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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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It's true. Large swaths of the country just said black live don't matter. It's heartbreaking for the decent folk who believed thing were getting better.


make this the new american flag.


The liberals have to face reality now. They thought that facts, competency, truth and humanity are important to the people in politics. But at the end fear, populism and publicity won. We wish for a better world, but we sadly don't life in one.

Appealing to one's ego is not only a great sign of weakness, but how to appeal to them in strong ways.

This is how Trump won. Feelings over facts. Appeals to the halcyon days that even if he nuked this Earth to hell are never coming back on the job front.

Quite frankly, we got what we deserve. We're an ignorant, reactive species, not a smart, proactive one.

We got the fucking idiot who fits the former perhaps greater than any other person in recorded history.
The liberals have to face reality now. They thought that facts, competency, truth and humanity are important to the people in politics. But at the end fear, populism and publicity won. We wish for a better world, but we sadly don't life in one.

This is very true.

I'm most concerned that this sets an incredibly dangerous precedent going forward. I foresee a future full of ugly politics going forward since Donald Trump just proved that his shitty ass, dirty, immoral, and "make whatever facts up you want" tactics work.

"Science, data, logic, facts, and empathy do not have a place in politics" is the message that this campaign's victory tonight sends.


What huge step back from this fucking country. Just when they seemed to be moving forward. I can't wrap my collective head around this. What a fucking joke!


I really hope Dems learn that polls mean jack fucking shit. Constantly they were like "y'all fucks are down lol" while Kelly Anne Conway spinned her head off like she was in The Exorcist and yet, what do you know? She actually wasn't spinning that much when it came to the polls.
Being a tolerant person includes intellectual tolerance. Yes, there is stuff beyond the pale- and a whole bunch of you pretend that anything even slightly out of line with your own worldview constitutes "beyond the pale". You jump so quickly to use shaming and moral condemnation of others that you cut yourself off from understanding how a lot of other human beings operate.

That's not how tolerance works. Sorry. Wallowing in your own incredible righteousness is not the same as being tolerant.
I kind of agree with this. We have to come together. Even if you think others are hateful, hating them will just add more to the fire
Oh man... Just remembered racial profiling will be enforced across the country, right?

I'm wrong, right?

Nope, you're right. Trump and Guiliani have advocated for national stop and frisk. With a Republican congress, and a right wing supreme court.....well....
The liberals have to face reality now. They thought that facts, competency, truth and humanity are important to the people in politics. But at the end fear, populism and publicity won. We wish for a better world, but we sadly don't life in one.

Society doesn't always move forward in a linear fashion. Look at Europe after Rome fell.

This is a major step back for our country, and maybe the Earth (if the Republicans have their way with climate change legislation). I can only hope that we eventually move forward and make up for this terrible blunder.


Our Earth is fucked or rather we are, I guess Mother Earth will be fine after all.

USA just elected a Climate Change denier and republicans are running your country, fuck this
From Scroobius Pip :-

Take a deep breath.
Shit has gone very bad...but don't make the same mistake Britain made.
When the Brexit result came in, we lashed out.
We declared our country full of racists and idiots.
And it wasn't.
It was full of scared or misinformed people, sick of politicians...and then SOME racist idiots.
The trouble with lashing out was it gave the minority of racist idiots a sense of power.
A false sense of majority.
A sense of their views suddenly being acceptable and no longer having to hide them.
This led to a huge rise in racist attacks and incidents directly after the Brexit result.
We made a bad situation worse by throwing our toys out of our prams and tarring everyone with the same brush.
What you have now is a fucked up and shitty situation.
But you had that yesterday too.
Yesterday you had no good outcome on the ballot.
You had a terrible one and a slightly less terrible one
The worst happened, and that simply means you have to rally harder, be all the more vigilant, take action, take stands and do all you can to stop as many negative changes as you can.
When you got the first ever black president, full of hope... his hands were tied time and time again.
The great change promised was hindered and halted at every turn.
Turn abouts fair play.
Get your shoulder pads on and start blocking this trumped up piece of shit.
This election has shown how bullshit our political system is.
Prepare yourselves for the fight ahead.
Be ready to rally, to protest, to petition and to take any action needed, whenever it is needed.
Hold your head.
Hold your head.

Posts like these are why Trump won.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
You know, when I read stuff like that I just feel like I get a glimpse of an alternate reality.
Not an alternate reality, but a glimpse into the brain of a someone who's not very bright. It's a shame but at this point you can't pity them, not even when they too are being fucked by the worst decision they've ever made in their lives.
Now that you've proven that reality shows are a legitimate pathway to the precidency, you can at least get a female president with Kardashian 2024.
Amazing speech! I got all teary-eyed. I just feel this very patriotic presence with him yet a humbled heart and yet a strong willed person. This man ...guys, those of you against him, let it go, lets just let this all go and rally together for our country and for our new President Mr. Donald Trump.

I feel this guy will be one of the best Presidents of our country, ever! He just has this humbled down to earth attitude that ..well , at times makes mistakes with his mouth but he learns and that's all that matters ..you can see this, we gotta let go of this nasty division and just unite! This man is going to help make America great again!

God Bless America! He was elected President for a reason!

I can't tell irony anymore :")


I'm fucking terrified. I can't sleep. I'm scared I'm going to loose my insurance, I'm scared of ww3, Russia running shit, another Great Depression hell im even scared of nuclear warfare...fuck.. America are you this fucking dumb!!!??

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I kind of agree with this. We have to come together. Even if you think others are hateful, hating them will just add more to the fire

So what, minorities just keep taking it? Greet every punch with "thank you sir, can I have another?" Anti-trans bathroom bill goes through but hey, we can't say anything mean about the people who voted for it. Increased lenience for police violence but lets not be nasty about the politicians who enable it.
A lot of hard righters said the world was ending when Obama got elected. It didnt and here we are 8 years later.

This election is lightyears worse for America if he makes good on even half of his hate filled ideas, but this too shall pass.

Please just love one another and do something more active than simply voting and expecting a bunch of DC political scum to do everything for you. DC isnt gonna fix America. We have to do it ourselves.
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