saw the twitch vid of the guy who was in the commercial, he mentioned that all the gameplay footage you see in the commercial was green screened, so maybe those aren't final footages of the game, and the slowdown in frame rate you see on the main console won't be an issue.
You know GAF, this will my first console I'll buy at launch, since the SNES era. I've been hesitant to get consoles at launch, because of glitches, bugs and being ambassadors to a shit product (eg. PS3 overheating issues at launch, or Xbox 360 RROD). Nintendo seems to make a durable product with no issues. I honestly think this will catch the casuals on fire and the second coming of the Wii era, is again on Nintendo. i'm betting by E3 2017, MS and Sony will have Switch copycats at least in dev kits.

The WiiU was crappy at launch though, with a slow as hell OS and lots of freezes.
We can't say for sure, since 1) we don't know for sure what chip will be used and 2) we don't know how much the portable mode will underclock said chip. However, we should be looking at an increase in FLOPS of a factor 50-100 (6.4 GFLOPS against 300-750 GFLOPS).

Mama mia.

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Will day-one patches and updates save to the system or the cart? If carts are 32GB then I would assume they would save to the system but there is a chance that these will be 64GB carts thereby giving roughly 14 more GB than Blu-Rays. This would go a long way with the storage issue and battery life since the system is reading from the cart and not the cart and system. I think that could be a big deal.

Sorry if this was asked , big thread.
The WiiU was crappy at launch though, with a slow as hell OS and lots of freezes.

Slow as hell - sure. I'm tolerant to Nintendo UIs, but back then it was so painful to do anything. But freezes? The OS have never frozen for me by itself, and games that froze from time to time (like LEGO City Undercover) still do that.

Buying Wii U in 2013 was so redeeming. Nintendo Network Premium / Deluxe Digital Promotion returned a lot of money back and was by far the best loyalty program I've participated in. There were also Virtual Console titles for half a euro, free Wii Street U... not to mention that I've spent 2014 pre-Mario Kart drought playing 2012 and 2013 games I've missed.


The joycon multiplayer is basically for simple experiences they already showed like NBA 2K, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc. Notice that they didn't show anyone playing like that for Splatoon.


The joycon multiplayer is basically for simple experiences they already showed like NBA 2K, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc. Notice that they didn't show anyone playing like that for Splatoon.

Which is super cool, the potential for more retro games using the joy con controllers would be neat.


Will day-one patches and updates save to the system or the cart? If carts are 32GB then I would assume they would save to the system but there is a chance that these will be 64GB carts thereby giving roughly 14 more GB than Blu-Rays. This would go a long way with the storage issue and battery life since the system is reading from the cart and not the cart and system. I think that could be a big deal.

Sorry if this was asked , big thread.
Almost certainly the carts will be read-only.


I really don't think the joycon sharing thing is going to take off. It's great that you can do it, but it feels very limiting. Playing on half a gamepad like they have shown seems pretty awkward.

Remember, it's very common in past Nintendo reveal videos for them to show off wacky things that don't actually get used by a lot of developers. The Wii U reveal video is FULL of things that very few games really used (throwing stars? playing golf off the screen, etc. Oh yeah, remember this one... TVii, what a letdown that was)

In theory it seems neat but in reality I think most people will just bring their own controller or use their own Switch for local multiplayer.


Will day-one patches and updates save to the system or the cart? If carts are 32GB then I would assume they would save to the system but there is a chance that these will be 64GB carts thereby giving roughly 14 more GB than Blu-Rays. This would go a long way with the storage issue and battery life since the system is reading from the cart and not the cart and system. I think that could be a big deal.

Sorry if this was asked , big thread.

My guess is they will probably be saved to the system/SD card, just like they are on the 3DS.

My guess is they will start with 32GB and by the end of its life they could be on 128GB cards no problem.

I'll repost my comment from the old Eurogamer hybrid rumor thread on why the entire Switch concept makes sense to me and makes sense to Nintendo:

The second I saw them playing Mario Kart, with the small controllers, I had Famicon flashbacks. It's great.
I really don't think the joycon sharing thing is going to take off. It's great that you can do it, but it feels very limiting. Playing on half a gamepad like they have shown seems pretty awkward.

Remember, it's very common in past Nintendo reveal videos for them to show off wacky things that don't actually get used by a lot of developers. The Wii U reveal video is FULL of things that very few games really used (throwing stars? playing golf off the screen, etc.)

In theory it seems neat but in reality I think most people will just bring their own controller or use their own Switch for local multiplayer.

I respectfully disagree. I've seen a lot of Nintendo 3DS owners who lament about the fact that you have to have several portables for local multiplayer ("I don't have friends with 3DS"). Switch dismiss that problem by giving us two Joy-Cons out of the box whenever you go, and both of them feature all buttons and sticks required for most 3DS-like local multiplayer games (Monster Hunter is the biggest and the only omission). Heck, Wii Remotes are even more limited when used as sideways NES-like controllers.

Joy-Cons aren't going to replace Pro Controller (or even Joy-Cons with Grip), but it's a very nice and useful addition for people who've always wanted to play local multiplayer games on the go. Not even "who've played", but those who wants to but has no means to do so.

(By the way, I hope one can buy additional set of Joy-Con with Grip for the price of Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. That would be the cheapest way to get four controllers - something I've always struggled with.)


I think the romour was that Nintendo recommends using 32gb carts, but 64 is also possible. I think it would be brilliant to store patches and save games on the cart. It would save a lot of space and it would add extra convenience if you want to play your games on your friends switch you can do that with no delay. It would bring back some of that convenience factor that's lost in modern consoles. I mean if I want to bring a PS4 game over to a friend I need to install the game, download and install patches so it's almost more practical just to bring my entire PS4.


Now that it's announced, can we get some official game announcements?

I mean third party-wise. Like capcom, ubi, square, etc. And apparently 2k...?

Seems like they are under NDA and can't announce them yet. Seems to be Nintendo's strategy to announce ERRYTHANG in January.


Nintendo has said repeatedly since the NS was revealed that they're not leaving the handheld business. I think it's safe to say a 3DS successor is coming in the future. My guess is that it will play all of the NS library as well. Makes sense, too as Reggie has stated that the NX was a platform.

Not leaving the handheld space doesn't mean a new 3DS is coming. They leave that open for your interpretation because hey still want people buying 3DS this Christmas. Of course Nintendo isn't abandoning handheld - seems to me with switch this is the biggest jump in handheld technology from them...ever.

It's a bit big for now as a portable focused machine, but there will undoubtedly be smaller, more pocketable versions down the line. Switch is a hybrid console but only really from a marketing perspective.

Large tablet with dock? It's a home console that you can take on the go with you.
Small portable? It's a handheld to be with you all the time, that also docks at home if you want to play on TV.


What's the likelihood that the battery is removable? That could solve a few battery life issues if we you could have a spare battery for long trips.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
This is probably one of the things I will be happy about for Switch. I get to play the good handheld games on the big TV. I HATE portable gaming but would love to play AC or Pokemon.
I really hope so too.i guess we'll have to wait and see if developers will treat this thing as a platform for their mobile franchises too. Phoenix Wright, 999, fire emblem? Yes please.


I realise I'm being dumb here, but can somebody please clarify the trigger switches.

Do we know for sure there's an R1 and an R2?
Is the R2 round the back that we can't see?

Also, when taking the joy-cons out to play local multiplayer and you have to hold them horizontally, are we assuming R1 will now be on the 'curve' at the bottom of the controller, with R2 on the top? (the button in the red circle I'm assuming will be R2). It will be weird having a trigger button underneath on the curve.

I realise what I'm saying might not make sense as it's early.


I really don't think the joycon sharing thing is going to take off. It's great that you can do it, but it feels very limiting. Playing on half a gamepad like they have shown seems pretty awkward.

Remember, it's very common in past Nintendo reveal videos for them to show off wacky things that don't actually get used by a lot of developers. The Wii U reveal video is FULL of things that very few games really used (throwing stars? playing golf off the screen, etc. Oh yeah, remember this one... TVii, what a letdown that was)

In theory it seems neat but in reality I think most people will just bring their own controller or use their own Switch for local multiplayer.

IMO it's the first thing that'll get dropped - barely any third parties will do it, and first parties will try but then slowly stop doing it. It just seems the one gimmick from the reveal to be mostly pointless. If you play with friends regularly, just bring along another controller or let them bring one.


What's the likelihood that the battery is removable? That could solve a few battery life issues if we you could have a spare battery for long trips.

It might be similar to most of their handhelds, you need to unscrew it in order to access the battery.
Its confirmed that the shoulder buttons aren't scrollable right?

Yeah ):

I personally hope that the revealed JoyCons are placeholders and, like the initial Wii Remote reveal didn't have a speaker, the final retail JoyCons will have Scrollder Buttons.

Nintendo DID say they have a bunch of secrets to reveal still.
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